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\section{Building against liboggz}
\label{group__building}\index{Building against liboggz@{Building against liboggz}}
\subsection{Using GNU autoconf}\label{group__building_autoconf}
If you are using GNU autoconf, you do not need to call pkg-\/config directly. Use the following macro to determine if liboggz is available:

 PKG\_CHECK\_MODULES(OGGZ, oggz >= 0.6.0,
                   HAVE\_OGGZ="yes", HAVE\_OGGZ="no")
 if test "x$HAVE\_OGGZ" = "xyes" ; then

If liboggz is found, HAVE\_\-OGGZ will be set to \char`\"{}yes\char`\"{}, and the autoconf variables OGGZ\_\-CFLAGS and OGGZ\_\-LIBS will be set appropriately.\subsection{Determining compiler options with pkg-\/config}\label{group__building_pkg-config}
If you are not using GNU autoconf in your project, you can use the pkg-\/config tool directly to determine the correct compiler options.

 OGGZ\_CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags oggz`\end{DoxyPre}

\begin{DoxyPre} OGGZ\_LIBS=`pkg-config --libs oggz`