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# Liblouis: Danish common rules for 6 dots grade 1 and 2
# By Bue Vester-Andersen
#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  <>.
# This file contains common rules for Danish 6 dots grade 1 and grade 2.
# It is included by both da-dk-g16.utb and da-dk-g26.ctb
# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 140511

# Display upcodes

include da-ansi8.dis

#Character definitions
include da-chardefs6.cti

# Rules for grade 1 and grade 2

# corrections for odd dashes quotes and accented letters that will contract to the same anyway
correct "\x201a" "\x0027"
correct "\x0082" "\x0027"
correct "\x201e" "\x0022"
correct "\x0084" "\x0022"
correct "\x2039" "\x0027"
correct "\x008b" "\x0027"
correct "\x2018" "\x0027"
correct "\x0091" "\x0027"
correct "\x2019" "\x0027"
correct "\x0092" "\x0027"
correct "\x201c" "\x0022"
correct "\x0093" "\x0022"
correct "\x201d" "\x0022"
correct "\x0094" "\x0022"
correct "\x203a" "\x0027"
correct "\x009b" "\x0027"

correct "\x00ad" "-"
correct "–" "-"
correct "Á" "À"
correct "á" "à"
correct "Â" "À"
correct "â" "à"
correct "È" "É"
correct "è" "é"
correct "Ë" "É"
correct "ë" "é"
correct "Ê" "É"
correct "Ó" "Ô"
correct "ê" "é"
correct "ó" "ô"

# always \s 	0	#Blank represented by a blank braille cell
# always \t	0	#Ensures tab is a blank cell

# Hyphen
hyphen - 36

letsign 6

# No letsign before capital letters or letters with accents

noletsign ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\x0160\x0152\x017d\x0178\x00c0\x00c1\x00c2\x00c3\x00c4\x00c5\x00c6\x00c7\x00c8\x00c9\x00ca\x00cb\x00cc\x00cd\x00ce\x00cf\x00d0\x00d1\x00d2\x00d3\x00d4\x00d5\x00d6\x00d8\x00d9\x00da\x00db\x00dc\x00dd\x00de\x008a\x008c\x008e
noletsign i\x0161\x0153\x017e\x00ff\x00e0\x00e1\x00e2\x00e3\x00e7\x00e8\x00e9\x00ea\x00eb\x00ec\x00ed\x00ee\x00ef\x00f0\x00f1\x00f2\x00f3\x00f4\x00f5\x00f9\x00fa\x00fb\x00fd\x00fe\x009a\x009c

# Emphasis opcodes
firstwordital 56
lastworditalafter 56
firstletterital 56
lastletterital 56

firstwordbold 56
lastwordboldafter 56
firstletterbold 56
lastletterbold 56

firstwordunder 56
lastwordunderafter 56
firstletterunder 56
lastletterunder 56

capsign 46
begcaps 456
# endcaps 6
# multind 46 letsign capsign

numsign 3456

multind 6-3456 letsign numsign
litdigit 1 1
litdigit 2 12
litdigit 3 14
litdigit 4 145
litdigit 5 15
litdigit 6 124
litdigit 7 1245
litdigit 8 125
litdigit 9 24
litdigit 0 245

# Punctuations and numbers
prepunc " 2356
postpunc " 2356
midnum , 2
midnum . 3
# midnum - 36
endnum - 36
midnum / 34
midnum : 25

# various rules for math signs etc.
joinnum = 2356
joinnum + 235
#joinnum - 36
noback joinnum \x00d7 3 #multiplication sign
joinnum \x00f7 256 # Division sign
endnum % 0-245-356
endnum \x2030 0-245-356-356

prepunc ( 236
postpunc ) 356
always %) 245-356-6-356
always .) 3-356
always \x2030) 245-356-356-6-356
always \x0089) 245-356-356-6-356
always ... 3-3-3

# Patch up for various signs that have one definition
# but are always displayed differently in 6 dots
# noback always À 5-1
#noback always \x00c1 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
#noback always \x00c2 5-1 LATIN capitalLETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
#noback always \x00c3 5-1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
#noback always \x00c4 345 LATIN capital LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
#noback always \x00c7 5-14 c with cedilla
#noback always É 5-15
##noback always È 5-15
#noback always Ê 5-15
#noback always Ë 5-15
#noback always Î 5-24 i with circumflex 
#noback always Ï 5-24 i with tremma
#noback always \x00cc 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
#noback always \x00cd 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
#noback always \x00d0 5-145 LATIN LETTER ETH
#noback always \x00d1 5-1345 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
noback always Ô 5-135 O with circumflex
#noback always \x00d3 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
#noback always \x00d5 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
#noback always \x00d6 246 LATIN  LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
#noback always \x00da 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
#noback always Ù 5-136 u with grave
#noback always Û 5-136 u with circumflex
# always à 5-1
#noback always \x00e1 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
#noback always \x00e2 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
#noback always \x00e3 5-1 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
#noback always \x00e4 345 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
#always \x00e7 5-14 c with cedilla
#always é 5-15
#noback always è 5-15
#noback always ê 5-15
#noback always ë 5-15
#always î 5-24 i with circumflex 
#noback always ï 5-24 i with tremma
#noback always \x00ec 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
#noback always \x00ed 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
##always \x00f0 5-145 LATIN LETTER ETH
#always \x00f1 5-1345 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
#always ô 5-135 O with circumflex
#noback always \x00f6 246 LATIN  LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
#noback always \x00f3 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
#noback always \x00f5 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
#noback always \x00fa 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
#noback always ù 5-136 u with grave
#always û 5-136 u with circumflex
noback always \x00d7 45-3 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
always  \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
always \x00fd 5-13456 LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
always \x00fe 5-2345 LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
always  \x00df 5-234 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S

# The following lines are needed to ensure correct backtranslation
# of capital letters within or after numbers when there is no letsign but only capsign.

endnum A 46-1
endnum B 46-12
endnum C 46-14
endnum D 46-145
endnum E 46-15
endnum F 46-124
endnum G 46-1245
endnum H 46-125
endnum I 46-24
endnum J 46-245

# The following lines help to handle back-translation of words with accented letters more intelligently.
# It will not work before "correct" has been implemented backwards

# nofor correct "fôr" "fór"