Blob Blame History Raw
module Test_libreport =

    let conf ="# Bugzilla URL
BugzillaURL =
# yes means that ssl certificates will be checked
SSLVerify = yes
# your login has to exist, if you don have any, please create one
Login =
# your password
Password =

# SELinux guys almost always move filed bugs from component
# selinux-policy to another component.
# This setting instructs reporter-bugzilla to not require
# component match when it searches for duplicates of
# bugs in selinux-policy component.
# (If you need to add more, the syntax is: \"component[,component...]\")
DontMatchComponents = selinux-policy

# for more info about these settings see:
CreatePrivate= no
 Whitespace = start
	Whitespace_three =start
	 Whitespace_four= start

AssignmentWhitespace_a   =what
     AssignmentWhitespace_b   =    an
AssignmentWhitespace_c=   		 original
  AssignmentWhitespace_d =      idea

EOLWhitespace_a = nice      
EOLWhitespace_b = nice 		 

    test Libreport.lns get conf =
        { "#comment" = "Bugzilla URL" }
        { "BugzillaURL" = "" }
        { "#comment" = "yes means that ssl certificates will be checked" }
        { "SSLVerify" = "yes" }
        { "#comment" = "your login has to exist, if you don have any, please create one" }
        { "Login" = "" }
        { "#comment" = "your password" }
        { "Password" = "" }
        { "#comment" = "SELinux guys almost always move filed bugs from component" }
        { "#comment" = "selinux-policy to another component." }
        { "#comment" = "This setting instructs reporter-bugzilla to not require" }
        { "#comment" = "component match when it searches for duplicates of" }
        { "#comment" = "bugs in selinux-policy component." }
        { "#comment" = "(If you need to add more, the syntax is: \"component[,component...]\")" }
        { "#comment" = "" }
        { "#comment" = "" }
        { "#comment" = "" }
        { "DontMatchComponents" = "selinux-policy" }
        { "#comment" = "for more info about these settings see:" }
        { "CreatePrivate" = "no" }
        { "PrivateGroups" = "private" }
        { "Whitespace" = "start" }
        { "Whitespace_two" = "start" }
        { "Whitespace_three" = "start" }
        { "Whitespace_four" = "start" }
        { "AssignmentWhitespace_a" = "what" }
        { "AssignmentWhitespace_b" = "an" }
        { "AssignmentWhitespace_c" = "original" }
        { "AssignmentWhitespace_d" = "idea" }
        { "EOLWhitespace_a" = "nice" }
        { "EOLWhitespace_b" = "nice" }