Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.

/* This doesn't implement full server-side NTLM, and it mostly doesn't
 * even test that the client is doing the crypto/encoding/etc parts of
 * NTLM correctly. It only tests that the right message headers get
 * set in the right messages.

#include "test-utils.h"

typedef enum {
} NTLMServerState;

static const char *state_name[] = {
	"unauth", "recv", "sent", "alice", "bob"



#define NTLM_RESPONSE_USER(response) ((response)[86] == 'E' ? NTLM_AUTHENTICATED_ALICE : ((response)[86] == 'I' ? NTLM_AUTHENTICATED_BOB : NTLM_UNAUTHENTICATED))

typedef struct {
	SoupServer *server;
	GHashTable *connections;
	SoupURI *uri;
	gboolean ntlmssp;
} TestServer;

static void
clear_state (gpointer connections, GObject *ex_connection)
	g_hash_table_remove (connections, ex_connection);

static void
server_callback (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage *msg,
		 const char *path, GHashTable *query,
		 SoupClientContext *client, gpointer data)
	TestServer *ts = data;
	GSocket *socket;
	const char *auth;
	NTLMServerState state, required_user = 0;
	gboolean auth_required, not_found = FALSE;
	gboolean basic_allowed = TRUE, ntlm_allowed = TRUE;

	if (msg->method != SOUP_METHOD_GET) {
		soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);

	if (!strncmp (path, "/alice", 6))
	else if (!strncmp (path, "/bob", 4))
		required_user = NTLM_AUTHENTICATED_BOB;
	else if (!strncmp (path, "/either", 7))
	else if (!strncmp (path, "/basic", 6))
		ntlm_allowed = FALSE;
	else if (!strncmp (path, "/noauth", 7))
		basic_allowed = ntlm_allowed = FALSE;
	auth_required = ntlm_allowed || basic_allowed;

	if (strstr (path, "/404"))
		not_found = TRUE;

	socket = soup_client_context_get_gsocket (client);
	state = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (ts->connections, socket));
	auth = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->request_headers,

	if (auth) {
		if (!strncmp (auth, "NTLM ", 5)) {
			if (!strncmp (auth + 5, NTLM_REQUEST_START,
				      strlen (NTLM_REQUEST_START))) {
				/* If they start, they must finish, even if
				 * it was unnecessary.
				auth_required = ntlm_allowed = TRUE;
				basic_allowed = FALSE;
			} else if (state == NTLM_SENT_CHALLENGE &&
				   !strncmp (auth + 5, NTLM_RESPONSE_START,
					     strlen (NTLM_RESPONSE_START))) {
				state = NTLM_RESPONSE_USER (auth + 5);
			} else
		} else if (basic_allowed && !strncmp (auth, "Basic ", 6)) {
			gsize len;
			char *decoded = (char *)g_base64_decode (auth + 6, &len);

			if (!strncmp (decoded, "alice:password", len) &&
			    required_user != NTLM_AUTHENTICATED_BOB)
				auth_required = FALSE;
			else if (!strncmp (decoded, "bob:password", len) &&
				 required_user != NTLM_AUTHENTICATED_ALICE)
				auth_required = FALSE;
			g_free (decoded);

	if (ntlm_allowed && state > NTLM_SENT_CHALLENGE &&
	    (!required_user || required_user == state))
		auth_required = FALSE;

	if (auth_required) {
		soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED);

		if (basic_allowed && state != NTLM_RECEIVED_REQUEST) {
			soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers,
						     "Basic realm=\"ntlm-test\"");

		if (ntlm_allowed && state == NTLM_RECEIVED_REQUEST) {
			soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers,
						     ts->ntlmssp ? ("NTLM " NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE) : ("NTLM " NTLM_CHALLENGE));
		} else if (ntlm_allowed) {
			soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers,
						     "WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM");
			soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers,
						     "Connection", "close");
	} else {
		if (not_found)
			soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
		else {
			soup_message_set_response (msg, "text/plain",
						   "OK\r\n", 4);
			soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_OK);

	debug_printf (2, " (S:%s)", state_name[state]);
	g_hash_table_insert (ts->connections, socket, GINT_TO_POINTER (state));
	g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (socket), clear_state, ts->connections);

static void
setup_server (TestServer *ts,
	      gconstpointer test_data)
	ts->server = soup_test_server_new (SOUP_TEST_SERVER_IN_THREAD);
	ts->connections = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
	ts->ntlmssp = FALSE;
	soup_server_add_handler (ts->server, NULL, server_callback, ts, NULL);

	ts->uri = soup_test_server_get_uri (ts->server, "http", NULL);

static void
setup_ntlmssp_server (TestServer *ts,
		      gconstpointer test_data)
	setup_server (ts, test_data);
	ts->ntlmssp = TRUE;

static void
teardown_server (TestServer *ts,
		 gconstpointer test_data)
	soup_uri_free (ts->uri);
	soup_test_server_quit_unref (ts->server);
	g_hash_table_destroy (ts->connections);

static gboolean authenticated_ntlm = FALSE;

static void
authenticate (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg,
	      SoupAuth *auth, gboolean retrying, gpointer user)
	if (!retrying) {
		soup_auth_authenticate (auth, user, "password");
		if (g_str_equal (soup_auth_get_scheme_name (auth), "NTLM"))
			authenticated_ntlm = TRUE;

typedef struct {
	gboolean got_ntlm_prompt;
	gboolean got_basic_prompt;
	gboolean sent_ntlm_request;
	gboolean got_ntlm_challenge;
	gboolean sent_ntlm_response;
	gboolean sent_basic_response;
} NTLMState;

static void
prompt_check (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data)
	NTLMState *state = user_data;
	const char *header;

	header = soup_message_headers_get_list (msg->response_headers,
	if (header && strstr (header, "Basic "))
		state->got_basic_prompt = TRUE;
	if (header && strstr (header, "NTLM") &&
	    (!strstr (header, NTLM_CHALLENGE) &&
	     !strstr (header, NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE))) {
		state->got_ntlm_prompt = TRUE;

static void
challenge_check (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data)
	NTLMState *state = user_data;
	const char *header;

	header = soup_message_headers_get_list (msg->response_headers,
	if (header && !strncmp (header, "NTLM ", 5))
		state->got_ntlm_challenge = TRUE;

static void
request_check (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data)
	NTLMState *state = user_data;
	const char *header;

	header = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->request_headers,
	if (header && !strncmp (header, "NTLM " NTLM_REQUEST_START,
				strlen ("NTLM " NTLM_REQUEST_START)))
		state->sent_ntlm_request = TRUE;

static void
response_check (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data)
	NTLMState *state = user_data;
	const char *header;

	header = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->request_headers,
	if (header && !strncmp (header, "NTLM " NTLM_RESPONSE_START,
				strlen ("NTLM " NTLM_RESPONSE_START)))
		state->sent_ntlm_response = TRUE;
	if (header && !strncmp (header, "Basic ", 6))
		state->sent_basic_response = TRUE;

static void
do_message (SoupSession *session, SoupURI *base_uri, const char *path,
	    gboolean get_ntlm_prompt, gboolean do_ntlm,
	    gboolean get_basic_prompt, gboolean do_basic,
	    guint status_code)
	SoupURI *uri;
	SoupMessage *msg;
	NTLMState state = { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE };

	uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (base_uri, path);
	msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
	soup_uri_free (uri);

	g_signal_connect (msg, "got_headers",
			  G_CALLBACK (prompt_check), &state);
	g_signal_connect (msg, "got_headers",
			  G_CALLBACK (challenge_check), &state);
	g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote-headers",
			  G_CALLBACK (request_check), &state);
	g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote-headers",
			  G_CALLBACK (response_check), &state);

	soup_session_send_message (session, msg);
	debug_printf (1, "  %-10s -> ", path);

	if (state.got_ntlm_prompt) {
		debug_printf (1, " NTLM_PROMPT");
		if (!get_ntlm_prompt)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (get_ntlm_prompt)
		debug_printf (1, " no-ntlm-prompt???");

	if (state.got_basic_prompt) {
		debug_printf (1, " BASIC_PROMPT");
		if (!get_basic_prompt)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (get_basic_prompt)
		debug_printf (1, " no-basic-prompt???");

	if (state.sent_ntlm_request) {
		debug_printf (1, " REQUEST");
		if (!do_ntlm)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (do_ntlm)
		debug_printf (1, " no-request???");

	if (state.got_ntlm_challenge) {
		debug_printf (1, " CHALLENGE");
		if (!do_ntlm)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (do_ntlm)
		debug_printf (1, " no-challenge???");

	if (state.sent_ntlm_response) {
		debug_printf (1, " NTLM_RESPONSE");
		if (!do_ntlm)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (do_ntlm)
		debug_printf (1, " no-ntlm-response???");

	if (state.sent_basic_response) {
		debug_printf (1, " BASIC_RESPONSE");
		if (!do_basic)
			debug_printf (1, "???");
	} else if (do_basic)
		debug_printf (1, " no-basic-response???");

	debug_printf (1, " -> %s", msg->reason_phrase);
	if (msg->status_code != status_code)
		debug_printf (1, "???");
	debug_printf (1, "\n");

	g_assert_true (state.got_ntlm_prompt == get_ntlm_prompt);
	g_assert_true (state.got_basic_prompt == get_basic_prompt);
	g_assert_true (state.sent_ntlm_request == do_ntlm);
	g_assert_true (state.got_ntlm_challenge == do_ntlm);
	g_assert_true (state.sent_ntlm_response == do_ntlm);
	g_assert_true (state.sent_basic_response == do_basic);
	soup_test_assert_message_status (msg, status_code);

	g_object_unref (msg);

static void
do_ntlm_round (SoupURI *base_uri, gboolean use_ntlm,
	       const char *user, gboolean use_builtin_ntlm)
	SoupSession *session;
	gboolean alice = !g_strcmp0 (user, "alice");
	gboolean bob = !g_strcmp0 (user, "bob");
	gboolean alice_via_ntlm = use_ntlm && alice;
	gboolean bob_via_ntlm = use_ntlm && bob;
	gboolean alice_via_basic = !use_ntlm && alice;

	session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION, NULL);

	if (user) {
		g_signal_connect (session, "authenticate",
				  G_CALLBACK (authenticate), (char *)user);
		if (use_ntlm && !use_builtin_ntlm)
			g_setenv ("NTLMUSER", user, TRUE);
	if (use_ntlm) {
		SoupAuthManager *auth_manager;
		SoupAuth *ntlm;

		soup_session_add_feature_by_type (session, SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_NTLM);
		auth_manager = SOUP_AUTH_MANAGER (soup_session_get_feature (session, SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_MANAGER));
		ntlm = g_object_new (SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_NTLM, NULL);
		soup_auth_manager_use_auth (auth_manager, base_uri, ntlm);
		g_object_unref (ntlm);

	/* 1. Server doesn't request auth, so both get_ntlm_prompt and
	 * get_basic_prompt are both FALSE, and likewise do_basic. But
	 * if we're using NTLM we'll try that even without the server
	 * asking.
	authenticated_ntlm = FALSE;
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/noauth/",
		    FALSE, use_ntlm,

	soup_test_assert (authenticated_ntlm == (use_ntlm && use_builtin_ntlm),
			  "%s built-in NTLM support, but authenticate signal %s emitted\n",
			  use_builtin_ntlm ? "Using" : "Not using",
			  authenticated_ntlm ? "was" : "wasn't");

	/* 2. Server requires auth as Alice, so it will request that
	 * if we didn't already authenticate the connection to her in
	 * the previous step. If we authenticated as Bob in the
	 * previous step, then we'll just immediately get a 401 here.
	 * So in no case will we see the client try to do_ntlm.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/alice/",
		    !alice_via_ntlm, FALSE,
		    !alice_via_ntlm, alice_via_basic,
		    alice ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	/* 3. Server still requires auth as Alice, but this URI
	 * doesn't exist, so Alice should get a 404, but others still
	 * get 401. Alice-via-NTLM is still authenticated, and so
	 * won't get prompts, and Alice-via-Basic knows at this point
	 * to send auth without it being requested, so also won't get
	 * prompts. But Bob/nobody will.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/alice/404",
		    !alice, bob_via_ntlm,
		    !alice, alice_via_basic,
		    alice ? SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND :

	/* 4. Should be exactly the same as #3, except the status code */
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/alice/",
		    !alice, bob_via_ntlm,
		    !alice, alice_via_basic,
		    alice ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	/* 5. This path requires auth as Bob; Alice-via-NTLM will get
	 * an immediate 401 and not try to reauthenticate.
	 * Alice-via-Basic will get a 401 and then try to do Basic
	 * (and fail). Bob-via-NTLM will try to do NTLM right away and
	 * succeed.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/bob/",
		    !bob_via_ntlm, bob_via_ntlm,
		    !bob_via_ntlm, alice_via_basic,
		    bob ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	/* 6. Back to /alice. Somewhat the inverse of #5; Bob-via-NTLM
	 * will get an immediate 401 and not try again, Alice-via-NTLM
	 * will try to do NTLM right away and succeed. Alice-via-Basic
	 * still knows about this path, so will try Basic right away
	 * and succeed.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/alice/",
		    !alice_via_ntlm, alice_via_ntlm,
		    !alice_via_ntlm, alice_via_basic,
		    alice ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	/* 7. Server accepts Basic auth from either user, but not NTLM.
	 * Since Bob-via-NTLM is unauthenticated at this point, he'll try
	 * NTLM before realizing that the server doesn't support it.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/basic/",
		    FALSE, bob_via_ntlm,
		    TRUE, user != NULL,
		    user != NULL ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	/* 8. Server accepts Basic or NTLM from either user.
	 * NTLM users will try NTLM without getting a prompt (their
	 * previous NTLM connections will have been closed by the 401
	 * from /basic). Non-NTLM users will be prompted for either.
	do_message (session, base_uri, "/either/",
		    !use_ntlm, use_ntlm,
		    !use_ntlm, !use_ntlm && user != NULL,
		    user != NULL ? SOUP_STATUS_OK :

	soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);

typedef enum {
} NtlmType;

typedef struct {
	const char *name, *user;
	gboolean conn_uses_ntlm;
	NtlmType ntlm_type;
} NtlmTest;

static const NtlmTest ntlm_tests[] = {
	{ "/ntlm/builtin/none",   NULL,    FALSE, BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/builtin/alice",  "alice", TRUE,  BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/builtin/bob",    "bob",   TRUE,  BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/builtin/basic",  "alice", FALSE, BUILTIN },

	{ "/ntlm/winbind/none",   NULL,    FALSE, WINBIND },
	{ "/ntlm/winbind/alice",  "alice", TRUE,  WINBIND },
	{ "/ntlm/winbind/bob",    "bob",   TRUE,  WINBIND },
	{ "/ntlm/winbind/basic",  "alice", FALSE, WINBIND },

	{ "/ntlm/fallback/none",  NULL,    FALSE, FALLBACK },
	{ "/ntlm/fallback/alice", "alice", TRUE,  FALLBACK },
	{ "/ntlm/fallback/bob",   "bob",   TRUE,  FALLBACK },
	{ "/ntlm/fallback/basic", "alice", FALSE, FALLBACK }

static const NtlmTest ntlmssp_tests[] = {
	{ "/ntlm/ssp/none",  NULL,    FALSE, BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/ssp/alice", "alice", TRUE,  BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/ssp/bob",   "bob",   TRUE,  BUILTIN },
	{ "/ntlm/ssp/basic", "alice", FALSE, BUILTIN }

static void
do_ntlm_test (TestServer *ts,
	      gconstpointer data)
	const NtlmTest *test = data;
	gboolean use_builtin_ntlm = TRUE;

	switch (test->ntlm_type) {
	case BUILTIN:
		/* Built-in NTLM auth support. (We set SOUP_NTLM_AUTH_DEBUG to
		 * an empty string to ensure that the built-in support is
		 * being used, even if /usr/bin/ntlm_auth is available.)
		g_setenv ("SOUP_NTLM_AUTH_DEBUG", "", TRUE);

	case WINBIND:
		g_test_skip ("/usr/bin/ntlm_auth is not available");

		/* Samba winbind /usr/bin/ntlm_auth helper support (via a
		 * helper program that emulates its interface).
		g_setenv ("SOUP_NTLM_AUTH_DEBUG",
			  g_test_get_filename (G_TEST_BUILT, "ntlm-test-helper", NULL),
		use_builtin_ntlm = FALSE;

		g_test_skip ("/usr/bin/ntlm_auth is not available");

		/* Support for when ntlm_auth is installed, but the user has
		 * no cached credentials (and thus we have to fall back to
		 * libsoup's built-in NTLM support).
		g_setenv ("SOUP_NTLM_AUTH_DEBUG",
			  g_test_get_filename (G_TEST_BUILT, "ntlm-test-helper", NULL),

	do_ntlm_round (ts->uri, test->conn_uses_ntlm, test->user, use_builtin_ntlm);

static void
retry_test_authenticate (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg,
			 SoupAuth *auth, gboolean retrying,
			 gpointer user_data)
	gboolean *retried = user_data;

	if (!retrying) {
		/* server_callback doesn't actually verify the password,
		 * only the username. So we pass an incorrect username
		 * rather than an incorrect password.
		soup_auth_authenticate (auth, "wrong", "password");
	} else if (!*retried) {
		soup_auth_authenticate (auth, "alice", "password");
		*retried = TRUE;

static void
do_retrying_test (TestServer *ts,
		  gconstpointer data)
	SoupSession *session;
	SoupMessage *msg;
	SoupURI *uri;
	gboolean retried = FALSE;

	g_test_bug ("693222");

	g_setenv ("SOUP_NTLM_AUTH_DEBUG", "", TRUE);

	debug_printf (1, "  /alice\n");

	session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION,
	g_signal_connect (session, "authenticate",
			  G_CALLBACK (retry_test_authenticate), &retried);

	uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (ts->uri, "/alice");
	msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
	soup_uri_free (uri);

	soup_session_send_message (session, msg);

	g_assert_true (retried);
	soup_test_assert_message_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_OK);

	g_object_unref (msg);

	soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);

	debug_printf (1, "  /bob\n");

	session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION,
	g_signal_connect (session, "authenticate",
			  G_CALLBACK (retry_test_authenticate), &retried);
	retried = FALSE;

	uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (ts->uri, "/bob");
	msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
	soup_uri_free (uri);

	soup_session_send_message (session, msg);

	g_assert_true (retried);
	soup_test_assert_message_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED);

	g_object_unref (msg);

	soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);

main (int argc, char **argv)
	int i, ret;

	test_init (argc, argv, NULL);

	for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (ntlm_tests); i++) {
		g_test_add (ntlm_tests[i].name, TestServer, &ntlm_tests[i],
			    setup_server, do_ntlm_test, teardown_server);
	for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (ntlmssp_tests); i++) {
		g_test_add (ntlmssp_tests[i].name, TestServer, &ntlmssp_tests[i],
			    setup_ntlmssp_server, do_ntlm_test, teardown_server);

	g_test_add ("/ntlm/retry", TestServer, NULL,
		    setup_server, do_retrying_test, teardown_server);

	ret = g_test_run ();

	test_cleanup ();

	return ret;