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report_event.conf - configuration file for libreport.

This configuration file specifies which programs should be run
when the specified event occurs in problem directory lifetime.

It consists of directives and rules.

Directives start with a reserved word. Currently, there is
only one directive, "include".

include 'FILE'::
   This directive causes files which match FILE to be read
   and parsed as if they are inserted textually where this directive
   FILE can use shell pattern metacharacters (*,?,etc) to specify
   multiple files. Relative paths are interpreted relative to current

Rule starts with a line with non-space leading character.
All subsequent lines which start with space or tab form one rule.
Note that separating newline is retained.

Rules may be commented out with #. One # is sufficient to comment out
even a multi-line rule (no need to comment out every line).

Rules specify which programs to run on the problem directory.
Each rule may have conditions to be checked before the program is run.

Conditions have form VAR=VAL or VAL~=REGEX, where VAR is either
word "EVENT" or a name of problem directory element to be checked
(for example, "executable", "package", hostname" etc).

If all conditions match, the remaining part of the rule
(the "program" part) is run in the shell.
All shell language constructs are valid.
All stdout and stderr output is captured and passed to ABRT
and possibly to ABRT's frontends and shown to the user.

If the program terminates with nonzero exit code,
the event processing is considered unsuccessful and is stopped.
Last captured output line, if any, is considered to be
the error message indicating the reason of the failure,
and may be used by abrt as such.

If the program terminates successfully, next rule is read
and processed. This process is repeated until the end of this file.

Event XML configuration
These configuration files provides event meta data.

Each file has XML formatting with the following DTD:

<!ELEMENT event            (name+,description+,requires-items?,exclude-items-by-default?,exclude-items-always?,exclude-binary-items?,include-items-by-default?,minimal-rating?,gui-review-elements?,options?)>
<!ELEMENT name             (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST name             xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT description      (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST description      xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT requires-items           (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT exclude-items-by-default (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT include-items-by-default (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT exclude-items-always     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT exclude-binary-items     ("yes"|"no")>
<!ELEMENT minimal-rating           ("0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4")>
<!ELEMENT gui-review-elements      ("yes"|"no")>
<!ELEMENT support-restricted-access ("yes"|"no")>
<!ATTLIST support-restricted-access optionname CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT options          (option*,advanced-options)>
<!ELEMENT advanced-options (option)*>
<!ELEMENT option           (label+,description+,note-html+,allow-empty?,default-value?)>
<!ATTLIST option           type (text|bool|password|number|hint-html) #REQUIRED
                           name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT label            (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST label            xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT note-html        (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST note-html        xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT allow-empty      ("yes"|"no")>
<!ELEMENT default-value    (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT requires-details ("yes"|"no")>

    User visible name of event

    User visible description

    Comma separated names of excluded problem elements. User can include any
    of these elements if he wishes it.

    Comma separated names of included problem elements. User can exclude any
    of these elements if he wishes it.

    Comma separated names of included problem elements. User cannot include
    any of these elements.

    If "yes" then all binary problem elements are excluded. User can include
    them if he wishes it.

    Minimal backtrace rating required for executing the event. Backtrace rating
    is a measure of backtrace usability and understandability. With an
    increasing number of unresolved frames the backtrace rating gets lower

    If "yes", user must explicitly approve that all included problem elements
    can be published. If "no", the event is executed automatically. If not
    provided, "yes" is expected.

    If "yes", the UI tools will offer the users to enter the new report with
    restricted access. If "no", the UI tools will never offer the users to
    enter the report with restricted access. "no" is the default value. The
    element should have one argument named 'optionname' which defines name of
    an option holding configuration of the restricted access feature. The
    option must of 'bool' type.

    List of options which are hidden in the default view.

    Event option label

    Event option HTML formatted description

    Determines if user can leave the option empty

    A value which is used by default

    Name of exported environment variable name. libreport tools communicate
    through Environment Variables.

    If "yes", the UI tools will offer the users to fill "comment", "reproducer" and
    "reproducible" during a reporting. If "no", only "comment" will be offered
    to fill.


EVENT=post-create analyzer=Python   abrt-action-analyze-python

        getent passwd "`cat uid`" | cut -d: -f1 >username


Manual page written by Denys Vlasenko <>.