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Quick Start

From source directory
1. mkdir build
2. cd build
3. cmake ..
4. make
5. make install

More advanced installation options:

  cmake ..

This example would configure libproxy to be installed in /usr with all other
location using defaults relative to it, except that libraries will be install in
/usr/lib64. It also enable Vala and .NET bindings and tell the build system
to install the Perl binding in the vendor directory (the one used by
distribution, in contrast to the one used by users).

Path options:

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Default to "/usr/local". This is the base install
                      directory. All other path, except SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR
                      are by default relative to this one.

BIN_INSTALL_DIR:      Default to "bin". This is where executable are install.

LIB_INSTALL_DIR:      Default to "lib${LIB_SUFFIX}". This is where libraries
                      are insalled.

LIB_SUFFIX:           Default to "". This is used on multilib 64bit OS where it
                      would be set to "64".

LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR:  Default to "libexec". This is where non-interactive helper
                      executable are installed (e.g. pxgconf for Gnome support).

INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:  Default to "include". This is where libproxy header is
                      installed (proxy.h).

SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:  Default to "/etc". This is the place where system wide
                      configuration files are placed, currently unused. Note
                      that this path does not have a relative path has default.

SHARE_INSTALL_DIR:    Default to "share". This base path used for CMake modules
                      finders and the Vala bindings.

                      This is where libproxy extensions are installed. Note that
                      extentions API/ABI is not yet stable, so you should be
                      carefull when changing this path not to mix different
                      version of extensions together. The module path can also
                      be altered at runtime using PX_MODULE_PATH environement.

Boolean options:

BIPR:                   Default to ON. Build Internal Pac Runner.
                        If only one pacrunner is to be built, then the default
                        is to link it internal to libproxy. As soon as two are
                        to be built, they are always made as a module.
                        Setting this to OFF allows to build a pacrunner as
                        module even if only one is to be built.

FORCE_SYSTEM_LIBMODMAN: Default to OFF. Forces the build system to generate an
                        error if libmodman cannot be found on your system. By
                        default libmodman will fallback to using internal copy
                        of that library.

PERL_VENDORINSTALL:     Default to OFF. Tells cmake to install the perl binding
                        in the vendor directory, which is the one used by most

PERL_LINK_LIBPERL:      Default to ON if PERL_VENDORINSTALL is OFF, default to
                        OFF otherwise. Explicitly links the Perl binding
                        against It must be ON for linking to work
                        when --no-undefined is passed to the linker.

WITH_DOTNET:            Default to OFF. Enable Mono .NET bindings.

WITH_GNOME:             Default to ON. Enable Gnome2/GConf bindings.

WITH_GNOME3:            Default to ON. Build the Gnome3/GSettings bindings.
                        instead of Gnome2/GConf based one.

WITH_KDE:               Default to ON. Enables plug-in to read proxy settings
                        from either KDE4 or KDE Frameworks 5.
                        Note: this plug-in only has a *runtime* dependency on
                        either kreadconfig or kreadconfig5.

WITH_MOZJS:             Default to ON. Enable Mozilla javascript bindings. As
                        Mozilla Javascript engine is often installed multiple
                        you can set prefered order using MOZJS_SEARCH_ORDER,
                        wich defaults to "xulrunner-js;firefox-js;mozilla-js;seamonkey-js".

WITH_NM:                Default to ON. Enable NetworkManager bindings.

WITH_PERL:              Default to ON. Enable Perl bindings.

WITH_PYTHON2:           Default to ON. Enable Python bindings.

WITH_PYTHON3:           Default to ON. Enable Python bindings.

WITH_VALA:              Default to OFF. Enable Vala bindings.

WITH_WEBKIT:            Default to ON. Enable Webkit Java Script engine.

WITH_WEBKIT3:           Default to OFF: Enable Webkit GTK3 support.

Bindings Path:

Most bindings require to be installed in a system specific directory. Libproxy
build system tries to find those directory. Sometimes this behaviour can be
annoying since bindings will not be installed relatively to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
For this reason, all bindings provides path overrides.

GAC_DIR:            For the Mono .NET binding
VAPI_DIR:           For the Vala bindings
PX_PERL_ARCH:       For the Perl bindings
PYTHON_SITEPKG_DIR: For the Python bindings

Make options:

Of course you can use parallel build using "make -j2". It's also nice to see
the exact compile/link command being executed. This can be done using
"make VERBOSE=1" command.

To install in a sub-directory, DESTDIR can be used has make parameter.
  make install [DESTDIR=/any/prefix/to/prepend]

CFLAGS in libproxy:

We are currently having issue with CMake and CFLAGS. As shown in the example,
we have found a simple way that prevents CMAKE from choosing for you the
CFLAGS you want. As being demonstrated, you can disable CMAKE default CFLAGS
by setting an invalid (but not empty) CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (e.g. None). You can
then set your flags using CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, and CMAKE_C_FLAGS. Both variable
are required since libproxy contains C++ and C code.