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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-default-style: "k&r"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

/* libmwaw
* Version: MPL 2.0 / LGPLv2+
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* Major Contributor(s):
* Copyright (C) 2002 William Lachance (
* Copyright (C) 2002,2004 Marc Maurer (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Fridrich Strba (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Andrew Ziem
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Alonso Laurent (
* All Rights Reserved.
* For minor contributions see the git repository.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
* in which case the provisions of the LGPLv2+ are applicable
* instead of those above.

 * Parser to convert HanMac Word-J document

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <librevenge/librevenge.h>

#include "MWAWDebug.hxx"

#include "MWAWParser.hxx"

namespace HanMacWrdJParserInternal
struct State;
class SubDocument;

class HanMacWrdJGraph;
class HanMacWrdJText;

/** a class use to store the classic header find before file zone */
struct HanMacWrdJZoneHeader {
  //! constructor
  explicit HanMacWrdJZoneHeader(bool isMain)
    : m_length(0)
    , m_n(0)
    , m_fieldSize(0)
    , m_id(0)
    , m_isMain(isMain)
    for (auto &val : m_values) val = 0;

  //! operator<<
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, HanMacWrdJZoneHeader const &h)
    if (h.m_n) o << "N=" << h.m_n << ",";
    if (h.m_id) o << "zId=" << std::hex << h.m_id << std::dec << ",";
    bool toPrint[4]= {true, true, true, true};
    if (h.m_isMain) {
      if (h.m_values[0]+h.m_n == h.m_values[1])
      else if (h.m_values[0]+h.m_n == h.m_values[2])
        o << "###N,";
    for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
      if (toPrint[i] && h.m_values[i]) o << "h" << i << "=" << h.m_values[i] << ",";
    return o;
  //! the zone size
  long m_length;
  //! the number of item
  int m_n;
  //! the field size
  int m_fieldSize;
  //! the zone id
  long m_id;
  //! 4 unknown field : freeN?, totalN?, totalN1?, ?
  int m_values[4];
  //! true if this is the main header
  bool m_isMain;

/** \brief the main class to read a HanMac Word-J file
class HanMacWrdJParser final : public MWAWTextParser
  friend class HanMacWrdJGraph;
  friend class HanMacWrdJText;
  friend class HanMacWrdJParserInternal::SubDocument;

  //! constructor
  HanMacWrdJParser(MWAWInputStreamPtr const &input, MWAWRSRCParserPtr const &rsrcParser, MWAWHeader *header);
  //! destructor
  ~HanMacWrdJParser() final;

  //! checks if the document header is correct (or not)
  bool checkHeader(MWAWHeader *header, bool strict=false) final;

  // the main parse function
  void parse(librevenge::RVNGTextInterface *documentInterface) final;

  //! inits all internal variables
  void init();

  //! creates the listener which will be associated to the document
  void createDocument(librevenge::RVNGTextInterface *documentInterface);

  //! finds the different objects zones in a Hapanese File
  bool createZones();

  //! returns the page left top point ( in inches)
  MWAWVec2f getPageLeftTop() const;

  //! adds a new page
  void newPage(int number);

  // interface with the text parser

  //! send a text zone
  bool sendText(long id, long cPos, MWAWListenerPtr listener=MWAWListenerPtr());
  //! check if we can send a textzone as graphic
  bool canSendTextAsGraphic(long id, long cPos);

  // interface with the graph parser

  //! send a zone
  bool sendZone(long zId);
  //! returns the color associated with a pattern
  bool getColor(int colId, int patternId, MWAWColor &color) const;

  // low level

  /** look in entry.begin() to see if a entry exists at this position,
      if so fills entry.end(),, ...*/
  bool checkEntry(MWAWEntry &entry);

  /** try to read the zones list */
  bool readZonesList();
  /** try to read a generic zone */
  bool readZone(MWAWEntry &entry);

  /** try to read a header of classic zone */
  bool readClassicHeader(HanMacWrdJZoneHeader &header, long endPos=-1);
  /** try to decode a zone */
  bool decodeZone(MWAWEntry const &entry, librevenge::RVNGBinaryData &data);

  /** try to read a printinfo zone*/
  bool readPrintInfo(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  /** try to read a unknown zone, just after the header (simillar to HanMacWrd Zoneb) */
  bool readHeaderEnd();
#ifdef DEBUG
  /** try to read a unknown zones with header data */
  bool readZoneWithHeader(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  /** try to read the zone A ( a big zone containing 5 sub zone ? )*/
  bool readZoneA(MWAWEntry const &entry);
  /** try to read the zone B*/
  bool readZoneB(MWAWEntry const &entry);

  // data
  //! the state
  std::shared_ptr<HanMacWrdJParserInternal::State> m_state;

  //! the graph parser
  std::shared_ptr<HanMacWrdJGraph> m_graphParser;

  //! the text parser
  std::shared_ptr<HanMacWrdJText> m_textParser;
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