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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-default-style: "k&r"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

/* libmwaw
* Version: MPL 2.0 / LGPLv2+
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* Major Contributor(s):
* Copyright (C) 2002 William Lachance (
* Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Marc Maurer (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Fridrich Strba (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Andrew Ziem
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Alonso Laurent (
* All Rights Reserved.
* For minor contributions see the git repository.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
* in which case the provisions of the LGPLv2+ are applicable
* instead of those above.


#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include <librevenge/librevenge.h>

#include "libmwaw_internal.hxx"

#include "MWAWDebug.hxx"
#include "MWAWCell.hxx"
#include "MWAWParser.hxx"

namespace MsWksDocumentInternal
struct State;

class SubDocument;

class MsWksParser;
class MsWksDBParser;
class MsWksDRParser;
class MsWksSSParser;
class MsWks4Zone;

class MsWksGraph;
class MsWks3Text;
class MsWks4Text;

/** \brief the main class to read/store generic data of a MsWorks document v1-v3
class MsWksDocument
  friend class MsWksDocumentInternal::SubDocument;
  friend class MsWksParser;
  friend class MsWks4Zone;
  friend class MsWksDBParser;
  friend class MsWksDRParser;
  friend class MsWksSSParser;
  //! the different type of zone (v1-v3)
  enum ZoneType { Z_MAIN, Z_HEADER, Z_FOOTER, Z_NONE };
  //! a zone of a MsWksDocument ( main, header, footer )
  struct Zone {
    //! the constructor
    Zone(ZoneType type=Z_NONE, int zoneId=-1)
      : m_type(type)
      , m_zoneId(zoneId)
      , m_textId(-1)
    //! the zone type
    ZoneType m_type;
    //! the parser zone id
    int m_zoneId;
    //! the text internal id
    int m_textId;


  //! constructor
  MsWksDocument(MWAWInputStreamPtr const &input, MWAWParser &parser);
  //! destructor
  virtual ~MsWksDocument();

  //! returns the document's version
  int version() const;
  //! sets the document's version
  void setVersion(int vers);
  //! returns the document's kind
  MWAWDocument::Kind getKind() const;
  //! sets the document's kind
  void setKind(MWAWDocument::Kind kind);

  //! returns the actual input
  MWAWInputStreamPtr &getInput()
    return m_input;
  //! returns the main parser
  MWAWParser &getMainParser()
    return *m_parser;
  //! returns the graph parser
  std::shared_ptr<MsWksGraph> getGraphParser()
    return m_graphParser;
  //! returns the text parser (for v1-v3 document)
  std::shared_ptr<MsWks3Text> getTextParser3();
  //! returns the text parser (for v4 document)
  std::shared_ptr<MsWks4Text> getTextParser4();
  //! a DebugFile used to write what we recognize when we parse the document
  libmwaw::DebugFile &ascii()
    return m_asciiFile;

  // read some v3 structure

  //! checks if the file header corresponds to a v1-v3 document (or not)
  bool checkHeader3(MWAWHeader *header, bool strict=false);
  //! returns the length of the file header of a v1-v3 document (if know)
  long getLengthOfFileHeader3() const;
  //! read the print info zone (v1-v3)
  bool readPrintInfo();
  //! try to read the documentinfo ( v1-v3)
  bool readDocumentInfo(long sz=-1);
  //! try to read a generic zone
  bool readZone(Zone &zone);
  //! try to read a header/footer group
  bool readGroupHeaderFooter(bool header, int check);

  // read some ole structures

  //! finds the different OLE zones
  bool createOLEZones(MWAWInputStreamPtr input);
  //! returns the list of unparsed OLE zones
  std::vector<std::string> const &getUnparsedOLEZones() const;
  // utilities functions

  //! returns true if the document has some header ( found by checkHeader3)
  bool hasHeader() const;
  //! returns true if the document has some footer ( found by checkHeader3)
  bool hasFooter() const;
  //! returns the header/footer height (found by readGroupHeaderFooter)
  float getHeaderFooterHeight(bool header) const;
  //! get the page span list and the number of page for a v1-v3 document
  void getPageSpanList(std::vector<MWAWPageSpan> &pagesList, int &numPages);
  //! returns the color which correspond to an index
  bool getColor(int id, MWAWColor &col, int vers);
  //! returns a list of color corresponding to a version
  std::vector<MWAWColor> const &getPalette(int vers);

  //! returns the document entry map of a v1-v3 document
  std::multimap<int, Zone> &getTypeZoneMap();
  //! returns the zone corresponding to a zoneType (v1-v3 document)
  Zone getZone(ZoneType type) const;
  //! returns a free zone'id
  int getNewZoneId() const;
  //! returns the document entry map of a v4 document
  std::multimap<std::string, MWAWEntry> &getEntryMap();

  // general interface

  /** try to send a zone (v1-v3 document) */
  void sendZone(int zoneType);

  // interface with the text parser

  //! tries to create a new page
  void newPage(int page, bool softBreak=false);
  /** try to send a footnote content (v4 document) */
  void sendFootnoteContent(int noteId);
  //! tries to send a footnote
  void sendFootnote(int id);
  /** try to send a text zone  (v1-v3 document) */
  void sendText(int id);

  // interface with the graph parser

  //! send an OLE zone
  void sendOLE(int id, MWAWPosition const &pos, MWAWGraphicStyle const &style);
  /** send a rbil zone */
  void sendRBIL(int id, MWAWVec2i const &sz);
  /** send a textbox */
  void sendTextbox(MWAWEntry const &entry, std::string const &frame);

  // spreadsheet/database function

  /** reads a cell */
  bool readCellInFormula(MWAWCellContent::FormulaInstruction &instr, bool is2D);
  /** try to read a string */
  bool readDBString(long endPos, std::string &res);
  /** try to read a number */
  bool readDBNumber(long endPos, double &res, bool &isNan, std::string &str);
  /* reads a formula */
  bool readFormula(long endPos, MWAWCellContent &content, std::string &extra);


  // low level
  //! inits the ascii file
  void initAsciiFile(std::string const &name);

  MsWksDocument(MsWksDocument const &orig) = delete;
  MsWksDocument &operator=(MsWksDocument const &orig) = delete;

  // data

  //! the state
  std::shared_ptr<MsWksDocumentInternal::State> m_state;
  //! the parser state
  std::shared_ptr<MWAWParserState> m_parserState;

  //! the main parser
  MWAWParser *m_parser;
  //! the parent document (if this is not the main document)
  MsWksDocument *m_parentDocument;
  //! the input which can be an OLE in MSWorks 4 file
  MWAWInputStreamPtr m_input;
  //! the debug file of the actual input
  libmwaw::DebugFile m_asciiFile;

  //! the graph document
  std::shared_ptr<MsWksGraph> m_graphParser;
  //! the text document (for v1-3 document)
  std::shared_ptr<MsWks3Text> m_textParser3;
  //! the text document (for v4 document)
  std::shared_ptr<MsWks4Text> m_textParser4;

  /** callback used to send a page break */
  typedef void (MWAWParser::* NewPage)(int page, bool softBreak);

  /** the new page callback */
  NewPage m_newPage;
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