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 *    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 *    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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 * ====================================================================

#include <apr_strings.h>

#include "serf.h"
#include "test_serf.h"

static apr_status_t
authn_callback_expect_not_called(char **username,
                                 char **password,
                                 serf_request_t *request, void *baton,
                                 int code, const char *authn_type,
                                 const char *realm,
                                 apr_pool_t *pool)
    handler_baton_t *handler_ctx = baton;
    test_baton_t *tb = handler_ctx->tb;

    tb->result_flags |= TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED;

    /* Should not have been called. */

/* Tests that authn fails if all authn schemes are disabled. */
static void test_authentication_disabled(CuTest *tc)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];

    test_server_message_t message_list[] = {
        {CHUNKED_REQUEST(1, "1")} };
    test_server_action_t action_list[] = {
        {SERVER_RESPOND, "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
            "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
            "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""Test Suite""" CRLF
            "1" CRLF CRLF
            "0" CRLF CRLF},
    apr_status_t status;

    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 1,
                                    action_list, 1, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_NONE);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 1);

    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, 1,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_NOT_SUPPORTED, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, !(tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED));

/* Tests that authn fails if encountered an unsupported scheme. */
static void test_unsupported_authentication(CuTest *tc)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];

    test_server_message_t message_list[] = {
        {CHUNKED_REQUEST(1, "1")} };
    test_server_action_t action_list[] = {
        {SERVER_RESPOND, "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
            "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
            "WWW-Authenticate: NotExistent realm=""Test Suite""" CRLF
            "1" CRLF CRLF
            "0" CRLF CRLF},
    apr_status_t status;

    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 1,
                                    action_list, 1, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_ALL);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 1);

    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, 1,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_NOT_SUPPORTED, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, !(tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED));

static apr_status_t
basic_authn_callback(char **username,
                     char **password,
                     serf_request_t *request, void *baton,
                     int code, const char *authn_type,
                     const char *realm,
                     apr_pool_t *pool)
    handler_baton_t *handler_ctx = baton;
    test_baton_t *tb = handler_ctx->tb;

    tb->result_flags |= TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED;

    if (code != 401)
    if (strcmp("Basic", authn_type) != 0)
    if (strcmp("<http://localhost:12345> Test Suite", realm) != 0)

    *username = "serf";
    *password = "serftest";

    return APR_SUCCESS;

/* Test template, used for KeepAlive Off and KeepAlive On test */
static void basic_authentication(CuTest *tc, const char *resp_hdrs)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];
    int num_requests_sent, num_requests_recvd;
    test_server_message_t message_list[3];
    test_server_action_t action_list[3];
    apr_status_t status;

    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;
    /* Expected string relies on strict order of headers, which is not
       guaranteed. c2VyZjpzZXJmdGVzdA== is base64 encoded serf:serftest . */
    message_list[0].text = CHUNKED_REQUEST(1, "1");
    message_list[1].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: Basic c2VyZjpzZXJmdGVzdA==" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF);
    message_list[2].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: Basic c2VyZjpzZXJmdGVzdA==" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "2" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF);

    action_list[0].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    /* Use non-standard case WWW-Authenticate header and scheme name to test
       for case insensitive comparisons. */
    action_list[0].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "www-Authenticate: bAsIc realm=""Test Suite""" CRLF
        "1" CRLF CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, resp_hdrs);
    action_list[1].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[1].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;
    action_list[2].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[2].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 3,
                                    action_list, 3, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_BASIC);
    serf_config_credentials_callback(tb->context, basic_authn_callback);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 1);

    /* Test that a request is retried and authentication headers are set
       correctly. */
    num_requests_sent = 1;
    num_requests_recvd = 2;

    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_sent, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED);

    /* Test that credentials were cached by asserting that the authn callback
       wasn't called again. */
    tb->result_flags = 0;

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 2);
    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, !(tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED));

static void test_basic_authentication(CuTest *tc)
    basic_authentication(tc, "");

static void test_basic_authentication_keepalive_off(CuTest *tc)
    basic_authentication(tc, "Connection: close" CRLF);

static apr_status_t
digest_authn_callback(char **username,
                      char **password,
                      serf_request_t *request, void *baton,
                      int code, const char *authn_type,
                      const char *realm,
                      apr_pool_t *pool)
    handler_baton_t *handler_ctx = baton;
    test_baton_t *tb = handler_ctx->tb;

    tb->result_flags |= TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED;

    if (code != 401)
    if (strcmp("Digest", authn_type) != 0)
    if (strcmp("<http://localhost:12345> Test Suite", realm) != 0)

    *username = "serf";
    *password = "serftest";

    return APR_SUCCESS;

/* Test template, used for KeepAlive Off and KeepAlive On test */
static void digest_authentication(CuTest *tc, const char *resp_hdrs)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];
    int num_requests_sent, num_requests_recvd;
    test_server_message_t message_list[2];
    test_server_action_t action_list[2];
    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;
    apr_status_t status;

    /* Expected string relies on strict order of headers and attributes of
       Digest, both are not guaranteed.
       6ff0d4cc201513ce970d5c6b25e1043b is encoded as: 
         md5hex(md5hex("serf:Test Suite:serftest") & ":" &
                md5hex("ABCDEF1234567890") & ":" &
    message_list[0].text = CHUNKED_REQUEST_URI("/test/index.html", 1, "1");
    message_list[1].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET /test/index.html HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: Digest realm=\"Test Suite\", username=\"serf\", "
        "nonce=\"ABCDEF1234567890\", uri=\"/test/index.html\", "
        "response=\"6ff0d4cc201513ce970d5c6b25e1043b\", opaque=\"myopaque\", "
        "algorithm=\"MD5\"" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF);
    action_list[0].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[0].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"Test Suite\","
        "algorithm=\"MD5\",qop-options=\"auth\"" CRLF
        "1" CRLF CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, resp_hdrs);
    /* If the resp_hdrs includes "Connection: close", serf will automatically
       reset the connection from the client side, no need to use 
    action_list[1].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[1].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 2,
                                    action_list, 2, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    /* Add both Basic and Digest here, should use Digest only. */
    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_BASIC | SERF_AUTHN_DIGEST);
    serf_config_credentials_callback(tb->context, digest_authn_callback);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/test/index.html", 1);

    /* Test that a request is retried and authentication headers are set
       correctly. */
    num_requests_sent = 1;
    num_requests_recvd = 2;

    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_sent, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED);

static void test_digest_authentication(CuTest *tc)
    digest_authentication(tc, "");

static void test_digest_authentication_keepalive_off(CuTest *tc)
    /* Add the Connection: close header to the response with the Digest headers.
       This to test that the Digest headers will be added to the retry of the
       request on the new connection. */
    digest_authentication(tc, "Connection: close" CRLF);

static apr_status_t
switched_realm_authn_callback(char **username,
                              char **password,
                              serf_request_t *request, void *baton,
                              int code, const char *authn_type,
                              const char *realm,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)
    handler_baton_t *handler_ctx = baton;
    test_baton_t *tb = handler_ctx->tb;
    const char *exp_realm = tb->user_baton;

    tb->result_flags |= TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED;

    if (code != 401)
    if (strcmp(exp_realm, realm) != 0)

    if (strcmp(realm, "<http://localhost:12345> Test Suite") == 0) {
        *username = "serf";
        *password = "serftest";
    } else {
        *username = "serf_newrealm";
        *password = "serftest";

    return APR_SUCCESS;

/* Test template, used for both Basic and Digest switch realms test */
static void authentication_switch_realms(CuTest *tc,
                                         const char *scheme,
                                         const char *authn_attr,
                                         const char *authz_attr_test_suite,
                                         const char *authz_attr_wrong_realm,
                                         const char *authz_attr_new_realm)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];
    int num_requests_sent, num_requests_recvd;
    test_server_message_t message_list[5];
    test_server_action_t action_list[5];
    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;
    apr_status_t status;

    message_list[0].text = CHUNKED_REQUEST(1, "1");
    message_list[1].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: %s %s" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authz_attr_test_suite);
    message_list[2].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: %s %s" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "2" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authz_attr_test_suite);
    /* The client doesn't know that /newrealm/ is in another realm, so it
       reuses the credentials cached on the connection. */
    message_list[3].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET /newrealm/index.html HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: %s %s" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "3" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authz_attr_wrong_realm);
    message_list[4].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "GET /newrealm/index.html HTTP/1.1" CRLF
        "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
        "Authorization: %s %s" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "1" CRLF
        "3" CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authz_attr_new_realm);

    action_list[0].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[0].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "WWW-Authenticate: %s realm=""Test Suite""%s" CRLF
        "1" CRLF CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authn_attr);
    action_list[1].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[1].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;
    action_list[2].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[2].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;
    action_list[3].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[3].text = apr_psprintf(test_pool,
        "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" CRLF
        "WWW-Authenticate: %s realm=""New Realm""%s" CRLF
        "1" CRLF CRLF
        "0" CRLF CRLF, scheme, authn_attr);
    action_list[4].kind = SERVER_RESPOND;
    action_list[4].text = CHUNKED_EMPTY_RESPONSE;

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 5,
                                    action_list, 5, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_BASIC | SERF_AUTHN_DIGEST);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 1);

    /* Test that a request is retried and authentication headers are set
     correctly. */
    num_requests_sent = 1;
    num_requests_recvd = 2;

    tb->user_baton = "<http://localhost:12345> Test Suite";
    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_sent, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED);

    /* Test that credentials were cached by asserting that the authn callback
       wasn't called again. */
    tb->result_flags = 0;

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/", 2);
    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, !(tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED));

    /* Switch realms. Test that serf asks the application for new
       credentials. */
    tb->result_flags = 0;
    tb->user_baton = "<http://localhost:12345> New Realm";

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "GET", "/newrealm/index.html", 3);
    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED);

static void test_basic_switch_realms(CuTest *tc)
    authentication_switch_realms(tc, "Basic", "", "c2VyZjpzZXJmdGVzdA==",

static void test_digest_switch_realms(CuTest *tc)
    authentication_switch_realms(tc, "Digest", ",nonce=\"ABCDEF1234567890\","
 "opaque=\"myopaque\", algorithm=\"MD5\",qop-options=\"auth\"",
 /* response hdr attribute for Test Suite realm, uri / */
 "realm=\"Test Suite\", username=\"serf\", nonce=\"ABCDEF1234567890\", "
 "uri=\"/\", response=\"3511a71fec5c02ab1c9212711a8baa58\", "
 "opaque=\"myopaque\", algorithm=\"MD5\"",
 /* response hdr attribute for Test Suite realm, uri /newrealm/index.html */
 "realm=\"Test Suite\", username=\"serf\", nonce=\"ABCDEF1234567890\", "
 "uri=\"/newrealm/index.html\", response=\"c6b673cf44ad16ef379930856b607344\", "
 "opaque=\"myopaque\", algorithm=\"MD5\"",
 /* response hdr attribute for New Realm realm, uri /newrealm/index.html */
 "realm=\"New Realm\", username=\"serf_newrealm\", nonce=\"ABCDEF1234567890\", "
 "uri=\"/newrealm/index.html\", response=\"f93f07d1412e53c421f66741a89198cb\", "
 "opaque=\"myopaque\", algorithm=\"MD5\"");

static void test_auth_on_HEAD(CuTest *tc)
    test_baton_t *tb;
    handler_baton_t handler_ctx[2];
    int num_requests_sent, num_requests_recvd;
    apr_status_t status;
    apr_pool_t *test_pool = tc->testBaton;

    test_server_message_t message_list[] = {
            "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
            "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
            "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" CRLF
            "Host: localhost:12345" CRLF
            "Authorization: Basic c2VyZjpzZXJmdGVzdA==" CRLF
    test_server_action_t action_list[] = {
            "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" CRLF
            "WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=""Test Suite""" CRLF
            "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok" CRLF
            "Content-Type: text/html" CRLF

    /* Set up a test context with a server */
    status = test_http_server_setup(&tb,
                                    message_list, 2,
                                    action_list, 2, 0, NULL,
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);

    serf_config_authn_types(tb->context, SERF_AUTHN_BASIC);
    serf_config_credentials_callback(tb->context, basic_authn_callback);

    create_new_request(tb, &handler_ctx[0], "HEAD", "/", -1);

    /* Test that a request is retried and authentication headers are set
       correctly. */
    num_requests_sent = 1;
    num_requests_recvd = 2;

    status = test_helper_run_requests_no_check(tc, tb, num_requests_sent,
                                               handler_ctx, test_pool);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, status);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->sent_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_recvd, tb->accepted_requests->nelts);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, num_requests_sent, tb->handled_requests->nelts);

    CuAssertTrue(tc, tb->result_flags & TEST_RESULT_AUTHNCB_CALLED);

CuSuite *test_auth(void)
    CuSuite *suite = CuSuiteNew();

    CuSuiteSetSetupTeardownCallbacks(suite, test_setup, test_teardown);

    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_authentication_disabled);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_unsupported_authentication);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_basic_authentication);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_basic_authentication_keepalive_off);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_digest_authentication);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_digest_authentication_keepalive_off);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_basic_switch_realms);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_digest_switch_realms);
    SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_auth_on_HEAD);

    return suite;