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:man manual: LIBSOLV
:man source: libsolv

rpms2solv - convert one or more rpms into a solv file

*rpms2solv* ['OPTIONS'] 'RPM1.rpm' ...

The rpms2solv tool converts the header data from one or more
rpms into the solv file written to standard output.

Read the rpm file names from the specified 'MANIFESTFILE'. You can
use *-* to read the manifest from standard input.

Use a null byte as line terminator for manifest files instead of
a newline. This is useful if the file names can contain newlines.
See also the *-print0* option in *find*.

Do not put all files from the headers into the file list, but
instead use the filtering also found in *createrepo*.

Read pubkeys instead of rpms.

Read pubkey keyrings instead of rpms.

Autoexpand SUSE pattern and product provides into packages.

See Also

Michael Schroeder <>

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