Blob Blame History Raw
// -*- c++ -*-
/* Copyright 2002, The libsigc++ Development Team
 *  Assigned to public domain.  Use as you wish without restriction.

#include "testutilities.h"
#include <sigc++/adaptors/compose.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>

// assume existance of T_functor::result_type for unknown functor types:

std::ostringstream result_stream;

struct set
  // choose a type that can hold all return values
  typedef double result_type;

  double operator()(int i)
    result_stream << "set(int " << i << ") ";
    return i*i;

  double operator()(double i)
    result_stream << "set(double " << i << ") ";
    return i*5;

struct set_void
  typedef void result_type;

  void operator()(double i)
    result_stream << "set_void(double " << i << ")";

struct get
  bool operator()()
    result_stream << "get() ";
    return true;

  int operator()(int i)
    result_stream << "get(" << i << ") ";
    return i*2;

  double operator()(int i, int j)
    result_stream << "get(" << i << ", " << j << ") ";
    return double(i)/double(j);
  // choose a type that can hold all return values
  typedef double result_type;

  double operator()()
    result_stream << "get() ";
    return true;

  double operator()(int i)
    result_stream << "get(" << i << ") ";
    return i*2;

  double operator()(int i, int j)
    result_stream << "get(" << i << ", " << j << ") ";
    return double(i)/double(j);

} // end anonymous namespace

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  auto util = TestUtilities::get_instance();

  if (!util->check_command_args(argc, argv))
    return util->get_result_and_delete_instance() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

  result_stream << sigc::compose(set(), get())();
  util->check_result(result_stream, "get() set(double 1) 5");

  result_stream << sigc::compose(set(), get())(1);
  util->check_result(result_stream, "get(1) set(double 2) 10");

  result_stream << sigc::compose(set(), get())(1, 2);
  util->check_result(result_stream, "get(1, 2) set(double 0.5) 2.5");

  sigc::compose(set_void(), get())(3); //void test
  util->check_result(result_stream, "get(3) set_void(double 6)");

  return util->get_result_and_delete_instance() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;