Blob Blame History Raw
# Spanish Grade 1 Braille Table
# Created June 9, 2005 by Leon Ungier <>.

locale Spain

include text_nabcc.dis

#--------------------- All chars definitions ------------------------------
replace \x0097
space \x000a 0
space \t 0 tab            #  9
space \s 0 blank					# 32
punctuation ! 235					# 33
punctuation " 236					# 34
sign # 3456								# 35
sign $ 256								# 36
sign % 456								# 37
sign & 123456							# 38
punctuation ' 5						# 39 apostrophe
punctuation ( 126					# 40
punctuation ) 345					# 41
sign * 35									# 42
math + 235								# 43
punctuation , 2						# 44
punctuation - 36					# 45
punctuation . 3						# 46
math / 34									# 47
include digits6Dots.uti
punctuation : 25				colon													x003A
punctuation ; 23				semicolon											x003B
math < 56								less-than sign								x003C
math = 2356							equal sign										x003D
math > 45								greater-than sign							x003E
punctuation ? 26				question mark									x003F
sign @ 4								commercial at									x0040

include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti

punctuation [ 12356		left square bracket			x005B
sign \\ 2							reverse solidus					x005C
punctuation ] 23456		right square bracket		x005D
sign ^ 5							circumflex accent				x005E
sign _ 6							low line								x005F
sign ` 45							grave accent						x0060

# a - z								# 97 - 122							x0061 - x007A

punctuation { 246			left curly bracket			x007B
sign | 46							vertical line						x007C
punctuation } 12456		right curly bracket			x007D
sign ~ 256						tilde										x007E
sign \x0080 15-136-1235-135										x0080

space \X00A0 0				# no-break space													x00A0
sign ¢ 4-14						cent sign																	x00A2
sign £ 45-123					pound sign																x00A3
sign ¤ 45-15					currency sign															x00A4
sign ¥ 45-13456				yen	sign																	x00A5
sign § 346						paragraph	sign														x00A7
sign © 6-14-135-1234-13456-1235-24-1245-125-2345		copyright		x00A9
punctuation « 45-2356		left-pointing double quotation mark			x00AB
sign ° 4-356					degree sign																x00B0
sign ² 4-6-126				superscript 2 sign												x00B2
sign ³ 4-6-146				superscript 3 sign												x00B3
sign \x00B5 46-134		# 181				µ micro sign									x00B5
sign \x00B6 346				#						¶ pilcrow sign								x00B6
sign ¹ 4-6-16					superscript 1 sign												x00B9
punctuation » 2356-12		right-pointing double quotation mark		x00BB
sign ¼ 6-16-34-1456		vulgar fraction one quarter								x00BC
sign ½ 6-16-34-126		vulgar fraction one half									x00BD
sign ¾ 6-126-34-1456					vulgar fraction 3 quarters				x00BE

uplow \x00C0\x00E0 12356			a with grave						x00C0 / 00E0
uplow Áá 12356								A with acute						x00C1 / 00E1
uplow Ââ 16										a with circumflex				x00C2 / 00E2
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 345				a with tilde						x00C3 / 00E3
uplow Ää 345									A with diaeresis				x00C4 / 00E4
uplow Åå 16										A with ring above				x00C5 / 00C4
uplow \x00C6\x00E6 345				ae											x00C6 / 00E6
uplow Çç 12346								letter c with cedilla		x00C7 / 00E7
uplow Éé 2346									E with acute						x00C9 / 00E9
uplow \x00CA\x00EA 126				e with circumflex				x00CA / 00EA
uplow Íí 34										i with acute						x00CD / 00ED
uplow \x00D1\x00F1 12456			N with tilde						x00D1 / 00F1
uplow Óó 346									o with acute						x00D3 / 00F3
uplow Ôô 1456									o with circumflex				x00D4 / 00F4
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 246				o with tilde						x00D5 / 00F5
uplow Öö 246									O with diaeresis				x00D6 / 00F6
math × 236										multiplication sign			x00D7
uplow \x00D8\x00F8 246				o with stroke						x00D8 //00F8
#	uplow Úú 46-23456							U with acute						x00DA / 00FA
uplow Úú 23456								U with acute						x00DA / 00FA
#	uplow Üü 46-1256							U with diaeresis				x00DC / 00FC
uplow Üü 1256									U with diaeresis				x00DC / 00FC
math ÷ 256										division sign						x00F7

punctuation	\x2010 46						# 8208			hyphen
punctuation	\x2011 46						# 8209			non-breaking hyphen
math	\x2013 36									# 8211			smart minus sign
punctuation	\x2018 3						# 8216			smart single left quotation mark
punctuation	\x2019 3						# 8217			smart single right quotation mark

punctuation	\x201C 236					# 8220			smart opening double quote
punctuation	\x201D 356					# 8221			smart closing double quote
punctuation	\x201E 236					# 8222			smart double low quotation mark
punctuation	\x201F 356					# 8223			double high reverse quotation mark

punctuation \x2026 256-256-256	# 8230	smart ellipsis

#-------------- end defintions ------------------------------------------

capsign 46
begcaps 46-46

numsign 3456
midnum , 2
midnum . 3
midnum + 235
midnum - 36
midnum / 256
midnum : 25
midnum = 2356

endnum # 56-3456

repeated ... 3-3-3		points de suite
repeated --- 36-36-36
repeated ___ 6-6-6

always \s--\s 36-36	tiret