Blob Blame History Raw
# liblouis: Norwegian Grade 0 Braille Table, uncontracted braille
# Created June 9, 2005 by Leon Ungier <> with
# help and guidance from Lars Bjørndal <>
# Updated June 2009 by Lars Bjørndal <>

#include no-no-generic.dis # e.g. for printing with embosser set up for Euro braille

space \s 0 blank							x0020
space \x001b 1b escape character for html back-translation # dec 27

# The following three line should work for liblouis with Handy Tech HTCom:
#space \t 9 tab	x0009
#space \x000D 1d \r
#space \x000A 1a \n

# With liblouisxml, use the following three lines instead:
space \t 9 tab	x0009
space \x000D 0 \r
space \x000A 0 \n

# space \x000c 0 # dec 12

space \x00A0 a NO-BREAK SPACE <noBreak> 0020 NON-BREAKING SPACE # dec 160
punctuation ! 235	exclamation mark							x0021
punctuation " 256	double quote									x0022
sign # 3456				number sign										x0023
sign $ 256				dollar sign										x0024
sign % 46 				percent sign									x0025
# sign & 12346			ampersand											z0026
uplow \x00C8\x00E8 2346		e with grave è					x00C8 / 00E8
uplow \x00C9\x00E9 123456 e with acute é					x00C9 / 00E9
uplow \x00CA\x00EA 126		e with circumflex				x00CA /	00EA
uplow \x00CB\x00EB 1246		e with diaeresis ë			x00CB	/	00EB

uplow \x00CE\x00EE 146		i with circumflex				x00CE	/ 00EE
uplow \x00CF\x00EF 12456	i with diaeresis				x00CF	/ 00EF
uplow \x00D3\x00F3 346		o with acute ó					x00D3 / 00F3
uplow \x00D4\x00F4 1456		o with circumflex ô			x00D4 / 00F4

sign & 346				ampersand											z0026
punctuation ' 5		apostrophe										x0027
punctuation ( 236	left parenthesis							x0028
punctuation ) 356	right parenthesis							x0029
sign * 35					asterisk											x002A
math + 235				plus													x002B
punctuation , 2		coma													x002C
punctuation - 36	hyphen-minus									x002D
punctuation . 3		point													x002E

uplow \x00CD\x00ED 4-24			i with acute						x00CD	/ 00ED
math / 34					solidus x002F
#punctuation / 34					solidus												x002F

include digits8Dots.uti

punctuation : 25	colon													x003A
punctuation ; 23	semicolon											x003B
# math < 5-256			less-than sign								x003C
math < 246-3				less-than sign								x003C
math = 2356				equal sign										x003D
uplow \x00C6\x00E6 345		ae											x00C6 / 00E6

math > 135-2				greater-than sign							x003E
punctuation ? 26	question mark									x003F
sign @ 4					commercial at									x0040

include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti

uplow \x00C1\x00E1 12356	a with acute						x00C1 / 00E1

punctuation [ 12356		left square bracket				x005B
sign \\ 2							reverse solidus						x005C
#uplow \xFFD8\xFFF8 246		o with stroke
uplow \x00D8\x00F8 246		o with stroke
#uplow \xFFD8\xFFF8 246		o with stroke
uplow \X00DA\x00FA 23456		u with acute						x00DA / 00FA
uplow \x00DB\x00FB 156		u with circumflex				x00FB
uplow \x00DC\x00FC 1256		u with diaeresis				x00FC
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 12346		y with acute						x00FD

punctuation ] 23456		right square bracket			x005D
sign ^ 5							circumflex accent					x005E
sign _ 456						low line									x005F
sign ` 45							grave accent							x0060

# a - z																					x0061 - x007A

uplow Åå 16								A with ring above				x00C5 / 00E5

punctuation { 246			left curly bracket				x007B
sign | 56							vertical line							x007C

punctuation } 12456		right curly bracket				x007D
sign ~ 256						tilde											x007E

sign \x0080 15-136-1235-135	Euro sign						x0080

# sign \X00A1					inverted exclamation mark									x00A1
sign ¢ 4-14						cent sign																	x00A2
sign £ 45-123					pound sign																x00A3
sign ¤ 45-15					currency sign																x00A4
sign ¥ 45-13456				yen	sign																		x00A5
sign § 346						section sign																x00A7
sign © 236-14-356		copyright			x00A9
# sign « 45-2356				left-pointing double angle quotation mark		x00AB
punctuation « 256				left-pointing double angle quotation mark		x00AB
sign ° 5-356					degree sign																	x00B0

sign ² 4-6-126				superscript 2 sign													x00B2
sign ³ 4-6-146				superscript 3 sign													x00B3
sign \x00B4 6					acute sign dec-180
sign ¹ 1-27						superscript 1 sign													x00B9
# sign » 2356-12				right-pointing double angle quotation mark	x00BB
punctuation » 256				right-pointing double angle quotation mark	x00BB
math ¼ 6-16-34-1456		vulgar fraction one quarter								x00BC

math ½ 6-16-34-126		vulgar fraction one half									x00BD
math ¾ 6-126-34-1456	vulgar fraction 3 quarters								x00BE

uplow \x00C0\x00E0 12356	a with grave						x00C0 / 00E0

uplow \x00C2\x00E2 16			a with circumflex				x00C2 / 00E2
uplow \x00CA\x00EA 126		e with circumflex						x00CA / 00EA
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 126		a with tilde   x00C3 / 00E3
uplow Ää 345							A with diaeresis				x00C4 / 00E4
uplow \x00C7\x00E7 12346	c with cedilla ç				x00C7 / 00E7
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 246		o with tilde						x00D5 / 00F5
uplow Öö 246						O with diaeresis				x00D6 / 00F6
math × 236						multiplication sign			x00D7
math ÷ 256								division sign									 x00F7

punctuation	\x2010 46		 # 8208			hyphen
punctuation	\x2011 46		 # 8209			non-breaking hyphen
math	\x2013 36					 # 8211			en dash (smart minus sign)
lowword \x2013 36-36			 make double when surrounded by white spaces
punctuation \x2013 36
punctuation \x2014 36								em dash
punctuation	\x2018 5		 # 8216			smart single left quotation mark
punctuation	\x2019 5		 # 8217			smart single right quotation mark

punctuation	\x201C 256					# 8220	smart opening double quote
punctuation	\x201D 256					# 8221	smart closing double quote
punctuation	\x201E 256					# 8222	smart double low quotation mark
punctuation	\x201F 256					# 8223	smart double high reverse quotation mark
punctuation \x2026 3-3-3				# 8230	smart ellipsis

sign \x20AC 15-136-1235-135			Euro sign						x0080

uplow \x00D2\x00F2 4-135 DEC 242 ò
lowercase \x00F3 4-135 DEC 243 ó
lowercase \x00F4 4-135 DEC 244 ô

# Some diacritic characters
uplow   \x00CC\x00EC  45-24 # latin small letter i with grave - latin capital letter i with grave
uplow   \x0160\x0161  46-234             Šš                  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON - LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON

# ------------------- End char definitions --------------------
include litdigits6Dots.uti

# unicode braille
include braille-patterns.cti

lowword - 36-36		make double when hyphen surrounded by white spaces

numsign 3456
capsign 6							# single capital letter indicator
begcaps 6-6						# a block of consecutive capital letters indicator
endcaps 56

lenitalphrase 1
lenboldphrase 1

firstwordital 23
firstletterital 23
firstwordbold 23
firstletterbold 23
firstwordunder 23
firstletterunder 23

lastworditalafter 56
lastletterital 56
lastwordboldafter 56
lastletterbold 56
lastwordunderafter 56
lastletterunder 56

midnum , 2
midnum . 3
midnum + 235
midnum - 36-36-3456
midnum / 34-3456
midnum : 25
midnum = 2356

endnum # 56-3456
always # 3456
endnum a 56-1
endnum b 56-12
endnum c 56-14
endnum d 56-145
endnum e 56-15
endnum f 56-124
endnum g 56-1245
endnum h 56-125
endnum i 56-24
endnum j 56-245

repeated ... 3-3-3		points de suite
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 456-456-456

# always \s--\s 36-36	tiret
noback always ;\s; 0

begcomp 126
endcomp 345

compbrl :// URLs
compbrl www.
compbrl .com
compbrl .edu
compbrl .gov
compbrl .mil
compbrl .net
compbrl .org
compbrl .no
compbrl .nu
compbrl .se
compbrl .dk
compbrl .fi
compbrl .ini
compbrl .doc
compbrl .docx
compbrl .xml
compbrl .xsl
compbrl .htm
compbrl .html
compbrl .tex
compbrl .txt
compbrl .gif
compbrl .jpg
compbrl .png
compbrl .wav
compbrl .mp3
compbrl .m3u
compbrl .tar
compbrl .gz
compbrl .bz2
compbrl .zip

# Fix input where less than / greater than already are surrounding the
# URL / email address.

pass2 @126-246-3 @126
pass2 @135-2-345 @345