Blob Blame History Raw
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Cluster testing helper
# Requires:
#  trivup python module
#  gradle in your PATH

from trivup.trivup import Cluster, UuidAllocator
from trivup.apps.ZookeeperApp import ZookeeperApp
from trivup.apps.KafkaBrokerApp import KafkaBrokerApp
from trivup.apps.KerberosKdcApp import KerberosKdcApp
from trivup.apps.SslApp import SslApp

import os, sys, json, argparse

class LibrdkafkaTestCluster(Cluster):
    def __init__(self, version, conf={}, num_brokers=3, debug=False):
        @brief Create, deploy and start a Kafka cluster using Kafka \p version
        Supported \p conf keys:
         * security.protocol - PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL
        \p conf dict is passed to KafkaBrokerApp classes, etc.

        super(LibrdkafkaTestCluster, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__,
                                                    os.environ.get('TRIVUP_ROOT', 'tmp'), debug=debug)

        # Enable SSL if desired
        if 'SSL' in conf.get('security.protocol', ''):
            self.ssl = SslApp(self, conf)

        self.brokers = list()

        # One ZK (from Kafka repo)

        # Start Kerberos KDC if GSSAPI (Kerberos) is configured
        if 'GSSAPI' in conf.get('sasl_mechanisms', []):
            kdc = KerberosKdcApp(self, 'MYREALM')
            # Kerberos needs to be started prior to Kafka so that principals
            # and keytabs are available at the time of Kafka config generation.

        # Brokers
        defconf = {'replication_factor': min(num_brokers, 3), 'num_partitions': 4, 'version': version,
                   'security.protocol': 'PLAINTEXT'}
        self.conf = defconf

        for n in range(0, num_brokers):
            self.brokers.append(KafkaBrokerApp(self, defconf))

    def bootstrap_servers (self):
        """ @return Kafka bootstrap servers based on security.protocol """
        all_listeners = (','.join(self.get_all('advertised_listeners', '', KafkaBrokerApp))).split(',')
        return ','.join([x for x in all_listeners if x.startswith(self.conf.get('security.protocol'))])

def result2color (res):
    if res == 'PASSED':
        return '\033[42m'
    elif res == 'FAILED':
        return '\033[41m'
        return ''

def print_test_report_summary (name, report):
    """ Print summary for a test run. """
    passed = report.get('PASSED', False)
    if passed:
        resstr = '\033[42mPASSED\033[0m'
        resstr = '\033[41mFAILED\033[0m'

    print('%6s  %-50s: %s' % (resstr, name, report.get('REASON', 'n/a')))
    if not passed:
        # Print test details
        for name,test in report.get('tests', {}).iteritems():
            testres = test.get('state', '')
            if testres == 'SKIPPED':
            print('%s   --> %-20s \033[0m' % \
                  ('%s%s\033[0m' % \
                   (result2color(test.get('state', 'n/a')),
                    test.get('state', 'n/a')),
                   test.get('name', 'n/a')))
        print('%8s --> %s/%s' %
              ('', report.get('root_path', '.'), 'stderr.log'))

def print_report_summary (fullreport):
    """ Print summary from a full report suite """
    suites = fullreport.get('suites', list())
    print('#### Full test suite report (%d suite(s))' % len(suites))
    for suite in suites:
        for version,report in suite.get('version', {}).iteritems():
            print_test_report_summary('%s @ %s' % \
                                      (suite.get('name','n/a'), version),

    pass_cnt = fullreport.get('pass_cnt', -1)
    if pass_cnt == 0:
        pass_clr = ''
        pass_clr = '\033[42m'

    fail_cnt = fullreport.get('fail_cnt', -1)
    if fail_cnt == 0:
        fail_clr = ''
        fail_clr = '\033[41m'

    print('#### %d suites %sPASSED\033[0m, %d suites %sFAILED\033[0m' % \
          (pass_cnt, pass_clr, fail_cnt, fail_clr))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show test suite report')
    parser.add_argument('report', type=str, nargs=1,
                        help='Show summary from test suites report file')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    passed = False
    with open([0], 'r') as f:
        passed = print_report_summary(json.load(f))

    if passed: