#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
#set this for testing purposes only
#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use File::Temp;
#some security-settings
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 100;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
#gather all mibs in smipath into @mibnames
my $smipath = "@smipath@";
my @smidirs = split(/:/,$smipath);
my @mibnames;
foreach my $dir (@smidirs) {
my @entries = grep !/^\.\.?\z/, readdir(MIBDIR);
@mibnames = (@mibnames, @entries);
if (param()) {
#params present.
my @options;
my $localfh;
my $localfn;
my @mibs = param('mibs');
my $width = param('width');
my $height = param('height');
#parse options and add safe strings to the options-array
if (param('deprobs')) {
if (param('deprobs') eq "deprecated") {
@options = (@options, "--svg-show-deprecated");
} elsif (param('deprobs') eq "obsolete") {
@options = (@options, "--svg-show-depr-obsolete");
if (param('static')) {
@options = (@options, "--svg-static-output");
if ($width =~ /(\d+)/) {
if ($1 <= 2147483647) {
@options = (@options, "--svg-width=$1");
if ($height =~ /(\d+)/) {
if ($1 <= 2147483647) {
@options = (@options, "--svg-height=$1");
#parse selected MIBs
foreach my $mibname (@mibnames) {
foreach my $mib (@mibs) {
if ($mibname eq $mib) {
$mibname =~ /([\w\-]+)/;
@options = (@options, "$1");
#handle file upload
if (param('uploadmib')) {
my $remotefh = upload('uploadmib');
($localfh, $localfn)
= File::Temp->tempfile('tempMIBXXXX', DIR => '/tmp', UNLINK => 1)
or die "Error opening outfile\n";
while (<$remotefh>) {
print $localfh $_;
close $remotefh;
close $localfh;
@options = (@options, $localfn);
#call smidump
my $res = open (SMIDUMP, "-|");
die "Couldn't open pipe to subprocess" unless defined($res);
exec "@prefix@/bin/smidump",'-u','-f','svg',@options
or die "Couldn't exec smidump" if $res == 0;
my @svg = <SMIDUMP>;
close (SMIDUMP);
#serve svg
my $svglength = @svg;
if ($svglength eq 0) {
print header;
print start_html("MIB to SVG");
print h2("Sorry, smidump output contained no data.");
print end_html;
} else {
#FIXME - or + ?
print header(-TYPE => "image/svg-xml");
print "@svg";
} else {
#no params present
#send form
print header;
print start_html("MIB to SVG");
print h2("Generate a SVG Diagram from MIB Modules");
print start_multipart_form();
print p("select one or more MIBs: ", scrolling_list(
-NAME => "mibs",
-VALUES => [@mibnames],
-SIZE => 10,
print p("or upload a MIB: ", filefield(
-NAME => "uploadmib"
print p("diagram width: ", textfield(
-NAME => "width",
-DEFAULT => "1100"
print p("diagram height: ", textfield(
-NAME => "height",
-DEFAULT => "700"
print p(radio_group(
-NAME => "deprobs",
-VALUES => [ qw(none deprecated obsolete) ],
-LABELS => {
none => "show only current objects",
deprecated => "show current and deprecated objects",
obsolete => "show all objects",
print p(checkbox(
-NAME => "static",
-LABEL => "generate a smaller, non-interactive SVG diagram",
print p(submit("generate SVG"), reset("reset form"));
print end_form;
print end_html;