Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-default-style: "k&r"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

/* libmwaw
* Version: MPL 2.0 / LGPLv2+
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* Major Contributor(s):
* Copyright (C) 2002 William Lachance (
* Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Marc Maurer (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Fridrich Strba (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Andrew Ziem
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Alonso Laurent (
* All Rights Reserved.
* For minor contributions see the git repository.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
* in which case the provisions of the LGPLv2+ are applicable
* instead of those above.


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <librevenge/librevenge.h>

#include "MWAWDebug.hxx"
#include "MWAWGraphicStyle.hxx"
#include "MWAWInputStream.hxx"

class MWAWFont;

namespace MacDrawProStyleManagerInternal
struct State;

class MacDrawProParser;

/** \brief the main class to read a MacDraw II file
class MacDrawProStyleManager
  friend class MacDrawProParser;
  //! constructor
  explicit MacDrawProStyleManager(MacDrawProParser &parser);
  //! destructor
  virtual ~MacDrawProStyleManager();

  //! tries to read the RSRC zones
  bool readRSRCZones();

  // Intermediate level

  //! tries to read the header info part which corresponds to style data
  bool readHeaderInfoStylePart(std::string &extra);
  //! tries to read the style zone knowings the size and the number of data in each zones
  bool readStyles(long const(&sizeZones)[6]);

  //! tries to return the color corresponding to an id
  bool getColor(int cId, MWAWColor &color) const;
  //! tries to return the dash definition corresponding to an id
  bool getDash(int dId, std::vector<float> &dash) const;
  //! tries to return the font corresponding to an id
  bool getFont(int fId, MWAWFont &font) const;
  //! tries to return the paragraph corresponding to an id
  bool getParagraph(int pId, MWAWParagraph &para) const;
  //! tries to return the pattern corresponding to an id
  bool getPattern(int pId, MWAWGraphicStyle::Pattern &pattern) const;
  //! tries to return the pen size corresponding to an id
  bool getPenSize(int pId, float &penSize) const;
  //! tries to update the style gradient
  bool updateGradient(int gId, MWAWGraphicStyle &style) const;
  // low level

  //! tries to read the font style ( last style in v0 data fork )
  bool readFontStyles(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the paragraph style ( last style in v1 data fork )
  bool readParagraphStyles(MWAWEntry const &entry);

  // data fork or rsrc fork

  //! tries to read the Arrow styles or the resource Aset:256
  bool readArrows(MWAWEntry const &entry, bool inRsrc=false);
  //! tries to read the dash settings or the resource Dset:256
  bool readDashs(MWAWEntry const &entry, bool inRsrc=false);
  //! tries to read the Pen styles or the resource PSet:256
  bool readPens(MWAWEntry const &entry, bool inRsrc=false);
  //! tries to read the Ruler styles or the resource Drul:256
  bool readRulers(MWAWEntry const &entry, bool inRsrc=false);

  // rsrc

  //! tries to read the Document Information resource Dinf:256
  bool readDocumentInfo(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the main Preferences resource Pref:256
  bool readPreferences(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the font name resources Fmtx:256 and Fnms:256
  bool readFontNames();
  //! tries to read colors map Ctbl:256
  bool readColors(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the BW pattern bawP:256
  bool readBWPatterns(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the color pattern colP:256
  bool readColorPatterns(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the list of pattern patR:256: list of BW/Color patterns list which appear in the patterns tools
  bool readPatternsToolList(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! tries to read the Ruler settings resource Rset:256 or Rst2:256
  bool readRulerSettings(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! reads the view positions resource Dvws:256
  bool readViews(MWAWEntry const &entry);

  //! reads the Dstl:256 resource (unknown content)
  bool readRSRCDstl(MWAWEntry const &entry);

  // v1
  //! try to read a palette definition PaDB:[0-3]
  bool readPaletteDef(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! try to read a palette map
  bool readPaletteMap(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N, int dataSz);
  //! try to read a palette data
  bool readPaletteData(MWAWEntry const &entry, int dataSz);

  //! try to read the display color map DPCo:0
  bool readColorMap(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N, int fSz);
  //! try to read the display pattern DPPa:1
  bool readPatternMap(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N, int fSz);
  //! try to read the gradian map DPRa:2
  bool readGradientMap(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N, int fSz);
  //! try to read the FA map DPFa:3
  bool readFAMap(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N, int fSz);

  //! try to read the color palette resource CoEL:128
  bool readColorPalette(MWAWEntry const &entry, int fSz);
  //! try to read the FA palette resource FaEL:128
  bool readFAPalette(MWAWEntry const &entry, int fSz);
  //! try to read the gradient palette resource RaEL:128
  bool readGradientPalette(MWAWEntry const &entry, int fSz);
  //! try to read the pattern palette resource PaEL:128
  bool readPatternPalette(MWAWEntry const &entry, int fSz);
  //! try to read a list of names : CoNa:128 color name, FaNa:128 font color name, PaNa:128...
  bool readListNames(MWAWEntry const &entry, int N=-1);
  //! try to read a splitted list of names
  bool readListNames(char const *type);

  //! try to read the first pref resource Prf[23459]:256
  bool readPreferencesListBool(MWAWEntry const &entry, int num);
  //! try to read the first pref resource Prf1:256
  bool readPreferences1(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! try to read the spelling pref resource Prf6:256
  bool readPreferences6(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! try to read the 8 pref resource Prf8:256
  bool readPreferences8(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! try to read the UPDL resource, maybe U? Palette Display Layer
  bool readUPDL(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  //! try to read the Grid: resource, grid of palette position
  bool readGrid(MWAWEntry const &entry);

  // data

  //! the main parser
  MacDrawProParser &m_parser;
  //! the parser state
  MWAWParserStatePtr m_parserState;
  //! the state
  std::shared_ptr<MacDrawProStyleManagerInternal::State> m_state;
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