Blob Blame History Raw
# translation of libgweather-master-locations-ru-12503_.merged.po to Russian
# translation of libgweather-locations to Russian
# Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Valek Filippov <>, 2000.
# Dmitry Mastrukov  <>, 2001-2004.
# Leonid Kanter <>, 2001-2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Michael Yakhontov <>, 2003.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2010.
# Yuri Myasoedov <>, 2012-2014.
# Evgeny Bobkin <>, 2013.
# vantu5z <>, 2015.
# Stas Solovey <>, 2017.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libgweather-locations trunk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-09 14:30+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-13 21:22+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Stas Solovey <>\n"
"Language-Team: Русский <>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: This is the designation for the last (most west) timezone on Earth
msgid "Anywhere on Earth (AoE)"
msgstr "Где угодно на Земле (AoE)"

msgid "Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)"
msgstr "Всемирное координированное время (UTC)"

msgid "Africa"
msgstr "Африка"

msgctxt "Region"
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Антарктида"

msgid "Asia"
msgstr "Азия"

#. FIXME: rename this to Atlantic Ocean
msgctxt "Region"
msgid "Atlantic"
msgstr "Атлантика"

msgid "Australasia and Oceania"
msgstr "Австралайзия и Океания"

msgid "Central and South America"
msgstr "Центральная и Южная Америка"

msgid "Europe"
msgstr "Европа"

msgid "Middle East"
msgstr "Средний Восток"

msgid "North America"
msgstr "Северная Америка"

#. AF - Afghanistan
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Афганистан"

#. AL - Albania
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Албания"

#. DZ - Algeria
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Алжир"

#. AS - American Samoa, a territory of the United States in the
#. South Pacific, not to be confused with the separate nation
#. of "Samoa".
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Американское Самоа"

#. AD - Andorra
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Андорра"

#. AO - Angola
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Ангола"

#. AI - Anguilla, a British territory in the Caribbean
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Ангуилла"

#. AQ - Antarctica
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Антарктика"

#. AG - Antigua and Barbuda
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Антигуа и Барбуды"

#. AR - Argentina
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Аргентина"

#. AM - Armenia
#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Армения"

#. AW - Aruba, a Caribbean island that is one of the three
#. constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Аруба"

#. AU - Australia
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Австралия"

#. AT - Austria
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Австрия"

#. AZ - Azerbaijan
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Азербайджан"

#. BS - Bahamas
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Багамы"

#. BH - Bahrain
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Бахрейн"

#. BD - Bangladesh
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Бангладеш"

#. BB - Barbados
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Барбадос"

#. BY - Belarus
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Беларусь"

#. BE - Belgium. The local names for the country are "België"
#. (Dutch), Belgique (French), and Belgien (German).
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Бельгия"

#. BZ - Belize
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Белиз"

#. BJ - Benin
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Бенин"

#. BM - Bermuda, a British territory off the coast of the
#. United States
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Бермуды"

#. BT - Bhutan
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Бутан"

#. BO - Bolivia
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Боливия"

#. BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Босния и Герцеговина"

#. BW - Botswana
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Ботсвана"

#. BR - Brazil
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Бразилия"

#. IO - British Indian Ocean Territory, which is exactly what
#. it sounds like.
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "Британская территория в Индийском океане"

#. VG - British Virgin Islands, a British territory in the
#. Caribbean
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Британские Вирджинские о-ва"

#. BN - Brunei Darussalam
msgid "Brunei"
msgstr "Бруней"

#. BG - Bulgaria
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Болгария"

#. BF - Burkina Faso
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Буркина Фасо"

#. BI - Burundi
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Бурунди"

#. KH - Cambodia
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Камбоджа"

#. CM - Cameroon
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Камерун"

#. CA - Canada
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Канада"

#. CV - Cape Verde
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Капо-Верде"

#. KY - Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Каймановы острова"

#. CF - Central African Republic
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Центрально-африканская Республика"

#. TD - Chad
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Чад"

#. CL - Chile
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Чили"

#. CN - China. (The official ISO 3166 short English name does
#. not include "The People's Republic of".)
msgid "China"
msgstr "Китай"

#. CX - Christmas Island, a territory of Australia in the
#. Indian Ocean, not to be confused with various other islands
#. of the same name.
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Остров Рождества"

#. CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands, a territory of Australia in
#. the Indian Ocean. The "(Keeling)" is to distinguish them
#. from other "Cocos Island"s, and is part of the official name.
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Острова Кокос (Килинг)"

#. CO - Colombia
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Колумбия"

#. KM - Comoros
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Коморские Острова"

#. CD - Democratic Republic of the Congo
msgid "Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
msgstr "Демократическая республика Конго"

#. CG - Republic of the Congo. The official ISO 3166 short
#. English name is simply "Congo"; we use the long name to
#. better distinguish it from CD (The Democratic Republic of
#. the Congo).
msgid "Congo, Republic of the"
msgstr "Республика Конго"

#. CK - Cook Islands
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Острова Кука"

#. CR - Costa Rica
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Коста-Рика"

#. HR - Croatia
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Хорватия"

#. CU - Cuba
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Куба"

#. CY - Cyprus
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Кипр"

#. CZ - Czech Republic
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Чешская республика"

#. CI - Côte d'Ivoire
msgid "Côte d'Ivoire"
msgstr "Кот'д'Ивуар"

#. DK - Denmark. The Danish name is "Danmark"
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Дания"

#. DJ - Djibouti
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Джибути"

#. DM - Dominica, a Caribbean island nation, not to be confused
#. with the Domincan Republic.
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Доминика"

#. DO - Dominican Republic
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Доминиканская республика"

#. EC - Ecuador
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Эквадор"

#. EG - Egypt
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Египет"

#. SV - El Salvador
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "Сальвадор"

#. GQ - Equatorial Guinea
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Экваториальная Гвинея"

#. ER - Eritrea
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Эритрея"

#. EE - Estonia
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Эстония"

#. ET - Ethiopia
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Эфиопия"

#. FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas), a British territory in the
#. South Atlantic also claimed by Argentina. (The British name
#. is "Falkland Islands". The Argentine name is "Islas
#. Malvinas". The parenthesized form is the compromise used by
#. ISO and the UN.)
msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgstr "Фолклендские острова"

#. FO - Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of Denmark in the
#. north Atlantic.
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Фарерские острова"

#. FJ - Fiji
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Фиджи"

#. FI - Finland
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Финляндия"

#. FR - France
msgid "France"
msgstr "Франция"

#. GF - French Guiana, an overseas department of France on the
#. northern coast of South America.
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "Французская Гвиана"

#. PF - French Polynesia, a French territory in the South
#. Pacific
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Французская Полинезия"

#. TF - French Southern Territories, a territory of France
#. consisting of several mostly-uninhabited islands in the
#. Indian Ocean. The French name is "Terres australes
#. françaises".
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "Французские Южные Территории"

#. GA - Gabon
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Габон"

#. GM - Gambia
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Гамбия"

#. GE - Georgia (the country, not the US state)
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Грузия"

#. DE - Germany
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Германия"

#. GH - Ghana
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Гана"

#. GI - Gibraltar, a British overseas territory on the southern
#. tip of Spain.
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Гибралтар"

#. GR - Greece
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Греция"

#. GL - Greenland, an autonomous province of Denmark in the
#. North Atlantic.
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Гренландия"

#. GD - Grenada
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Гренада"

#. GP - Guadeloupe, an overseas department of France in the
#. Caribbean.
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Гваделупа"

#. GU - Guam, a territory of the United States in the South
#. Pacific.
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Гуам"

#. GT - Guatemala
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Гватемала"

#. GG - The Bailiwick of Guernsey, a British Crown dependency
msgid "Guernsey"
msgstr "Гернси"

#. GN - Guinea
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Гвинея"

#. GW - Guinea-Bissau
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Гвинея-Биссау"

#. GY - Guyana
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Гайана"

#. HT - Haiti
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Гаити"

#. HN - Honduras
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Гондурас"

#. HK - Hong Kong, aka "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
#. of China"
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Гонконг"

#. HU - Hungary
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Венгрия"

#. IS - Iceland
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Исландия"

#. IN - India
msgid "India"
msgstr "Индия"

#. ID - Indonesia
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Индонезия"

#. IR - Islamic Republic of Iran
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Иран"

#. IQ - Iraq
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Ирак"

#. IE - Ireland
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Ирландия"

#. IM - Isle of Man, a British Crown dependency
msgid "Isle of Man"
msgstr "Остров Мэн"

#. IL - Israel
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Израиль"

#. IT - Italy
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Италия"

#. JM - Jamaica
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Ямайка"

#. JP - Japan
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Япония"

#. JE - The Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown dependency
msgid "Jersey"
msgstr "Джерси"

#. JO - Jordan
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Иордания"

#. KZ - Kazakhstan
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Казахстан"

#. KE - Kenya
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Кения"

#. KI - Kiribati
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Кирибати"

#. XK, Kosovo
msgid "Kosovo"
msgstr "Косово"

#. KW - Kuwait
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Кувейт"

#. KG - Kyrgyzstan
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Киргизстан"

#. LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Лаос"

#. LV - Latvia
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Латвия"

#. LB - Lebanon
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Ливан"

#. LS - Lesotho
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Лесото"

#. LR - Liberia
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Либерия"

#. LY - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Ливия"

#. LI - Liechtenstien
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Лихтенштейн"

#. LT - Lithuania
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Литва"

#. LU - Luxembourg
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Люксембург"

#. MO - Macao, aka "Macao Special Administrative Region of
#. China". (The spellings "Macao" and "Macau" are both widely
#. used. The "u" spelling is currently slightly more popular in
#. English.)
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Макао"

#. MK - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Македония"

#. MG - Madagascar
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Мадагаскар"

#. MW - Malawi
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Малави"

#. MY - Malaysia
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Малайзия"

#. MV - Maldives
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Мальдивы"

#. ML - Mali
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Мали"

#. MT - Malta
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Мальта"

#. MH - Marshall Islands
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Маршалловы Острова"

#. MQ - Martinique, an overseas department of France in the
#. Caribbean.
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Мартиника"

#. MR - Mauritania
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Мавритания"

#. MU - Mauritius
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Маврикий"

#. YT - Mayotte
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Майотте"

#. MX - Mexico
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Мексика"

#. FM - Federated States of Micronesia
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of"
msgstr "Федеративные Штаты Микронезии"

#. MD - Moldova
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Молдавия"

#. MC - Monaco
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Монако"

#. MN - Mongolia
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Монголия"

#. ME - Montenegro
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Черногория"

#. MS - Montserrat, a British territory in the Caribbean.
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Монсеррат"

#. MA - Morocco
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Марокко"

#. MZ - Mozambique
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Мозамбик"

#. MM - Myanmar (also known as Burma, but "Myanmar" is
#. currently the official ISO 3166 short English name, and gets
#. more Google hits in English)
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Мьянма"

#. NA - Namibia
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Намибия"

#. NR - Nauru
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Науру"

#. NP - Nepal
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Непал"

#. NL - Netherlands
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Нидерланды"

#. AN - Netherlands Antilles, a group of Caribbean islands; one
#. of the three constituent countries of the Kingdom of the
#. Netherlands.
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Нидерландские Антилы"

#. NC - New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific.
#. The French name is "Nouvelle-Calédonie".
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Новая Каледония"

#. NZ - New Zealand
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Новая Зеландия"

#. NI - Nicaragua
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Никарагуа"

#. NE - Niger
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Нигер"

#. NG - Nigeria
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Нигерия"

#. NU - Niue
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Ниуе"

#. NF - Norfolk Island, a territory of Australia
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Норфолкские острова"

#. KP - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, aka North
#. Korea
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Северная Корея"

#. MP - Northern Mariana Islands, a semi-independent territory
#. of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean.
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Северные Марианские острова"

#. NO - Norway
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Норвегия"

#. OM - Oman
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Оман"

#. PK - Pakistan
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Пакистан"

#. PW - Palau
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Палау"

#. PS - Occupied Palestinian Territory
msgid "Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "Палестинские территории"

#. PA - Panama. The local (Spanish) name is "Panamá". In common
#. English usage (and in ISO 3166) it does not have the accent.
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Панама"

#. PG - Papua New Guinea
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Папуа-Новая Гвинея"

#. PY - Paraguay
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Парагвай"

#. PE - Peru
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Перу"

#. PH - Philippines
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Филиппины"

#. PN - Pitcairn, a British territory in the South Pacific
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Питкэрн"

#. PL - Poland
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Польша"

#. PT - Portugal
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Португалия"

#. PR - Puerto Rico, a territory of the United States in the
#. Caribbean.
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Рико"

#. QA - Qatar
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Катар"

#. RO - Romania
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Румыния"

#. RU - Russian Federation
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Россия"

#. RW - Rwanda
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Руанда"

#. RE - Réunion, an overseas department of France in the Indian
#. Ocean.
msgid "Réunion"
msgstr "Реюньон"

#. BL - Saint Barthélemy, an overseas territory of France in
#. the Caribbean, formerly part of Guadeloupe.
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr "Сент-Бартелеми"

#. SH - Saint Helena, a British territory in the South Atlantic
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr "Святая Елена"

#. KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Сент-Китс и Невис"

#. LC - Saint Lucia
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Сент-Люсиа"

#. MF - Saint Martin, the French half of the island of Saint
#. Martin / Sint Maarten. (The Dutch half is considered part of
#. the Netherlands Antilles.)
msgid "Saint Martin"
msgstr "Сент-Мартин"

#. PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French territory in North
#. America (off the coast of Newfoundland). The French name is
#. "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon".
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Сен-Пьер и Микелон"

#. VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Сент-Винсент и Гренадины"

#. WS - Samoa, an independent nation not to be confused with
#. "American Samoa"
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Самоа"

#. SM - San Marino
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "Сан-Марино"

#. ST - Sao Tome and Principe. The local (Portuguese) name is
#. "São Tomé and Príncipe". The official ISO 3166 short English
#. name does not have the accents.
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "Сан-Томе и Принципе"

#. SA - Saudi Arabia
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Саудовская Аравия"

#. SN - Senegal
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Сенегал"

#. RS - Serbia
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Сербия"

#. SC - Seychelles
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Сейшелы"

#. SL - Sierra Leone
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Сьерра-Леоне"

#. SG - Singapore
msgctxt "Country"
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Сингапур"

#. SK - Slovakia
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Словакия"

#. SI - Slovenia
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Словения"

#. SB - Solomon Islands
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Соломоновы Острова"

#. SO - Somalia
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Сомали"

#. ZA - South Africa
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Южная Африка"

#. GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, a British
#. territory in the South Atlantic.
msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
msgstr "Южная Джорджия и Сандвичевы острова"

#. KR - The Republic of Korea, aka South Korea
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "Южная Корея"

#. ES - Spain
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Испания"

#. LK - Sri Lanka
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Шри-Ланка"

#. SD - Sudan
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Судан"

#. SR - Suriname
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Суринам"

#. SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Svalbard is an island in the
#. Arctic Ocean which is a part of Norway with unusual status
#. internationally.
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
msgstr "Свальбард и Ян-Майен"

#. SZ - Swaziland
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Свазиленд"

#. SE - Sweden
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Швеция"

#. CH - Switzerland
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Швейцария"

#. SY - Syrian Arab Republic
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Сирия"

#. TW - Taiwan, Province of China. (That's the official ISO
#. 3166 short English name.)
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Тайвань"

#. TJ - Tajikistan
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Таджикистан"

#. TZ - United Republic of Tanzania
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Танзания"

#. TH - Thailand
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Таиланд"

#. TL - Timor-Leste (formerly known as "East Timor")
msgid "Timor-Leste"
msgstr "Восточный Тимор"

#. TG - Togo
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Того"

#. TK - Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Такелау"

#. TO - Tonga
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Тонга"

#. TT - Trinidad and Tobago
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Тринидад и Тобаго"

#. TN - Tunisia
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Тунис"

#. TR - Turkey
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Турция"

#. TM - Turkmenistan
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Туркменистан"

#. TC - Turks and Caicos Islands, a British territory in the
#. Caribbean
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Тёркс и Кайкос"

#. TV - Tuvalu
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Тувалу"

#. UG - Uganda
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Уганда"

#. UA - Ukraine
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Украина"

#. AE - United Arab Emirates
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Объединённые Арабские Эмираты"

#. GB - United Kingdom
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Соединённое Королевство"

#. US - United States, aka United States of America
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Соединённые Штаты"

#. UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands, a group of
#. mostly-uninhabited United States territories in the South
#. Pacific.
msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr "Внешние малые острова США"

#. VI - United States Virgin Islands, a territory of the United
#. States in the Caribbean
msgid "United States Virgin Islands"
msgstr "Виргинские острова США"

#. UY - Uruguay
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Уругвай"

#. UZ - Uzbekistan
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Узбекистан"

#. VU - Vanuatu
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Вануату"

#. VA - Holy See (Vatican City State)
msgid "Vatican City"
msgstr "Ватикан"

#. VE - Venezuela
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Венесуэла"

#. VN - Viet Nam (The official ISO 3166 short English name
#. includes a space, though it is also frequently written
#. without one.)
msgid "Viet Nam"
msgstr "Вьетнам"

#. WF - Wallis and Futuna, a French territory in the South
#. Pacific
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
msgstr "Валлис и Фотуна"

#. EH - Western Sahara, a disputed territory in western Africa
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Западная Сахара"

#. YE - Yemen
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Йемен"

#. ZM - Zambia
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Замбия"

#. ZW - Zimbabwe
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Зимбабве"

#. AX - Åland Islands, an autonomous province of Finland
msgid "Åland Islands"
msgstr "Острова Аланд"

#. The time zone used in the western half of the Democratic
#. Republic of the Congo. The string is only used in places
#. where "Democratic Republic of the Congo" is already
#. clear from context. FIXME: is there an official name for
#. this zone?
msgid "Western Congo"
msgstr "Западное Конго"

#. The time zone used in the eastern half of the Democratic
#. Republic of the Congo. The string is only used in places
#. where "Democratic Republic of the Congo" is already
#. clear from context. FIXME: is there an official name for
#. this zone?
msgid "Eastern Congo"
msgstr "Восточное Конго"

#. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps
#. the same time as mainland Chile. The string is only used
#. in places where "Antarctica" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Palmer Station (Chile Time)"
msgstr "Станция Палмер (Чилийское время)"

#. A British research station in Antarctica. The string is
#. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Rothera Research Station"
msgstr "Ротера, исследовательская станция"

#. A Japanese research station in Antarctica. The string is
#. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Showa Station"
msgstr "Шова-Стейшн"

#. An Australian research station in Antarctica. The string
#. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already
#. clear from context.
msgid "Mawson Station"
msgstr "Мэйсон-Стейшн"

#. A Russian research station in Antarctica. The string is
#. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Vostok Station"
msgstr "Станция Восток"

#. An Australian research station in Antarctica. The string
#. is only used in places where "Antarctica" is already
#. clear from context.
msgid "Davis Station"
msgstr "Станция Дэвис"

#. An Australian research station in Antarctica, which
#. keeps the same time as Western Australia. The string is
#. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Casey Station (Western Australia Time)"
msgstr "Кэйси-Стэйшн (Западное австралийское время)"

#. A French research station in Antarctica. The string is
#. only used in places where "Antarctica" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Dumont d'Urville Station"
msgstr "Станция Дюмон-д'Урвиль"

#. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps
#. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in
#. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context.
msgid "McMurdo Station (New Zealand Time)"
msgstr "Станиция Мак-Мурдо (Новозеландское время)"

#. An American research station in Antarctica, which keeps
#. the same time as New Zealand. The string is only used in
#. places where "Antarctica" is already clear from context.
msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (New Zealand Time)"
msgstr "Полярная станция Амундсена-Скотта (новозеландское время)"

#. The time zone used in the eastern half of Kazakhstan.
#. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone?
msgid "Eastern Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Восточный Казахстан"

#. The time zone used in the western half of Kazakhstan.
#. FIXME: is there an official name for this zone?
msgid "Western Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Западный Казахстан"

#. The time zone used in the eastern part of Mongolia.
#. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
msgid "Eastern Mongolia"
msgstr "Восточная Монголия"

#. The time zone used in the western part of Mongolia.
#. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
msgid "Western Mongolia"
msgstr "Западная Монголия"

#. The time zone used in the central part of Mongolia.
#. FIXME: Is there an official name for this zone?
msgid "Central Mongolia"
msgstr "Центральная Монголия"

#. The timezone around Danmarkshavn station in Greenland.
#. The string is only used in places where "Greenland" is
#. already clear from context.
msgid "Danmarkshavn"
msgstr "Дэнмаркшван"

#. The primary timezone for Greenland, although sources
#. seem to point towards calling the area "Western
#. Greenland" rathern than just "Greenland".
msgid "Western Greenland"
msgstr "Западный Гринланд"

#. The timezone around Scoresbysund / Ittoqqortoormiit on
#. the east coast of Greenland.
msgid "Eastern Greenland"
msgstr "Восточная Гринландия"

#. The timezone at the Thule US Air Force Base on the west
#. coast of Greenland.
msgid "Thule AFB"
msgstr "Туле, воздушная база США"

#. The time zone used on the east coast of Canada, in
#. Bermuda, and on many Caribbean islands. In
#. French-speaking parts of Canada it is called "Heure de
#. l'Atlantique". The string is only used in places where a
#. country is already clear from the context.
msgid "Atlantic Time"
msgstr "Атлантическое время"

#. The time zone used in Western Australia. The string is
#. only used in places where "Australia" is already clear
#. from context.
msgid "Western Time"
msgstr "Западное время"

#. The commonly-used name for an unofficial time zone used
#. in part of southwestern Australia. The string is only
#. used in places where "Australia" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Central Western Time"
msgstr "Центральное западное время"

#. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. state of South Australia, and is only used in places
#. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Central Time (South Australia)"
msgstr "Центральное время (Южная Австралия)"

#. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in
#. Yancowinna county in the state of New South Wales (NSW),
#. which uses Central Time even though the rest of the
#. state uses Eastern Time. This string is only used in
#. places where "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Central Time (Yancowinna, NSW)"
msgstr "Центральное время (Янковинна, НСВ)"

#. The time zone used in Central Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. Northern Territory, which does not use Summer Time. This
#. string is only used in places where "Australia" is
#. already clear from context.
msgid "Central Time (Northern Territory)"
msgstr "Центральное время (Северные территории)"

#. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. state of Tasmania, and is only used in places where
#. "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Eastern Time (Tasmania)"
msgstr "Восточное время (Тасмания)"

#. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. state of Victoria, and is only used in places where
#. "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Eastern Time (Victoria)"
msgstr "Восточное время (Виктория)"

#. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. state of New South Wales, and is only used in places
#. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Eastern Time (New South Wales)"
msgstr "Восточное время (Новый Южный Уэльс)"

#. The time zone used in Eastern Australia. This string is
#. specifically for the time zone as implemented in the
#. state of Queensland, which does not use Summer Time.
#. This string is only used in places where "Australia" is
#. already clear from context.
msgid "Eastern Time (Queensland)"
msgstr "Восточное время (Квинсленд)"

#. The time zone used on Lord Howe Island, off the east
#. coast of Australia. This string is only used in places
#. where "Australia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Lord Howe Island"
msgstr "Лорд-Хов-Айленд"

#. This refers to the time zone in the Society Islands of
#. French Polynesia (including in particular the island of
#. Tahiti). This string is only used in places where
#. "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Tahiti / Society Islands"
msgstr "Таити / Острова Сообщества"

#. This refers to the time zone in the Marquesas Islands of
#. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places
#. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Marquesas Islands"
msgstr "Острова Маркесас"

#. This refers to the time zone in the Gambier Islands of
#. French Polynesia. This string is only used in places
#. where "French Polynesia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Gambier Islands"
msgstr "Острова Гамбьер"

#. The timezone on the western islands of Indonesia. The
#. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat".
msgid "Western Indonesia Time"
msgstr "Западное индонезийское время"

#. The timezone on the central islands of Indonesia. The
#. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah".
msgid "Central Indonesia Time"
msgstr "Центральное индонезийское время"

#. The timezone on the eastern islands of Indonesia. The
#. name in Indonesian is "Waktu Indonesia Bagian Timur".
msgid "Eastern Indonesia Time"
msgstr "Восточное Индонезийское время"

#. The time zone in the Gilbert Islands, one of the three
#. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used
#. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
msgid "Gilbert Islands"
msgstr "Острова Гилберт"

#. The time zone in the Phoenix Islands, one of the three
#. main island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used
#. in places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
msgid "Phoenix Islands"
msgstr "Острова Феникс"

#. The time zone in the Line Islands, one of the three main
#. island groups of Kiribati. This string is only used in
#. places where "Kiribati" is already clear from context.
msgid "Line Islands"
msgstr "Лайн-Айленд"

#. One of two time zones in the Federated States of
#. Micronesia, including the islands of Pohnpei and Kosrae.
#. The string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is
#. already clear from context.
msgid "Pohnpei / Kosrae"
msgstr "Похнпей / Косрае"

#. One of two time zones in the Federated States of
#. Micronesia, including the islands of Yap and Chuuk. The
#. string is only used in places where "Micronesia" is
#. already clear from context.
msgid "Yap / Chuuk"
msgstr "Яап / Чуук"

#. This refers to the "mainland" of New Zealand (ie, North
#. Island and South Island), to distinguish it from the
#. Chatham Islands. The string is only used in places where
#. "New Zealand" is already clear from context. FIXME: is
#. there a better name for this? "Mainland" seems odd in
#. reference to an island nation...
msgid "Mainland New Zealand"
msgstr "Новая Зеландия"

#. This refers to the time zone in the Chatham Islands of
#. New Zealand.
msgid "Chatham Islands"
msgstr "Чатам-Айленд"

#. The time zone for the Johnston Atoll in the United
#. States Minor Outlying Islands, which keeps the same time
#. as the US state of Hawaii. The string is only used in
#. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already
#. clear from context.
msgid "Johnston Atoll (Hawaii Time)"
msgstr "Атол Джонстон (Гавайское время)"

#. The time zone for the Midway Atoll in the United States
#. Minor Outlying Islands, which uses the same time as
#. American Samoa (which is in fact also the same time zone
#. as (non-American) Samoa). The string is only used in
#. places where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already
#. clear from context.
msgid "Midway Atoll (Samoa Time)"
msgstr "Атолл Мидвей (Самоанское время)"

#. The time zone for Wake Island in the United States Minor
#. Outlying Islands. The string is only used in places
#. where "US Minor Outlying Islands" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Wake Island"
msgstr "Остров Уэйк"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Tocantins. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgid "Tocantins"
msgstr "Точантинс"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Bahia. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Bahia"
msgstr "Баия"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Amapá and the eastern part of Pará. See the comment on
#. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only
#. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Amapá / East Pará"
msgstr "Амапа / Восточная Пара"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Roraima. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Roraima"
msgstr "Рорайма"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Mato Grosso do Sul. See the comment on "Brasília Time"
#. for more details. This string is only used in places
#. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul"
msgstr "Мату-Гросу-ду-Сул"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Mato Grosso. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Mato Grosso"
msgstr "Мату-Гросу"

#. This represents the time zone in the western part of the
#. Brazilian state of Amazonas. See the comment on
#. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only
#. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "West Amazonas"
msgstr "Западная Амазонка"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian states of
#. Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, and Rio Grande do
#. Norte. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgid "Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte"
msgstr "Кеара, Маранхао, Парайба, Пилау, Рио-Граде-До-Нотр"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian states of
#. Alagoas and Sergipe. See the comment on "Brasília Time"
#. for more details. This string is only used in places
#. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgid "Alagoas, Sergipe"
msgstr "Алагоас, Сергипе"

#. This represents the time zone in the eastern part of the
#. Brazilian state of Amazonas. See the comment on
#. "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only
#. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "East Amazonas"
msgstr "Восточный Амазонас"

#. This represents the time zone on the Brazilian island of
#. Fernando de Noronha. See the comment on "Brasília Time"
#. for more details. This string is only used in places
#. where "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgid "Fernando de Noronha"
msgstr "Фернанду-ди-Норонья"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Rondônia and the western part of Pará. See the comment
#. on "Brasília Time" for more details. This string is only
#. used in places where "Brazil" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "West Pará, Rondônia"
msgstr "Уэст-Пара, Рондониа"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Pernambuco. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Pernambuco"
msgstr "Пернамбуку"

#. This represents the time zone in the Brazilian state of
#. Acre. See the comment on "Brasília Time" for more
#. details. This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgctxt "Timezone"
msgid "Acre"
msgstr "Акри"

#. This represents the official "base" time zone in Brazil,
#. covering the capital city of Brasília, and those states
#. that choose to follow it. Each Brazilian state decides
#. on its own each year whether or not to observe Daylight
#. Saving Time. The tzdata database breaks the states up
#. into groups of states that generally make the same
#. decision in a given year. Thus, in any given year,
#. several of the time zones will appear to be redundant,
#. but exactly which ones seem redundant may differ from
#. year to year, and there's no good way to identify the
#. zones other than by listing states.  Anyway, "Brasília
#. Time" is the most common timezone, being used by about a
#. third of the states in Brazil (Distrito Federal,
#. Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de
#. Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São
#. Paulo). This string is only used in places where
#. "Brazil" is already clear from context.
msgid "Brasília Time"
msgstr "Бразильское время"

#. This refers to the time zone for mainland Chile (as
#. opposed to the time zone for Easter Island).
msgid "Mainland Chile"
msgstr "Чили"

#. This refers to the time zone for Easter Island. The
#. string is only used in places where "Chile" is already
#. understood from context.
msgid "Easter Island"
msgstr "Остров Пасхи"

#. This refers to the time zone for mainland Ecuador (as
#. opposed to the time zone for the Galapagos Islands).
msgid "Mainland Ecuador"
msgstr "Эквадор"

#. The time zone for the Galapagos Islands.
msgid "Galapagos Islands"
msgstr "Галапагосские острова"

#. The time zone in the UK (GMT in the winter, and British
#. Summer Time in the summer.)
msgid "GMT/BST"
msgstr "GMT/BST"

#. The time zone in Ireland (GMT in the winter, and Irish
#. Summer Time in the summer.)
msgid "GMT/IST"
msgstr "GMT/IST"

#. This refers to the time zone for the Azores. The string
#. is only used in places where "Portugal" is already
#. understood from context.
msgid "Azores"
msgstr "Азорские острова"

#. This refers to the time zone for the Portuguese island
#. of Madeira. The string is only used in places where
#. "Portugal" is already understood from context.
msgid "Madeira"
msgstr "Мадейра"

#. This refers to the time zone for mainland Portugal (as
#. opposed to the time zone for the Azores).
msgid "Mainland Portugal"
msgstr "Португалия"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the city and oblast of
#. Kaliningrad on the Baltic sea. The Russian name is
#. "Калининградское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Kaliningrad Time"
msgstr "Калининградское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in most of the European part
#. of Russia, including Moscow. The Russian name is
#. "Московское время". This string is only used in places
#. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Moscow Time"
msgstr "Московское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Samara oblast and
#. Udmurtia, on the eastern edge of European Russia. The
#. Russian name is "Самарское время". This string is only
#. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Samara Time"
msgstr "Самарское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used along the Ural mountains,
#. including the city of Yekaterinburg. The Russian name is
#. "Екатеринбургское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Yekaterinburg Time"
msgstr "Екатеринбургское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Omsk oblast
#. and surrounding areas of south-central Russia.
#. The Russian name is "Омское время". This string is only
#. used in places where "Russia" is already clear from
#. context.
msgid "Omsk Time"
msgstr "Омское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Novosibirsk oblast.
#. The Russian name is "Новосибирское время".
#. This string is only used in places
#. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Novosibirsk Time"
msgstr "Новосибирское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Krasnoyarsk krai and
#. surrounding areas of central Russia. The Russian name is
#. "Красноярское время". This string is only used in places
#. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Krasnoyarsk Time"
msgstr "Красноярское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Irkutsk oblast and
#. surrounding areas of south-central Russia. The Russian
#. name is "Иркутское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Irkutsk Time"
msgstr "Иркутское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the city of Yakutsk and
#. surrounding areas of east-central Russia. The Russian
#. name is "Якутское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Yakutsk Time"
msgstr "Якутское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the city of Vladivostok and
#. surrounding areas of eastern Russia. The Russian name is
#. "Владивостокское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Vladivostok Time"
msgstr "Владивостокское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Magadan oblast and
#. surrounding areas of eastern Russia. The Russian name is
#. "Магаданское время". This string is only used in places
#. where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Magadan Time"
msgstr "Магаданское время"

#. A Russian time zone, used in the Kamchatka krai and
#. Chukotka okrug of far-eastern Russia. The Russian name
#. is "Камчатское время". This string is only used in
#. places where "Russia" is already clear from context.
msgid "Kamchatka Time"
msgstr "Камчатское время"

#. This refers to the time zone for the Canary Islands. The
#. string is only used in places where "Spain" is already
#. clear from context.
msgid "Canary Islands"
msgstr "Канарские острова"

#. This refers to the time zone for mainland Spain (as
#. opposed to the time zone for the Canary Islands).
msgid "Mainland Spain"
msgstr "Испания"

#. The time zone for the Spanish cities of Ceuta and
#. Melilla, on the coast of Africa. The string is only used
#. in places where "Spain" is already clear from context.
msgid "Ceuta and Melilla"
msgstr "Сеута и Мелила"

#. The time zone used on most of the west coast of North
#. America. In Mexico it is called "Tiempo del Pacífico"
#. and in French-speaking parts of Canada it is called
#. "Heure du Pacifique". The string is only used in places
#. where "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from
#. the context.
msgid "Pacific Time"
msgstr "Тихоокеанское время"

#. The time zone used in the central-west part of North
#. America (ie, the Rocky Mountains). In Mexico it is
#. called "Tiempo de la Montaña", and in French-speaking
#. parts of Canada it is called "Heure des Rocheuses". The
#. string is only used in places where "US", "Canada" or
#. "Mexico" is already clear from the context.
msgid "Mountain Time"
msgstr "Горный часовой пояс"

#. This represents the time zone in the northeastern part
#. of the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), which
#. is part of the "Mountain Time" zone, but does not
#. observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest of the zone.
msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Northeast BC)"
msgstr "Горный часовой пояс, без летнего времени (северо-восточная колумбия)"

#. The time zone used in the central-east part of North
#. America. In Mexico it is called "Tiempo del Centro", and
#. in French-speaking parts of Canada it is called "Heure
#. du Centre". The string is only used in places where
#. "US", "Canada" or "Mexico" is already clear from the
#. context.
msgid "Central Time"
msgstr "Центральное время"

#. This represents the time zone in the Canadian province
#. of Saskatchewan, which is part of the "Central Time"
#. zone, but does not observe Daylight Saving Time with the
#. rest of the zone.
msgid "Central Time, no DST (Saskatchewan)"
msgstr "Центральное время без перехода на летнее (Саскачеван)"

#. The time zone used on the east coast of the United
#. States, and the corresponding (non-coastal) part of
#. Canada. In French-speaking parts of Canada it is called
#. "Heure de l'Est". The string is only used in places
#. where "US" or "Canada" is already clear from the context.
msgid "Eastern Time"
msgstr "Восточное время"

#. This represents the time zone in certain parts of Canada
#. (such as Southampton Island, Nunavut, and Atikokan,
#. Ontario) which are part of the "Eastern Time" zone, but
#. which do not observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest
#. of the zone.
msgid "Eastern Time, no DST (Southampton Island, etc)"
msgstr "Восточное время без перехода на летнее (Остров Саутгемптон)"

#. This represents the time zone in the far eastern portion
#. of the Canadian province of Quebec, which is part of the
#. "Atlantic Time" zone, but does not observe Daylight
#. Saving Time with the rest of the zone.
msgid "Atlantic Time, no DST (Eastern Quebec)"
msgstr "Атлантическое время, без летнего (восточный Квебек)"

#. The time zone used in the Canadian province of
#. Newfoundland. In French-speaking parts of Canada it is
#. called "Heure de Terre-Neuve".
msgid "Newfoundland Time"
msgstr "Ньюфаундлендское время"

#. "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time" is the official name of the
#. time zone used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands of
#. Alaska in the United States. This string is for the time
#. zone as it is observed in the Aleutian Islands (with
#. Daylight Saving Time). It is only used in places where
#. "United States" is already clear from context.
msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time (Aleutian Islands)"
msgstr "Гавайское-Алеутанское время (Алеутанские Острова)"

#. "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time" is the official name of the
#. time zone used in Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands of
#. Alaska in the United States. This string is for the time
#. zone as it is observed in Hawaii, where they do not use
#. Daylight Saving Time. It is only used in places where
#. "United States" is already clear from context.
msgid "Hawaiian-Aleutian Time, no DST (Hawaii)"
msgstr "Гавайское-Алеутанское время, без летнего (Гаваи)"

#. The time zone used in the majority of Alaska in the
#. United States. The string is only used in places where
#. "United States" is already clear from context.
msgid "Alaska Time"
msgstr "Часовой пояс Аляски"

#. This represents the time zone in the US state of
#. Arizona, which is part of the "Mountain Time" zone, but
#. does not observe Daylight Saving Time with the rest of
#. the zone. The string is only used in places where
#. "United States" is already clear from context.
msgid "Mountain Time, no DST (Arizona)"
msgstr "Горный часовой пояс, без летнего времени (Аризона)"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "Australian Capital Territory"
msgstr "Австралийская столичная территория"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "New South Wales"
msgstr "Новый Южный Уэльс"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "Northern Territory"
msgstr "Северная территория"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "Queensland"
msgstr "Квинсленд"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "South Australia"
msgstr "Южная Австралия"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "Tasmania"
msgstr "Тасмания"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgctxt "State in Australia"
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Виктория"

#. A state/province/territory in Australia
msgid "Western Australia"
msgstr "Западная Австралия"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Antwerpen. local name
#. (fr): Anvers. local name (de): Antwerpen.
msgctxt "State in Belgium"
msgid "Antwerp"
msgstr "Антверпен"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Brussel, Vlaams- en
#. Waals-Brabant. local name (fr): Bruxelles, Brabant flamand
#. et wallon. local name (de): Brüssel, Flämish- und
#. Wallonisch-Brabant.
msgid "Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant"
msgstr "Брюссельский, Фламандский и Валлонский Брабант"

#. A state/province/territory in Belgium
msgid "East-Flanders"
msgstr "Ист-Фландерс"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (fr): Hainaut. local name
#. (fr_BE): Hinnot. local name (nl): Henegouwen. local name
#. (de): Hennegau.
msgid "Hainaut"
msgstr "Эно"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): Limburg. local name
#. (fr): Limbourg. local name (de): Limburg.
msgid "Limburg"
msgstr "Лимбург"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (fr): Liège. local name
#. (fr_BE): Lîdje. local name (nl): Luik. local name (de):
#. Lüttich.
msgid "Liège"
msgstr "Льеж"

#. A state/province/territory in Belgium
msgctxt "State in Belgium"
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Люксембург"

#. A state/province/territory in Belgium
msgid "Namur"
msgstr "Намур"

#. A state in Belgium. local name (nl): West-Vlaanderen.
#. local name (fr): Flandre occidentale. local name (de):
#. Westflandern.
msgid "West-Flanders"
msgstr "Западная Фландрия"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Acre"
msgstr "Акри"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Alagoas"
msgstr "Алагоас"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Amapá"
msgstr "Амапа"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Amazonas"
msgstr "Амазонас"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Bahia"
msgstr "Баия"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Ceará"
msgstr "Кеара"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Distrito Federal"
msgstr "Дистрито-Федераль"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Espírito Santo"
msgstr "Эспирито-Санто"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Goiás"
msgstr "Гоиас"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Maranhão"
msgstr "Маранхао"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Mato Grosso"
msgstr "Мату-Гросу"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Mato Grosso do Sul"
msgstr "Мату-Гросу-ду-Сул"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Minas Gerais"
msgstr "Минас-Гераис"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Paraná"
msgstr "Парана"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Paraíba"
msgstr "Парайба"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Pará"
msgstr "Пара"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Pernambuco"
msgstr "Пернамбуку"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Piauí"
msgstr "Пиауи"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Rio Grande do Norte"
msgstr "Рио-Гранде-До-Норте"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Rio Grande do Sul"
msgstr "Рио-Гранде-До-Сул"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Rio de Janeiro"
msgstr "Рио-Де-Жанейро"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Rondônia"
msgstr "Рондониа"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "Roraima"
msgstr "Рорайма"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Santa Catarina"
msgstr "Санта-Катарина"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Sergipe"
msgstr "Сергипе"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgctxt "State in Brazil"
msgid "São Paulo"
msgstr "Сан-Паулу"

#. A state/province/territory in Brazil
msgid "Tocantis"
msgstr "Точантис"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Alberta"
msgstr "Альберта"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "British Columbia"
msgstr "Британская Колумбия"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Manitoba"
msgstr "Манитоба"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "New Brunswick"
msgstr "Нью-Брансуик"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Newfoundland and Labrador"
msgstr "Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Northwest Territories"
msgstr "Северо-западная территория"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Nova Scotia"
msgstr "Новая Шотландия"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Nunavut"
msgstr "Нунавут"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgctxt "State in Canada"
msgid "Ontario"
msgstr "Онтарио"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Prince Edward Island"
msgstr "Остров Принца Эдварда"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgctxt "State in Canada"
msgid "Quebec"
msgstr "Квебек"

#. A state/province/territory in Canada
msgid "Saskatchewan"
msgstr "Саскачеван"

#. FIXME: rename this to Yukon
msgid "Yukon Territory"
msgstr "Территория Юкон"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Anhui"
msgstr "Аньхой"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgctxt "State in China"
msgid "Beijing"
msgstr "Пекин"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgctxt "State in China"
msgid "Chongqing"
msgstr "Чунцин"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Fujian"
msgstr "Фуцзянь"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Gansu"
msgstr "Гансу"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Guangdong"
msgstr "Гуандун"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Guangxi"
msgstr "Гуанси"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Guizhou"
msgstr "Гуйчжоу"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Hainan"
msgstr "Хайнань"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Heilongjiang"
msgstr "Хэйлунцзян"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Henan"
msgstr "Хенан"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Hubei"
msgstr "Хубэй"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Hunan"
msgstr "Хунань"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Inner Mongolia"
msgstr "Внутренняя Монголия"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Jiangsu"
msgstr "Цзянсу"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Jilin"
msgstr "Гирин"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Liaoning"
msgstr "Ляонин"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Shaanxi"
msgstr "Шэньси"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Shandong"
msgstr "Шаньдун"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgctxt "State in China"
msgid "Shanghai"
msgstr "Шанхай"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Shanxi"
msgstr "Шаньси"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Sichuan"
msgstr "Сичуань"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgctxt "State in China"
msgid "Tianjin"
msgstr "Тяньцзинь"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Xinjiang"
msgstr "Синьцзян"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Yunnan"
msgstr "Юньнань"

#. A state/province/territory in China
msgid "Zhejiang"
msgstr "Чжэцзян"

msgid "Tbilisi"
msgstr "Тбилиси"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgid "Baden-Württemberg"
msgstr "Баден-Вюртемберг"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Bayern". Please
#. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
#. your language.
msgid "Bavaria"
msgstr "Бавария"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgctxt "State in Germany"
msgid "Berlin"
msgstr "Берлин"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgid "Brandenburg"
msgstr "Бранденбург"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgctxt "State in Germany"
msgid "Bremen"
msgstr "Бремен"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgctxt "State in Germany"
msgid "Hamburg"
msgstr "Гамбург"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Hessen". Please
#. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
#. your language.
msgid "Hesse"
msgstr "Гессен"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Niedersachsen".
#. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
#. name in your language.
msgid "Lower Saxony"
msgstr "Южная Саксония"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is
#. "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern". Please use that unless you know
#. that it has a different name in your language.
msgid "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania"
msgstr "Мекленбург — Передняя Померания"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is
#. "Nordrhein-Westfalen". Please use that unless you know
#. that it has a different name in your language.
msgid "North Rhine-Westphalia"
msgstr "Северный Рейн — Вестфалия"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Rheinland-Pfalz".
#. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
#. name in your language.
msgid "Rhineland-Palatinate"
msgstr "Рейнланд-Пфальц"

#. A state/province/territory in Germany
msgid "Saarland"
msgstr "Саар"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Sachsen". Please
#. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
#. your language.
msgid "Saxony"
msgstr "Саксония"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Sachsen-Anhalt".
#. Please use that unless you know that it has a different
#. name in your language.
msgid "Saxony-Anhalt"
msgstr "Саксония-Анхальт"

#. A state in Germany. The Danish name is "Slesvig-Holsten".
msgid "Schleswig-Holstein"
msgstr "Шлезвиг-Гольштейн"

#. A state in Germany.  The local name is "Thüringen". Please
#. use that unless you know that it has a different name in
#. your language.
msgid "Thuringia"
msgstr "Тюрингия"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Aguascalientes"
msgstr "Агуаскальентес"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Baja California"
msgstr "Байа Калифорния"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Baja California Sur"
msgstr "Байа Калифорния Сур"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Campeche"
msgstr "Кампече"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Chiapas"
msgstr "Чиапас"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Chihuahua"
msgstr "Чихуахуа"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Coahuila"
msgstr "Коахуила"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Colima"
msgstr "Колима"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Distrito Federal"
msgstr "Дистрито-Федераль"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Durango"
msgstr "Дуранго"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Guanajuato"
msgstr "Гуанаюато"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Guerrero"
msgstr "Гуерреро"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Hidalgo"
msgstr "Идальго"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Jalisco"
msgstr "Халиско"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Michoacán"
msgstr "Мичоакан"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Morelos"
msgstr "Морелос"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "México"
msgstr "Мехико"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Nayarit"
msgstr "Наярит"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Nuevo León"
msgstr "Нуэво-Леон"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Oaxaca"
msgstr "Оахака"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Puebla"
msgstr "Пуэбла"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Querétaro"
msgstr "Куерретаро"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Quintana Roo"
msgstr "Куитана-Ру"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "San Luis Potosí"
msgstr "Сан-Луис-Потоси"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Sinaloa"
msgstr "Синалоа"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Sonora"
msgstr "Сонора"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Tabasco"
msgstr "Табаско"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Tamaulipas"
msgstr "Тамаулипас"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Tlaxcala"
msgstr "Тлакскала"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Veracruz"
msgstr "Веракрус"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgid "Yucatán"
msgstr "Юкатан"

#. A state/province/territory in Mexico
msgctxt "State in Mexico"
msgid "Zacatecas"
msgstr "Закатекас"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "East and South East England"
msgstr "Восточная и Юго-Восточная Англия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "Midlands"
msgstr "Мидленд"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "North East England"
msgstr "Северо-Восточная Англия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "North West England"
msgstr "Северо-Западная Англия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "Northern Ireland"
msgstr "Северная Ирландия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "Scotland"
msgstr "Шотландия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "South and South West England"
msgstr "Западная и Юго-Западная Англия"

#. A state/province/territory in United Kingdom
msgid "Wales"
msgstr "Уэльс"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Alabama"
msgstr "Алабама"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr "Аляска"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Arizona"
msgstr "Аризона"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Arkansas"
msgstr "Арканзас"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "California"
msgstr "Калифорния"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Colorado"
msgstr "Колорадо"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Connecticut"
msgstr "Коннектикут"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Delaware"
msgstr "Делавэр"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "District of Columbia"
msgstr "Округ Колумбия"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Florida"
msgstr "Флорида"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgctxt "State in United States"
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Джорджия"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr "Гаваи"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Idaho"
msgstr "Айдахо"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Illinois"
msgstr "Иллинойс"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgctxt "State in United States"
msgid "Indiana"
msgstr "Индиана"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Iowa"
msgstr "Айова"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Kansas"
msgstr "Канзас"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Kentucky"
msgstr "Кентукки"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Louisiana"
msgstr "Луизиана"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Maine"
msgstr "Мэн"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Maryland"
msgstr "Мэриленд"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Massachusetts"
msgstr "Массачусетс"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Michigan"
msgstr "Мичиган"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Minnesota"
msgstr "Миннесота"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Mississippi"
msgstr "Миссисипи"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Missouri"
msgstr "Миссури"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Montana"
msgstr "Монтана"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr "Небраска"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Nevada"
msgstr "Невада"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "New Hampshire"
msgstr "Нью-Хемпшир"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "New Jersey"
msgstr "Нью-Джерси"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "New Mexico"
msgstr "Нью-Мексико"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgctxt "State in United States"
msgid "New York"
msgstr "Нью-Йорк"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "North Carolina"
msgstr "Северная Каролина"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "North Dakota"
msgstr "Северная Дакота"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Ohio"
msgstr "Огайо"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Oklahoma"
msgstr "Оклахома"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Oregon"
msgstr "Орегон"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Pennsylvania"
msgstr "Пенсильвания"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Rhode Island"
msgstr "Род-Айленд"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "South Carolina"
msgstr "Южная Каролина"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "South Dakota"
msgstr "Южная Дакота"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Tennessee"
msgstr "Теннесси"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Texas"
msgstr "Техас"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Utah"
msgstr "Юта"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Vermont"
msgstr "Вермонт"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Virginia"
msgstr "Вирджиния"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgctxt "State in United States"
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Вашингтон"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "West Virginia"
msgstr "Западная Виргиния"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgid "Wisconsin"
msgstr "Висконсин"

#. A state/province/territory in United States
msgctxt "State in United States"
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr "Вайоминг"

#. A city in Afghanistan
msgid "Herat"
msgstr "Герат"

#. The capital of Afghanistan.
#. "Kabul" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Persian is "Kabol".
msgid "Kabul"
msgstr "Кабул"

#. The capital of Albania.
#. "Tirana" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Tiranë".
msgid "Tirana"
msgstr "Тирана"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Adrar"
msgstr "Адрар"

#. The capital of Algeria.
#. "Algiers" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in French is "Alger".
msgid "Algiers"
msgstr "Алжир"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Annaba"
msgstr "Аннаба"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Batna"
msgstr "Батна"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Bechar"
msgstr "Бичар"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Bejaia"
msgstr "Беджаия"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Berriane"
msgstr "Берриан"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Biskra"
msgstr "Бискра"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Bou Saada"
msgstr "Боу-Саада"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Chlef"
msgstr "Члеф"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Constantine"
msgstr "Константина"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Dar el Beida"
msgstr "Дар-Эль-Бейда"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Djanet"
msgstr "Джанет"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "El Golea"
msgstr "Эль Голеа"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Ghardaia"
msgstr "Гардая"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Hassi Messaoud"
msgstr "Хасси-Месауд"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "I-n-Amenas"
msgstr "Ин-Аменас"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "I-n-Salah"
msgstr "Ин-Салала"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Illizi"
msgstr "Иллизи"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Jijel"
msgstr "Жижель"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Laghouat"
msgstr "Лагуат"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Mascara"
msgstr "Маскара"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Oran"
msgstr "Оран"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Ouargla"
msgstr "Уаргла"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Setif"
msgstr "Сетиф"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Sidi Amrane"
msgstr "Сиди-Амран"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Sidi Bel Abbes"
msgstr "Сиди-Бель-Аббес"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Tamanrasset"
msgstr "Таманрассет"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Tebessa"
msgstr "Тебесса"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Tiaret"
msgstr "Тиарет"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Timimoun"
msgstr "Тимимун"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Tindouf"
msgstr "Тиндуф"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Tlemcen"
msgstr "Тлемкен"

#. A city in Algeria
msgid "Touggourt"
msgstr "Туггурт"

#. A city in American Samoa
msgid "Pago Pago"
msgstr "Паго-Паго"

#. The capital of Anguilla
msgid "The Valley"
msgstr "Зе-Воллей"

msgid "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station"
msgstr "Полярная станция Амундсена-Скотта"

#. A city in Antigua and Barbuda
msgid "Fitches Creek"
msgstr "Фитчес-Крик"

#. The capital of Antigua and Barbuda
msgctxt "City in Antigua and Barbuda"
msgid "Saint John's"
msgstr "Сент-Джонс"

#. The capital of Argentina
msgid "Buenos Aires"
msgstr "Буэнос-Айрес"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Comodoro Rivadavia"
msgstr "Комодоро-Ривадавия"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Corrientes"
msgstr "Корриентес"

#. A city in Argentina
msgctxt "City in Argentina"
msgid "Córdoba"
msgstr "Кордоба"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "El Palomar"
msgstr "Эль-Паломар"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Ezeiza"
msgstr "Эзейза"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Formosa"
msgstr "Формоза"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Mar del Plata"
msgstr "Мар-дель-Плата"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Mendoza"
msgstr "Мендоса"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Neuquén"
msgstr "Неукуен"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Posadas"
msgstr "Посадас"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Puerto Iguazú"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Игуазу"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Reconquista"
msgstr "Реконкиста"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Resistencia"
msgstr "Ресистенсия"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Rosario"
msgstr "Росарио"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Río Gallegos"
msgstr "Рио-Гальегос"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Río Grande"
msgstr "Рио-Гранде"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Salta"
msgstr "Сальта"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "San Carlos de Bariloche"
msgstr "Сан-Карлос-Де-Барилоче"

#. A city in Argentina
msgctxt "City in Argentina"
msgid "San Fernando"
msgstr "Сан-Фернандо"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "San Salvador de Jujuy"
msgstr "Сан-Сальвадор-Де-Ююу"

#. A city in Argentina
msgid "Ushuaia"
msgstr "Ушуайя"

#. The capital of Armenia
msgid "Yerevan"
msgstr "Ереван"

#. A city in Aruba
msgid "Camacuri"
msgstr "Камакури"

#. The capital of Aruba
msgid "Oranjestad"
msgstr "Оранжстад"

#. A city in South Australia in Australia
msgid "Adelaide"
msgstr "Аделаида"

#. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
msgid "Alice Springs"
msgstr "Алис-Спрингс"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Brisbane"
msgstr "Брисбен"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Broome"
msgstr "Брум"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Bullsbrook"
msgstr "Буллсбрук"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Cairns"
msgstr "Кайрнс"

#. The capital of Australia
msgid "Canberra"
msgstr "Канберра"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Coolangatta"
msgstr "Кулангатта"

#. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
msgid "Darwin"
msgstr "Дарвин"

#. A city in New South Wales in Australia
msgid "Dubbo"
msgstr "Даббо"

#. A city in New South Wales in Australia
msgid "Forest Hill"
msgstr "Форест-Хилл"

#. A city in Tasmania in Australia
msgctxt "City in Tasmania, Australia"
msgid "Hobart"
msgstr "Хобарт"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Kalgoorlie"
msgstr "Калгурли"

#. A city in Northern Territory in Australia
msgid "Katherine"
msgstr "Катрин"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Kununurra"
msgstr "Кунунерра"

#. A city in Victoria in Australia
msgid "Lara"
msgstr "Лара"

#. A city in Tasmania in Australia
msgid "Launceston"
msgstr "Лонстон"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Learmonth"
msgstr "Леармонт"

#. A city in Victoria in Australia
msgctxt "City in Victoria, Australia"
msgid "Melbourne"
msgstr "Мельбурн"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Mount Isa"
msgstr "Маунт-Айза"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Perth"
msgstr "Перт"

#. A city in New South Wales in Australia
msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia"
msgid "Richmond"
msgstr "Ричмонд"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Rockhampton"
msgstr "Рокгемптон"

#. A city in Western Australia in Australia
msgid "Shellborough"
msgstr "Шелборо"

#. A city in New South Wales in Australia
msgctxt "City in New South Wales, Australia"
msgid "Sydney"
msgstr "Сидней"

#. A city in New South Wales in Australia
msgid "Tamworth"
msgstr "Тамворт"

#. A city in Queensland in Australia
msgid "Townsville"
msgstr "Таунсвиль"

#. A city in South Australia in Australia
msgid "Woomera"
msgstr "Вумера"

#. A city in Austria.
#. One of several cities in Austria called "Aigen".
msgid "Aigen im Ennstal"
msgstr "Айген"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Graz"
msgstr "Грац"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Hohenems"
msgstr "Хоэнемс"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Innsbruck"
msgstr "Инсбрук"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Klagenfurt"
msgstr "Клагенфурт"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Linz"
msgstr "Линц"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Salzburg"
msgstr "Зальцбург"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Teesdorf"
msgstr "Тиздорф"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Tulln"
msgstr "Тульн"

#. The capital of Austria.
#. "Vienna" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in German is "Wien".
msgid "Vienna"
msgstr "Вена"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Wiener Neustadt"
msgstr "Винер-Нейштадт"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Zell am See"
msgstr "Целль-ам-Зее"

#. A city in Austria
msgid "Zeltweg"
msgstr "Цельтвег"

#. The capital of Azerbaijan.
#. "Baku" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Baki".
msgid "Baku"
msgstr "Баку"

#. A city in Azerbaijan
msgid "Ganca"
msgstr "Ганча"

#. A city in the Bahamas
msgctxt "City in Bahamas"
msgid "Freeport"
msgstr "Фрипорт"

#. A city in the Bahamas
msgctxt "City in Bahamas"
msgid "Georgetown"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. The capital of the Bahamas
msgid "Nassau"
msgstr "Нассо"

#. A city in Bahrain.
#. The name is also written "الحد".
msgid "Al Hadd"
msgstr "Аль-Хадд"

#. The capital of Bahrain.
#. "Manama" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Manamah / المنامة".
msgid "Manama"
msgstr "Манама"

#. A city in Bangladesh.
#. The local name in Bengali is "চট্টগ্রাম".
msgid "Chittagong"
msgstr "Читтагонг"

#. The capital of Bangladesh.
#. The local name in Bengali is "ঢাকা".
msgid "Dhaka"
msgstr "Дхака"

#. A city in Bangladesh
msgid "Solpur"
msgstr "Солпур"

#. The capital of Barbados
msgid "Bridgetown"
msgstr "Бриджтаун"

#. A city in Barbados
msgid "Paragon"
msgstr "Парагон"

#. A city in Belarus
msgctxt "City in Belarus"
msgid "Brest"
msgstr "Брест"

#. A city in Belarus
msgid "Homyel'"
msgstr "Гомель"

#. A city in Belarus
msgid "Hrodna"
msgstr "Гродно"

#. The capital of Belarus
msgid "Minsk"
msgstr "Минск"

#. A city in Belarus
msgid "Vitsyebsk"
msgstr "Витебск"

#. A city in Antwerp in Belgium.
#. "Antwerp" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Antwerpen".
msgctxt "City in Antwerp, Belgium"
msgid "Antwerp"
msgstr "Антверпен"

#. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in
#. Belgium
msgid "Beauvechain"
msgstr "Бовечан"

#. A city in Liège in Belgium
msgid "Bierset"
msgstr "Бирсет"

#. The capital of Belgium.
#. "Brussels" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in French is "Bruxelles".
#. The local name in Dutch is "Brussel".
msgid "Brussels"
msgstr "Брюссель"

#. A city in Hainaut in Belgium
msgid "Chièvres"
msgstr "Шьевр"

#. A city in Liège in Belgium
msgid "Elsenborn"
msgstr "Эльзенборн"

#. A city in Namur in Belgium
msgid "Florennes"
msgstr "Флореннес"

#. A city in Hainaut in Belgium
msgid "Gosselies"
msgstr "Госсилис"

#. A city in Limburg in Belgium
msgid "Kleine-Brogel"
msgstr "Кляйне-Брогел"

#. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium
msgid "Koksijde"
msgstr "Коксайд"

#. A city in West-Flanders in Belgium
msgid "Oostende"
msgstr "Остенде"

#. A city in Brussels, Flemish and Walloon Brabant in
#. Belgium
msgid "Schaffen"
msgstr "Шаффен"

#. A city in Belize
msgid "Belize City"
msgstr "Центр Белиз"

#. A city in Benin
msgid "Cotonou"
msgstr "Котону"

#. The capital of Benin
msgid "Porto-Novo"
msgstr "Порто-Ново"

#. The capital of Bermuda
msgctxt "City in Bermuda"
msgid "Hamilton"
msgstr "Гамильтон"

#. A city in Bermuda
msgctxt "City in Bermuda"
msgid "Saint George"
msgstr "Сент-Джордж"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Camiri"
msgstr "Камири"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Cobija"
msgstr "Кобия"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Cochabamba"
msgstr "Кочабамба"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
msgid "Concepción"
msgstr "Консепьсьон"

#. The capital of Bolivia
msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
msgid "La Paz"
msgstr "Ла-Паз"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Magdalena"
msgstr "Магдалена"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Oruro"
msgstr "Оруро"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Potosí"
msgstr "Потоси"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Puerto Suárez"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Суарес"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Reyes"
msgstr "Рейс"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Riberalta"
msgstr "Риберальта"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Roboré"
msgstr "Робор"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Rurrenabaque"
msgstr "Рурренабаке"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "San Borja"
msgstr "Сан-Борха"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "San Ignacio de Velasco"
msgstr "Сан-Игнасио-Де-Веласко"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "San Joaquín"
msgstr "Сан-Хоакин"

#. A city in Bolivia.
#. One of several cities in Bolivia called "San José".
msgid "San José de Chiquitos"
msgstr "Сан-Хосе-Де-Чикитос"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Santa Ana de Yacuma"
msgstr "Санта-Ана-Де-Якума"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Santa Cruz"
msgstr "Санта-Круз"

#. The capital of Bolivia
msgid "Sucre"
msgstr "Сукре"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Tarija"
msgstr "Тария"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgctxt "City in Bolivia"
msgid "Trinidad"
msgstr "Тринидад"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Villamontes"
msgstr "Вилья-Монтес"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Viro Viro"
msgstr "Виро-Виро"

#. A city in Bolivia
msgid "Yacuiba"
msgstr "Якуиба"

#. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina
msgid "Banja Luka"
msgstr "Баня-Лука"

#. A city in Bosnia and Herzegovina
msgid "Mostar"
msgstr "Мостар"

#. The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
msgid "Sarajevo"
msgstr "Сараево"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Francistown"
msgstr "Франсистаун"

#. The capital of Botswana
msgid "Gaborone"
msgstr "Габорон"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Ghanzi"
msgstr "Ганзи"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Kasane"
msgstr "Касане"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Letlhakane"
msgstr "Летлхакане"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Lokerane"
msgstr "Локарне"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Maun"
msgstr "Маун"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Mochudi"
msgstr "Мочуди"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Selebi-Phikwe"
msgstr "Селеби-Фикве"

#. A city in Botswana
msgid "Tshabong"
msgstr "Тшабонг"

#. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
msgid "Alta Floresta"
msgstr "Альта-Флореста"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Altamira"
msgstr "Альтамира"

#. A city in Goiás in Brazil
msgid "Anápolis"
msgstr "Анаполис"

#. A city in Sergipe in Brazil
msgid "Aracaju"
msgstr "Аракаю"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Barbacena"
msgstr "Барбацена"

#. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
msgid "Barra do Garças"
msgstr "Барра-до-Гарцас"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Bauru"
msgstr "Бауру"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Belo Horizonte"
msgstr "Белу-Оризонте"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Belém"
msgstr "Бетлехем"

#. A city in Roraima in Brazil
msgid "Boa Vista"
msgstr "Боа-Виста"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Bom Jesus da Lapa"
msgstr "Бом-Иисус-да-Лапа"

#. The capital of Brazil
msgid "Brasília"
msgstr "Бразилия"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Cachimbo"
msgstr "Качимбо"

#. A city in Paraíba in Brazil
msgid "Campina Grande"
msgstr "Кампина-Гранде"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Campinas"
msgstr "Кампинас"

#. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Campo Grande"
msgstr "Кампу-Гранди"

#. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
msgid "Campos"
msgstr "Кампос"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Conceição do Araguaia"
msgstr "Концеичао-до-Арагуая"

#. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Corumbá"
msgstr "Корумба"

#. A city in Acre in Brazil
msgid "Cruzeiro do Sul"
msgstr "Крузейру-ду-Сул"

#. A city in Mato Grosso in Brazil
msgid "Cuiabá"
msgstr "Куяба"

#. A city in Paraná in Brazil
msgid "Curitiba"
msgstr "Куритиба"

#. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Dourados"
msgstr "Дорадус"

#. A city in Santa Catarina in Brazil
msgid "Florianópolis"
msgstr "Флорианополис"

#. A city in Ceará in Brazil
msgid "Fortaleza"
msgstr "Форталеза"

#. A city in Paraná in Brazil
msgid "Foz do Iguaçu"
msgstr "Фос-ду-Игуасу"

#. A city in Goiás in Brazil
msgid "Goiânia"
msgstr "Гоиания"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Guaratinguetá"
msgstr "Гуаратингуета"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Guarulhos"
msgstr "Гуарульюс"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Ilhéus"
msgstr "Ильхеус"

#. A city in Maranhão in Brazil
msgid "Imperatriz"
msgstr "Императиз"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Itaituba"
msgstr "Итаитуба"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Jacareacanga"
msgstr "Жакарепгуа"

#. A city in Paraíba in Brazil
msgid "João Pessoa"
msgstr "Жуан-Песоа"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Juiz de Fora"
msgstr "Жуис-де-Фора"

#. A city in Paraná in Brazil
msgid "Londrina"
msgstr "Лондрина"

#. A city in Alagoas in Brazil
msgid "Maceió"
msgstr "Масейо"

#. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
msgid "Manaus"
msgstr "Манаус"

#. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
msgid "Manicoré"
msgstr "Маникоре"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Marabá"
msgstr "Мараба"

#. A city in Paraná in Brazil
msgid "Maringá"
msgstr "Маринга"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Montes Claros"
msgstr "Монтес-Карлос"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
msgid "Mossoró"
msgstr "Моссоро"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil
msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil"
msgid "Natal"
msgstr "Натал"

#. A city in Amapá in Brazil
msgid "Oiapoque"
msgstr "Оипоки"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Palmeiras"
msgstr "Палмейрас"

#. A city in Piauí in Brazil
msgid "Parnaíba"
msgstr "Парнаиба"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Paulo Afonso"
msgstr "Пауло-Альфонсо"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Pelotas"
msgstr "Пелотас"

#. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
msgid "Petrolina"
msgstr "Петролина"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Piracicaba"
msgstr "Пираcикаба"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Piraçununga"
msgstr "Пирачунунга"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Piri Grande"
msgstr "Пири-Гранде"

#. A city in Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Ponta Porã"
msgstr "Понта-Поран"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Porto Alegre"
msgstr "Порту-Алегри"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Poços de Caldas"
msgstr "Покос-Де-Калдас"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Presidente Prudente"
msgstr "Президенте-Пруденте"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Pôrto Seguro"
msgstr "Порто-Сегуро"

#. A city in Rondônia in Brazil
msgid "Pôrto Velho"
msgstr "Порто-Велхо"

#. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
msgid "Recife"
msgstr "Ресифи"

#. A city in Acre in Brazil
msgid "Rio Branco"
msgstr "Риу-Бранку"

#. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
msgctxt "City in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
msgid "Rio de Janeiro"
msgstr "Рио-Де-Жанейро"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Salvador"
msgstr "Сальвадор"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
msgctxt "City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil"
msgid "Santa Maria"
msgstr "Санта-Мария"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Santarém"
msgstr "Сантарен"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "Santos"
msgstr "Сантос"

#. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
msgid "São Félix"
msgstr "Сан-Феликс"

#. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
msgid "São Gabriel"
msgstr "Сан-Габриель"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgid "São José dos Campos"
msgstr "Сан-Жозе-дус-Кампус"

#. A city in Maranhão in Brazil
msgid "São Luís"
msgstr "Сан-Льюис"

#. A city in São Paulo in Brazil
msgctxt "City in São Paulo, Brazil"
msgid "São Paulo"
msgstr "Сан-Паулу"

#. A city in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
msgid "São Pedro da Aldeia"
msgstr "Сан-Педро-Да-Алдея"

#. A city in Acre in Brazil
msgid "Tarauacá"
msgstr "Тараука"

#. A city in Amazonas in Brazil
msgid "Tefé"
msgstr "Тефе"

#. A city in Piauí in Brazil
msgid "Teresina"
msgstr "Терезина"

#. A city in Pará in Brazil
msgid "Tucuruí"
msgstr "Тукуруи"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Uberaba"
msgstr "Убераба"

#. A city in Minas Gerais in Brazil
msgid "Uberlândia"
msgstr "Уберляндия"

#. A city in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil
msgid "Uruguaiana"
msgstr "Уругваяна"

#. A city in Pernambuco in Brazil
msgid "Vila dos Remédios"
msgstr "Вила-Дос-Ремедиос"

#. A city in Rondônia in Brazil
msgid "Vilhena"
msgstr "Вильена"

#. A city in Espírito Santo in Brazil
msgid "Vitória"
msgstr "Витория"

#. A city in Bahia in Brazil
msgid "Vitória da Conquista"
msgstr "Витория-да-Конкиста"

#. The capital of the British Virgin Islands
msgid "Road Town"
msgstr "Роад-Таун"

#. A city in the British Virgin Islands
msgid "The Mill"
msgstr "Зе-Милл"

#. The capital of Brunei
msgid "Bandar Seri Begawan"
msgstr "Бандар-Сери-Бегаван"

#. A city in Bulgaria
msgid "Burgas"
msgstr "Бургас"

#. A city in Bulgaria
msgid "Gorna Oryakhovitsa"
msgstr "Гарна Орыховица"

#. A city in Bulgaria
msgid "Plovdiv"
msgstr "Пловдив"

#. The capital of Bulgaria.
#. "Sofia" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Sofiya".
msgid "Sofia"
msgstr "София"

#. A city in Bulgaria
msgid "Varna"
msgstr "Варна"

#. The capital of Burkina Faso
msgid "Ouagadougou"
msgstr "Уагадугу"

#. The capital of Burundi
msgid "Bujumbura"
msgstr "Бужумбура"

#. The capital of Cambodia.
#. "Phnom Penh" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Khmer is "Phnum Penh".
msgid "Phnom Penh"
msgstr "Пномпень"

#. A city in Cambodia
msgid "Siemreab"
msgstr "Сиемраб"

#. A city in Cameroon
msgid "Douala"
msgstr "Доуала"

#. A city in Cameroon
msgid "Garoua"
msgstr "Гаруа"

#. A city in Cameroon
msgid "Ngaoundere"
msgstr "Нгаундере"

#. The capital of Cameroon
msgid "Yaounde"
msgstr "Яунде"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Abbotsford"
msgstr "Абботсфорд"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Agassiz"
msgstr "Агассиз"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Aklavik"
msgstr "Аклавик"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Allison Harbour"
msgstr "Аллисон-Харбор"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Alta Lake"
msgstr "Альта-Лэйк"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Amqui"
msgstr "Амки"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Argentia"
msgstr "Аргентиа"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Arviat"
msgstr "Арвиат"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Assiniboia"
msgstr "Ассинибоя"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Bagotville"
msgstr "Баготвиль"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Baie-Comeau"
msgstr "Бай-Комю"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Baie-Sainte-Catherine"
msgstr "Бай-Сайнт-Катрин"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Baie-de-la-Trinité"
msgstr "Бай-дела-Тринити"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Baker Lake"
msgstr "Бейкер-Лейк"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Baldonnel"
msgstr "Балдоннел"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Bancroft"
msgstr "Бэнкрофт"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Banff"
msgstr "Бэнф"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Bathurst"
msgstr "Батерст"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Bay Saint Lawrence"
msgstr "Бэй-Сайнт-Лоурентс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Beardmore"
msgstr "Беардмор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Beauceville"
msgstr "Босевиль"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Beauport"
msgstr "Бопорт"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Beaver Harbour"
msgstr "Бивер-Харбор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada"
msgid "Bedford"
msgstr "Бедфорд"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Bella Coola"
msgstr "Белла-Кула"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Bellin"
msgstr "Беллин"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Berens River"
msgstr "Беренс Ривер"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
#. A city in Norway
msgid "Bergen"
msgstr "Берген"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Blanc-Sablon"
msgstr "Бланк-Саблон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Blue River"
msgstr "Блю Ривер"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Boat Basin"
msgstr "Боат-Базин"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Borden"
msgstr "Борден"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Bow Island"
msgstr "Боу-Айленд"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Brandon"
msgstr "Брендон"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Broadview"
msgstr "Бродвью"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Brooks"
msgstr "Брукс"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Buffalo Narrows"
msgstr "Буффало-Нарроус"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Burns Lake"
msgstr "Бернс-Лейк"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Burwash Landing"
msgstr "Бурвош Лендинг"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Caledonia"
msgstr "Каледония"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Calgary"
msgstr "Калгари"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Cambridge Bay"
msgstr "Кембридж-Бей"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Campbell River"
msgstr "Кэмпбел-Ривер"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Canso"
msgstr "Кансо"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Canton-Bégin"
msgstr "Кантон-Бегин"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Cap-Chat"
msgstr "Кап-Чат"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Cap-aux-Meules"
msgstr "Кап-о-Мул"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Cape Cove"
msgstr "Кэйп-Коув"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Cape Dorset"
msgstr "Кэйп-Дорсет"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Cape Dyer"
msgstr "Кэйп-Диер"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Cape Parry"
msgstr "Кэйп-Пэрри"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Cape Race"
msgstr "Кэйп-Рэйс"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Cardston"
msgstr "Кардстон"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Caribou Island"
msgstr "Карибу-Айленд"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Carmacks"
msgstr "Кармакс"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Carman"
msgstr "Карман"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Cartwright"
msgstr "Картрайт"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Castlegar"
msgstr "Каслгар"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Central Patricia"
msgstr "Централ-Патрисиа"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Chapleau"
msgstr "Чапло"

#. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
msgid "Charlottetown"
msgstr "Чарлотттаун"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Chesterfield Inlet"
msgstr "Честерфилд-Инлет"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Chibougamau"
msgstr "Чибоугамау"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Churchill"
msgstr "Черчилл"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Chéticamp"
msgstr "Четикамп"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Claresholm"
msgstr "Клэрсхом"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Clinton"
msgstr "Клинтон"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Clyde River"
msgstr "Клайд Ривер"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Cobourg"
msgstr "Кобург"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Cold Lake"
msgstr "Колд Лейк"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Coleman"
msgstr "Колеман"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Collingwood"
msgstr "Колингвуд"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Comox"
msgstr "Комокс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Coppell"
msgstr "Коппел"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Coral Harbour"
msgstr "Корал-Харбор"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Coronation"
msgstr "Коронэйшн"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Cranbrook"
msgstr "Кранбрук"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Creston"
msgstr "Крестон"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Dauphin"
msgstr "Дауфин"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Dawson"
msgstr "Доусон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Dease Lake"
msgstr "Дис Лейк"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Deer Lake"
msgstr "Дир Лэйк"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Delhi"
msgstr "Дельхи"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Dingwall"
msgstr "Дингвол"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Dipper Harbour"
msgstr "Диппер-Харбор"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Drumheller"
msgstr "Друмхеллер"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Dryden"
msgstr "Драйден"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Délįne"
msgstr "Делине"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Earlton"
msgstr "Эрлтон"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "East Poplar"
msgstr "Ист-Поплар"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Eastend"
msgstr "Истенд"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Edmonton"
msgstr "Эдмонтон"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Edson"
msgstr "Эдсон"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Elliot Lake"
msgstr "Эллиот Лейк"

#. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
msgctxt "City in Prince Edward Island, Canada"
msgid "Elmira"
msgstr "Эльмира"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Embarras Portage"
msgstr "Эмбаррас-Портеж"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Englee"
msgstr "Энгли"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Ennadai"
msgstr "Эннадаи"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Erieau"
msgstr "Эрье"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Esquimalt"
msgstr "Эсквималт"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Estevan"
msgstr "Эстеван"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Esther"
msgstr "Эстер"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgctxt "City in Nunavut, Canada"
msgid "Eureka"
msgstr "Эврика"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Ferolle Point"
msgstr "Феролл-Пойнт"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Flin Flon"
msgstr "Флин-Флон"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Fort Chipewyan"
msgstr "Форт Чипуян"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Fort Good Hope"
msgstr "Форт Гуд Хоп"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Fort Grahame"
msgstr "Форт-Грэхэм"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Fort McMurray"
msgstr "Форт Мак-Мюррей"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Fort Nelson"
msgstr "Форт Нельсон"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Fort Providence"
msgstr "Форт-Провиденс"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Fort Simpson"
msgstr "Форт Симпсон"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgctxt "City in Northwest Territories, Canada"
msgid "Fort Smith"
msgstr "Форт-Смит"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Fort-Rupert"
msgstr "Форт-Руперт"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Fredericton"
msgstr "Фредериктон"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Front of Escott"
msgstr "Фронт-ов-Эскотт"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Gabriola"
msgstr "Габриола"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Gagetown"
msgstr "Гейджтаун"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Gander"
msgstr "Гандер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Gaspé"
msgstr "Гаспе"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Gatineau"
msgstr "Гатино"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Geraldton"
msgstr "Джералдтон"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Gillam"
msgstr "Гиллам"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Gimli"
msgstr "Гимли"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Gjoa Haven"
msgstr "Йоа-Хейвен"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Goderich"
msgstr "Годерих"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Golden"
msgstr "Голден"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Goose Bay"
msgstr "Гуз Бэй"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Gore Bay"
msgstr "Гор Бэй"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada"
msgid "Grand Rapids"
msgstr "Гранд-Рапидс"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Grand-Etang"
msgstr "Гранд-Этанг"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Grande Prairie"
msgstr "Гранде Прейри"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
msgid "Greenwood"
msgstr "Гринвуд"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Haines Junction"
msgstr "Хайнс-Джанкшен"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Halifax"
msgstr "Галифакс"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Hall Beach"
msgstr "Холл-Бич"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Hallowell"
msgstr "Хэлуэл"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Hamilton"
msgstr "Гамильтон"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Harbour Breton"
msgstr "Харбор-Бретон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Harrington Harbour"
msgstr "Хэррингтон-Харбор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Havre-Saint-Pierre"
msgstr "Хавре-Сайнт-Пьер"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Hay River"
msgstr "Хей Ривер"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
msgid "Hebron"
msgstr "Хеврон"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Heron Bay"
msgstr "Херон-Бей"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "High Level"
msgstr "Хай Левел"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Hollyburn"
msgstr "Холибёрн"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Holman"
msgstr "Холман"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Hope"
msgstr "Хоп"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Hopedale"
msgstr "Хопдэйл"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Igloolik"
msgstr "Иглулик"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Inoucdjouac"
msgstr "Иноукджуак"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Inuvik"
msgstr "Инувик"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Iqaluit"
msgstr "Икалуит"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Island Lake"
msgstr "Айслэнд Лейк"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Ivugivik"
msgstr "Ивугивик"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Jacques-Cartier"
msgstr "Жак-Картье"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgctxt "City in Alberta, Canada"
msgid "Jasper"
msgstr "Джаспер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Jonquière"
msgstr "Джонквер"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Kamloops"
msgstr "Камлупс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Kapuskasing"
msgstr "Капасказинг"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Kelowna"
msgstr "Келауна"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Kenora"
msgstr "Кенора"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Kentville"
msgstr "Кентвиль"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Kindersley"
msgstr "Киндерсли"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Kingston"
msgstr "Кингстон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Koartac"
msgstr "Коартак"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Kugaaruk"
msgstr "Кугарук"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Kugluktuk"
msgstr "Куглуктук"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Kuujjuaq"
msgstr "Кюужжуак"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "L'Anse-Saint-Jean"
msgstr "Лансе-Сайнт-Жан"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "L'Ascension"
msgstr "Ласкенсьон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "L'Assomption"
msgstr "Лассомптьон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "La Baie"
msgstr "Ла-Бае"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "La Ronge"
msgstr "Ла-Ронж"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "La Tuque"
msgstr "Ла-Тикью"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Lac La Biche"
msgstr "Лак-ла-Бич"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Lasqueti"
msgstr "Ласкети"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Leader"
msgstr "Лидер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Leaf River"
msgstr "Лиф-Ривер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Lennoxville"
msgstr "Ленноксвиль"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Lethbridge"
msgstr "Летбридж"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Little Prairie"
msgstr "Литл-Прайр"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
msgid "Liverpool"
msgstr "Ливерпуль"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Lloydminster"
msgstr "Лойдминстер"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "London"
msgstr "Лондон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan"
msgstr "Лонг-Поинт-де-Минган"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Lucky Lake"
msgstr "Лаки-Лейк"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Lynn Lake"
msgstr "Линн Лейк"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Lytton"
msgstr "Литтон"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Makkovik"
msgstr "Макковик"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Maniwaki"
msgstr "Маниваки"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Maple Creek"
msgstr "Мапл-Крик"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Maricourt"
msgstr "Марикорт"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Mary's Harbour"
msgstr "Мэри Харбор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Matagami"
msgstr "Матагами"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Mayo"
msgstr "Майо"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "McLeod Lake"
msgstr "Мак-Леод-Лэйк"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Meadow Lake"
msgstr "Медоу Лейк"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Medicine Hat"
msgstr "Медисин Хат"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Melfort"
msgstr "Мелфорт"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgctxt "City in Manitoba, Canada"
msgid "Miami"
msgstr "Майами"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Milk River"
msgstr "Милк Ривер"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Moncton"
msgstr "Монктон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Mont-Apica"
msgstr "Монт-Апика"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Mont-Joli"
msgstr "Монт-Йоли"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Montmagny"
msgstr "Монтмагни"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada.
#. The local name in French is "Montréal".
msgid "Montreal"
msgstr "Монреаль"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Moosonee"
msgstr "Музони"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Morden"
msgstr "Морден"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Mount Forest"
msgstr "Маунт-Форест"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Mount Pearl Park"
msgstr "Маунт-Перл-Парк"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Muskoka Falls"
msgstr "Мускока-Фолс"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Nahanni Butte"
msgstr "Наханни-Бутте"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Nain"
msgstr "Нейн"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Nakusp"
msgstr "Накусп"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Nanaimo"
msgstr "Ненеймо"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Nanoose Bay"
msgstr "Нануз-Бей"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Nanticoke"
msgstr "Нантикок"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Natal"
msgstr "Натал"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Natashquan"
msgstr "Наташкан"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Neddy Harbour"
msgstr "Недди-Харбор"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Nelson"
msgstr "Нельсон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "New Carlisle"
msgstr "Нью-Карлисле"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Nicolet"
msgstr "Николет"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Nipawin"
msgstr "Нипавин"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Norman Wells"
msgstr "Норман Уэлс"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Normandin"
msgstr "Нормандин"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "North Battleford"
msgstr "Норт Баттлефорд"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "North Bay"
msgstr "Норт Бэй"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "North Kamloops"
msgstr "Норт-Камлупс"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Norway House"
msgstr "Норуэй Хаус"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette"
msgstr "Нотр-Дам-де-ла-Салетт"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Nouveau-Comptoir"
msgstr "Нову-Комптор"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Nutak"
msgstr "Нутак"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Ocean Falls"
msgstr "Ошен-Фолс"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Old Crow"
msgstr "Олд-Кроу"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Onefour"
msgstr "Онефоур"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Osoyoos"
msgstr "Осойоос"

#. The capital of Canada
msgid "Ottawa"
msgstr "Оттава"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Pangnirtung"
msgstr "Пангниртунг"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Парент"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Paulatuk"
msgstr "Паулатук"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Peace River"
msgstr "Пис Ривер"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Penticton"
msgstr "Пентиктон"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Petawawa"
msgstr "Петавава"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Peterborough"
msgstr "Петербург"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Petite-Rivière"
msgstr "Петит-Ривьера"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Pilot Mound"
msgstr "Пилот-Маунд"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Pincher Creek"
msgstr "Пинчер Крик"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Pitt Meadows"
msgstr "Пит-Мидоус"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Pond Inlet"
msgstr "Понд-Инлет"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Port Hardy"
msgstr "Порт Харди"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Port Simpson"
msgstr "Порт-Симпсон"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Port Weller"
msgstr "Порт-Веллер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Port-Menier"
msgstr "Порт-Меньер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Portneuf"
msgstr "Портнеф"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Poste-de-la-Baleine"
msgstr "Посте-де-ла-Балейн"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Powell River"
msgstr "Пауэлл Ривер"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Prince Albert"
msgstr "Принс Элберт"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Prince George"
msgstr "Принс Джордж"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Prince Rupert"
msgstr "Принс Руперт"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Princeton"
msgstr "Принстон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Puvirnituq"
msgstr "Пувирнитук"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Qikiqtarjuaq"
msgstr "Куикиктарюак"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada.
#. The local name in French is "Québec".
msgctxt "City in Quebec, Canada"
msgid "Quebec"
msgstr "Квебек"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Queen Charlotte"
msgstr "Квин-Шарлотт"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Quesnel"
msgstr "Квеснел"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Radisson"
msgstr "Рэдисон"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Rankin Inlet"
msgstr "Рэнкин-Инлет"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Red Deer"
msgstr "Ред-Дир"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Red Lake"
msgstr "Ред-Лейк"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Regina"
msgstr "Реджайна"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Repulse Bay"
msgstr "Репалз Бэй"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Resolute"
msgstr "Резольют"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Revelstoke"
msgstr "Ревелсток"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Rivière-du-Loup"
msgstr "Ривьера-ду-Луп"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Rivière-la-Madeleine"
msgstr "Ривьера-ла-Маделин"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Roberval"
msgstr "Робервал"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Rockglen"
msgstr "Рокглен"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Rocky Mountain House"
msgstr "Роки-Маунтайн-Хаус"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Rocky Point"
msgstr "Роки-Поинт"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Rosetown"
msgstr "Розтаун"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Rouyn"
msgstr "Роун"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Sachs Harbour"
msgstr "Сачс Харбор"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Saint Anthony"
msgstr "Сент-Антони"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Saint Catharines"
msgstr "Сент-Катаринес"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Saint John"
msgstr "Сент-Джон"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
msgid "Saint John's"
msgstr "Сент-Джонс"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Saint Leonard"
msgstr "Сент-Леонард"

#. A city in New Brunswick in Canada
msgid "Saint Stephen"
msgstr "Сент-Стефен"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Anicet"
msgstr "Сент-Анис"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Chrysostome"
msgstr "Сент-Кристостоме"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Fabien"
msgstr "Сент-Фабьен"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-François"
msgstr "Сент-Франсуа"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Henri-de-Taillon"
msgstr "Сент-Хенри-де-Тайлон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Jean"
msgstr "Сент-Джон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Joachim"
msgstr "Сент-Иоахим"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Saint-Jovite"
msgstr "Сент-Жовит"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière"
msgstr "Санте-Анне-дела-Покатьере"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Salmon Arm"
msgstr "Салмон-Арм"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Sandspit"
msgstr "Сандспит"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Sarnia"
msgstr "Сарния"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Saskatoon"
msgstr "Саскатун"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Sault Sainte Marie"
msgstr "Саулт-Сайнт-Мари"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Schefferville"
msgstr "Шеффервилл"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Seebe"
msgstr "Сибе"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Senneville"
msgstr "Сенневиль"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Sept-Îles"
msgstr "Септ-Иле"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Shawinigan"
msgstr "Шевиниган"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Sheet Harbour"
msgstr "Шит-Харбор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Sherbrooke"
msgstr "Шербрук"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Shingle Point"
msgstr "Шингл-Поинт"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Sioux Lookout"
msgstr "Сиу Лукаут"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Slave Lake"
msgstr "Слейв Лейк"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Smithers"
msgstr "Смитерс"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Snag"
msgstr "Снаг"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgctxt "City in Saskatchewan, Canada"
msgid "Southend"
msgstr "Саутенд"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Spirit River"
msgstr "Спиритривер"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Spiritwood"
msgstr "Спиритвуд"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Squamish"
msgstr "Скумиш"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Stephen"
msgstr "Стефан"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgctxt "City in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada"
msgid "Stephenville"
msgstr "Стефенвиль"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Steveston"
msgstr "Стивенсон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Stewart"
msgstr "Стюарт"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Stoneham"
msgstr "Стонхам"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Stony Rapids"
msgstr "Стони Рапидс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Sudbury"
msgstr "Садбери"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Summerland"
msgstr "Саммерлэнд"

#. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
msgid "Summerside"
msgstr "Саммерсайд"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Swan River"
msgstr "Сван-Ривер"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Swift Current"
msgstr "Свифт Керрент"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgctxt "City in Nova Scotia, Canada"
msgid "Sydney"
msgstr "Сидней"

#. A city in Nunavut in Canada
msgid "Taloyoak"
msgstr "Талоуоак"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Terra Nova"
msgstr "Терра-Нова"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Terrace"
msgstr "Террас"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Teslin"
msgstr "Теслин"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "The Pas"
msgstr "Зе-Пас"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Thompson"
msgstr "Томпсон"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Three Hills"
msgstr "Три-Хилз"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Thunder Bay"
msgstr "Тандер-Бей"

#. A city in Prince Edward Island in Canada
msgid "Tignish"
msgstr "Тигниш"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Timmins"
msgstr "Тимминс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Tobermory"
msgstr "Тобермори"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Tofino"
msgstr "Тофино"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Toronto"
msgstr "Торонто"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Tow Hill"
msgstr "Тау-Хилл"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Trenton"
msgstr "Трентон"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Trois-Rivières"
msgstr "Тру-Ривьерес"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Trout Lake"
msgstr "Троут-Лэйк"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Tuktoyaktuk"
msgstr "Туктояктук"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Tununuk"
msgstr "Тунунук"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Twillingate"
msgstr "Твилингейт"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Upsala"
msgstr "Упсала"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Uranium City"
msgstr "Ураниум-Сити"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Val Marie"
msgstr "Вал-Мари"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Val-d'Or"
msgstr "Вал-д-Ор"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Valcartier Station"
msgstr "Станция Валкартье"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Vancouver"
msgstr "Ванкувер"

#. A city in Quebec in Canada
msgid "Varennes"
msgstr "Вареннес"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Vegreville"
msgstr "Вегревиль"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Vernon"
msgstr "Вернон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgctxt "City in British Columbia, Canada"
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Виктория"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Victoria Beach"
msgstr "Виктория-Бич"

#. A city in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada
msgid "Wabush"
msgstr "Вабуш"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgctxt "City in Ontario, Canada"
msgid "Waterloo"
msgstr "Ватерлоо"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Watrous"
msgstr "Ватрус"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Watson Lake"
msgstr "Уотсон Лейк"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Wawa"
msgstr "Вава"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Westport"
msgstr "Вестпорт"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Weyburn"
msgstr "Вейбурн"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Wha Ti"
msgstr "Ва-Ти"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "White Rock"
msgstr "Уайт-Рок"

#. A city in Alberta in Canada
msgid "Whitecourt"
msgstr "Уайткорт"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Whitefish Falls"
msgstr "Уайтфиш-Фоллс"

#. A city in Yukon Territory in Canada
msgid "Whitehorse"
msgstr "Уайтхорс"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Wiarton"
msgstr "Уиартон"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Williams Lake"
msgstr "Уильямс Лейк"

#. A city in Ontario in Canada
msgid "Windsor"
msgstr "Виндзор"

#. A city in Manitoba in Canada
msgid "Winnipeg"
msgstr "Виннипег"

#. A city in British Columbia in Canada
msgid "Winter Harbour"
msgstr "Винтер-Харбор"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Wynyard"
msgstr "Винярд"

#. A city in Nova Scotia in Canada
msgid "Yarmouth"
msgstr "Ярмут"

#. A city in Northwest Territories in Canada
msgid "Yellowknife"
msgstr "Йеллоунайф"

#. A city in Saskatchewan in Canada
msgid "Yorkton"
msgstr "Йорктон"

#. A city in Cape Verde
msgid "Preguiça"
msgstr "Прегуика"

#. The capital of the Cayman Islands
msgctxt "City in Cayman Islands"
msgid "George Town"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. A city in the Cayman Islands
msgid "Knob Hill"
msgstr "Кноб-Хилл"

#. A city in the Cayman Islands
msgid "Red Bay Estate"
msgstr "Рэд-Бэй-Эстэйт"

#. A city in the Central African Republic
msgid "Bangassou"
msgstr "Бангассу"

#. The capital of the Central African Republic
msgid "Bangui"
msgstr "Банги"

#. A city in the Central African Republic
msgid "Berberati"
msgstr "Берберати"

#. A city in Chad
msgid "Moundou"
msgstr "Мунду"

#. The capital of Chad
msgid "N'Djamena"
msgstr "Нджамена"

#. A city in Chad
msgid "Sarh"
msgstr "Сарх"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Antofagasta"
msgstr "Антофагаста"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Arica"
msgstr "Арика"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Balmaceda"
msgstr "Балмаседа"

#. A city in Chile
msgctxt "City in Chile"
msgid "Concepción"
msgstr "Консепсьон"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Curico"
msgstr "Курико"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Hanga Roa"
msgstr "Ханга-Роа"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Iquique"
msgstr "Икику"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "La Serena"
msgstr "Ла-Серена"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Puerto Montt"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Монтт"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Punta Arenas"
msgstr "Пунта-Аренас"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Santa Teresa de Lo Ovalle"
msgstr "Санта-Тереза-Де-Ло-Овалле"

#. The capital of Chile
msgctxt "City in Chile"
msgid "Santiago"
msgstr "Сантьяго"

#. A city in Chile
msgid "Temuco"
msgstr "Темуко"

#. The capital of China
msgctxt "City in Beijing, China"
msgid "Beijing"
msgstr "Пекин"

#. A city in Jilin in China.
#. The name is also written "长春".
msgid "Changchun"
msgstr "Чангчун"

#. A city in Hunan in China.
#. The name is also written "长沙".
msgid "Changsha"
msgstr "Чанша"

#. A city in Sichuan in China.
#. The name is also written "成都".
msgid "Chengdu"
msgstr "Ченгду"

#. A city in Chongqing in China.
#. The name is also written "重庆".
msgctxt "City in Chongqing, China"
msgid "Chongqing"
msgstr "Чунцин"

#. A city in Liaoning in China
msgid "Dalian"
msgstr "Далян"

#. A city in Fujian in China.
#. The name is also written "福州".
msgid "Fuzhou"
msgstr "Фузху"

#. A city in Guangdong in China.
#. The name is also written "广州".
msgid "Guangzhou"
msgstr "Гуанчжоу"

#. A city in Guangxi in China
msgid "Guilin"
msgstr "Гуйлинь"

#. A city in Zhejiang in China.
#. The name is also written "杭州".
msgid "Hangzhou"
msgstr "Ханчжоу"

#. A city in Heilongjiang in China.
#. The name is also written "哈尔滨".
msgid "Harbin"
msgstr "Харбин"

#. A city in Anhui in China.
#. The name is also written "合肥".
msgid "Hefei"
msgstr "Хэфэй"

#. A city in Inner Mongolia in China.
#. The name is also written "呼和浩特".
msgid "Hohhot"
msgstr "Хух-Хото"

#. A city in Shandong in China.
#. The name is also written "济南"
msgid "Jinan"
msgstr "Цзинань"

#. A city in Xinjiang in China
msgid "Kashi"
msgstr "Каши"

#. A city in Yunnan in China.
#. The name is also written "昆明".
msgid "Kunming"
msgstr "Кунмин"

#. A city in Gansu in China.
#. The name is also written "兰州".
msgid "Lanzhou"
msgstr "Ланьчжоу"

#. A city in Jiangsu in China.
#. The name is also written "南京".
msgid "Nanjing"
msgstr "Нанкин"

#. A city in Guangxi in China.
#. The name is also written "南宁".
msgid "Nanning"
msgstr "Наньнин"

#. A city in Shandong in China
msgid "Qingdao"
msgstr "Квиндао"

#. A city in Hainan in China
msgid "Sanya"
msgstr "Санья"

#. A city in Shanghai in China.
#. The name is also written "上海".
msgctxt "City in Shanghai, China"
msgid "Shanghai"
msgstr "Шанхай"

#. A city in Guangdong in China
msgid "Shantou"
msgstr "Шаньтоу"

#. A city in Liaoning in China.
#. The name is also written "沈阳".
msgid "Shenyang"
msgstr "Шеньянг"

#. A city in Guangdong in China
msgid "Shenzhen"
msgstr "Шэньчжэнь"

#. A city in Shanxi in China.
#. The name is also written "太原".
msgid "Taiyuan"
msgstr "Тайюань"

#. A city in Tianjin in China.
#. The name is also written "天津".
msgctxt "City in Tianjin, China"
msgid "Tianjin"
msgstr "Тяньцзинь"

#. A city in Xinjiang in China.
#. The name is also written "乌鲁木齐".
msgid "Urumqi"
msgstr "Урумки"

#. A city in Hubei in China.
#. The name is also written "武汉".
msgid "Wuhan"
msgstr "Ухань"

#. A city in Shaanxi in China.
#. The name is also written "西安".
msgid "Xi'an"
msgstr "Хиан"

#. A city in Fujian in China.
#. The name is also written "厦门".
msgid "Xiamen"
msgstr "Сямынь"

#. A city in Henan in China.
#. The name is also written "郑州".
msgid "Zhengzhou"
msgstr "Ханчжоу"

#. A city in Christmas Island
msgid "Drumsite"
msgstr "Друмсайт"

#. The capital of Christmas Island
msgid "Flying Fish Cove"
msgstr "Флаинг-Фиш-Коув"

#. A city in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
msgid "Bantam Village"
msgstr "Деревня Бантам"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Barranquilla"
msgstr "Барранкилья"

#. The capital of Colombia
msgid "Bogotá"
msgstr "Богота"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Bucaramanga"
msgstr "Букараманга"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Cali"
msgstr "Кали"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Cartagena"
msgstr "Картагена"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Cúcuta"
msgstr "Чукута"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Ibagué"
msgstr "Ибаге"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Ipiales"
msgstr "Ипиалес"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Leticia"
msgstr "Летиция"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Medellín"
msgstr "Медельин"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Monteria"
msgstr "Монтерия"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Pasto"
msgstr "Пасто"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Pereira"
msgstr "Перейра"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Popayán"
msgstr "Попаян"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Quibdó"
msgstr "Кибдо"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Riohacha"
msgstr "Риоача"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Rionegro"
msgstr "Рионегро"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "San Andrés"
msgstr "Сан-Андрес"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Santa Marta"
msgstr "Санта-Марта"

#. A city in Colombia
msgid "Villavicencio"
msgstr "Вильявисенсио"

#. A city in Comoros
msgid "Mbaléni"
msgstr "Мбалени"

#. The capital of Comoros
msgid "Moroni"
msgstr "Морони"

#. The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
msgid "Kinshasa"
msgstr "Киншаса"

#. The capital of the Republic of the Congo
msgid "Brazzaville"
msgstr "Браззавиль"

#. A city in the Republic of the Congo
msgid "Pointe-Noire"
msgstr "Пуэнт-Нуар"

#. The capital of the Cook Islands
msgid "Avarua"
msgstr "Аваруа"

#. A city in Costa Rica
msgid "Alajuela"
msgstr "Алагуела"

#. A city in Costa Rica
msgctxt "City in Costa Rica"
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Либерия"

#. A city in Costa Rica
msgid "Mata de Palo"
msgstr "Мата-де-Пало"

#. A city in Costa Rica
msgid "Puerto Limón"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Лимон"

#. The capital of Costa Rica
msgid "San José"
msgstr "Сан-Хосе"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Bol"
msgstr "Бол"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Dubrovnik"
msgstr "Дубровник"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Jelovice"
msgstr "Желовичи"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Liška"
msgstr "Лиска"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Osijek"
msgstr "Осиек"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Rijeka"
msgstr "Риека"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Сплит"

#. A city in Croatia
msgid "Zadar"
msgstr "Задар"

#. The capital of Croatia
msgid "Zagreb"
msgstr "Загреб"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Camagüey"
msgstr "Камагуей"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Cienfuegos"
msgstr "Киенфуегос"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Guantánamo"
msgstr "Гуантанамо"

#. The capital of Cuba.
#. "Havana" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Spanish is "La Habana".
msgid "Havana"
msgstr "Гавана"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Holguín"
msgstr "Холгуин"

#. A city in Cuba
msgctxt "City in Cuba"
msgid "Manzanillo"
msgstr "Мансанильо"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Matanzas"
msgstr "Матанзас"

#. A city in Cuba
msgid "Santiago de Cuba"
msgstr "Сантьяго-Де-Куба"

#. A city in Cyprus
msgid "Akrotiri"
msgstr "Акротири"

#. A city in Cyprus
msgid "Larnaca"
msgstr "Ларнака"

#. The capital of Cyprus
msgid "Nicosia"
msgstr "Никосия"

#. A city in Cyprus
msgid "Paphos"
msgstr "Пафос"

#. A city in Cyprus
msgid "Tymbou"
msgstr "Тумбу"

#. A city in the Czech Republic
msgid "Brno"
msgstr "Брно"

#. A city in the Czech Republic
msgid "Holešov"
msgstr "Холесов"

#. A city in the Czech Republic
msgid "Karlovy Vary"
msgstr "Карловы Вары"

#. A city in the Czech Republic
msgid "Liberec"
msgstr "Либерец"

#. A city in the Czech Republic
msgid "Ostrava"
msgstr "Острава"

#. The capital of the Czech Republic.
#. "Prague" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Czech is "Praha".
msgid "Prague"
msgstr "Прага"

#. A city in Côte d'Ivoire
msgid "Abidjan"
msgstr "Абиджан"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Billund"
msgstr "Биллунн"

#. The capital of Denmark.
#. "Copenhagen" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "København".
msgid "Copenhagen"
msgstr "Копенгаген"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Esbjerg"
msgstr "Эсбьерг"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Karup"
msgstr "Каруп"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Kastrup"
msgstr "Каструп"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Mejlby"
msgstr "Мейлби"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Odense"
msgstr "Оденсе"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Roskilde"
msgstr "Роскилле"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Rønne"
msgstr "Ронне"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Skrydstrup"
msgstr "Скрудступ"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Sottrupskov"
msgstr "Соттупсков"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Tirstrup"
msgstr "Тирструп"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Vamdrup"
msgstr "Вамдруп"

#. A city in Denmark
msgid "Ålborg"
msgstr "Алборг"

#. The capital of Djibouti
msgctxt "City in Djibouti"
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Джибути"

#. A city in Dominica
msgid "Marigot"
msgstr "Маригот"

#. The capital of Dominica
msgctxt "City in Dominica"
msgid "Roseau"
msgstr "Розо"

#. A city in Dominica
msgid "Saint Joseph"
msgstr "Сент-Джозеф"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgid "Barahona"
msgstr "Барахона"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgid "La Romana"
msgstr "Ла Романа"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgid "Mancha Nueva"
msgstr "Манча-Нуева"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgid "Pantanal"
msgstr "Пантанал"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgid "Puerto Plata"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Плата"

#. A city in the Dominican Republic
msgctxt "City in Dominican Republic"
msgid "Santiago"
msgstr "Сантьяго"

#. The capital of the Dominican Republic
msgid "Santo Domingo"
msgstr "Санто-Доминго"

#. A city in Ecuador
msgid "Guayaquil"
msgstr "Гаярквуил"

#. A city in Ecuador
msgid "Latacunga"
msgstr "Латакунга"

#. A city in Ecuador
msgid "Manta"
msgstr "Манта"

#. The capital of Ecuador
msgid "Quito"
msgstr "Куито"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Al 'Arish"
msgstr "Аль-Ариш"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Al Ghardaqah"
msgstr "Аль-Гардаках"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Al Qabuti"
msgstr "Аль-Кабути"

#. A city in Egypt.
#. "Alexandria" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Iskandariyah".
msgctxt "City in Egypt"
msgid "Alexandria"
msgstr "Александрия"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Aswan"
msgstr "Асуан"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Asyut"
msgstr "Асьют"

#. The capital of Egypt.
#. "Cairo" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Qahirah".
msgctxt "City in Egypt"
msgid "Cairo"
msgstr "Каир"

#. A city in Egypt.
#. "Luxor" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Uqsur".
msgid "Luxor"
msgstr "Луксор"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Marsa Matruh"
msgstr "Марса-Матрух"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Sharm ash Shaykh"
msgstr "Шарм-эш-Шейх"

#. A city in Egypt
msgid "Taba"
msgstr "Таба"

#. A city in El Salvador
msgid "Comalapa"
msgstr "Комалапа"

#. A city in El Salvador
msgid "Ilopango"
msgstr "Илопанго"

#. The capital of El Salvador
msgid "San Salvador"
msgstr "Сан-Сальвадор"

#. The capital of Equatorial Guinea
msgid "Malabo"
msgstr "Малабо"

#. A city in Estonia
msgid "Kuressaare"
msgstr "Курессааре"

#. A city in Estonia
msgid "Kärdla"
msgstr "Кярдла"

#. A city in Estonia
msgid "Pärnu"
msgstr "Пярну"

#. The capital of Estonia
msgid "Tallinn"
msgstr "Таллинн"

#. A city in Estonia
msgid "Tartu"
msgstr "Тарту"

#. The capital of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
msgctxt "City in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
msgid "Stanley"
msgstr "Стэнли"

#. A city in the Faroe Islands
msgid "Sørvágur"
msgstr "Сёрвагур"

#. The capital of the Faroe Islands
msgid "Tórshavn"
msgstr "Торшавн"

#. The capital of Fiji
msgid "Suva"
msgstr "Сува"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Enontekiö"
msgstr "Енонтекио"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Halli"
msgstr "Халли"

#. The capital of Finland.
#. The local name in Swedish is "Helsingfors".
msgid "Helsinki"
msgstr "Хельсинки"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Ivalo"
msgstr "Ивало"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Joensuu"
msgstr "Йоэнсуу"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Jyväskylä"
msgstr "Ювяскюля"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kajaani"
msgstr "Каяани"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kauhava"
msgstr "Каухава"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kemi"
msgstr "Кеми"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kittilä"
msgstr "Киттила"

#. A city in Finland.
#. The local name in Swedish is "Kronoby".
msgid "Kruunupyy"
msgstr "Круунупии"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kuopio"
msgstr "Куопио"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Kuusamo"
msgstr "Куусамо"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Lappeenranta"
msgstr "Лаппеэнранта"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Mikkeli"
msgstr "Миккели"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Oulu"
msgstr "Оулу"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Pori"
msgstr "Пори"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Rovaniemi"
msgstr "Рованиеми"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Savonlinna"
msgstr "Савонлинна"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Seinäjoki"
msgstr "Сейнайокл"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Tampere"
msgstr "Тампере"

#. A city in Finland.
#. The local name in Swedish is "Åbo".
msgid "Turku"
msgstr "Турку"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Utti"
msgstr "Утти"

#. A city in Finland.
#. The local name in Swedish is "Vasa".
msgid "Vaasa"
msgstr "Васа"

#. A city in Finland.
#. The local name in Swedish is "Vanda".
msgid "Vantaa"
msgstr "Вантаа"

#. A city in Finland
msgid "Varkaus"
msgstr "Варкаус"

#. A city in France
msgid "Agen"
msgstr "Ажен"

#. A city in France
msgid "Ajaccio"
msgstr "Аяччо"

#. A city in France
msgid "Alençon"
msgstr "Аленгон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Amiens"
msgstr "Амьен"

#. A city in France
msgid "Auch"
msgstr "Оч"

#. A city in France
msgid "Aurillac"
msgstr "Ауриллак"

#. A city in France
msgid "Bastia"
msgstr "Бастия"

#. A city in France
msgid "Beauvais"
msgstr "Боваис"

#. A city in France
msgid "Bergerac"
msgstr "Бержерак"

#. A city in France
msgid "Biarritz"
msgstr "Биариц"

#. A city in France
msgctxt "City in France"
msgid "Bordeaux"
msgstr "Бордо"

#. A city in France
msgid "Bourg-en-Bresse"
msgstr "Бурк-ан-Брес"

#. A city in France
msgid "Bourges"
msgstr "Бурж"

#. A city in France
msgctxt "City in France"
msgid "Brest"
msgstr "Брест"

#. A city in France
msgid "Brive"
msgstr "Бриве"

#. A city in France
msgid "Béziers"
msgstr "Безье"

#. A city in France
msgid "Caen"
msgstr "Кан"

#. A city in France
msgid "Calvi"
msgstr "Кальви"

#. A city in France
msgid "Cambrai"
msgstr "Камбре"

#. A city in France
msgid "Cannes"
msgstr "Канны"

#. A city in France
msgid "Carcassonne"
msgstr "Каркассон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Chambéry"
msgstr "Шамбери"

#. A city in France
msgid "Chartres"
msgstr "Шартр"

#. A city in France
msgid "Cherbourg"
msgstr "Шербур-Октевиль"

#. A city in France
msgid "Châteauroux"
msgstr "Шатору"

#. A city in France
msgid "Clermont-Ferrand"
msgstr "Клемон-Ферран"

#. A city in France
msgid "Cognac"
msgstr "Коньяк"

#. A city in France
msgid "Colmar"
msgstr "Кольмар"

#. A city in France
msgid "Dax"
msgstr "Дакс"

#. A city in France
msgid "Dijon"
msgstr "Дижон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Dinard"
msgstr "Динар"

#. A city in France
msgid "Dole"
msgstr "Доль"

#. A city in France
msgid "Dollemard"
msgstr "Долемар"

#. A city in France
msgid "Grenoble"
msgstr "Гренобль"

#. A city in France
msgid "Hoëricourt"
msgstr "Гоеркорт"

#. A city in France
msgid "Hyères"
msgstr "Иер"

#. A city in France
msgid "Istres"
msgstr "Истр"

#. A city in France
msgid "La Roche-sur-Yon"
msgstr "Ла-Рош-Сур-Йон"

#. A city in France
msgid "La Rochelle"
msgstr "Ла-Рошель"

#. A city in France
msgid "Lannion"
msgstr "Ланьон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Le Mans"
msgstr "Ле-Ман"

#. A city in France
msgid "Le Puy"
msgstr "Ле-Пу"

#. A city in France
msgid "Lille"
msgstr "Лилль"

#. A city in France
msgid "Limoges"
msgstr "Лимож"

#. A city in France
msgid "Luxeuil-les-Bains"
msgstr "Люксёй-Ле-Бэн"

#. A city in France
msgid "Lyon"
msgstr "Лион"

#. A city in France
msgid "Marseille"
msgstr "Марсель"

#. A city in France
msgid "Melun"
msgstr "Мелун"

#. A city in France
msgid "Metz"
msgstr "Мец"

#. A city in France
msgid "Mont-de-Marsan"
msgstr "Мон-де-Марсан"

#. A city in France
msgid "Montgauch"
msgstr "Монтгоч"

#. A city in France
msgid "Montpellier"
msgstr "Монпелье"

#. A city in France
msgid "Montélimar"
msgstr "Монтелимар"

#. A city in France
msgid "Mulhouse"
msgstr "Мюлуз"

#. A city in France
msgid "Mâcon"
msgstr "Макон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Méné Guen"
msgstr "Мене-Гуен"

#. A city in France
msgid "Nancy"
msgstr "Нанси"

#. A city in France
msgid "Nantes"
msgstr "Нант"

#. A city in France
msgid "Nevers"
msgstr "Невер"

#. A city in France
msgid "Nice"
msgstr "Ницца"

#. A city in France
msgid "Nîmes"
msgstr "Ним"

#. A city in France
msgctxt "City in France"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Оранж"

#. A city in France
msgid "Orléans"
msgstr "Орлеан"

#. The capital of France
msgctxt "City in France"
msgid "Paris"
msgstr "Париж"

#. A city in France
msgid "Pau"
msgstr "По"

#. A city in France
msgid "Perpignan"
msgstr "Перпиньян"

#. A city in France
msgid "Poggiale"
msgstr "Поггиале"

#. A city in France
msgid "Poitiers"
msgstr "Пуатье"

#. A city in France
msgid "Quimper"
msgstr "Квимпер"

#. A city in France
msgid "Reims"
msgstr "Реймс"

#. A city in France
msgid "Rennes"
msgstr "Ренн"

#. A city in France
msgid "Rodez"
msgstr "Родез"

#. A city in France
msgid "Romorantin"
msgstr "Роморантин"

#. A city in France
msgid "Rouen"
msgstr "Руан"

#. A city in France
msgid "Saint-Brieuc"
msgstr "Сент-Бри"

#. A city in France
msgid "Saint-Quentin"
msgstr "Сент-Квентин"

#. A city in France
msgid "Saint-Yan"
msgstr "Сент-Ян"

#. A city in France
msgid "Salon"
msgstr "Салон"

#. A city in France
msgid "Strasbourg"
msgstr "Страсбург"

#. A city in France
msgid "Tarbes"
msgstr "Тарб"

#. A city in France
msgid "Toulouse"
msgstr "Тулуза"

#. A city in France
msgid "Tours"
msgstr "Турс"

#. A city in France
msgid "Trignac"
msgstr "Триньяк"

#. A city in France
msgid "Troyes"
msgstr "Труа"

#. A city in France
msgid "Veauche"
msgstr "Вош"

#. A city in France
msgctxt "City in France"
msgid "Vichy"
msgstr "Виши"

#. A city in France
msgid "Vélizy"
msgstr "Велизи"

#. A city in France
msgid "Évreux"
msgstr "Эврё"

#. The capital of French Guiana
msgid "Cayenne"
msgstr "Кайенна"

#. The capital of French Polynesia
msgid "Papeete"
msgstr "Папит"

#. A city in Gabon
msgid "Franceville"
msgstr "Франсвиль"

#. The capital of Gabon
msgid "Libreville"
msgstr "Либревиль"

#. A city in Gabon
msgid "Port-Gentil"
msgstr "Порт-Жантиль"

#. The capital of Gambia
msgid "Banjul"
msgstr "Банжул"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Achum"
msgstr "Ачум"

#. A city in Thuringia in Germany
msgid "Altenburg"
msgstr "Альтенбург"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Augsburg"
msgstr "Аугсбург"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Baal"
msgstr "Баал"

#. The capital of Germany
msgctxt "City in Berlin, Germany"
msgid "Berlin"
msgstr "Берлин"

#. A city in Thuringia in Germany
msgid "Bindersleben"
msgstr "Биндерслебен"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Bonn"
msgstr "Бонн"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Braunschweig"
msgstr "Брауншвейг"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Bredeck"
msgstr "Бредек"

#. A city in Bremen in Germany
msgctxt "City in Bremen, Germany"
msgid "Bremen"
msgstr "Бремен"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Büchel"
msgstr "Бюхель"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Celle"
msgstr "Целле"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Donaueschingen"
msgstr "Донаушинген"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Dorfgmünd"
msgstr "Дофтмунд"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Dortmund"
msgstr "Дортмунд"

#. A city in Saxony in Germany
msgid "Dresden"
msgstr "Дрезден"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Faßberg"
msgstr "Фассберг"

#. A city in Hesse in Germany
msgid "Frankfurt"
msgstr "Франкфурт"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Friedrichshafen"
msgstr "Фридрихсхафен"

#. A city in Hesse in Germany
msgid "Fritzlar"
msgstr "Фритцлар"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Geilenkirchen"
msgstr "Гейлкирчен"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Hahn"
msgstr "Хан"

#. A city in Hamburg in Germany
msgctxt "City in Hamburg, Germany"
msgid "Hamburg"
msgstr "Гамбург"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Hannover"
msgstr "Ганновер"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Hof"
msgstr "Хоф"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Hohn"
msgstr "Хон"

#. A city in Saxony-Anhalt in Germany
msgid "Holzdorf"
msgstr "Хольцдорф"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Illesheim"
msgstr "Иллсхейм"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Kalkar"
msgstr "Калькар"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Kalkum"
msgstr "Калкум"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Karlsruhe"
msgstr "Карлсруэ"

#. A city in Hesse in Germany
msgid "Kassel"
msgstr "Кассель"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Katterbach"
msgstr "Катербах"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Kiel"
msgstr "Киль"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Klemenshof"
msgstr "Клеменсхоф"

#. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
msgid "Laage"
msgstr "Лаге"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Lager Lechfeld"
msgstr "Лагер-Лечфелд"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Lahr"
msgstr "Лар"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Landsberg"
msgstr "Ландсберг"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Laupheim"
msgstr "Лаупхайм"

#. A city in Saxony in Germany
msgid "Leipzig"
msgstr "Лейпциг"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Liebenscheid"
msgstr "Либеншейд"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Memmingen"
msgstr "Мемминген"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Meßstetten"
msgstr "Месштеттен"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany.
#. "Munich" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "München".
msgid "Munich"
msgstr "Мюнхен"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Mönchengladbach"
msgstr "Мёнхенгладбах"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Münster"
msgstr "Мюнстер"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany.
#. One of several cities in Germany called "Neuburg".
msgid "Neuburg an der Donau"
msgstr "Нойбург-на-Дунае"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Neuostheim"
msgstr "Хеддесхайм"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgid "Niederstetten"
msgstr "Нидерштеттен"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Nordholz"
msgstr "Нордхольц"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany.
#. "Nuremberg" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Nürnberg".
msgid "Nuremberg"
msgstr "Нюремберг"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Oberpfaffenhofen"
msgstr "Оберпфаффенхофен"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Paderborn"
msgstr "Падеборн"

#. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
msgid "Parchim"
msgstr "Пархим"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Ramstein"
msgstr "Рамштайн"

#. A city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany
msgid "Rheine"
msgstr "Райне"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Roth"
msgstr "Рот"

#. A city in Saarland in Germany
msgid "Saarbrücken"
msgstr "Саарбрюккен"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Schleswig"
msgstr "Шлсвиг"

#. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
msgid "Seebad Heringsdorf"
msgstr "Сибад-Херингсдорф"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Spangdahlem"
msgstr "Шпангдалем"

#. A city in Baden-Württemberg in Germany
msgctxt "City in Baden-Württemberg, Germany"
msgid "Stuttgart"
msgstr "Штутгард"

#. A city in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Germany
msgid "Trollenhagen"
msgstr "Тролленхаген"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Ulstrupfeld"
msgstr "Улструпфелд"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Vorrade"
msgstr "Воррад"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Webershausen"
msgstr "Вебершаузен"

#. A city in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
msgid "Westerland"
msgstr "Вестерланд"

#. A city in Hesse in Germany
msgid "Wiesbaden"
msgstr "Висбаден"

#. A city in Lower Saxony in Germany
msgid "Wunstorf"
msgstr "Вунсторф"

#. A city in Bavaria in Germany
msgid "Würzburg"
msgstr "Вюрцбург"

#. A city in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany
msgid "Zweibrücken"
msgstr "Цвайбрюккен"

#. The capital of Ghana
msgid "Accra"
msgstr "Аккра"

#. The capital of Gibraltar
msgctxt "City in Gibraltar"
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Гибралтар"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Alexandroúpolis"
msgstr "Александрополис"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Andravída"
msgstr "Андравида"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Argostólion"
msgstr "Аргостолион"

#. The capital of Greece.
#. "Athens" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Greek is "Athína / Αθήνα".
msgctxt "City in Greece"
msgid "Athens"
msgstr "Афины"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Chrysoúpolis"
msgstr "Кристополис"

#. A city in Greece.
#. The name is also written "Χίος".
msgid "Chíos"
msgstr "Хиос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Elefsís"
msgstr "Элефсис"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Irákleion"
msgstr "Ираклион"

#. A city in Greece.
#. The name is also written "Καλαμάτα".
msgid "Kalamáta"
msgstr "Каламата"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Karpásion"
msgstr "Карпасион"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Katomérion"
msgstr "Катомерион"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Kos"
msgstr "Кос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Kozáni"
msgstr "Козани"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Kárpathos"
msgstr "Карпатос"

#. A city in Greece.
#. The name is also written "Κέρκυρα".
msgid "Kérkyra"
msgstr "Керкура"

#. A city in Greece.
#. The name is also written "Κύθηρα".
msgid "Kýthira"
msgstr "Кутира"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Lárisa"
msgstr "Лариса"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Monólithos"
msgstr "Монолитос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Mytilíni"
msgstr "Мутилини"

#. A city in Greece.
#. The name is also written "Μύκονος".
msgid "Mýkonos"
msgstr "Миконос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Náxos"
msgstr "Наксос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Paradeísion"
msgstr "Парадейсион"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Páros"
msgstr "Фарос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Skíathos"
msgstr "Скитос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Soúda"
msgstr "Соуда"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Sámos"
msgstr "Самос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Tanágra"
msgstr "Танагра"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Thessaloníki"
msgstr "Салоники"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Zákynthos"
msgstr "Закинтос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Áno Síros"
msgstr "Ано-Сирос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Áraxos"
msgstr "Арахос"

#. A city in Greece
msgid "Áyios Athanásios"
msgstr "Айиос Атанасиос"

#. A city in Greenland.
#. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Uummannaq".
msgid "Dundas"
msgstr "Уумманнак"

#. The capital of Greenland.
#. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Nuuk".
msgid "Godthåb"
msgstr "Годтаб"

#. A city in Greenland
msgid "Ittorisseq"
msgstr "Итторисек"

#. A city in Greenland.
#. The local name in Kalaallisut is "Ilulissat".
msgid "Jakobshavn"
msgstr "Якобсшавн"

#. A city in Greenland
msgid "Kulusuk"
msgstr "Кулисук"

#. A city in Greenland
msgid "Narsarsuaq"
msgstr "Нарсарсуак"

#. A city in Greenland
msgid "Søndre Strømfjord"
msgstr "Зондре-Стрёмфьёрд"

#. A city in Grenada
msgid "Bamboo"
msgstr "Бамбу"

#. The capital of Grenada
msgid "Saint George's"
msgstr "Сент-Жорж"

#. The capital of Guadeloupe
msgid "Basse-Terre"
msgstr "Бас-Тер"

#. A city in Guadeloupe
msgid "Les Abymes"
msgstr "Лес-Абимес"

#. A city in Guam
msgid "Asatdas"
msgstr "Асатдас"

#. A city in Guam
msgid "Hagåtña"
msgstr "Хагатна"

#. The capital of Guatemala
msgctxt "City in Guatemala"
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Гватемала"

#. A city in Guatemala
msgid "Huehuetenango"
msgstr "Уэуэтенанго"

#. A city in Guatemala
msgid "Puerto Barrios"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Барриос"

#. A city in Guatemala
msgid "Puerto San José"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Сан-Хосе"

#. A city in Guatemala
msgid "Retalhuleu"
msgstr "Реталхулеу"

#. A city in Guatemala
msgid "Tikal"
msgstr "Tikal"

#. A city in Guernsey
msgid "Hautnez"
msgstr "Хаутнез"

#. The capital of Guernsey
msgid "Saint Peter Port"
msgstr "Сент-Петер-Порт"

#. The capital of Guinea
msgid "Conakry"
msgstr "Конакри"

#. The capital of Guyana
msgctxt "City in Guyana"
msgid "Georgetown"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. Capital of Haiti
msgid "Port-au-Prince"
msgstr "Порт-о-Пренс"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Amapala"
msgstr "Амапала"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Catacamas"
msgstr "Катакамас"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Ciudad Choluteca"
msgstr "Чиудад Чолутека"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Comayagua"
msgstr "Комаягуа"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Guanaja"
msgstr "Гуанаха"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "La Ceiba"
msgstr "Ла-Сейба"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "La Esperanza"
msgstr "Ла-Эсперанса"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "La Mesa"
msgstr "Ла-Меса"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Puerto Lempira"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Лемпира"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Roatán"
msgstr "Роатан"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Santa Rosa de Copán"
msgstr "Санта-Роза-Де-Копан"

#. The capital of Honduras
msgid "Tegucigalpa"
msgstr "Тегусигальпа"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Tela"
msgstr "Тела"

#. A city in Honduras
msgid "Yoro"
msgstr "Йоро"

#. The capital of Hungary
msgid "Budapest"
msgstr "Будапешт"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Debrecen"
msgstr "Дебрецен"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Győr"
msgstr "Дьёр"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Kecskemét"
msgstr "Кескемет"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Pápa"
msgstr "Папа"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Pécs"
msgstr "Пекс"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Szeged"
msgstr "Сегед"

#. A city in Hungary
msgid "Szolnok"
msgstr "Сольнок"

#. A city in Iceland
msgid "Akureyri"
msgstr "Акуреури"

#. A city in Iceland
msgid "Eiðar"
msgstr "Эйдар"

#. The capital of Iceland
msgid "Reykjavík"
msgstr "Рейкъявик"

#. A city in Iceland
msgid "Ytri-Njarðvík"
msgstr "Ютри-Ньяровик"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Bengali is "আগরতলা/Agortôla"
msgid "Agartala"
msgstr "Агартала"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Hindi is "आगरा"
msgid "Agra"
msgstr "Агра"

#. A city in India
msgid "Ahmadabad"
msgstr "Ахмадабад"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Hindi is "इलाहाबाद"
msgid "Allahabad"
msgstr "Аллахабад"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Punjabi is "ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਸਰ"
msgid "Amritsar"
msgstr "Амритсар"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Marathi is "औरंगाबाद"
msgid "Aurangabad"
msgstr "Аурангабад"

#. A city in India
msgid "Bagdogra"
msgstr "Багдогра"

#. A city in India - local airport
#. "Bengaluru" is the new name
msgid "Bangalore"
msgstr "Бангалор"

#. A city in India.
#. "Benares" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Varanasi".
#. The local name in Hindi is "वाराणसी".
msgid "Benares"
msgstr "Варанаши"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Gujrati is "ભાવનગર"
#. the local name in Hindi is "भावनगर"
msgid "Bhavnagar"
msgstr "Бхавнагар"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "भोपाल".
msgid "Bhopal"
msgstr "Бхопал"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Oriya is "ଭୁବେନଶ୍ବର".
msgid "Bhubaneshwar"
msgstr "Бхубанесвар"

#. A city in India.
msgid "Bhuj"
msgstr "Бхуж"

#. A city in the Indian union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
msgid "Car Nicobar"
msgstr "Кар-Никобар"

#. A union territory in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "चण्डीगढ़ / चंडीगढ़"
#. The local name in Punjabi is "ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍ਹ"
msgid "Chandigarh"
msgstr "Чандигарх"

#. A city in India.
#. "Madras" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Tamil is "Chennai / சென்னை".
msgid "Chennai"
msgstr "Ченнай"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Tamil is "கோயம்புத்தூர்".
msgid "Coimbatore"
msgstr "Коямпуттур"

#. A city in India
#. also known as Dehra Doon
#. the local name in Hindi is "देहरादून"
msgid "Dehradun"
msgstr "Дехрадун"

#. A city in India
msgid "Dibrugarh"
msgstr "Дибругар"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Hindi is "दीमापुर"
msgid "Dimapur"
msgstr "Димапур"

#. A city in India
msgid "Donakonda"
msgstr "Донаконда"

#. A city in India
#. the local name in Telugu is "హైదరాబాద్"
#. the local name in Urdu is "حیدرآباد"
msgid "Hyderabad"
msgstr "Хайдарабад"

#. A city in India
msgid "Jaipur"
msgstr "Жайпур"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Dogri is "जम्मू"
msgid "Jammu"
msgstr "Джамму"

#. A city in India.
#. The old name is "Cochin"
#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kochi"
msgstr "Кочин"

#. A city in India.
#. "Calcutta" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Bengali is "Kolkata /  কলকাতা".
msgid "Kolkata"
msgstr "Калькутта"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "लेह"
msgid "Leh"
msgstr "Лех"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "लखनऊ".
msgid "Lucknow"
msgstr "Лакнау"

#. A city in India.
#. "Bombay" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Marathi is "Mumbai /  मुंबई".
msgid "Mumbai"
msgstr "Мумбаи"

#. A city in India
msgid "Nagpur"
msgstr "Нагпур"

#. The capital of India.
#. The local name in Urdu is "نئی دلی‎".
#. The local name in Panjabi is "ਨਵੀਂ ਦਿੱਲੀ".
#. The local name in Hindi is "नई दिल्ली".
msgid "New Delhi"
msgstr "Нью-Дели"

#. A city in India
msgid "Patna"
msgstr "Патна"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "पोर्ट ब्लेयर"
msgid "Port Blair"
msgstr "Порт-Блэр"

#. A city in India
msgid "Pune"
msgstr "Пуна"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "शिमला"
msgid "Shimla"
msgstr "Шимла"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Dogri is "श्रीनगर"
#. The local name in Urdu is "شرینگر"
msgid "Srinagar"
msgstr "Сринагар"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Malayalam is "തിരുവനന്തപുരം".
msgid "Thiruvananthapuram"
msgstr "Тируванантапурам"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Tamil is "திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி".
msgid "Tiruchchirappalli"
msgstr "Тируччираппалли"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Telugu is "తిరుపతి".
msgid "Tirupati"
msgstr "Тирупати"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Telugu is "విజయవాడ".
msgid "Vijayawada"
msgstr "Виджаявада"

#. A city in India.
#. "Vizag" is other traditional name
#. The local name in Telugu is "విశాఖపట్నం".
msgid "Visakhapatnam"
msgstr "Вишакхапатнам"

#. A city in India.
#. The local name in Hindi is "वरंगल"
#. The local name in Telugu is "వరంగల్".
msgid "Warangal"
msgstr "Варангал"

#. The capital of Indonesia
msgid "Jakarta"
msgstr "Джакарта"

#. A city in Indonesia
msgid "Makassar"
msgstr "Макассар"

#. A city in Indonesia
msgid "Medan"
msgstr "Медан"

#. A city in Indonesia
msgid "Palembang"
msgstr "Палембэнг"

#. A city in Indonesia
msgid "Pekanbaru"
msgstr "Пеканбару"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "آبادان".
msgid "Abadan"
msgstr "Абадан"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Abadeh"
msgstr "Абадех"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Abū Mūsā"
msgstr "Абу-Муса"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "آغاجاری".
msgid "Aghajari"
msgstr "Агхаяри"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "اهواز".
msgid "Ahvaz"
msgstr "Ахваз"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "اردبيل".
msgid "Ardabil"
msgstr "Ардебиль"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "بندر عباس".
msgid "Bandar 'Abbas"
msgstr "Бандараббас"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "بندر بوشهر".
msgid "Bandar-e Bushehr"
msgstr "Бандар-и-Бушехр"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "بندر لنگه".
msgid "Bandar-e Lengeh"
msgstr "Бандар-и-Ленгех"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "بندر ماهشهر".
msgid "Bandar-e Mahshahr"
msgstr "Бандар-и-Махшахр"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Birjand"
msgstr "Биржанд"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "چاه بهار".
msgid "Chah Bahar"
msgstr "Чах Бахар"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "ديرستان".
msgid "Dayrestan"
msgstr "Дайрестан"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "دو گنبدان".
msgid "Do Gonbadan"
msgstr "До-Гонбадан"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Esfahan"
msgstr "Исфахан"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "فسا".
msgid "Fasa"
msgstr "Фаса"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "گرگان".
msgid "Gorgan"
msgstr "Горган"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "گوشه شاهزاده قاسم".
msgid "Gusheh Shahzadeh Qasem"
msgstr "Гушех Шахзадех Касем"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "همدان".
msgid "Hamadan"
msgstr "Хамадан"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "يلام".
msgid "Ilam"
msgstr "Илам"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Iranshahr"
msgstr "Ираншахр"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "كرج".
msgid "Karaj"
msgstr "Караи"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Kashan"
msgstr "Кашан"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Kerman"
msgstr "Керман"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Kermanshah"
msgstr "Керманшах"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "خرم آباد".
msgid "Khorramabad"
msgstr "Хорамабад"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "كيش".
msgid "Kish"
msgstr "Киш"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Lar"
msgstr "Лар"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "مشهد".
msgid "Mashhad"
msgstr "Машхад"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "مسجد سلیمان".
msgid "Masjed Soleyman"
msgstr "Масжед-Солеуман"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "نو شهر".
msgid "Now Shahr"
msgstr "Наушахр"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "ارومیه".
msgid "Orumiyeh"
msgstr "Орумийех"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "قزوین".
msgid "Qazvin"
msgstr "Квазвин"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Rasht"
msgstr "Решт"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Sabzevar"
msgstr "Сабзевар"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "سخت سر".
msgid "Sakht Sar"
msgstr "Сакхт-Сар"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Sanandaj"
msgstr "Сенендедж"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Sarakhs"
msgstr "Сарахс"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "سمنان".
msgid "Semnan"
msgstr "Семнан"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "شهر بالا".
msgid "Shahr-e Bala"
msgstr "Шахр-Эль-Бала"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "شهر كرد".
msgid "Shahr-e Kord"
msgstr "Шахр-Эль-Корд"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "شیراز".
msgid "Shiraz"
msgstr "Шираз"

#. A city in Iran
msgid "Tabas"
msgstr "Табас"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "تبريز".
msgid "Tabriz"
msgstr "Тебриз"

#. The capital of Iran.
#. The name is also written "تهران".
msgid "Tehran"
msgstr "Тегеран"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "يزد".
msgid "Yazd"
msgstr "Йезд"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "زابل".
msgid "Zabol"
msgstr "Забол"

#. A city in Iran.
#. The name is also written "زاهدان (کي)".
msgid "Zahedan-e (Yek)"
msgstr "Захедан-е (Йек)"

msgid "Athlone"
msgstr "Атлон"

msgid "Bray"
msgstr "Брей"

msgid "Carlow"
msgstr "Карлоу"

msgid "Carrick on Shannon"
msgstr "Каррик-он-Шаннон"

msgid "Castlebar"
msgstr "Каслбар"

msgid "Cavan"
msgstr "Каван"

msgid "Clonmel"
msgstr "Клонмел"

msgid "Cork"
msgstr "Корк"

msgid "Drogheda"
msgstr "Дроэда"

msgid "Dublin"
msgstr "Дублин"

msgid "Dundalk"
msgstr "Дандолк"

msgid "Ennis"
msgstr "Эннис"

msgid "Galway"
msgstr "Голуэй"

msgid "Kilkenny"
msgstr "Килкенни"

msgid "Lifford"
msgstr "Лиффорд"

msgid "Limerick"
msgstr "Лимерик"

msgid "Longford"
msgstr "Лонгфорд"

msgid "Mullingar"
msgstr "Маллингар"

msgid "Naas"
msgstr "Нейс"

msgid "Navan"
msgstr "Ан-Уавь"

msgid "Nenagh"
msgstr "Нина"

msgid "Newbridge"
msgstr "Ньюбридж"

msgid "Portlaoise"
msgstr "Порт-Лиише"

msgid "Roscommon"
msgstr "Роскоммон"

msgid "Sligo"
msgstr "Слайго"

msgid "Swords"
msgstr "Сордс"

msgid "Tallaght"
msgstr "Талла"

msgid "Tralee"
msgstr "Трали"

msgid "Trim"
msgstr "Трим"

msgid "Tullamore"
msgstr "Талламор"

msgid "Waterford"
msgstr "Уотерфорд"

msgid "Wexford"
msgstr "Уэксфорд"

msgid "Wicklow"
msgstr "Уиклоу"

#. The capital of the Isle of Man
msgctxt "City in Isle of Man"
msgid "Douglas"
msgstr "Дуглас"

#. A city in the Isle of Man
msgid "Ronaldsway"
msgstr "Рональдсвей"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Eilat"
msgstr "Эйлат"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Haifa"
msgstr "Хайфа"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Lod"
msgstr "Лод"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Rosh Pina"
msgstr "Рош-Пинна"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Shizzafon"
msgstr "Неот-Смадар (Шизафон)"

#. A city in Israel
msgid "Tel Aviv"
msgstr "Тель-Авив"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Albenga"
msgstr "Альбенга"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Alghero"
msgstr "Алжир"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Ancona"
msgstr "Анкона"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Aviano"
msgstr "Авиано"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Bari"
msgstr "Бари"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Bergamo"
msgstr "Бергамо"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Bologna"
msgstr "Болонья"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Bolzano"
msgstr "Больцано"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Brescia"
msgstr "Брескиа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Breuil-Cervinia"
msgstr "Бреул-Сервиниа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Brindisi"
msgstr "Бриндизи"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Cagliari"
msgstr "Каглиари"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Capri"
msgstr "Капри"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Case Arfel"
msgstr "Касе-Арфел"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Catania"
msgstr "Катания"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Cervia"
msgstr "Сервия"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Crotone"
msgstr "Кротоне"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Cuneo"
msgstr "Кунео"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Decimomannu"
msgstr "Дечимоманну"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Dobbiaco"
msgstr "Доббиако"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Ferrara"
msgstr "Феррара"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Florence" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Firenze".
msgctxt "City in Italy"
msgid "Florence"
msgstr "Флоренция"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Forlì"
msgstr "Форли"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Frosinone"
msgstr "Фрозиноне"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Genoa" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Genova".
msgid "Genoa"
msgstr "Генуя"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Ginosa Marina"
msgstr "Гиноса Марина"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Gioia del Colle"
msgstr "Джоя-дель-Колле"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Grazzanise"
msgstr "Граццанизе"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Grosseto"
msgstr "Гроссето"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Grottaglie"
msgstr "Гротталье"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Isola del Cantone"
msgstr "Изола-дель-Кантоне"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "L'Aquila"
msgstr "Л’Акуила"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Laigueglia"
msgstr "Лайгуеглиа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Lampedusa"
msgstr "Лампедуза"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Latina"
msgstr "Латина"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Lecce"
msgstr "Лечче"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Lucca"
msgstr "Лукка"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Messina"
msgstr "Мессина"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Milan" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Milano".
msgid "Milan"
msgstr "Милан"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Naples" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Napoli".
msgctxt "City in Italy"
msgid "Naples"
msgstr "Неаполь"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Olbia"
msgstr "Олбия"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Palazzo"
msgstr "Палаццо"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Palermo"
msgstr "Палермо"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Paneveggio"
msgstr "Паневеджио"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Pantelleria"
msgstr "Пантеллерия"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Parma"
msgstr "Парма"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Perugia"
msgstr "Перуджа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Pescara"
msgstr "Пескара"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Piacenza"
msgstr "Пьяченца"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Pisa"
msgstr "Пиза"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Pontecagnano"
msgstr "Понте-Каньяно"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Pratica di Mare"
msgstr "Пратика-Ди-Маре"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Reggio di Calabria"
msgstr "Реджо-ди-Калабрия"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Resia"
msgstr "Резиа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Rieti"
msgstr "Риети"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Rimini"
msgstr "Римини"

#. The capital of Italy.
#. "Rome" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Roma".
msgctxt "City in Italy"
msgid "Rome"
msgstr "Рим"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Ronchi dei Legionari"
msgstr "Рончи-дей-Легионари"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Salignano"
msgstr "Салиньяно"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "San Stèfano"
msgstr "Сан-Стефано"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Sant'Eufemia Lamezia"
msgstr "Сант-Эуфемиа Ламезиа"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Sporminore"
msgstr "Спорминоре"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Tamaricciola"
msgstr "Тамариккиола"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Tarvisio"
msgstr "Тарвизио"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Trapani"
msgstr "Трапани"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Trevico"
msgstr "Тревико"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Treviso"
msgstr "Тревизо"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Trieste"
msgstr "Триест"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Turin" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Torino".
msgid "Turin"
msgstr "Турин"

#. A city in Italy.
#. "Venice" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Italian is "Venezia".
msgid "Venice"
msgstr "Венеция"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Verona"
msgstr "Верона"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Vicenza"
msgstr "Виченца"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Viterbo"
msgstr "Витербо"

#. A city in Italy
msgid "Àrbatax"
msgstr "Арбатакс"

#. The capital of Jamaica
msgctxt "City in Jamaica"
msgid "Kingston"
msgstr "Кингстон"

#. A city in Jamaica
msgid "Montego Bay"
msgstr "Монтего-Бей"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Akita"
msgstr "Акита"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ami"
msgstr "Ами"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Aomori"
msgstr "Аомори"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Asahikawa"
msgstr "Асахикава"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ashiya"
msgstr "Ашия"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Chitose"
msgstr "Читози"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Chofu"
msgstr "Чофу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Fuji"
msgstr "Фуджи"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Fukue"
msgstr "Фуку"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Fukuoka"
msgstr "Фукуока"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Futemma"
msgstr "Футемма"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Gifu"
msgstr "Гифу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hakodate"
msgstr "Хакодате"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hamamatsu"
msgstr "Хамамацу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hamanaka"
msgstr "Хаманака"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hanamaki"
msgstr "Хамаматсу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hiroshima"
msgstr "Хиросима"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Hofu"
msgstr "Хофу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ishigaki"
msgstr "Ишигаки"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Iwakuni"
msgstr "Ивакуни"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Izumo"
msgstr "Ицумо"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Janado"
msgstr "Жанадо"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kadena"
msgstr "Кадена"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kagoshima"
msgstr "Кагосима"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kanayama"
msgstr "Канаяма"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kanoya"
msgstr "Каноя"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kashoji"
msgstr "Кашожи"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kitakyushu"
msgstr "Китакюсю"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Komatsu"
msgstr "Комацу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Komatsushima"
msgstr "Комацусима"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kumamoto"
msgstr "Кумамото"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Kushiro"
msgstr "Куширо"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Matsubara"
msgstr "Мацубара"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Matsumoto"
msgstr "Мацумото"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Matsushima"
msgstr "Мацушима"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Matsuyama"
msgstr "Мацуяма"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Memambetsu"
msgstr "Мемамбетсу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Mihonoseki"
msgstr "Михонески"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Minami"
msgstr "Минами"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Misawa"
msgstr "Мисава"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Mito"
msgstr "Мито"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Miyazaki"
msgstr "Миядзаки"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Mombetsu"
msgstr "Момбетсу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Nagasaki"
msgstr "Нагасаки"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Nagoya"
msgstr "Нагойа"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Naha"
msgstr "Наха"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Naka-shibetsu"
msgstr "Нака-Шибетсу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Niigata"
msgstr "Ниигата"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Obihiro"
msgstr "Обихиро"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Odaira"
msgstr "Одайра"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Odaka"
msgstr "Одака"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Odate"
msgstr "Одатэ"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ofunakoshi"
msgstr "Офунакоши"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ogimachiya"
msgstr "Огимачия"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Oita"
msgstr "Оита"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Okata"
msgstr "Оката"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Okayama"
msgstr "Окаяма"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Okazato"
msgstr "Оказато"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Osaka"
msgstr "Осака"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ozuki"
msgstr "Озуки"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Saga"
msgstr "Сага"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Sanrizuka"
msgstr "Санризука"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Sawada"
msgstr "Савада"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Sendai"
msgstr "Сендаи"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Shiroi"
msgstr "Широй"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Takamatsu"
msgstr "Такамацу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Takatsu"
msgstr "Такацу"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Tateyama"
msgstr "Татеяма"

#. The capital of Japan
msgid "Tokyo"
msgstr "Токио"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Tottori"
msgstr "Тоттори"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Toyama"
msgstr "Тояма"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Toyooka"
msgstr "Тойуока"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Tsuiki"
msgstr "Тсуики"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Ushuku"
msgstr "Ушуку"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Wakkanai"
msgstr "Вакканай"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Yamagata"
msgstr "Ямагата"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Yamaguchi"
msgstr "Яамагучи"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Yao"
msgstr "Яо"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Yokota"
msgstr "Йокота"

#. A city in Japan
msgid "Yoshinaga"
msgstr "Йошинага"

#. A city in Jersey
msgid "La Hougue"
msgstr "Ла-Ног"

#. The capital of Jersey
msgid "Saint Helier"
msgstr "Сент-Хелиер"

#. A city in Jordan
msgid "Al 'Aqabah"
msgstr "Аль-Акабах"

#. A city in Jordan
msgid "Al Jizah"
msgstr "Аль-Жизах"

#. The capital of Jordan.
#. "Amman" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "'Amman".
msgid "Amman"
msgstr "Амман"

#. A city in Kazakhstan
msgid "Almaty"
msgstr "Алма-Ата"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Aktau".
msgid "Aqtau"
msgstr "Актау"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Aktobe".
msgid "Aqtöbe"
msgstr "Актюбинск"

#. The capital of Kazakhstan
msgid "Astana"
msgstr "Астана"

#. A city in Kazakhstan
msgid "Atyrau"
msgstr "Атырау"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Ural'sk".
msgid "Oral"
msgstr "Уральск"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Karaganda".
msgid "Qaraghandy"
msgstr "Караганда"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Kostanay".
msgid "Qostanay"
msgstr "Костанай"

#. A city in Kazakhstan.
#. The local name in Russian is "Kyzylorda".
msgid "Qyzylorda"
msgstr "Кзыл-Орда"

#. A city in Kazakhstan
msgid "Shymkent"
msgstr "Шемкент"

#. A city in Kenya
msgid "Eldoret"
msgstr "Элдорет"

#. A city in Kenya
msgid "Kisumu"
msgstr "Кисуму"

#. A city in Kenya
msgid "Mombasa"
msgstr "Момбаса"

#. The capital of Kenya
msgid "Nairobi"
msgstr "Найроби"

#. A city in Kiribati
msgctxt "City in Kiribati"
msgid "London"
msgstr "Лондон"

#. A city in Kosovo:
msgid "Pristina"
msgstr "Приштина"

#. The capital of Kuwait.
#. "Kuwait" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Kuwayt / الكويت".
msgctxt "City in Kuwait"
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Кувейт"

#. The capital of Kyrgyzstan
msgid "Bishkek"
msgstr "Бишкек"

#. The capital of Laos.
#. "Vientiane" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Lao is "Viangchan".
msgid "Vientiane"
msgstr "Вьентьян"

#. A city in Latvia
msgid "Liepāja"
msgstr "Лиепая"

#. The capital of Latvia
msgid "Rīga"
msgstr "Рига"

#. The capital of Lebanon.
#. "Beirut" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Beyrouth".
msgid "Beirut"
msgstr "Бейрут"

#. A city in Libya
msgid "Baninah"
msgstr "Банинах"

#. A city in Libya
msgid "Sabha"
msgstr "Сабха"

#. The capital of Libya.
#. "Tripoli" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Tarabulus / طرابلس".
msgid "Tripoli"
msgstr "Триполи"

#. The capital of Liechtenstein
msgid "Vaduz"
msgstr "Вадуз"

#. A city in Lithuania
msgid "Kaunas"
msgstr "Каунас"

#. A city in Lithuania
msgid "Palanga"
msgstr "Паланга"

#. The capital of Lithuania
msgid "Vilnius"
msgstr "Вильнюс"

#. A city in Lithuania
msgid "Šiauliai"
msgstr "Шяуляй"

#. The capital of Luxembourg
msgctxt "City in Luxembourg"
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Люксембург"

#. The capital of Macau.
#. The local name in Chinese is "Aomen / 澳门".
msgctxt "City in Macau"
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Макао"

#. A city in Macau.
#. The local name in Chinese is "Dangzai / 氹仔".
msgid "Taipa"
msgstr "Тайпа"

#. A city in Macedonia
msgid "Ohrid"
msgstr "Охрид"

#. The capital of Macedonia
msgid "Skopje"
msgstr "Скопья"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Ankarena"
msgstr "Анкарена"

#. The capital of Madagascar
msgid "Antananarivo"
msgstr "Антананариво"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Antsiranana"
msgstr "Антсирана"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Fasenina-Ampasy"
msgstr "Фасенина-Ампаси"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Mahajanga"
msgstr "Махаянга"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Toamasina"
msgstr "Тасмания"

#. A city in Madagascar
msgid "Tolanaro"
msgstr "Толанаро"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Bintulu"
msgstr "Бинтулу"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgctxt "City in Malaysia"
msgid "George Town"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Johor Bahru"
msgstr "Джохор-Бахру"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Klang"
msgstr "Кланг"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kota Baharu"
msgstr "Кота-Бхару"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kota Kinabalu"
msgstr "Кота-Кинабалу"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kuah"
msgstr "Куах"

#. The capital of Malaysia
msgid "Kuala Lumpur"
msgstr "Куала-Лумпур"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kuantan"
msgstr "Куатан"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kuching"
msgstr "Кучинг"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Kudat"
msgstr "Кудат"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Melaka"
msgstr "Мелака"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Miri"
msgstr "Мири"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Sandakan"
msgstr "Сандакан"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Sepang"
msgstr "Сепанг"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Sibu"
msgstr "Сибу"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Sitiawan"
msgstr "Ситиаван"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgid "Tawau"
msgstr "Тавау"

#. A city in Malaysia
msgctxt "City in Malaysia"
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Виктория"

#. The capital of the Maldives.
#. "Male" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Dhivehi is "Maale".
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Мале"

#. A city in Malta
msgid "Luqa"
msgstr "Лука"

#. The capital of Malta
msgid "Valletta"
msgstr "Валетта"

#. The capital of the Marshall Islands
msgid "Majuro"
msgstr "Маюро"

#. The capital of Martinique
msgid "Fort-de-France"
msgstr "Форт-Де-Франс"

#. A city in Martinique
msgid "Le Lamentin"
msgstr "Ле Ламентин"

#. A city in Mauritania
msgid "Nouadhibou"
msgstr "Нуадибу"

#. The capital of Mauritania
msgid "Nouakchott"
msgstr "Нуакшот"

#. A city in Mauritius
msgid "Plaisance"
msgstr "Плайсанс"

#. The capital of Mauritius
msgid "Port Louis"
msgstr "Порт-Луис"

#. A city in Mauritius
msgid "Port Mathurin"
msgstr "Порт-Матурин"

#. A city in Mayotte
msgid "Dzaoudzi"
msgstr "Дзаодзи"

#. The capital of Mayotte
msgid "Mamoudzou"
msgstr "Мамодзу"

#. A city in Guerrero in Mexico
msgid "Acapulco"
msgstr "Акапулько"

#. A city in Aguascalientes in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Aguascalientes, Mexico"
msgid "Aguascalientes"
msgstr "Агуаскальентес"

#. A city in Campeche in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Campeche, Mexico"
msgid "Campeche"
msgstr "Кампече"

#. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
msgid "Cancún"
msgstr "Канкун"

#. A city in Campeche in Mexico
msgid "Carmen"
msgstr "Кармен"

#. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
msgid "Chetumal"
msgstr "Четумаль"

#. A city in Yucatán in Mexico
msgid "Chichén-Itzá"
msgstr "Чиченица"

#. A city in Chihuahua in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Chihuahua, Mexico"
msgid "Chihuahua"
msgstr "Чихуахуа"

#. A city in Chihuahua in Mexico.
#. One of several cities in Mexico called "Juárez".
msgid "Ciudad Juárez"
msgstr "Сьюдад-Хуарес"

#. A city in Sonora in Mexico
msgid "Ciudad Obregón"
msgstr "Сьюдад-Обрегон"

#. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
msgid "Ciudad Victoria"
msgstr "Сьюдад-Виктория"

#. A city in Colima in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico"
msgid "Colima"
msgstr "Колима"

#. A city in Quintana Roo in Mexico
msgid "Cozumel"
msgstr "Косумель"

#. A city in Morelos in Mexico
msgid "Cuernavaca"
msgstr "Куэрнавака"

#. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
msgid "Culiacán"
msgstr "Кульякан"

#. A city in Durango in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Durango, Mexico"
msgid "Durango"
msgstr "Дуранго"

#. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
msgid "El Zapote"
msgstr "Эль-Запот"

#. A city in Jalisco in Mexico
msgid "Guadalajara"
msgstr "Гвадалахара"

#. A city in Sonora in Mexico
msgid "Guaymas"
msgstr "Гуаймас"

#. A city in Sonora in Mexico
msgid "Hermosillo"
msgstr "Эрмосильо"

#. A city in Guerrero in Mexico
msgid "Ixtapa"
msgstr "Икстапа"

#. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
msgid "Ixtepec"
msgstr "Икстепек"

#. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Baja California Sur, Mexico"
msgid "La Paz"
msgstr "Ла-Пас"

#. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
msgid "Laguna Tepic"
msgstr "Лагуна-Тепик"

#. A city in Guanajuato in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Guanajuato, Mexico"
msgid "León"
msgstr "Леон"

#. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
msgid "Loreto"
msgstr "Лорето"

#. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
msgid "Los Mochis"
msgstr "Лос-Мочис"

#. A city in Colima in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Colima, Mexico"
msgid "Manzanillo"
msgstr "Мансанильо"

#. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
msgid "Matamoros"
msgstr "Матаморос"

#. A city in Sinaloa in Mexico
msgid "Mazatlán"
msgstr "Масатлан"

#. A city in Baja California in Mexico
msgid "Mexicali"
msgstr "Мехикали"

#. The capital of Mexico.
#. "Mexico City" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Spanish is "México".
msgid "Mexico City"
msgstr "Мехико Сити"

#. A city in Veracruz in Mexico
msgid "Minatitlán"
msgstr "Минатитлан"

#. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
msgid "Monclova"
msgstr "Монклова"

#. A city in Nuevo León in Mexico
msgid "Monterrey"
msgstr "Монтеррей"

#. A city in Michoacán in Mexico
msgid "Morelia"
msgstr "Морелия"

#. A city in Yucatán in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Yucatán, Mexico"
msgid "Mérida"
msgstr "Mерида"

#. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
msgid "Nuevo Laredo"
msgstr "Нуэво-Ларедо"

#. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Oaxaca, Mexico"
msgid "Oaxaca"
msgstr "Оахака"

#. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
msgid "Piedras Negras"
msgstr "Педрас-Неграс"

#. A city in Veracruz in Mexico.
#. One of several cities in Mexico called "Poza Rica".
msgid "Poza Rica de Hidalgo"
msgstr "Поза-Рика-Де-Хидальго"

#. A city in Puebla in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Puebla, Mexico"
msgid "Puebla"
msgstr "Пуэбла"

#. A city in Oaxaca in Mexico
msgid "Puerto Escondido"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Эскондидо"

#. A city in Jalisco in Mexico
msgid "Puerto Vallarta"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Вальярта"

#. A city in Querétaro in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Querétaro, Mexico"
msgid "Querétaro"
msgstr "Куерретаро"

#. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
msgid "Reynosa"
msgstr "Рейноса"

#. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
msgid "Saltillo"
msgstr "Сальтильо"

#. A city in Baja California Sur in Mexico
msgid "San José del Cabo"
msgstr "Сан-Хосе-дель-Кабо"

#. A city in San Luis Potosí in Mexico
msgctxt "City in San Luis Potosí, Mexico"
msgid "San Luis Potosí"
msgstr "Сан-Луис-Потоси"

#. A city in Tamaulipas in Mexico
msgid "Tampico"
msgstr "Тампико"

#. A city in Chiapas in Mexico
msgid "Tapachula"
msgstr "Тапачула"

#. A city in Baja California in Mexico
msgid "Tijuana"
msgstr "Тихуана"

#. A city in México in Mexico
msgid "Toluca"
msgstr "Толука"

#. A city in Coahuila in Mexico
msgid "Torreón"
msgstr "Торреон"

#. A city in Chiapas in Mexico
msgid "Tuxtla"
msgstr "Тукстла"

#. A city in Michoacán in Mexico
msgid "Uruapan"
msgstr "Уруапан"

#. A city in Veracruz in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Veracruz, Mexico"
msgid "Veracruz"
msgstr "Веракрус"

#. A city in Tabasco in Mexico
msgid "Villahermosa"
msgstr "Вильяэрмоса"

#. A city in Zacatecas in Mexico
msgctxt "City in Zacatecas, Mexico"
msgid "Zacatecas"
msgstr "Закатекас"

#. The capital of the Federated States of Micronesia
msgid "Palikir"
msgstr "Паликир"

#. The capital of Moldova
msgid "Chişinău"
msgstr "Кишинёв"

#. The capital of Monaco
msgctxt "City in Monaco"
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Монако"

#. The capital of Mongolia.
#. The name is also written "Улаанбаатар".
msgid "Ulaanbaatar"
msgstr "Улан-Батор"

#. A city in Montenegro
msgid "Podgorica"
msgstr "Подгорица"

#. A city in Montenegro
msgid "Tivat"
msgstr "Тиват"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Agadir"
msgstr "Агадир"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Al Hoceima"
msgstr "Аль-Хосейма"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Fes"
msgstr "Фес"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Marrakech"
msgstr "Марракеш"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Meknes"
msgstr "Мекнес"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Nador"
msgstr "Надор"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Nouaseur"
msgstr "Новасер"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Ouarzazat"
msgstr "Оуарзазат"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Oujda"
msgstr "Оужда"

#. The capital of Morocco
msgid "Rabat"
msgstr "Рабат"

#. A city in Morocco.
#. "Tangier" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Tanger".
msgid "Tangier"
msgstr "Танжер"

#. A city in Morocco
msgid "Tetouan"
msgstr "Тетуан"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Beira"
msgstr "Бейра"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Chimoio"
msgstr "Чимоио"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Lichinga"
msgstr "Личинга"

#. The capital of Mozambique
msgid "Maputo"
msgstr "Мапуто"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Nampula"
msgstr "Нампула"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Pemba"
msgstr "Пемба"

#. A city in Mozambique
msgid "Quelimane"
msgstr "Келимане"

#. The capital of Myanmar.
#. "Rangoon" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Burmese is "Yangon".
msgid "Rangoon"
msgstr "Янгон"

msgid "Windhoek"
msgstr "Виндхук"

#. The capital of Nepal.
#. The local name in Nepali is "काठमाडौं".
msgid "Kathmandu"
msgstr "Катманду"

#. The capital of the Netherlands
msgid "Amsterdam"
msgstr "Амстердам"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "De Kooy"
msgstr "Де Коой"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Deelen"
msgstr "Дилен"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Eindhoven"
msgstr "Эйндховен"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Gilze"
msgstr "Гильз"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Groningen"
msgstr "Гронинген"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Leeuwarden"
msgstr "Леуварден"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Maastricht"
msgstr "Маастрихт"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Oost-Vlieland"
msgstr "Ост-Влиланд"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Rotterdam"
msgstr "Роттердам"

#. The capital of the Netherlands.
#. "The Hague" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Dutch is "'s-Gravenhage".
msgid "The Hague"
msgstr "Зе-Хог"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Utrecht"
msgstr "Утрехт"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Volkel"
msgstr "Волкел"

#. A city in the Netherlands
msgid "Woensdrecht"
msgstr "Вунсдрехт"

#. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
msgid "Benners"
msgstr "Беннерс"

#. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
msgid "Cupe Coy"
msgstr "Куп-Кой"

#. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
msgid "Dorp Nikiboko"
msgstr "Дорп-Никибоко"

#. A city in the Netherlands Antilles
msgid "Gato"
msgstr "Гато"

#. A city in New Caledonia
msgid "Karenga"
msgstr "Каренга"

#. The capital of New Caledonia
msgid "Nouméa"
msgstr "Номеа"

#. A city in New Zealand
msgid "Auckland"
msgstr "Окленд"

#. A city in New Zealand
msgid "Christchurch"
msgstr "Крайстчёрч"

#. The capital of New Zealand
msgid "Wellington"
msgstr "Веллингтон"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Bluefields"
msgstr "Блуфилдс"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Chinandega"
msgstr "Чинандега"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Jinotega"
msgstr "Хинотега"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Juigalpa"
msgstr "Джуигальпа"

#. The capital of Nicaragua
msgid "Managua"
msgstr "Манагуа"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Puerto Cabezas"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Кабезас"

#. A city in Nicaragua
msgid "Rivas"
msgstr "Ривас"

#. A city in Niger
msgid "Agadez"
msgstr "Агадес"

#. The capital of Niger
msgid "Niamey"
msgstr "Ниамей-Аэро"

#. A city in Niger
msgid "Zinder"
msgstr "Зиндер"

msgid "Abuja"
msgstr "Абуджа"

#. A city in the Lagos Metropolitan Area, in Nigeria
msgid "Ikeja"
msgstr "Икея"

#. A city in Nigeria
msgid "Ilorin"
msgstr "Илорин"

#. A city in Nigeria
msgid "Kaduna"
msgstr "Кадуна"

#. A city in Nigeria
msgid "Kano"
msgstr "Кано"

#. A city and metropolitan area in Nigeria
msgid "Lagos"
msgstr "Лагос"

#. A city in Nigeria
msgid "Port Harcourt"
msgstr "Порт Харкорт"

#. The capital of Niue
msgid "Alofi"
msgstr "Алофи"

#. A city in Norfolk Island
msgctxt "City in Norfolk Island"
msgid "Kingston"
msgstr "Кингстон"

#. The capital of North Korea.
#. The local name in Korean is "평양".
msgid "Pyongyang"
msgstr "Пхеньян"

#. A city in the Northern Mariana Islands
msgid "Chalan Kanoa"
msgstr "Чалан Каноа"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Alta"
msgstr "Альберта"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Berlevåg"
msgstr "Берлевог"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Bodø"
msgstr "Будё"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Bolle"
msgstr "Болле"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Boltåsen"
msgstr "Болтасен"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Brønnøysund"
msgstr "Броннойзунд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Båtsfjord"
msgstr "Ботсфьорд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Dalem"
msgstr "Далем"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Djupdalen"
msgstr "Йупдален"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Eldskog"
msgstr "Элдског"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Fagernes"
msgstr "Фагернес"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Fiskenes"
msgstr "Фискенес"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Florø"
msgstr "Флурьо"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Førde"
msgstr "Форд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Gardermoen"
msgstr "Гардмоен"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Hammerfest"
msgstr "Хаммерфест"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Hasvik"
msgstr "Хасвик"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Haugesund"
msgstr "Гаугзунд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Holm"
msgstr "Хольм"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Honningsvåg"
msgstr "Хоннингсваг"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Kirkenes"
msgstr "Киркенес"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Kjevik"
msgstr "Кьявик"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Kristiansund"
msgstr "Кристиансанд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Mehamn"
msgstr "Мехамн"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Molde"
msgstr "Молде"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Mosjøen"
msgstr "Мосьёен"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Namsos"
msgstr "Намсус"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Narvik"
msgstr "Нарвик"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Notodden"
msgstr "Нутодден"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Oseberg"
msgstr "Осеберг"

#. The capital of Norway
msgid "Oslo"
msgstr "Осло"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Rygge"
msgstr "Рюгге"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Røros"
msgstr "Рёрос"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Rørvik"
msgstr "Рорвик"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Røssvoll"
msgstr "Рёссвол"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Røst"
msgstr "Рёст"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Sandane"
msgstr "Сандэн"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Skagen"
msgstr "Скаген"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Skien"
msgstr "Скиен"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Sola"
msgstr "Сола"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Stokka"
msgstr "Стокка"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Svartnes"
msgstr "Свартнес"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Svolvær"
msgstr "Своляр"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Sørkjosen"
msgstr "Соркьосен"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Torp"
msgstr "Торп"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Tromsø"
msgstr "Тромсё"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Trondheim"
msgstr "Тронхейм"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Vadsø"
msgstr "Вадсё"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Ålesund"
msgstr "Алезунд"

#. A city in Norway
msgid "Ørsta"
msgstr "Урста"

#. A city in Oman
msgid "Mu'askar al Murtafi'ah"
msgstr "Муаскар-эль-Муртафиах"

#. The capital of Oman.
#. "Muscat" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Masqat".
msgid "Muscat"
msgstr "Мускат"

#. A city in Oman
msgid "Salalah"
msgstr "Салала"

#. The capital of Pakistan
msgid "Islamabad"
msgstr "Исламабад"

#. A city in Pakistan
msgid "Karachi"
msgstr "Карачи"

#. A city in Pakistan
msgid "Lahore"
msgstr "Лахор"

#. A city in Pakistan
msgid "Nawabshah"
msgstr "Навабшах"

#. The capital of Palau
msgid "Koror"
msgstr "Корор"

#. The capital of Palau
msgid "Melekeok"
msgstr "Мелекеок"

#. A city in Panama
msgid "David"
msgstr "Давид"

#. A city in Panama
msgid "Fuerte Kobbe"
msgstr "Фуерте-Коббе"

#. The capital of Panama
msgid "Panamá"
msgstr "Панама"

#. A city in Panama
msgid "Tocumen"
msgstr "Токумен"

#. The capital of Papua New Guinea
msgid "Port Moresby"
msgstr "Порт-Морсби"

#. The capital of Paraguay
msgid "Asunción"
msgstr "Асунсьон"

#. A city in Paraguay
msgid "Colonia Félix de Azara"
msgstr "Колония Феликс-Де-Азара"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Andahuaylas"
msgstr "Андахуаялас"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Arequipa"
msgstr "Арекипа"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Ayacucho"
msgstr "Айкучо"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Chiclayo"
msgstr "Чиклайо"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Cusco"
msgstr "Куско"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Iquitos"
msgstr "Икитос"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Juliaca"
msgstr "Джулиака"

#. The capital of Peru
msgctxt "City in Peru"
msgid "Lima"
msgstr "Лима"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Pisco"
msgstr "Писко"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Pucallpa"
msgstr "Пукальпа"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Puerto Maldonado"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Мальдонадо"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Tacna"
msgstr "Такна"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Talara"
msgstr "Талара"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Tarapoto"
msgstr "Тарапото"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Trujillo"
msgstr "Трухильо"

#. A city in Peru
msgid "Tumbes"
msgstr "Тумбес"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Angeles"
msgstr "Анжелес"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Davao"
msgstr "Давао"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Laoag"
msgstr "Лаоаг"

#. The capital of the Philippines
msgid "Manila"
msgstr "Манила"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Masbate"
msgstr "Масбате"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Pildira"
msgstr "Пилдира"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Subic"
msgstr "Субик"

#. A city in the Philippines
msgid "Zamboanga City"
msgstr "Замбоанга-Сити"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Bydgoszcz"
msgstr "Быдгощ"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Gdańsk"
msgstr "Гданьск"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Katowice"
msgstr "Катовице"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Kraków"
msgstr "Краков"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Lublin"
msgstr "Люблин"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Olsztyn"
msgstr "Ольштын"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Poznań"
msgstr "Познань"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Radom"
msgstr "Радом"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Rzeszów"
msgstr "Жешув"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Szczecin"
msgstr "Щецин"

#. The capital of Poland.
#. "Warsaw" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Polish is "Warszawa".
msgctxt "City in Poland"
msgid "Warsaw"
msgstr "Варшава"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Wrocław"
msgstr "Вроцлав"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Zielona Góra"
msgstr "Зелёна-Гура"

#. A city in Poland
msgid "Łódź"
msgstr "Лодзь"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Beja"
msgstr "Бежа"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Castelo Branco"
msgstr "Кастело-Бранко"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Faro"
msgstr "Фаро"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Flor da Rosa"
msgstr "Флор-да-Роза"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Lajes"
msgstr "Лажеш"

#. The capital of Portugal.
#. "Lisbon" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Portuguese is "Lisboa".
msgid "Lisbon"
msgstr "Лиссабон"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Monte Real"
msgstr "Монтереаль"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Montijo"
msgstr "Монтиё"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Ovar"
msgstr "Овар"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Ponta Delgada"
msgstr "Понта-Делгада"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Porto"
msgstr "Порту"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Porto Santo"
msgstr "Порто-Санто"

#. A city in Portugal.
#. One of several cities in Portugal called "Santa Cruz".
msgid "Santa Cruz das Flores"
msgstr "Санта-Круз-Дас-Флорес"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Sintra"
msgstr "Синтра"

#. A city in Portugal
msgid "Água de Pena"
msgstr "Аква-де-Пена"

#. A city in Puerto Rico
msgid "Carolina"
msgstr "Каролина"

#. A city in Puerto Rico
msgid "Ponce"
msgstr "Понсе"

#. A city in Puerto Rico
msgid "Rafael Hernandez"
msgstr "Рафаэль-Хернандез"

#. A city in Puerto Rico
msgid "San Juan"
msgstr "Сан-Хуан"

#. The capital of Qatar.
#. "Doha" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Ad Dawhah / الدوحة".
msgid "Doha"
msgstr "Доха"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Arad"
msgstr "Арад"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Bacău"
msgstr "Бакау"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Baia Mare"
msgstr "Байа-Маре"

#. The capital of Romania.
#. "Bucharest" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Romanian is "Bucureşti".
msgid "Bucharest"
msgstr "Бухарест"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Cluj-Napoca"
msgstr "Клюй-Напока"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Craiova"
msgstr "Крайова"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Iaşi"
msgstr "Яссы"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Mihail Kogălniceanu"
msgstr "Михаил Когалничеану"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Oradea"
msgstr "Орадеа"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Satu Mare"
msgstr "Сату-Маре"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Sibiu"
msgstr "Сибиу"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Suceava"
msgstr "Сукива"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Timişoara"
msgstr "Тимишоара"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Tulcea"
msgstr "Тулча"

#. A city in Romania
msgid "Târgu-Mureş"
msgstr "Тыргу-Муреш"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Абакан".
msgid "Abakan"
msgstr "Абакан"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Адлер".
msgid "Adler"
msgstr "Адлер"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Анадырь".
msgid "Anadyr'"
msgstr "Анадырь"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Анапа".
msgid "Anapa"
msgstr "Анапа"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Архангельск".
msgid "Arkhangel'sk"
msgstr "Архангельск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Астрахань".
msgid "Astrakhan'"
msgstr "Астрахань"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Барнаул".
msgid "Barnaul"
msgstr "Барнаул"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Брацк".
msgid "Bratsk"
msgstr "Братск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Брянск".
msgid "Bryansk"
msgstr "Брянск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Чебоксары".
msgid "Cheboksary"
msgstr "Чебоксары"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Челябинск".
msgid "Chelyabinsk"
msgstr "Челябинск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Чита".
msgid "Chita"
msgstr "Чита"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Чульман".
msgid "Chul'man"
msgstr "Чульман"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Энгельс".
msgid "Engel's"
msgstr "Энгель"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Иркуцк".
msgid "Irkutsk"
msgstr "Иркутск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Иже́вск".
msgid "Izhevsk"
msgstr "Ижевск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Калининград".
msgid "Kaliningrad"
msgstr "Калининград"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Казань".
msgid "Kazan'"
msgstr "Казань"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Кемерово".
msgid "Kemerovo"
msgstr "Кемерово"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Хабаровск".
msgid "Khabarovsk"
msgstr "Хабаровск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Ханты-Мансийск".
msgid "Khanty-Mansiysk"
msgstr "Ханты-Мансийск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Краснодар".
msgid "Krasnodar"
msgstr "Краснодар"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Красноярск".
msgid "Krasnoyarsk"
msgstr "Красноярск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Магадан".
msgid "Magadan"
msgstr "Магадан"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Минеральные Воды".
msgid "Mineral'nyye Vody"
msgstr "Минеральные Воды"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Мирный".
msgid "Mirnyy"
msgstr "Мирный"

#. The capital of Russia.
#. "Moscow" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Russian is "Moskva / Москва".
msgctxt "City in Russia"
msgid "Moscow"
msgstr "Москва"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Мурманск".
msgid "Murmansk"
msgstr "Мурманск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Нальчик".
msgid "Nal'chik"
msgstr "Нальчик"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Нижневартовск".
msgid "Nizhnevartovsk"
msgstr "Нижневартовск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Ни́жний Но́вгород".
msgid "Nizhny Novgorod"
msgstr "Нижний Новгород"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Новокузнецк".
msgid "Novokuznetsk"
msgstr "Новокузнецк"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Новосибирск".
msgid "Novosibirsk"
msgstr "Новосибирск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Омск".
msgid "Omsk"
msgstr "Омск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Оренбург".
msgid "Orenburg"
msgstr "Оренбург"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Пенза".
msgid "Penza"
msgstr "Пенза"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Пермь".
msgid "Perm'"
msgstr "Пермь"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Петропавловск-Камчатский".
msgid "Petropavlovsk"
msgstr "Петропавловск-Камчатский"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Ростов-на-Дону".
msgid "Rostov"
msgstr "Ростов-на-Дону"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Rybinsk"
msgstr "Рыбинск"

#. A city in Russia.
#. "Saint Petersburg" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Russian is "Sankt-Peterburg /
#. Санкт-Петербург".
msgid "Saint Petersburg"
msgstr "Санкт-Петербург"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Самара".
msgid "Samara"
msgstr "Самара"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Saratov"
msgstr "Саратов"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Ставрополь".
msgid "Stavropol'"
msgstr "Ставрополь"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Сургут".
msgid "Surgut"
msgstr "Сургут"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Syktyvkar"
msgstr "Сыктывкар"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Tiksi"
msgstr "Тикси"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Tomsk"
msgstr "Томск"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Tyumen"
msgstr "Тюмень"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Udachnyy"
msgstr "Удачный"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Ufa"
msgstr "Уфа"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Ul'yanovsk"
msgstr "Ульяновск"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Ulan-Ude"
msgstr "Улан-Удэ"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Velikiye Luki"
msgstr "Великие Луки"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Vladivostok"
msgstr "Владивосток"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Volgograd"
msgstr "Волгоград"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Voronezh"
msgstr "Воронеж"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Yakutsk"
msgstr "Якутск"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Yaroslavl"
msgstr "Ярославль"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Yekaterinburg"
msgstr "Екатеринбург"

#. A city in Russia.
#. The local name in Russian is "Йошкар-Ола".
msgid "Yoshkar-Ola"
msgstr "Йошкар-Ола"

#. A city in Russia
msgid "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk"
msgstr "Южно-Сахалинск"

#. The capital of Réunion
msgid "Saint-Denis"
msgstr "Сент-Луис"

#. A city in Réunion
msgctxt "City in Réunion"
msgid "Saint-Pierre"
msgstr "Сент-Пьер"

#. A city in Saint Helena
msgctxt "City in Saint Helena"
msgid "Georgetown"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. The capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis
msgid "Basseterre"
msgstr "Бастер"

#. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis
msgid "Golden Rock"
msgstr "Голден Рок"

#. A city in Saint Kitts and Nevis
msgctxt "City in Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgid "Newcastle"
msgstr "Ньюкасл"

#. The capital of Saint Lucia
msgid "Castries"
msgstr "Кастрис"

#. A city in Saint Lucia
msgid "Pointe Sable"
msgstr "Понте-Сабле"

#. A city in Saint Lucia
msgid "Vigie"
msgstr "Виги"

#. The capital of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
msgctxt "City in Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgid "Saint-Pierre"
msgstr "Сент-Пьер"

#. A city in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
msgid "Arnos Vale"
msgstr "Арнос Вэйл"

#. The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
msgid "Kingstown"
msgstr "Кингстаун"

#. The capital of Samoa
msgid "Apia"
msgstr "Апиа"

#. The capital of San Marino
msgctxt "City in San Marino"
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "Сан-Марино"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "'Ar'ar"
msgstr "Арар"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Abha"
msgstr "Абха"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Ad Dalfa'ah"
msgstr "Ад-Далфаах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Ad Dammam"
msgstr "Ад-Дамам"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Al 'Aqiq"
msgstr "Аль-Акик"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Al Qaysumah"
msgstr "Аль-Квасумах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Al Qurayyat"
msgstr "Аль-Кураят"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Al Wajh"
msgstr "Аль-Вайх"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Al Wuday'ah"
msgstr "Аль-Вудаях"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Ar Ruqayyiqah"
msgstr "Ар Рувкайиквах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "At Ta'if"
msgstr "Ат-Тайф"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia.
#. "Dhahran" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Az Zahran".
msgid "Dhahran"
msgstr "Дахран"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Ha'il"
msgstr "Хаил"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Jiddah"
msgstr "Жиддах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Jizan"
msgstr "Жизан"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Khamis Mushayt"
msgstr "Хамис-Мушаит"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Masjid Ibn Rashid"
msgstr "Масжид-Ибн-Рашид"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia.
#. "Mecca" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Makkah".
msgid "Mecca"
msgstr "Mекка"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia.
#. "Medina" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Madinah al Munawwarah".
msgid "Medina"
msgstr "Медина"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Najran"
msgstr "Наджран"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Qal'at Bishah"
msgstr "Калат-Бишах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Qara"
msgstr "Кара"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Rafha"
msgstr "Рафха"

#. The capital of Saudi Arabia.
#. "Riyadh" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Ar Riyad".
msgid "Riyadh"
msgstr "Эр-Рияд"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Tabuk"
msgstr "Табук"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Tamrah"
msgstr "Тамрах"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Turayf"
msgstr "Турауф"

#. A city in Saudi Arabia
msgid "Yanbu' al Bahr"
msgstr "Янбу-Эль-Бахр"

#. A city in Senegal
msgid "Boukot Ouolof"
msgstr "Боукот-Оулоф"

#. The capital of Senegal
msgid "Dakar"
msgstr "Дакар"

#. A city in Senegal
msgid "Saint-Louis"
msgstr "Сент-Луис"

#. A city in Senegal
msgid "Tambacounda"
msgstr "Тамбакунда"

#. A city in Senegal
msgid "Ziguinchor"
msgstr "Зигунчор"

#. The capital of Serbia.
#. "Belgrade" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Serbian is "Beograd".
msgid "Belgrade"
msgstr "Белград"

#. A city in Serbia
msgid "Niš"
msgstr "Ниш"

#. A city in Serbia
msgid "Vršac"
msgstr "Вршац"

#. A city in Serbia
msgid "Zemun"
msgstr "Земун"

#. A city in the Seychelles
msgid "Cascade"
msgstr "Каскэйд"

#. The capital of the Seychelles
msgctxt "City in Seychelles"
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Виктория"

#. The capital of Sierra Leone
msgid "Freetown"
msgstr "Фритаун"

#. A city in Sierra Leone
msgid "Lungi"
msgstr "Лунги"

#. The capital of Singapore
msgctxt "City in Singapore"
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Сингапур"

#. The capital of Slovakia
msgid "Bratislava"
msgstr "Братислава"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Dolný Hričov"
msgstr "Долны Гричов"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Kamenica nad Cirochou"
msgstr "Каменика над Сирочоу"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Košice"
msgstr "Кошице"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Lučenec"
msgstr "Лученец"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Piešťany"
msgstr "Пьештяны"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Poprad"
msgstr "Попрад"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Prešov"
msgstr "Прешов"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Prievidza"
msgstr "Прьевидза"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Sliač"
msgstr "Слиач"

#. A city in Slovakia
msgid "Žilina"
msgstr "Жилина"

#. The capital of Slovenia
msgid "Ljubljana"
msgstr "Любляна"

#. A city in Slovenia
msgid "Maribor"
msgstr "Марибор"

#. A city in Slovenia
msgid "Portorož"
msgstr "Порторож"

#. The capital of the Solomon Islands
msgid "Honiara"
msgstr "Хониара"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Bloemfontein"
msgstr "Блумфонтейн"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Cape Town"
msgstr "Кейптаун"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Durban"
msgstr "Дурбан"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Johannesburg"
msgstr "Йоханнесбург"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Klerksdorp"
msgstr "Клерксдроп"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Port Elizabeth"
msgstr "Порт-Элизабет"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Potchefstroom"
msgstr "Почефструм"

#. The capital of South Africa
msgid "Pretoria"
msgstr "Претория"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Springs"
msgstr "Спрингс"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Upington"
msgstr "Упингтон"

#. A city in South Africa
msgid "Vereeniging"
msgstr "Вереенигинг"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Ch'ongju"
msgstr "Чонджу"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Cheju"
msgstr "Чеджу"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Inch'on"
msgstr "Инч-Он"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Kunsan"
msgstr "Кунсан"

#. A city in South Korea.
#. The name is also written "오산".
msgid "Osan"
msgstr "Осан"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "P'yongt'aek"
msgstr "Пьонгтьяк"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Pusan"
msgstr "Пусан"

#. The capital of South Korea.
#. "Seoul" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Korean is "서울" (transliterated as "Soul").
msgid "Seoul"
msgstr "Сеул"

#. A city in South Korea
msgid "Taegu"
msgstr "Тэгу"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "A Coruña"
msgstr "Ла-Корунья"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Agoncillo"
msgstr "Агонселло"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Alcantarilla"
msgstr "Алькантрилла"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Alcorcón"
msgstr "Алькоркон"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Alicante"
msgstr "Аликанте"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Almería"
msgstr "Альмериа"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Armilla"
msgstr "Армилла"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Atogo"
msgstr "Атого"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Avilés"
msgstr "Авилес"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Barajas"
msgstr "Барахас"

#. A city in Spain
msgctxt "City in Spain"
msgid "Barcelona"
msgstr "Барселона"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Bilbao"
msgstr "Бильбао"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Colmenar Viejo"
msgstr "Колменар-Вейо"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Corcovados"
msgstr "Корковадос"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Cuatro Vientos"
msgstr "Кватро Виентос"

#. A city in Spain
msgctxt "City in Spain"
msgid "Córdoba"
msgstr "Кордова"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "El Matorral"
msgstr "Эль-Маторрал"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Fuenlabrada"
msgstr "Фуэнлабрада"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Fuenterrabía"
msgstr "Фуентеррабия"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Gando"
msgstr "Гандо"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Gerona"
msgstr "Герона"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Getafe"
msgstr "Хетафе"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Gijón"
msgstr "Хихон"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Granada"
msgstr "Гранада"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Güime"
msgstr "Гуиме"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Ibiza"
msgstr "Ибица"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Jerez"
msgstr "Жерез"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Leganés"
msgstr "Леганес"

#. A city in Spain
msgctxt "City in Spain"
msgid "León"
msgstr "Леон"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Los Baldíos"
msgstr "Лос-Балдиос"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Los Llanos"
msgstr "Лос-Ланос"

#. The capital of Spain
msgid "Madrid"
msgstr "Мадрид"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Mahón"
msgstr "Махон"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Melilla"
msgstr "Мелилья"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Morón"
msgstr "Морон"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Málaga"
msgstr "Малага"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Móstoles"
msgstr "Мостолес"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Noáin"
msgstr "Нойан"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Palma"
msgstr "Палма"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Reus"
msgstr "Реус"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Rota"
msgstr "Рота"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Sabadell"
msgstr "Сабадел"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Salamanca"
msgstr "Саламанка"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "San Javier"
msgstr "Сан-Хавьер"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "San Pablo"
msgstr "Сан-Пабло"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Santander"
msgstr "Сантандер"

#. A city in Spain
msgctxt "City in Spain"
msgid "Santiago"
msgstr "Сантьяго"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Talavera la Real"
msgstr "Талавера-Ла-Реал"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Tamaduste"
msgstr "Тамадусте"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Torrejón del Rey"
msgstr "Торрейон-Дель-Рей"

#. A city in Spain
msgctxt "City in Spain"
msgid "Valencia"
msgstr "Валенсия"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Vigo"
msgstr "Виго"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Villanubla"
msgstr "Вилланубла"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Vitoria-Gasteiz"
msgstr "Витория-Гастейз"

#. A city in Spain
msgid "Zaragoza"
msgstr "Cарагоса"

#. The capital of Sri Lanka
msgid "Colombo"
msgstr "Коломбо"

#. A city in Sri Lanka
msgid "Katunayaka"
msgstr "Катунаяка"

#. The capital of Sri Lanka
msgid "Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte"
msgstr "Шри-Яеварденепура Котте"

#. The capital of Sudan.
#. "Khartoum" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Khartum".
msgid "Khartoum"
msgstr "Хартум"

#. The capital of Suriname
msgid "Paramaribo"
msgstr "Парамарибо"

#. A city in Suriname
msgid "Zanderij"
msgstr "Зандерий"

#. The capital of Svalbard and Jan Mayen
msgid "Longyearbyen"
msgstr "Лонгиарбуен"

#. The capital of Swaziland
msgid "Lobamba"
msgstr "Лобамба"

#. A city in Swaziland
msgid "Manzini"
msgstr "Манзини"

#. The capital of Swaziland
msgid "Mbabane"
msgstr "Мбабан"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Borlänge"
msgstr "Борленге"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Gällivare"
msgstr "Галливар"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Göteborg"
msgstr "Гётеборг"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Halmstad"
msgstr "Хальмстад"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Jönköping"
msgstr "JЙёнчёпинг"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Kalmar"
msgstr "Калмар"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Karlstad"
msgstr "Карлстад"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Kiruna"
msgstr "Кируна"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Kramfors"
msgstr "Крамфорс"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Kristianstad"
msgstr "Кристианстад"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Linköping"
msgstr "Линчёпинг"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Ljungbyhed"
msgstr "Люнгбихед"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Luleå"
msgstr "Лулео"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Lycksele"
msgstr "Ликселе"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Malmö"
msgstr "Мальмо"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Norrköping"
msgstr "Норчепинг"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Nyköping"
msgstr "Найкопинг"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Ronneby"
msgstr "Роннебю"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Skellefteå"
msgstr "Шеллефтео"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Skövde"
msgstr "Шьовде"

#. The capital of Sweden
msgid "Stockholm"
msgstr "Стокгольм"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Sundsvall"
msgstr "Зунсвал"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Söderhamn"
msgstr "Сёдерхамн"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Umeå"
msgstr "Умеа"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Visby"
msgstr "Висбю"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Västerås"
msgstr "Вестерос"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Växjö"
msgstr "Векшё"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Ängelholm"
msgstr "Ангехольм"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Örebro"
msgstr "Эребру"

#. A city in Sweden
msgid "Örnsköldsvik"
msgstr "Эрншёльдсвик"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Basel"
msgstr "Базель"

#. The capital of Switzerland
msgid "Bern"
msgstr "Берн"

#. A city in Switzerland.
#. "Geneva" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Genève".
msgid "Geneva"
msgstr "Женева"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Grenchen"
msgstr "Гренхен"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Lugano"
msgstr "Лугано"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Neuchâtel"
msgstr "Ношатель"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Sankt Gallen"
msgstr "Санкт-Галлен"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Sion"
msgstr "Сьон"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "St. Moritz"
msgstr "Санкт-Мориц"

#. A city in Switzerland
msgid "Zürich"
msgstr "Цюрих"

#. A city in Syria
msgid "Al Qamishli"
msgstr "Аль-Камишли"

#. A city in Syria.
#. "Aleppo" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Halab".
msgid "Aleppo"
msgstr "Халеб"

#. The capital of Syria.
#. "Damascus" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Dimashq".
msgid "Damascus"
msgstr "Дамаск"

#. A city in Syria
msgid "Dayr az Zawr"
msgstr "Дайр-аз-Завр"

#. A city in Syria.
#. "Latakia" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Al Ladhiqiyah".
msgid "Latakia"
msgstr "Латакия"

#. A city in Taiwan.
#. The name is also written "高雄".
msgid "Kaohsiung"
msgstr "Гаосюн"

#. The capital of Taiwan.
#. The name is also written "臺北".
msgid "Taipei"
msgstr "Тайбэй"

#. A city in Taiwan.
#. The name is also written "埔頂".
msgid "Taoyuan"
msgstr "Таоюань"

#. The capital of Tajikistan
msgid "Dushanbe"
msgstr "Душанбе"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Arusha"
msgstr "Аруша"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Bukoba"
msgstr "Букоба"

#. The capital of Tanzania
msgid "Dar es Salaam"
msgstr "Дар-Эс-Салаам"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Dodoma"
msgstr "Додома"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Iringa"
msgstr "Иринга"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Kigoma"
msgstr "Кигома"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Mbeya"
msgstr "Мбея"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Morogoro"
msgstr "Морогоро"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Moshi"
msgstr "Моши"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Mtwara"
msgstr "Мтвара"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Musoma"
msgstr "Мусома"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Mwanza"
msgstr "Мванза"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Songea"
msgstr "Сонгеа"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Tabora"
msgstr "Табора"

#. A city in Tanzania
msgid "Zanzibar"
msgstr "Занзибар"

#. The capital of Thailand.
#. "Bangkok" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Thai is "Krung Thep / กรุงเทพฯ".
msgid "Bangkok"
msgstr "Бангкок"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Chiang Mai"
msgstr "Чианг Май"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Chon Buri"
msgstr "Чон-Бури"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Hat Yai"
msgstr "Хатъяй"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Hua Hin"
msgstr "Хуахин"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Khon Kaen"
msgstr "Кхонкэн"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Lampang"
msgstr "Лампанг"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Mae Hong Son"
msgstr "Мэхонгсон"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Nan"
msgstr "Нан"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Phrae"
msgstr "Пхрэ"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Phuket"
msgstr "Фукет"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Ranong"
msgstr "Ранонг"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Rayong"
msgstr "Районг"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Surat Thani"
msgstr "Сураттхани"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Trang"
msgstr "Чанг"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Ubon Ratchathani"
msgstr "Убон Ратчатхани"

#. A city in Thailand
msgid "Udon Thani"
msgstr "Удонтхани"

#. The capital of Togo
msgid "Lome"
msgstr "Ломе"

#. A city in Togo
msgid "Niamtougou"
msgstr "Ниамтогу"

#. A city in Tonga
msgid "Fua'amotu"
msgstr "Фуаамоту"

#. The capital of Tonga
msgid "Nuku'alofa"
msgstr "Нукуалофа"

#. A city in Trinidad and Tobago
msgid "Bon Accord"
msgstr "Бон-Аккорд"

#. A city in Trinidad and Tobago
msgid "Piarco"
msgstr "Пиарко"

#. The capital of Trinidad and Tobago
msgid "Port-of-Spain"
msgstr "Порт-оф-Спейн"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Bizerte"
msgstr "Бизерта"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "El Borma"
msgstr "Эль Борма"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Gabes"
msgstr "Габес"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Gafsa"
msgstr "Гафса"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Houmt Souk"
msgstr "Хоумт-Соук"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Jendouba"
msgstr "Джендуба"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Kairouan"
msgstr "Кайруан"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Monastir"
msgstr "Монастир"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Qulaybiyah"
msgstr "Кулайбиях"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Remada"
msgstr "Ремада"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Sfax"
msgstr "Сфакс"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Tabarka"
msgstr "Табарка"

#. A city in Tunisia
msgid "Tozeur"
msgstr "Тузер"

#. The capital of Tunisia
msgid "Tunis"
msgstr "Тунис"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Adana"
msgstr "Адана"

#. The capital of Turkey
msgid "Ankara"
msgstr "Анкара"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Antalya"
msgstr "Анталия"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Balikesir"
msgstr "Балыкесир"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Bandirma"
msgstr "Бандирма"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Bodrum"
msgstr "Бодрум"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Burdur"
msgstr "Бурдур"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Bursa"
msgstr "Бурса"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Corlu"
msgstr "Корлу"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Dalaman"
msgstr "Даламан"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Diyarbakir"
msgstr "Диярбакыр"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Erzurum"
msgstr "Эрзурум"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Eskisehir"
msgstr "Эскишехир"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Gaziantep"
msgstr "Газиантеп"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Istanbul"
msgstr "Стамбул"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Izmir"
msgstr "Измир"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Kars"
msgstr "Карс"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Kayseri"
msgstr "Каусери"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Kislakoy"
msgstr "Кислякоу"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Konya"
msgstr "Конья"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Malatya"
msgstr "Малатия"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Merzifon"
msgstr "Мерзифон"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Nevsehir"
msgstr "Невшехир"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Samsun"
msgstr "Самсун"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Tepetarla"
msgstr "Тепетарла"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Trabzon"
msgstr "Трабзон"

#. A city in Turkey
msgid "Van"
msgstr "Ван"

#. The capital of Turkmenistan.
#. "Ashgabat" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Turkmen is "Asgabat".
msgid "Ashgabat"
msgstr "Ашхабат"

#. The capital of Tuvalu
msgid "Funafuti"
msgstr "Фунафути"

#. A city in Uganda
msgid "Arua"
msgstr "Аруа"

#. A city in Uganda
msgid "Entebbe"
msgstr "Ентебе"

#. A city in Uganda
msgid "Kabale"
msgstr "Кабале"

#. The capital of Uganda
msgid "Kampala"
msgstr "Кампала"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Boryspil'"
msgstr "Борисполь"

#. A city in Ukraine:
msgid "Chernivtsi"
msgstr "Черновцы"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Dnipropetrovs'k"
msgstr "Днепропетровск"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Donets'k"
msgstr "Донецк"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Hostomel'"
msgstr "Гостомель"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Ivano-Frankivs'k"
msgstr "Ивано-Франковск"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Kharkiv"
msgstr "Харьков"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Kryvyy Rih"
msgstr "Кривой Рог"

#. The capital of Ukraine.
#. "Kiev" is the old English name. The local name in
#. Ukrainian is "Київ", which transliterates to "Kyiv".
msgid "Kyiv"
msgstr "Киев"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "L'viv"
msgstr "Львов"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Mokroye"
msgstr "Мокрое"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Mykolayiv"
msgstr "Николаев"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Odesa"
msgstr "Одесса"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Rivne"
msgstr "Ровно"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Simferopol'"
msgstr "Симферополь"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Telichka"
msgstr "Теличка"

#. A city in Ukraine
msgid "Uzhhorod"
msgstr "Ужгород"

#. The capital of the United Arab Emirates.
#. "Abu Dhabi" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Abu Zaby".
msgid "Abu Dhabi"
msgstr "Абу-Даби"

#. A city in the United Arab Emirates
msgid "Al 'Ayn"
msgstr "Аль-Аин"

#. A city in the United Arab Emirates
msgid "Al Fujayrah"
msgstr "Аль-Фуджайра"

#. A city in the United Arab Emirates.
#. "Dubai" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Dubayy".
msgid "Dubai"
msgstr "Дубаи"

#. A city in the United Arab Emirates
msgid "Ra's al Khaymah"
msgstr "Рас-эль-Хайма"

#. A city in the United Arab Emirates.
#. "Sharjah" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "Ash Shariqah".
msgid "Sharjah"
msgstr "Шарджа"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom"
msgid "Aberdeen"
msgstr "Абердин"

#. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Belfast"
msgstr "Белфаст"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Benson"
msgstr "Бенсон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Biggin Hill"
msgstr "Биггин-Хил"

#. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in Midlands, United Kingdom"
msgid "Birmingham"
msgstr "Бирмингем"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Blackpool"
msgstr "Блэкпул"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Boscombe"
msgstr "Боскомбе"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Bournemouth"
msgstr "Борнмут"

#. A city on the South East coast of England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Brighton"
msgstr "Брайтон"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Bristol"
msgstr "Бристоль"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Brize Norton"
msgstr "Бриз Нортон"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Butes"
msgstr "Бутс"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Cambridge"
msgstr "Кембридж"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Campbeltown"
msgstr "Кэмпбелтаун"

#. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom.
#. The local name in Welsh is "Caerdydd".
msgctxt "City in Wales, United Kingdom"
msgid "Cardiff"
msgstr "Кардифф"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Carlisle"
msgstr "Карлайл"

#. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
msgid "Castle Donington"
msgstr "Касл Донингтон"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Church Fenton"
msgstr "Чёрч-Фентон"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Coningsby"
msgstr "Конингсби"

#. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
msgid "Cottesmore"
msgstr "Коттсмур"

#. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
msgid "Coventry"
msgstr "Ковентри"

#. A city in Midlands in the United Kingdom
msgid "Cranfield"
msgstr "Кранфилд"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Cranwell"
msgstr "Крануэлл"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Dishforth"
msgstr "Дишфорт"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Dundee"
msgstr "Данди"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Edinburgh"
msgstr "Эдинбург"

#. A city in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Eglinton"
msgstr "Эглинтон"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Exeter"
msgstr "Эксетер"

#. A city in the United Kingdom
msgid "Fairford"
msgstr "Фэйрфорд"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Farnborough"
msgstr "Фарнборо"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Filton"
msgstr "Филтон"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in Scotland, United Kingdom"
msgid "Glasgow"
msgstr "Глазго"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Gramisdale"
msgstr "Грэмисдэйл"

#. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
msgid "Hawarden"
msgstr "Хаварден"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Helston"
msgstr "Хелстон"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Hugh Town"
msgstr "Хью-Таун"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Inverness"
msgstr "Инвернесс"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Ipswich"
msgstr "Ипсвич"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Kilmoluag"
msgstr "Килмолуаг"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Kinloss"
msgstr "Кинлос"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Kintra"
msgstr "Кинтра"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Kirkwall"
msgstr "Киркуолл"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Kirmington"
msgstr "Кирмингтон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Lakenheath"
msgstr "Лэйкенхит"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Leeds"
msgstr "Лидс"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Leeming Bar"
msgstr "Лиминг-Бар"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Leuchars"
msgstr "Леучарс"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Linton upon Ouse"
msgstr "Линтон-Апон-Узе"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Liverpool"
msgstr "Ливерпуль"

#. The capital of the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "London"
msgstr "Лондон"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Lossiemouth"
msgstr "Лоссимут"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Luton"
msgstr "Латон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Lydd"
msgstr "Лид"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Lyneham"
msgstr "Линхем"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in North West England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Manchester"
msgstr "Манчестер"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Manston"
msgstr "Манстон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Marham"
msgstr "Мархем"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Middle Wallop"
msgstr "Мидл Уоллоп"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Mildenhall"
msgstr "Милденхолл"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Mossbank"
msgstr "Моссбанк"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Newcastle"
msgstr "Ньюкасл"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Northolt"
msgstr "Норхолт"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Norwich"
msgstr "Норвик"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Odiham"
msgstr "Одихам"

#. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
msgid "Pembrey"
msgstr "Пембри"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgctxt "City in South and South West England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Plymouth"
msgstr "Плимут"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Prestwick"
msgstr "Прествик"

#. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
msgid "Saint Athan"
msgstr "Сент-Атхан"

#. A city in North West England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Shawbury"
msgstr "Шобери"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Shoreham-by-Sea"
msgstr "Шорехэм-Бай-Си"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Southampton"
msgstr "Саутгемптон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgctxt "City in East and South East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Southend"
msgstr "Саутенд"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Stansted Mountfitchet"
msgstr "Стэнстед-Маунтфитчет"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Staverton"
msgstr "Ставертон"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgctxt "City in North East England, United Kingdom"
msgid "Stockton"
msgstr "Стоктон"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Stornoway"
msgstr "Сторнауэй"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Sumburgh"
msgstr "Самбург"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Topcliffe"
msgstr "Топклифф"

#. A city in Wales in the United Kingdom
msgid "Valley"
msgstr "Валле"

#. A city in North East England in the United Kingdom
msgid "Waddington"
msgstr "Вэддингтон"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Wainfleet"
msgstr "Уэйнфлит"

#. A city in Scotland in the United Kingdom
msgid "Wick"
msgstr "Вик"

#. A city in East and South East England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Wittering"
msgstr "Виттеринг"

#. A city in South and South West England in the United
#. Kingdom
msgid "Yeovilton"
msgstr "Йеовилтон"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
msgid "Aberdeen"
msgstr "Абердин"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Abilene"
msgstr "Абилин"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Abingdon"
msgstr "Абингтон"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Ada"
msgstr "Ада"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Adak"
msgstr "Адак"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Adamsville"
msgstr "Адамсвиль"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Adrian"
msgstr "Адриан"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Ahoskie"
msgstr "Ахоски"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Ainsworth"
msgstr "Эйнсворт"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Aitkin"
msgstr "Айткин"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Akron"
msgstr "Акрон"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Akron"
msgstr "Акрон"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Alabaster"
msgstr "Алабастер"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Alamogordo"
msgstr "Аламогордо"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Alamosa"
msgstr "Аламоса"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Albany"
msgstr "Албания"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Albany"
msgstr "Албания"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Albemarle"
msgstr "Альбемарль"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Albert Lea"
msgstr "Элберт Ли"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Albertville"
msgstr "Альбертвиль"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Albion"
msgstr "Альбион"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Albuquerque"
msgstr "Альбукерке"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Alexander City"
msgstr "Александер-Сити"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
msgid "Alexandria"
msgstr "Александрия"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Alexandria"
msgstr "Александрия"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Alexandria"
msgstr "Александрия"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Alice"
msgstr "Алис"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Allentown"
msgstr "Аллентаун"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Alliance"
msgstr "Аллайанс"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Alma"
msgstr "Алма"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Alma"
msgstr "Алма"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Alpena"
msgstr "Алпина"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Alpine"
msgstr "Альпина"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Alpine"
msgstr "Альпина"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Alton"
msgstr "Элтон"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Altoona"
msgstr "Алтуна"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Alturas"
msgstr "Алчерас"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Altus"
msgstr "Алтус"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Alva"
msgstr "Альва"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Amarillo"
msgstr "Амарилло"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Ambler"
msgstr "Амблер"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Amelia"
msgstr "Амелия"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Ames"
msgstr "Эймс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Anaheim"
msgstr "Анахайм"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Anaktuvuk Pass"
msgstr "Анкчувек Пасс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Anchorage"
msgstr "Анкоридж"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Andalusia"
msgstr "Андалусия"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Anderson"
msgstr "Андерсон"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Anderson"
msgstr "Андерсон"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Andover"
msgstr "Андовер"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Andrews"
msgstr "Андрюс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Angle Inlet"
msgstr "Англе-Инлет"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Angleton"
msgstr "Англетон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Angoon"
msgstr "Ангун"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Aniak"
msgstr "Аниак"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Ankeny"
msgstr "Анкени"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Ann Arbor"
msgstr "Анн-Арбор"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Annapolis"
msgstr "Аннаполис"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Annette"
msgstr "Аннетт"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Anniston"
msgstr "Аннистон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Antigo"
msgstr "Антиго"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Anvik"
msgstr "Анвик"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Apalachicola"
msgstr "Апаличикола"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Appleton"
msgstr "Аплтон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Appleton"
msgstr "Аплтон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Arcata"
msgstr "Арката"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Arctic Village"
msgstr "Арктик Виллидж"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Ardmore"
msgstr "Ардмор"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Arkadelphia"
msgstr "Аркадельфия"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Arlington"
msgstr "Арлингтон"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
msgid "Arlington"
msgstr "Арлингтон"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Artesia"
msgstr "Артижа"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Arvada"
msgstr "Арвада"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Asheboro"
msgstr "Ашеборо"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Asheville"
msgstr "Эшвилль"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Ashland"
msgstr "Ашленд"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Ashland"
msgstr "Ашленд"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Ashtabula"
msgstr "Аштабула"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Aspen"
msgstr "Аспен"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Astoria"
msgstr "Астория"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Athens"
msgstr "Афины"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Atlanta"
msgstr "Атланта"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Atlantic"
msgstr "Атлантик"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Atlantic City"
msgstr "Атлантик-Сити"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Atoka"
msgstr "Атока"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Auburn"
msgstr "Оберн"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Auburn"
msgstr "Оберн"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Auburn"
msgstr "Оберн"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Audubon"
msgstr "Одубон"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Augusta"
msgstr "Огаста"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Augusta"
msgstr "Огаста"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Аврора"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Аврора"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Аврора"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Аврора"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Austin"
msgstr "Остин"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Austin"
msgstr "Остин"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Avalon"
msgstr "Авалон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Bad Axe"
msgstr "Бэд-Акс"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Bainbridge"
msgstr "Байнбридж"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Baker"
msgstr "Бейкер"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Baker City"
msgstr "Бейкер Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Bakersfield"
msgstr "Бейкерсфилд"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Baltimore"
msgstr "Балтимор"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Bangor"
msgstr "Бангор"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Bar Harbor"
msgstr "Бар-Харбор"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Baraboo"
msgstr "Барабу"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgid "Barre"
msgstr "Барр"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Barretts"
msgstr "Барретс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Barrow"
msgstr "Барроу"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Bartlesville"
msgstr "Бартлсвилль"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Bartow"
msgstr "Бартоу"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Batesville"
msgstr "Батсвилл"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Baton Rouge"
msgstr "Батон-Руж"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Battle Creek"
msgstr "Балт-Крик"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Baudette"
msgstr "Баудетт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Bay City"
msgstr "Бэй-Сити"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Beatrice"
msgstr "Биатрис"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Beaufort"
msgstr "Бофорт"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Beaufort"
msgstr "Бофорт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Beaumont"
msgstr "Бомонт"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Beaver Falls"
msgstr "Бивер-Фоллс"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Beckley"
msgstr "Бекли"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Bedford"
msgstr "Бедфорд"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Bellaire"
msgstr "Беллер"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Belleville"
msgstr "Белвилль"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Bellevue"
msgstr "Белвью"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Bellingham"
msgstr "Беллингем"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Belmar"
msgstr "Белмар"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Bemidji"
msgstr "Бемиджи"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgid "Bennington"
msgstr "Беннингтон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Benson"
msgstr "Бенсон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Benton Harbor"
msgstr "Бентон-Харбор"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Bentonville"
msgstr "Бентонвилль"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Berkeley"
msgstr "Беркли"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Berlin"
msgstr "Берлин"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Bethel"
msgstr "Бетел"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Bettles"
msgstr "Бетлс"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Beverly"
msgstr "Беверли"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Big Piney"
msgstr "Биг-Пиней"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Big Rapids"
msgstr "Биг-Рэпидс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Big Spring"
msgstr "Биг-Спрингс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Bigfork"
msgstr "Бигфорк"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Billings"
msgstr "Биллингс"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Biloxi"
msgstr "Билокси"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Binghamton"
msgstr "Бингментон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Birchwood"
msgstr "Бирчвуд"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Birmingham"
msgstr "Бирмингем"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Bishop"
msgstr "Бишоп"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Bismarck"
msgstr "Бисмарк"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Black Eagle"
msgstr "Блэк-Игл"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Black River"
msgstr "Блэк-Ривер"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Blacksburg"
msgstr "Блэксбург"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Bloomington"
msgstr "Блумингтон"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Bloomington"
msgstr "Блумингтон"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Bluefield"
msgstr "Блуфилд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Blythe"
msgstr "Блайт"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Blytheville"
msgstr "Блитевилл"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Boca Raton"
msgstr "Бока-Ратон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Bogue"
msgstr "Бог"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Boise"
msgstr "Бойсе"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Boone"
msgstr "Бун"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Boone"
msgstr "Бун"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Boothville"
msgstr "Бутвилл"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
msgid "Bordeaux"
msgstr "Бордо"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Borger"
msgstr "Боргер"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Boscobel"
msgstr "Боскобель"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Boston"
msgstr "Бостон"

msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Boulder"
msgstr "Боулдер"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Bowling Green"
msgstr "Боулинг-Грин"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Bowman"
msgstr "Боумен"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Box Elder"
msgstr "Бокс-Элдер"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Bozeman"
msgstr "Бозмен"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Bradford"
msgstr "Брэдфорд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Brady"
msgstr "Брэди"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Brainerd"
msgstr "Брейнерд"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Bremerton"
msgstr "Бремертон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Brenham"
msgstr "Бренхем"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Bridgeport"
msgstr "Бриджпорт"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Broken Bow"
msgstr "Брокен-Боу"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Brookings"
msgstr "Брукингс"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
msgid "Brookings"
msgstr "Брукингс"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Brooksville"
msgstr "Бруксвиль"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Broomfield"
msgstr "Брумфилд"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Browning"
msgstr "Браунинг"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Brownsville"
msgstr "Браунсвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Brownwood"
msgstr "Браунвуд"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Brunswick"
msgstr "Брунсвик"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Brunswick"
msgstr "Брунсвик"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Bryce Canyon"
msgstr "Брайс Каньон"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Buckhannon"
msgstr "Бакханнон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Buckland"
msgstr "Бакленд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Buffalo"
msgstr "Буффало"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Buffalo"
msgstr "Буффало"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
msgid "Buffalo"
msgstr "Буффало"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
msgid "Buffalo"
msgstr "Буффало"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Bullhead City"
msgstr "Буллхед Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Burbank"
msgstr "Бербанк"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Burley"
msgstr "Берли"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Burlington"
msgstr "Берлингтон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Burnet"
msgstr "Барнет"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Burns"
msgstr "Бернс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Butler"
msgstr "Батлер"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Butte"
msgstr "Бьютт"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Cadillac"
msgstr "Кадиллак"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Cahokia"
msgstr "Кахокия"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Cairo"
msgstr "Каир"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Caldwell"
msgstr "Кэлдвел"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
msgid "Caldwell"
msgstr "Кэлдвелл"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Caldwell"
msgstr "Кэлдвелл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Camarillo"
msgstr "Камарильо"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Cambridge"
msgstr "Кембридж"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Cambridge"
msgstr "Кембридж"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Camden"
msgstr "Камден"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Camp Douglas"
msgstr "Кэмп-Дуглас"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Camp Springs"
msgstr "Кэмп-Спрингс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Campo"
msgstr "Кампо"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Canadian"
msgstr "Канейдиан"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Canton"
msgstr "Кантон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Cape Canaveral"
msgstr "Кэйп-Канаверал"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Cape Coral"
msgstr "Кэйп-Корал"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Cape Girardeau"
msgstr "Кэйп-Жирарди"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Carbondale"
msgstr "Карбондейл"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Cardiff"
msgstr "Кардифф"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Caribou"
msgstr "Карибы"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Carlsbad"
msgstr "Карлсбад"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
msgid "Carlsbad"
msgstr "Карлсбад"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Carmi"
msgstr "Карми"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Caro"
msgstr "Каро"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Carroll"
msgstr "Кэролл"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Carrollton"
msgstr "Кэролтон"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Cartersville"
msgstr "Картерсвилл"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Casa Grande"
msgstr "Каса-Гранде"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Casper"
msgstr "Каспер"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Cedar City"
msgstr "Сидар Сити"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Cedar Rapids"
msgstr "Сидар-Рапидс"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Centralia"
msgstr "Централия"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Chadron"
msgstr "Чадрон"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Challis"
msgstr "Чаллис"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Chama"
msgstr "Чама"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Chamberlain"
msgstr "Чемберлен"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Champaign"
msgstr "Шампань"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Chandalar"
msgstr "Чандалар"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
msgid "Chandler"
msgstr "Чандлер"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
msgid "Chandler"
msgstr "Чандлер"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Chanute"
msgstr "Чанат"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Chapel Hill"
msgstr "Чапел-Хилл"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Chariton"
msgstr "Чарлтон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Charles City"
msgstr "Чарльз Сити"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Charleston"
msgstr "Чарльстон"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
msgid "Charleston"
msgstr "Чарльстон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Charlevoix"
msgstr "Шарлеву"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Charlotte"
msgstr "Шарлотта"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Charlotte"
msgstr "Шарлотта"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Charlottesville"
msgstr "Шарлотсвиль"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Chatham"
msgstr "Чатем"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Chattanooga"
msgstr "Четтануга"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Cheboygan"
msgstr "Чебойган"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Cherokee"
msgstr "Чероки"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Chesapeake"
msgstr "Чесапик"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Chesterfield"
msgstr "Честерфилд"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Cheyenne"
msgstr "Шайен"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Chicago"
msgstr "Чикаго"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Chickasha"
msgstr "Чикаша"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Chico"
msgstr "Чико"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Chicopee Falls"
msgstr "Чикопи Фоллс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Chignik"
msgstr "Чигник"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Childress"
msgstr "Чилдресс"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Childs"
msgstr "Чайлдс"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Chillicothe"
msgstr "Чилликот"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "China Lake"
msgstr "Чина-Лэйк"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Chincoteague"
msgstr "Чинкотигуе"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Chino"
msgstr "Чино"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Chisana"
msgstr "Чисана"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Chistochina"
msgstr "Чисточина"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Chula Vista"
msgstr "Чула-Виста"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Chulitna"
msgstr "Чулитна"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Cincinnati"
msgstr "Цинциннати"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Claremore"
msgstr "Клермор"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Clarinda"
msgstr "Кларинда"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Clarion"
msgstr "Кларион"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Clarksburg"
msgstr "Кларксбург"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
msgid "Clarksville"
msgstr "Кларксвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Clarksville"
msgstr "Кларксвиль"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Clayton"
msgstr "Клэйтон"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Clearfield"
msgstr "Клирфилд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Clearwater"
msgstr "Клирвотер"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Clemson"
msgstr "Клемсон"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Cleveland"
msgstr "Кливленд"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Clines Corners"
msgstr "Клайнс Корнерс"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Clinton"
msgstr "Клинтон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Clinton"
msgstr "Клинтон"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
msgid "Clinton"
msgstr "Клинтон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Clintonville"
msgstr "Клинтонвилл"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Cloquet"
msgstr "Клокет"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Clovis"
msgstr "Кловис"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Cocoa"
msgstr "Кокоа"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Cody"
msgstr "Коди"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Coeur d'Alene"
msgstr "Коер Долин"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Coffeyville"
msgstr "Коффивилл"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Cold Bay"
msgstr "Колд-Бей"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Coldwater"
msgstr "Колдуотер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "College Station"
msgstr "Колледж-Стейшн"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Colorado Springs"
msgstr "Колорадо-Спрингс"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
msgid "Columbia"
msgstr "Колумбия"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Columbia"
msgstr "Колумбия"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Columbus"
msgstr "Колумбус"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Columbus"
msgstr "Колумбус"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
msgid "Columbus"
msgstr "Колумбус"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Columbus"
msgstr "Колумбус"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Columbus"
msgstr "Колумбус"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Concord"
msgstr "Конкорд"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Concord"
msgstr "Конкорд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Concord"
msgstr "Конкорд"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Concordia"
msgstr "Конкордия"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Conroe"
msgstr "Конро"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Cook"
msgstr "Кук"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Copper Harbor"
msgstr "Коппер-Харбор"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Cordova"
msgstr "Кордова"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Corona"
msgstr "Корона"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
msgid "Corona"
msgstr "Корона"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Corpus Christi"
msgstr "Корпус-Кристи"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Corsicana"
msgstr "Корсикана"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Cortez"
msgstr "Кортез"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Corvallis"
msgstr "Корваллис"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Costa Mesa"
msgstr "Коста-Меса"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Cotulla"
msgstr "Котулла"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Council Bluffs"
msgstr "Каунсил-Блафс"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Craig"
msgstr "Крэйг"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Crane Lake"
msgstr "Крейн Лейк"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Crescent City"
msgstr "Кресент-Сити"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Creston"
msgstr "Крестон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Crestview"
msgstr "Крествью"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Crockett"
msgstr "Крокетт"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Crookston"
msgstr "Крукстон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Cross City"
msgstr "Кросс-Сити"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Crossville"
msgstr "Кросвиль"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Cullman"
msgstr "Калман"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Culpeper"
msgstr "Калпепер"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Cumberland"
msgstr "Камберленд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Currituck"
msgstr "Курритук"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Cushing"
msgstr "Кушинг"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Custer"
msgstr "Кастер"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Cut Bank"
msgstr "Кат Банк"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Daggett"
msgstr "Даггетт"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Daleville"
msgstr "Дэйлвил"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Dalhart"
msgstr "Далхарт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Dallas"
msgstr "Даллас"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Dalton"
msgstr "Далтон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Daly City"
msgstr "Дала-Сити"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Dalzell"
msgstr "Дэлзелл"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Danbury"
msgstr "Данбери"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Dansville"
msgstr "Дансвилл"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Danville"
msgstr "Данвиль"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Danville"
msgstr "Данвиль"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Darlington"
msgstr "Дарлингтон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Davenport"
msgstr "Давенпорт"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Dayton"
msgstr "Дейтон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Daytona Beach"
msgstr "Дайтона-Бич"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "De Queen"
msgstr "Де Квин"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "DeKalb"
msgstr "Декалб"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "DeRidder"
msgstr "Дериддер"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Deadhorse"
msgstr "Дедхорс"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Decatur"
msgstr "Декатур"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Decatur"
msgstr "Декатур"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Decatur"
msgstr "Декатур"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Decorah"
msgstr "Декора"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Deer Park"
msgstr "Дир Парк"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Defiance"
msgstr "Дефианс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Del Rio"
msgstr "Дель-Рио"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Дельта"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Delta Junction"
msgstr "Дельта-Юнкшн"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Deming"
msgstr "Деминг"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Denison"
msgstr "Деннисон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Denton"
msgstr "Дентон"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Denver"
msgstr "Дэнвер"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Des Moines"
msgstr "Де-Мойн"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Destin"
msgstr "Дестин"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Detroit"
msgstr "Детройт"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Detroit Lakes"
msgstr "Детройт-Лейкс"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Devils Lake"
msgstr "Девилс-Лейк"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Dickinson"
msgstr "Дикинсон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Dillingham"
msgstr "Диллингхэм"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Dillon"
msgstr "Диллон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Dodge Center"
msgstr "Додж Сентер"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Dodge City"
msgstr "Додж-Сити"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Dothan"
msgstr "Дотан"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
msgid "Douglas"
msgstr "Дуглас"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Douglas"
msgstr "Дуглас"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
msgid "Douglas"
msgstr "Дуглас"

#. A city in Delaware in the United States
msgid "Dover"
msgstr "Дувр"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Doylestown"
msgstr "Дойлстаун"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Drummond"
msgstr "Драммонд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Dryden"
msgstr "Драйден"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Du Bois"
msgstr "Ду-Бойс"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Dublin"
msgstr "Дублин"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Dublin"
msgstr "Дублин"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Dubuque"
msgstr "Дубьюк"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Duluth"
msgstr "Дулит"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Dumas"
msgstr "Дюма"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Duncan"
msgstr "Дункан"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Dunkirk"
msgstr "Данкерк"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Durango"
msgstr "Дуранго"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Durant"
msgstr "Дьюрант"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Durham"
msgstr "Дарем"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Dyersburg"
msgstr "Дайерсберг"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Eagle"
msgstr "Игл"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Eagle"
msgstr "Игл"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Eagle River"
msgstr "Игл Ривер"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "East Hampton"
msgstr "Ист Хамптон"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "East Milton"
msgstr "Ист Милтон"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Easton"
msgstr "Истон"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Eastsound"
msgstr "Истсаунд"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Eau Claire"
msgstr "О-Клер"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Edenton"
msgstr "Эдентон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Edinburg"
msgstr "Эдинбург"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Edwards"
msgstr "Эдвардс"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Effingham"
msgstr "Эфингем"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Egegik"
msgstr "Эгиджик"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "El Centro"
msgstr "Эль-Сентро"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "El Dorado"
msgstr "Эльдорадо"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "El Monte"
msgstr "Эль-Монте"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "El Paso"
msgstr "Эль-Пасо"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "El Reno"
msgstr "Эль-Рено"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Elbert"
msgstr "Элберт"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Elfin Cove"
msgstr "Элфин-Коув"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Elizabeth"
msgstr "Элизабет"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Elizabeth City"
msgstr "Элизабет Сити"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Elizabethtown"
msgstr "Элизабеттаун"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Elkhart"
msgstr "Элкхарт"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Elkhart"
msgstr "Элкхарт"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Elkins"
msgstr "Элкинс"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Elko"
msgstr "Элко"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Ellensburg"
msgstr "Элленсберг"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Elmira"
msgstr "Эльмира"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Elwood"
msgstr "Элвуд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Ely"
msgstr "Или"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
msgid "Ely"
msgstr "Или"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Elyria"
msgstr "Элирия"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Emigrant Gap"
msgstr "Эмигрант-Гэп"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Emmonak"
msgstr "Эммонак"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Emporia"
msgstr "Эмпория"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Emporia"
msgstr "Эмпория"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Enid"
msgstr "Энид"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Ephrata"
msgstr "Эфрата"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Erie"
msgstr "Эрье"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Erwin"
msgstr "Эрвин"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Escanaba"
msgstr "Эсканоба"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Escondido"
msgstr "Эскондидо"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Estherville"
msgstr "Эстервиль"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Eugene"
msgstr "Юджин"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
msgid "Eureka"
msgstr "Эврика"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Eureka Roadhouse"
msgstr "Эврика-Роадхаус"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Evanston"
msgstr "Эванстон"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Evansville"
msgstr "Эвансвиль"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Eveleth"
msgstr "Эвелет"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Everett"
msgstr "Эверетт"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Evergreen"
msgstr "Эвергрин"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Fairbanks"
msgstr "Фэрбенкс"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Fairchild"
msgstr "Фэрчайлд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Fairfield"
msgstr "Ферфилд"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Fairfield"
msgstr "Ферфилд"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Fairfield"
msgstr "Ферфилд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Fairmont"
msgstr "Фермонт"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Faith"
msgstr "Фейт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Falfurrias"
msgstr "Фалкуриас"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Fallon"
msgstr "Фаллон"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Falls City"
msgstr "Фолс Сити"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Fargo"
msgstr "Фарго"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Faribault"
msgstr "Фариболт"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Farmingdale"
msgstr "Фармингдейл"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
msgid "Farmington"
msgstr "Фармингтон"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
msgid "Farmington"
msgstr "Фармингтон"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Farmville"
msgstr "Фармвиль"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Fayetteville"
msgstr "Файетвиль"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Fayetteville"
msgstr "Файетвиль"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Fergus Falls"
msgstr "Фергус-Фолс"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Findlay"
msgstr "Финдли"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Fitchburg"
msgstr "Фитчберг"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Flagstaff"
msgstr "Флагстафф"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Flint"
msgstr "Флинт"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Flippin"
msgstr "Флиппин"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Flora"
msgstr "Флора"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Florence"
msgstr "Флоренция"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Fond du Lac"
msgstr "Фон-дю-Лак"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Fontana"
msgstr "Фонтана"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Fort Benning"
msgstr "Форт-Беннинг"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Fort Carson"
msgstr "Форт-Карсон"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Fort Collins"
msgstr "Форт-Коллинс"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Fort Dodge"
msgstr "Форт-Додж"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Fort Lauderdale"
msgstr "Форт-Лодердейл"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Fort Madison"
msgstr "Форт-Мэдисон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Fort Myers"
msgstr "Форт-Майерс"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Fort Payne"
msgstr "Форт-Пэйн"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Fort Pierce"
msgstr "Форт-Пирс"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Fort Polk"
msgstr "Форт-Полк"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Fort Smith"
msgstr "Форт-Смит"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Fort Stockton"
msgstr "Форт-Стоктон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Fort Walton Beach"
msgstr "Фот-Валтон-Бич"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Fort Wayne"
msgstr "Форт-Уэйн"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Fort Worth"
msgstr "Форт-Ворт"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Fort Yukon"
msgstr "Форт-Юкон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Fosston"
msgstr "Фосстон"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "Frankfort"
msgstr "Франкфорт"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Frankfort"
msgstr "Франкфорт"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Franklin"
msgstr "Франклин"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "Franklin"
msgstr "Франклин"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Franklin"
msgstr "Франклин"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States"
msgid "Frederick"
msgstr "Фредерик"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
msgid "Frederick"
msgstr "Фредерик"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Fredericksburg"
msgstr "Фредериксберг"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Freeport"
msgstr "Фрипорт"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Fremont"
msgstr "Фремонт"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Fremont"
msgstr "Фремонт"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Frenchville"
msgstr "Френчвилл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Fresno"
msgstr "Фресно"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Friday Harbor"
msgstr "Фрайдей Харбор"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Fryeburg"
msgstr "Фрейбург"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Fullerton"
msgstr "Фуллертон"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Fulton"
msgstr "Фултон"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Gadsden"
msgstr "Гадстен"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Gage"
msgstr "Гейдж"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Gainesville"
msgstr "Гэйнсвиль"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Gainesville"
msgstr "Гэйнсвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Gainesville"
msgstr "Гэйнсвиль"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Galena"
msgstr "Галена"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Galesburg"
msgstr "Гейлсберг"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Galliano"
msgstr "Галлиано"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Gallup"
msgstr "Гэллап"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Galveston"
msgstr "Галвестон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Gambell"
msgstr "Гамбелл"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Garden City"
msgstr "Гарден-Сити"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
msgid "Garden City"
msgstr "Гарден-Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Garden Grove"
msgstr "Гарден-Грув"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Garland"
msgstr "Гарланд"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Garrison"
msgstr "Гаррисон"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Gary"
msgstr "Гэри"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Gastonia"
msgstr "Гастония"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Gatesville"
msgstr "Гэйтсвиль"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Gaylord"
msgstr "Гейлорд"

#. A city in Delaware in the United States
msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States"
msgid "Georgetown"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Georgetown"
msgstr "Джорджтаун"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Giddings"
msgstr "Джиддингс"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Gilbert"
msgstr "Гилберт"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Gillette"
msgstr "Жилетт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Gilmer"
msgstr "Гилмер"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "Glasgow"
msgstr "Глазго"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
msgid "Glasgow"
msgstr "Глазго"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Glencoe"
msgstr "Гленко"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
msgid "Glendale"
msgstr "Глендэйл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Glendale"
msgstr "Глендэйл"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Glendive"
msgstr "Глендайв"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Glens Falls"
msgstr "Гленс-Фолс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Glenwood"
msgstr "Гленвуд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Goldsboro"
msgstr "Голдсборо"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Goodland"
msgstr "Гудленд"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Goodyear"
msgstr "Гудиар"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Goosport"
msgstr "Гуспорт"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Gorham"
msgstr "Горхэм"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Goshen"
msgstr "Гошен"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Grafton"
msgstr "Графтон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Graham"
msgstr "Грейам"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Granbury"
msgstr "Гранбери"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Grand Canyon"
msgstr "Гранд-Каньон"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Grand Forks"
msgstr "Гранд-Форкс"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Grand Island"
msgstr "Гранд-Айленд"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Grand Isle"
msgstr "Гранд-Айсл"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Grand Junction"
msgstr "Гранд-Джанкшен"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Grand Marais"
msgstr "Гранд-Мараис"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Grand Prairie"
msgstr "Гранд-Прейри"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Grand Rapids"
msgstr "Гранд-Рапидс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Grand Rapids"
msgstr "Гранд-Рапидс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Granite Falls"
msgstr "Гранит Фолс"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Grants"
msgstr "Грантс"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Grayling"
msgstr "Грэйлинг"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Great Bend"
msgstr "Грэйт Бенд"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Great Falls"
msgstr "Грейт-Фолс"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Green Bay"
msgstr "Грин-Бей"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Greensboro"
msgstr "Гринсборо"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Greensboro"
msgstr "Гринсборо"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Greenville"
msgstr "Гринвиль"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
msgid "Greenville"
msgstr "Гринвиль"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Greenville"
msgstr "Гринвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Greenville"
msgstr "Гринвиль"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
msgid "Greenwood"
msgstr "Гринвуд"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Carolina, United States"
msgid "Greenwood"
msgstr "Гринвуд"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Greer"
msgstr "Грир"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Greybull"
msgstr "Грейбулл"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Groton"
msgstr "Гротон"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Grove"
msgstr "Гров"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Gulfport"
msgstr "Галфпорт"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Gulkana"
msgstr "Галкана"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Gunnison"
msgstr "Ганнисон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Gustavus"
msgstr "Гаставус"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Guthrie"
msgstr "Гатри"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Guymon"
msgstr "Гаймон"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Hagerstown"
msgstr "Хагерстаун"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Hailey"
msgstr "Хэйли"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Haines"
msgstr "Хайнс"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Haleyville"
msgstr "Хэйливиль"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Hallock"
msgstr "Халлок"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Hamilton"
msgstr "Гамильтон"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Hammond"
msgstr "Хаммонд"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Hampton"
msgstr "Хамптон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Hancock"
msgstr "Ханкок"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Hanford"
msgstr "Ханфорд"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
msgid "Hanford"
msgstr "Ханфорд"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Hanksville"
msgstr "Ханксвилл"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Harbor Springs"
msgstr "Харбор Спрингс"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Harlan"
msgstr "Харлан"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Harlingen"
msgstr "Харлинген"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Harrisburg"
msgstr "Гаррисбург"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "Harrisburg"
msgstr "Гаррисбург"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Harrison"
msgstr "Гаррисон"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Hartford"
msgstr "Хардфорд"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Hastings"
msgstr "Хэйстингс"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Hatteras"
msgstr "Хаттерас"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Hattiesburg"
msgstr "Хаттисбург"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Havelock"
msgstr "Хавелок"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Havre"
msgstr "Гавр"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Hawthorne"
msgstr "Хоторн"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Hayden"
msgstr "Хайден"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Hays"
msgstr "Хейс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Hayward"
msgstr "Гайвард"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Hayward"
msgstr "Гайвард"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Healy"
msgstr "Хили"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Hearne"
msgstr "Херн"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Hebbronville"
msgstr "Хеббронвилл"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Hebron"
msgstr "Хеврон"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Helena"
msgstr "Хелена"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "Henderson"
msgstr "Хендерсон"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
msgid "Henderson"
msgstr "Хендерсон"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Hermiston"
msgstr "Хермистон"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Hettinger"
msgstr "Хеттингер"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Hialeah"
msgstr "Хиалих"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Hibbing"
msgstr "Хиббинг"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Hickory"
msgstr "Хикори"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Hicks"
msgstr "Хикс"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Hill City"
msgstr "Хилл Сити"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Hillsboro"
msgstr "Хилсборо"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Hillsdale"
msgstr "Хилсдейл"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Hillsville"
msgstr "Хилсвилл"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Hilo"
msgstr "Хило"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Hilton Head Island"
msgstr "Хилтон-Хед-Айленд"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Hinesville"
msgstr "Хинесвилл"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
msgid "Hobart"
msgstr "Хобарт"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Hobbs"
msgstr "Хобс"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Hoffman"
msgstr "Хофман"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Holdrege"
msgstr "Холдридж"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Holland"
msgstr "Холланд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Hollywood"
msgstr "Голливуд"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Homer"
msgstr "Хомер"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Homestead"
msgstr "Хоместед"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Hondo"
msgstr "Гондурас"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Honolulu"
msgstr "Гонолулу"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Hoonah"
msgstr "Хуна"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Hooper Bay"
msgstr "Хупер Бэй"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Hoquiam"
msgstr "Хокуиам"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Hot Springs"
msgstr "Хот-Спрингс"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Hot Springs"
msgstr "Хот-Спрингс"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Houghton Lake"
msgstr "Хоутон Лейк"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Houlton"
msgstr "Холтон"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Houma"
msgstr "Хоума"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Houston"
msgstr "Хьюстон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Howell"
msgstr "Хауэлл"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Huntington"
msgstr "Хантингтон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Huntington Beach"
msgstr "Хантингтон-Бич"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Huntsville"
msgstr "Хантсвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Huntsville"
msgstr "Хантсвиль"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Huron"
msgstr "Гурон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Huslia"
msgstr "Хаслия"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Hutchinson"
msgstr "Хатчинсон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Hutchinson"
msgstr "Хатчинсон"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Hyannis"
msgstr "Хаянис"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Hydaburg"
msgstr "Хайдаберг"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Idabel"
msgstr "Ибадель"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Idaho Falls"
msgstr "Айдахо-Фолс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Imperial"
msgstr "Империал"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Imperial"
msgstr "Империал"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Imperial Beach"
msgstr "Империал Бич"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Independence"
msgstr "Индепенденс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "Indiana"
msgstr "Индиана"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Indianapolis"
msgstr "Индианаполис"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Indiantown"
msgstr "Индиантаун"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Inglewood"
msgstr "Инглевуд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "International Falls"
msgstr "Интернашионал-Фолс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Inver Grove Heights"
msgstr "Инвер-Грув-Хейтс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Inyokern"
msgstr "Иньокерн"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Iowa City"
msgstr "Айова Сити"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Iron Mountain"
msgstr "Айрон Маунтин"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Ironwood"
msgstr "Айронвуд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Irvine"
msgstr "Ирвин"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Irving"
msgstr "Ирвинг"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Islip"
msgstr "Айлип"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Ithaca"
msgstr "Итака"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
msgid "Jackson"
msgstr "Джексон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Jacksonville"
msgstr "Джэксонвиль"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Jacksonville"
msgstr "Джэксонвиль"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Jacksonville"
msgstr "Джэксонвиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Jacksonville"
msgstr "Джэксонвиль"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Jaffrey"
msgstr "Джеффри"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Jamestown"
msgstr "Джеймстаун"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Dakota, United States"
msgid "Jamestown"
msgstr "Джеймстаун"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Janesville"
msgstr "Джейнсвилл"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Jasper"
msgstr "Джаспер"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Jefferson"
msgstr "Джефферсон"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Jefferson City"
msgstr "Джефферсон-Сити"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Jerome"
msgstr "Жером"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Jersey City"
msgstr "Джерси-Сити"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Johnstown"
msgstr "Джонстаун"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Joliet"
msgstr "Джолиет"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Jonesboro"
msgstr "Джонсборо"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Joplin"
msgstr "Джоплин"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Иордан"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Juliustown"
msgstr "Джулиустаун"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Junction"
msgstr "Джункшон"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Junction City"
msgstr "Джункшон-Сити"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Juneau"
msgstr "Джуно"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Juneau"
msgstr "Джуно"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Kahului"
msgstr "Кахулуи"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Kailua"
msgstr "Каилуа"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Kaiser"
msgstr "Кайзер"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kake"
msgstr "Кейк"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kaktovik"
msgstr "Кактовик"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Kalamazoo"
msgstr "Каламазу"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Kalispell"
msgstr "Калиспел"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kaltag"
msgstr "Калтаг"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Kankakee"
msgstr "Канкаки"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Kansas City"
msgstr "Канзас-Сити"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
msgid "Kansas City"
msgstr "Канзас-Сити"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Kaumalapau"
msgstr "Каумалапау"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Kaunakakai"
msgstr "Каункакай"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Kearney"
msgstr "Кирни"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Keene"
msgstr "Кин"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Kekaha"
msgstr "Кекаха"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Kelso"
msgstr "Келсо"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kenai"
msgstr "Кенай"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Kenansville"
msgstr "Кенансвилл"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Kenosha"
msgstr "Кеноша"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Keokuk"
msgstr "Кеокек"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Kerrville"
msgstr "Керрвилл"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Ketchikan"
msgstr "Кетчикан"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Key West"
msgstr "Кей-Вест"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Kill Devil Hills"
msgstr "Килл Девил Хилс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Killeen"
msgstr "Киллин"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Kimball"
msgstr "Кимбал"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "King Salmon"
msgstr "Кинг Салмон"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Kingman"
msgstr "Кингмен"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Kingsport"
msgstr "Кингспорт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Kingsville"
msgstr "Кингсвиль"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Kinross"
msgstr "Кинрос"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Kinston"
msgstr "Кинстон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kipnuk"
msgstr "Кипнук"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Kirksville"
msgstr "Кирксвиль"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kivalina"
msgstr "Кивалина"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Klamath Falls"
msgstr "Кламат-Фолс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Klawock"
msgstr "Клоок"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Knob Noster"
msgstr "Кноб-Ностер"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Knoxville"
msgstr "Кноксвиль"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgctxt "City in Tennessee, United States"
msgid "Knoxville"
msgstr "Кноксвиль"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kodiak"
msgstr "Кадьяк"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Kokomo"
msgstr "Кокомо"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kotzebue"
msgstr "Коцебу"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Koyuk"
msgstr "Койек"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Kustatan"
msgstr "Кустатан"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "La Crosse"
msgstr "Ла-Кросс"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "La Grande"
msgstr "Ла-Гранд"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "La Grange"
msgstr "Ла-Гранж"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "La Grange"
msgstr "Ла-Гранд"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "La Junta"
msgstr "Ла Джунта"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "La Verne"
msgstr "Ла Верн"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "La Veta"
msgstr "Ла-Вета"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Lacon"
msgstr "Лакон"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Laconia"
msgstr "Лакония"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Ladysmith"
msgstr "Ледисмит"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Lafayette"
msgstr "Лафайет"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
msgid "Lafayette"
msgstr "Лафайет"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Lahaina"
msgstr "Лахайна"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Lake Charles"
msgstr "Лейк-Чарльз"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Lake Minchumina"
msgstr "Лэйк-Миничумина"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Lakeland"
msgstr "Лайкленд"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Lakeview"
msgstr "Лейквью"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Lakewood"
msgstr "Лейквуд"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Lamar"
msgstr "Ламар"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Lambertville"
msgstr "Ламбертвилл"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Lamoni"
msgstr "Ламоне"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Lancaster"
msgstr "Ланкастер"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Lancaster"
msgstr "Ланкастер"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "Lancaster"
msgstr "Ланкастер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Lancaster"
msgstr "Ланкастер"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Land O' Lakes"
msgstr "Лэнд О'Лэйкс"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Lander"
msgstr "Ландер"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Lansing"
msgstr "Лансинг"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Laramie"
msgstr "Ларами"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Laredo"
msgstr "Ларедо"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Las Cruces"
msgstr "Лас-Крусес"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nevada, United States"
msgid "Las Vegas"
msgstr "Лас-Вегас"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Mexico, United States"
msgid "Las Vegas"
msgstr "Лас-Вегас"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Latrobe"
msgstr "Латроб"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kansas, United States"
msgid "Lawrence"
msgstr "Лоуренс"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Lawrence"
msgstr "Лоуренс"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Lawrenceville"
msgstr "Лоуренсвиль"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Lawrenceville"
msgstr "Лоуренсвиль"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Lawton"
msgstr "Лоутон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Le Mars"
msgstr "Ле Марс"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Leadville"
msgstr "Лидвилл"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Ливан"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Leesburg"
msgstr "Лисберг"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Leesburg"
msgstr "Лисберг"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Leeville"
msgstr "Ливиль"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Lemoore"
msgstr "Лемур"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Lewisburg"
msgstr "Льюисберг"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Lewiston"
msgstr "Льюистон"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Lewistown"
msgstr "Льюистаун"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "Lexington"
msgstr "Лексингтон"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Lexington"
msgstr "Лексингтон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Lexington"
msgstr "Лексингтон"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Liberal"
msgstr "Либерал"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Lihue"
msgstr "Лию"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Lima"
msgstr "Лима"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Lime Village"
msgstr "Лима-Вилладж"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Limon"
msgstr "Лимон"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Lincoln"
msgstr "Линкольн"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Lincoln"
msgstr "Линкольн"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Litchfield"
msgstr "Литчфилд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Litchfield"
msgstr "Литчфилд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Little Falls"
msgstr "Литл Фолс"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Little Rock"
msgstr "Литл-Рок"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Livermore"
msgstr "Ливермор"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Livingston"
msgstr "Ливингстон"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Livonia"
msgstr "Ливония"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Llano"
msgstr "Ллано"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Logan"
msgstr "Логан"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Lompoc"
msgstr "Ломпок"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgctxt "City in Kentucky, United States"
msgid "London"
msgstr "Лондон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Lone Rock"
msgstr "Лон Рок"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Long Beach"
msgstr "Лонг-Бич"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Longview"
msgstr "Лонгвью"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Longville"
msgstr "Ленгвиль"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Los Alamitos"
msgstr "Лос Аламитос"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Los Alamos"
msgstr "Лос-Аламос"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Los Angeles"
msgstr "Лос-Анжелес"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Louisa"
msgstr "Луиза"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Louisburg"
msgstr "Луисбург"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Louisville"
msgstr "Луисвилль"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Lovelock"
msgstr "Ловлок"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Lowell"
msgstr "Лоувел"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Lowell"
msgstr "Лоувел"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Lubbock"
msgstr "Лаббок"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Ludington"
msgstr "Лудингтон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Lufkin"
msgstr "Лафкин"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Lumberton"
msgstr "Ламбертон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Luverne"
msgstr "Луверн"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Lynchburg"
msgstr "Линчберг"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Mackinac Island"
msgstr "Макинас-Айленд"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Macomb"
msgstr "Макомб"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Macon"
msgstr "Макон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Madera"
msgstr "Мадера"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Madison"
msgstr "Мадисон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Madison"
msgstr "Мадисон"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Мальта"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Manassas"
msgstr "Манассас"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Manchester"
msgstr "Манчестер"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Manhattan"
msgstr "Манхеттен"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Manistee"
msgstr "Манисти"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Manistique"
msgstr "Манистик"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Manitowoc"
msgstr "Манитовок"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Mankato"
msgstr "Манкейто"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Manley Hot Springs"
msgstr "Манли Хот Спрингс"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Mansfield"
msgstr "Мансфельд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Manteo"
msgstr "Мантео"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Maple Lake"
msgstr "Мапл-Лэйк"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Marathon"
msgstr "Маратон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Marfa"
msgstr "Марфа"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Marianna"
msgstr "Марианна"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Marietta"
msgstr "Mариетта"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Marion"
msgstr "Марион"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Marion"
msgstr "Марион"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Marion"
msgstr "Марион"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Marquette"
msgstr "Маркетт"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Marshall"
msgstr "Маршалл"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Marshall"
msgstr "Маршалл"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Marshalltown"
msgstr "Маршалтаун"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Marshfield"
msgstr "Маршфилд"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Martinsburg"
msgstr "Мартинсберг"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Martinsville"
msgstr "Мартинсвиль"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Marysville"
msgstr "Мэрисвиль"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Marysville"
msgstr "Мэрисвиль"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Mason"
msgstr "Мейсон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Mason City"
msgstr "Мейсон Сити"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Massena"
msgstr "Массена"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Mattoon"
msgstr "Маттун"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Maxton"
msgstr "Макстон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Mayport"
msgstr "Мэйпорт"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "McAlester"
msgstr "Мак-Алестер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "McAllen"
msgstr "Мак-Аллен"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "McCall"
msgstr "Мак-Колл"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "McCarthy"
msgstr "Маккарти"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "McComb"
msgstr "Мак-Комб"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "McCook"
msgstr "Мак-Кук"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "McGrath"
msgstr "Мак-Грат"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "McGregor"
msgstr "Мак-Грегор"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "McKinley Park"
msgstr "Мак-Кинли Парк"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "McKinney"
msgstr "Мак-Кинли"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "McMinnville"
msgstr "Макминнвилл"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Meacham"
msgstr "Мичем"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Meadville"
msgstr "Мидвилл"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Medford"
msgstr "Медфорт"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Medford"
msgstr "Медфорт"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Medicine Lodge"
msgstr "Медисин-Лодж"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Meeker"
msgstr "Микер"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Mekoryuk"
msgstr "Мекорьюк"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Melbourne"
msgstr "Мельбурн"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Melfa"
msgstr "Мелфа"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Memphis"
msgstr "Мемфис"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Mena"
msgstr "Мена"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Menominee"
msgstr "Меномини"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Menomonie"
msgstr "Меномоми"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Merced"
msgstr "Мерсед"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Mercury"
msgstr "Меркьюри"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Meriden"
msgstr "Мериден"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Meridian"
msgstr "Меридиан"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Merrill"
msgstr "Мерилл"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Mesa"
msgstr "Меса"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Mesquite"
msgstr "Мескит"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Metlakatla"
msgstr "Метлейкатла"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Metropolis"
msgstr "Метрополис"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Miami"
msgstr "Майами"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Middlesboro"
msgstr "Мидлсборо"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Midland"
msgstr "Мидленд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Midlothian"
msgstr "Мидлотиан"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Miles City"
msgstr "Майлс-Сити"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Milford"
msgstr "Милфорд"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Milledgeville"
msgstr "Миледжвилл"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Millington"
msgstr "Миллингтон"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Millinocket"
msgstr "Миллинокет"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Millville"
msgstr "Милвиль"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Milton"
msgstr "Милтон"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Milwaukee"
msgstr "Милуоки"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Mineral Wells"
msgstr "Минерал-Уэлс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Minneapolis"
msgstr "Миннеаполис"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Minot"
msgstr "Майнот"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Missoula"
msgstr "Мизула"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Mitchell"
msgstr "Митчелл"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Moab"
msgstr "Моэб"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Мобил"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Mobridge"
msgstr "Мобридж"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Modesto"
msgstr "Модесто"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Moline"
msgstr "Молине"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Louisiana, United States"
msgid "Monroe"
msgstr "Монро"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Monroe"
msgstr "Монро"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Monroe"
msgstr "Монро"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Monroe"
msgstr "Монро"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Montague"
msgstr "Монтегю"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Montauk"
msgstr "Монтаук"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Monterey"
msgstr "Монтерей"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Montevideo"
msgstr "Монтевидео"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Montgomery"
msgstr "Монтгомери"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Montgomery"
msgstr "Монтгомери"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Monticello"
msgstr "Монтиселло"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Monticello"
msgstr "Монтиселло"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Monticello"
msgstr "Монтиселло"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Montrose"
msgstr "Монтроз"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Moorhead"
msgstr "Мурхед"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Moose Lake"
msgstr "Муз Лейк"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Mora"
msgstr "Мора"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Morgantown"
msgstr "Моргантаун"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Moriarty"
msgstr "Мориарти"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Morris"
msgstr "Моррис"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Morris"
msgstr "Моррис"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Morristown"
msgstr "Морристаун"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgid "Morrisville"
msgstr "Моррисвиль"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Moscow"
msgstr "Москва"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Moses Lake"
msgstr "Мозес Лейк"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Mosinee"
msgstr "Мозини"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Moultrie"
msgstr "Моултри"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Mount Airy"
msgstr "Маунт Эйри"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Mount Carmel"
msgstr "Маунт Кармел"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Mount Holly"
msgstr "Маунт-Холли"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Mount Ida"
msgstr "Маунт Айда"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Mount Pleasant"
msgstr "Маунт-Плезант"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Mount Pleasant"
msgstr "Маунт-Плезант"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Mount Pleasant"
msgstr "Маунт-Плезант"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Mount Pocono"
msgstr "Маунт Поконо"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Mount Shasta"
msgstr "Маунт Шаста"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Mount Vernon"
msgstr "Маунт-Вернон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Mount Wilson"
msgstr "Маунт Уилсон"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Mountain Home"
msgstr "Маунтин-Хоум"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Mountain Home"
msgstr "Маунтин-Хоум"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Mountain View"
msgstr "Маунтин-Хом"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Muldraugh"
msgstr "Малдраг"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Mullan"
msgstr "Муллан"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Muncie"
msgstr "Манси"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Munising"
msgstr "Мунисинг"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Muscatine"
msgstr "Маскатин"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Muscle Shoals"
msgstr "Маскл Шолс"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Muskegon"
msgstr "Маскигон"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Muskogee"
msgstr "Маскоджи"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Myrtle Beach"
msgstr "Миртл Бич"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Nabesna"
msgstr "Набесна"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Nacogdoches"
msgstr "Накодочес"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Nantucket"
msgstr "Нантакет"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Napa"
msgstr "Напа"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Naperville"
msgstr "Напервиль"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Naples"
msgstr "Неаполь"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Nashua"
msgstr "Нашуа"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Nashville"
msgstr "Нашвиль"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Natchez"
msgstr "Натчез"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Natchitoches"
msgstr "Натчиточес"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Nebraska City"
msgstr "Небраска-Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Needles"
msgstr "Нидлс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Nenana"
msgstr "Ненана"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "New Bedford"
msgstr "Нью-Бедфорт"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "New Bern"
msgstr "Нью-Берн"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "New Braunfels"
msgstr "Нью-Браунфелс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "New Castle"
msgstr "Ньюкасл"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "New Haven"
msgstr "Нью-Хейвен"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "New Iberia"
msgstr "Нью-Иберия"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "New Orleans"
msgstr "Нью-Орлеан"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "New Philadelphia"
msgstr "Нью Филадельфия"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "New Richmond"
msgstr "Нью Ричмонд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "New Smyrna Beach"
msgstr "Нью-Смирна-Бич"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "New Ulm"
msgstr "Нью-Ульм"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "New York"
msgstr "Нью-Йорк"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
msgid "Newark"
msgstr "Ньюарк"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Newark"
msgstr "Ньюарк"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Newberry"
msgstr "Ньюберри"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Newburgh"
msgstr "Ньюберг"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Newhalen"
msgstr "Ньюхелен"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Newhall"
msgstr "Ньюхолл"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Newnan"
msgstr "Ньюнен"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Newport"
msgstr "Ньюпорт"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Newport"
msgstr "Ньюпорт"

#. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
msgctxt "City in Rhode Island, United States"
msgid "Newport"
msgstr "Ньюпорт"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Newport News"
msgstr "Ньюпорт-Ньюс"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Newton"
msgstr "Ньютон"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Niagara Falls"
msgstr "Ниагара-Фолс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Noatak"
msgstr "Нотак"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Nogales"
msgstr "Ногалес"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Nome"
msgstr "Ном"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Norfolk"
msgstr "Норфолк"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Norfolk"
msgstr "Норфолк"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Norman"
msgstr "Норман"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "North Adams"
msgstr "Норт-Адамс"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "North Bend"
msgstr "Норт Бенд"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "North Las Vegas"
msgstr "Норт Лас Вегас"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "North Myrtle Beach"
msgstr "Норт-Майртл-Бич"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "North Platte"
msgstr "Норт-Платт"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "North Wilkesboro"
msgstr "Норт Уилксборо"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Northway"
msgstr "Нортуэй"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Norwalk"
msgstr "Норволк"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Norwood"
msgstr "Норвуд"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Nuiqsut"
msgstr "Наиксут"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "O'Neill"
msgstr "О'Нилл"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Oak Harbor"
msgstr "Ок-Харбор"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Oak Island"
msgstr "Ок-Айленд"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Oak Ridge"
msgstr "Ок-Ридж"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Oakdale"
msgstr "Окдэйл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Oakland"
msgstr "Окланд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Ocala"
msgstr "Окала"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Ocean City"
msgstr "Ошен-Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Oceanside"
msgstr "Ошенсайд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Odessa"
msgstr "Одесса"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Oelwein"
msgstr "Оелвейн"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Ogallala"
msgstr "Огаллала"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Ogden"
msgstr "Огден"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Okeechobee"
msgstr "Окичоби"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Oklahoma City"
msgstr "Оклахома Сити"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Okmulgee"
msgstr "Окмулги"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Olathe"
msgstr "Олэт"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Olive Branch"
msgstr "Олив-Бранч"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Olivia"
msgstr "Оливия"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Olney"
msgstr "Олней"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Olympia"
msgstr "Олимпия"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Omaha"
msgstr "Омаха"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Omak"
msgstr "Омак"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Ontario"
msgstr "Онтарио"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Ontario"
msgstr "Онтарио"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Оранж"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Оранж"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Оранж"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Оранж"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Orange City"
msgstr "Оранж Сити"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Orangeburg"
msgstr "Оринджберг"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Ord"
msgstr "Орд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Orlando"
msgstr "Орландо"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Ormond Beach"
msgstr "Ормонд-Бич"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Oroville"
msgstr "Оровилл"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Orr"
msgstr "Орр"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Ortonville"
msgstr "Огтонвиль"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Osceola"
msgstr "Осеола"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Oscoda"
msgstr "Оскода"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Oshkosh"
msgstr "Ошкош"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Oskaloosa"
msgstr "Оскалуза"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Ottumwa"
msgstr "Оттамуа"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Overland Park"
msgstr "Оверланд-Парк"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Owatonna"
msgstr "Оуотонна"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Owensboro"
msgstr "Оуэнсборо"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Owosso"
msgstr "Овоссо"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgctxt "City in Connecticut, United States"
msgid "Oxford"
msgstr "Оксфорд"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgctxt "City in Mississippi, United States"
msgid "Oxford"
msgstr "Оксфорд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Oxford"
msgstr "Оксфорд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Oxnard"
msgstr "Окснард"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Ozark"
msgstr "Озарк"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Paducah"
msgstr "Падака"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Пейдж"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Pagosa Springs"
msgstr "Пагоса-Спрингс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Palacios"
msgstr "Палакиос"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Palestine"
msgstr "Палестина"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Palm Springs"
msgstr "Палм-Спрингс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Palmdale"
msgstr "Палмдейл"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Palmer"
msgstr "Палмер"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Palo Alto"
msgstr "Пало-Альто"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Pampa"
msgstr "Пама"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Panama City"
msgstr "Панама-Сити"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Paris"
msgstr "Париж"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Paris"
msgstr "Париж"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Park Rapids"
msgstr "Парк Рапидс"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Parkersburg"
msgstr "Паркерсберг"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Parsons"
msgstr "Парсонс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Pasadena"
msgstr "Пасадена"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Pasadena"
msgstr "Пасадена"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Pascagoula"
msgstr "Паскагула"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Pasco"
msgstr "Паско"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Paso Robles"
msgstr "Пасо-Роблес"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Paterson"
msgstr "Патерсон"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Patterson"
msgstr "Паттерсон"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Patuxent"
msgstr "Патуксент"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Pauls Valley"
msgstr "Полс Валли"

#. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
msgid "Pawtucket"
msgstr "Потакет"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Paxson"
msgstr "Паксон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Paynesville"
msgstr "Пэйнесвиль"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Peason"
msgstr "Пизон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Pecos"
msgstr "Пекос"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Pella"
msgstr "Пелла"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Pellston"
msgstr "Пелстон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Pembroke Pines"
msgstr "Пембрук-Пайнс"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Pendleton"
msgstr "Пендлтон"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Penn Yan"
msgstr "Пенн-Ян"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Pensacola"
msgstr "Пенсакола"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arizona, United States"
msgid "Peoria"
msgstr "Пеория"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Peoria"
msgstr "Пеория"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Perry"
msgstr "Перри"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Perryton"
msgstr "Перритон"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Перу"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Перу"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Petersburg"
msgstr "Петербург"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Petersburg"
msgstr "Петербург"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
msgid "Petersburg"
msgstr "Петербург"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Philadelphia"
msgstr "Филадельфия"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Philip"
msgstr "Филипп"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Phillips"
msgstr "Филлипс"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Phoenix"
msgstr "Феникс"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Pierre"
msgstr "Пирр"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Pine Bluff"
msgstr "Пайн-Блафф"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Pine Ridge"
msgstr "Пайн Ридж"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Pine River"
msgstr "Пайн Ривер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Pine Springs"
msgstr "Пайн Спрингс"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Pinedale"
msgstr "Пайндэйл"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Pinehurst"
msgstr "Пайнхурст"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Pipestone"
msgstr "Пайпстон"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Pittsburgh"
msgstr "Питсбург"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Pittsfield"
msgstr "Питсфилд"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Pittsfield"
msgstr "Питсфилд"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Placer"
msgstr "Пласер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Plainview"
msgstr "Плейнвью"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Plano"
msgstr "Плано"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Platinum"
msgstr "Платинум"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Plattsburgh"
msgstr "Платсбург"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Plattsmouth"
msgstr "Платсмут"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Plymouth"
msgstr "Плимут"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Plymouth"
msgstr "Плимут"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Pocatello"
msgstr "Покателло"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Pohick"
msgstr "Похик"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Point Hope"
msgstr "Пойнт Хоп"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Point Lay"
msgstr "Пойнт Лей"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Point Pleasant"
msgstr "Пойнт Плезант"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Pomona"
msgstr "Помона"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Pompano Beach"
msgstr "Помпано-Бич"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Ponca City"
msgstr "Понка Сити"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Pontiac"
msgstr "Понтиак"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Pontiac"
msgstr "Понтиак"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Poplar Bluff"
msgstr "Поплар-Блафф"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Port Alexander"
msgstr "Порт-Александер"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Port Alsworth"
msgstr "Порт Алсворт"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Port Angeles"
msgstr "Порт-Анджелес"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Port Aransas"
msgstr "Порт-Аранзас"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Port Heiden"
msgstr "Порт Гейден"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Port Hope"
msgstr "Порт-Хоуп"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Port Isabel"
msgstr "Порт-Изабель"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Port Lavaca"
msgstr "Порт-Лавака"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Porterville"
msgstr "Портервиль"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Portland"
msgstr "Портленд"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Portland"
msgstr "Портленд"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Portsmouth"
msgstr "Портсмут"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Portsmouth"
msgstr "Портсмут"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Poteau"
msgstr "Пото"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Pottstown"
msgstr "Потстаун"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Poughkeepsie"
msgstr "Поукипзи"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Prairie du Chien"
msgstr "Прайри-Ду-Чиен"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Pratt"
msgstr "Пратт"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Prescott"
msgstr "Прескотт"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Presque Isle"
msgstr "Преск Айл"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Preston"
msgstr "Престон"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Прайс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Princeton"
msgstr "Принстон"

#. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
msgid "Providence"
msgstr "Провиденс"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Provincetown"
msgstr "Провинстаун"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Provo"
msgstr "Прово"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Pueblo"
msgstr "Пуэбло"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Punta Gorda"
msgstr "Пунта-Горда"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Quakertown"
msgstr "Квакертаун"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Quantico"
msgstr "Квантико"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Quillayute"
msgstr "Куиллиут"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Quincy"
msgstr "Квинси"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Racine"
msgstr "Расин"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Raleigh"
msgstr "Роли"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Ramona"
msgstr "Рамона"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Rancho Cucamonga"
msgstr "Ранчо-Чучамонга"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Rantoul"
msgstr "Рантул"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Rapid City"
msgstr "Рапид-Сити"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Raton"
msgstr "Ратон"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Rawlins"
msgstr "Ролинс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Рединг"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Red Bluff"
msgstr "Ред-Блафф"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Red Oak"
msgstr "Ред Ок"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Red Wing"
msgstr "Ред-Винг"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Redding"
msgstr "Реддинг"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Redmond"
msgstr "Редмонд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Redwood Falls"
msgstr "Редвуд Фолс"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Reno"
msgstr "Рено"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Renton"
msgstr "Рентон"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Rexburg"
msgstr "Рексберг"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Rhinelander"
msgstr "Райнлендер"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Rice Lake"
msgstr "Райс Лейк"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Virginia, United States"
msgid "Richmond"
msgstr "Ричмонд"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Rifle"
msgstr "Райфл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Riverside"
msgstr "Риверсайд"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Riverton"
msgstr "Ривертон"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Roanoke"
msgstr "Роанок"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Roanoke Rapids"
msgstr "Роанок Рапидс"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Robinson"
msgstr "Робинсон"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Rochelle"
msgstr "Рошелл"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Rochester"
msgstr "Рочестер"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Hampshire, United States"
msgid "Rochester"
msgstr "Рочестер"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Rochester"
msgstr "Рочестер"

#. A city in South Carolina in the United States
msgid "Rock Hill"
msgstr "Рок Хилл"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Rock Springs"
msgstr "Рок-Спрингс"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Rockford"
msgstr "Рокфорд"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Rockland"
msgstr "Рокленд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Rockport"
msgstr "Рокпорт"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Rocksprings"
msgstr "Рокспрингс"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Rocky Mount"
msgstr "Роки-Маунт"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Roe"
msgstr "Рое"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Rogers"
msgstr "Роджерс"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Rogers City"
msgstr "Роджерс-Сити"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgctxt "City in Georgia, United States"
msgid "Rome"
msgstr "Рим"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Rome"
msgstr "Рим"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Rome"
msgstr "Рим"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Roseau"
msgstr "Розо"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Roseburg"
msgstr "Розберг"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Roswell"
msgstr "Росвелл"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Roxboro"
msgstr "Роксборо"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Ruidoso"
msgstr "Руидосо"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Rush City"
msgstr "Раш Сити"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Russell"
msgstr "Расселл"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Russellville"
msgstr "Расселлвилл"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Ruston"
msgstr "Растон"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgid "Rutland"
msgstr "Ратленд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Sacramento"
msgstr "Сакраменто"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Safford"
msgstr "Саффорд"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Saginaw"
msgstr "Сагино"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Saguache"
msgstr "Сагуач"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Saint Cloud"
msgstr "Сент-Клауд"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Saint George"
msgstr "Сент-Джордж"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Saint James"
msgstr "Сент-Джеймс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgctxt "City in Minnesota, United States"
msgid "Saint James"
msgstr "Сент-Джеймс"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Saint Johns"
msgstr "Сент-Джонс"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgid "Saint Johnsbury"
msgstr "Сент-Джонсбери"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Saint Marys"
msgstr "Сент-Марис"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgid "Saint Marys City"
msgstr "Сент-Марис-Сити"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Saint Paul"
msgstr "Сент-Пол"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Salem"
msgstr "Салем"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oregon, United States"
msgid "Salem"
msgstr "Салем"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Salida"
msgstr "Салида"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Salina"
msgstr "Салина"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Salinas"
msgstr "Салинас"

#. A city in Maryland in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maryland, United States"
msgid "Salisbury"
msgstr "Солсбери"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Salisbury"
msgstr "Солсбери"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Sallisaw"
msgstr "Саллисав"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Salmon"
msgstr "Салмон"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Salt Lake City"
msgstr "Солт-Лейк-Сити"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "San Angelo"
msgstr "Сан-Анджело"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "San Antonio"
msgstr "Сан-Антонио"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Bernardino"
msgstr "Сан-Бернардино"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Carlos"
msgstr "Сан-Карлос"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Diego"
msgstr "Сан-Диего"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Francisco"
msgstr "Сан-Франциско"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Jose"
msgstr "Сан-Хосе"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "San Luis Obispo"
msgstr "Сан-Луис-Обиспо"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "San Marcos"
msgstr "Сан-Маркос"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Sand Point"
msgstr "Сандпойнт"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Sandberg"
msgstr "Сандберг"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Sandpoint"
msgstr "Сандпоинт"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Sandwich"
msgstr "Сэндвич"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgctxt "City in Maine, United States"
msgid "Sanford"
msgstr "Санфорд"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Sanford"
msgstr "Санфорд"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Santa Ana"
msgstr "Санта-Ана"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Santa Barbara"
msgstr "Санта-Барбара"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Santa Clara"
msgstr "Санта-Клара"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgctxt "City in Utah, United States"
msgid "Santa Clara"
msgstr "Санта-Клара"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Santa Fe"
msgstr "Санта-Фе"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Santa Maria"
msgstr "Санта-Мария"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Santa Monica"
msgstr "Санта-Моника"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Santa Rosa"
msgstr "Санта-Роза"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Saranac Lake"
msgstr "Саранк-Лейк"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Sarasota"
msgstr "Сарасота"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Sault Ste. Marie"
msgstr "Солт-Сте-Мари"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Savanna"
msgstr "Саванна"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Savannah"
msgstr "Саванна"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Savoonga"
msgstr "Савоонга"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Scammon Bay"
msgstr "Скамон-Бэй"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "Scappoose"
msgstr "Скаппуз"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Scottsbluff"
msgstr "Скотсблафф"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Scottsdale"
msgstr "Скотсдейл"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Searcy"
msgstr "Сирси"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Seattle"
msgstr "Сиэтл"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Sedalia"
msgstr "Седалия"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Selawik"
msgstr "Селавик"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Seldovia"
msgstr "Селдовия"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Selinsgrove"
msgstr "Селинсгров"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgctxt "City in Oklahoma, United States"
msgid "Seminole"
msgstr "Семинол"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Seminole"
msgstr "Семинол"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Seward"
msgstr "Сьюард"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Shawnee"
msgstr "Шони"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Sheboygan"
msgstr "Шебойган"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Shelby"
msgstr "Шелби"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Shelbyville"
msgstr "Шелбивилл"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Sheldon"
msgstr "Шелдон"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Shelton"
msgstr "Шелтон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Shenandoah"
msgstr "Шенандоа"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Sheridan"
msgstr "Шеридан"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Sherman"
msgstr "Шерман"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Shirley"
msgstr "Ширли"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Shishmaref"
msgstr "Шишмарев"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Show Low"
msgstr "Шоу Лоу"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Shreveport"
msgstr "Шревепорт"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Montana, United States"
msgid "Sidney"
msgstr "Сидней"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "Sidney"
msgstr "Сидней"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Sierra Vista"
msgstr "Сьерра-Виста"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Siloam Springs"
msgstr "Силоэм Спрингс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Silver Bay"
msgstr "Силвер Бэй"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Silver City"
msgstr "Силвер-Сити"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Simi Valley"
msgstr "Сими-Воллей"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Sioux City"
msgstr "Су-сити"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Sioux Falls"
msgstr "Су-Фолс"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Siren"
msgstr "Сирен"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Sisseton"
msgstr "Сиссетон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Sitka"
msgstr "Ситка"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Skagway"
msgstr "Скагуэй"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Slayton"
msgstr "Слейтон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Sleetmute"
msgstr "Слитмут"

#. A city in Louisiana in the United States
msgid "Slidell"
msgstr "Слиделл"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Smithfield"
msgstr "Смитфилд"

#. A city in Tennessee in the United States
msgid "Smyrna"
msgstr "Смирна"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Snyder"
msgstr "Снайдер"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Soda Springs"
msgstr "Сода-Спрингс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Soldotna"
msgstr "Солдотна"

#. A city in Kentucky in the United States
msgid "Somerset"
msgstr "Сомерсет"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Somerville"
msgstr "Сомервиль"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Sonora"
msgstr "Сонора"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "South Bend"
msgstr "Саут-Бенд"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "South Haven"
msgstr "Саут-Хэвен"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "South Hill"
msgstr "Саут-Хилл"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "South Lake Tahoe"
msgstr "Саут-Лейк-Тахо"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Sparta"
msgstr "Спарта"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Sparta"
msgstr "Спарта"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Spencer"
msgstr "Спенсер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Spofford"
msgstr "Споффорд"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Spokane"
msgstr "Спокан"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Springdale"
msgstr "Спрингдэйл"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgctxt "City in Illinois, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgctxt "City in Massachusetts, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Vermont in the United States
msgctxt "City in Vermont, United States"
msgid "Springfield"
msgstr "Спрингфилд"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "St. Louis"
msgstr "Сент-Луис"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Stafford"
msgstr "Стаффорд"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Stamford"
msgstr "Стэмфорд"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Stampede"
msgstr "Стампеде"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgctxt "City in Idaho, United States"
msgid "Stanley"
msgstr "Стэнли"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Stanton"
msgstr "Стэнтон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Staples"
msgstr "Стейплс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "State College"
msgstr "Стейт Колледж"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Statesboro"
msgstr "Стейтсборо"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Statesville"
msgstr "Стейтсвилл"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Staunton"
msgstr "Стоутон"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Steamboat Springs"
msgstr "Стимбоат-Спрингс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Stephenville"
msgstr "Стефенвиль"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Sterling"
msgstr "Стерлинг"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Sterling Heights"
msgstr "Стерлинг-Хейтс"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Stevens Point"
msgstr "Стивенс Пойнт"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Stillwater"
msgstr "Стиллуотер"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgctxt "City in California, United States"
msgid "Stockton"
msgstr "Стоктон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Storm Lake"
msgstr "Сторм Лейк"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Stuart"
msgstr "Стьюарт"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Sturgeon Bay"
msgstr "Стерджен Бэй"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Sturgis"
msgstr "Стурджис"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Arkansas, United States"
msgid "Stuttgart"
msgstr "Штутгард"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Suffolk"
msgstr "Суффолк"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Sulphur Springs"
msgstr "Салфер Спрингс"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Sunnyvale"
msgstr "Саннивэйл"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Superior"
msgstr "Супериор"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Sussex"
msgstr "Сассекс"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alaska, United States"
msgid "Sutton"
msgstr "Саттон"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgctxt "City in West Virginia, United States"
msgid "Sutton"
msgstr "Саттон"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Sweetwater"
msgstr "Суитуотер"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Sylvania"
msgstr "Сильвания"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Syracuse"
msgstr "Сиракузы"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Tacoma"
msgstr "Такома"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Tahlequah"
msgstr "Талква"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Takotna"
msgstr "Такотна"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Talkeetna"
msgstr "Талкитна"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Tallahassee"
msgstr "Таллахасси"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Tampa"
msgstr "Тампа"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Tanana"
msgstr "Танана"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Taos"
msgstr "Таос"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Tarryall"
msgstr "Тэрриял"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Taylorville"
msgstr "Тэйлорвиль"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Tekamah"
msgstr "Текамах"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Telluride"
msgstr "Теллерайд"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Tempe"
msgstr "Темпе"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Temple"
msgstr "Темпл"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgid "Terre Haute"
msgstr "Терре-Хот"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Terrell"
msgstr "Террелл"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgid "Teterboro"
msgstr "Тетерборо"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Texarkana"
msgstr "Тексаркана"

#. A city in Oregon in the United States
msgid "The Dalles"
msgstr "Зе-Далес"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "The Villages"
msgstr "Зе-Виллиджес"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Thedford"
msgstr "Тедфорд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Thief River Falls"
msgstr "Тиф Ривер Фолс"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Thomaston"
msgstr "Томастон"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Thomson"
msgstr "Томсон"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Thousand Oaks"
msgstr "Таузанд-Оакс"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Tillicum"
msgstr "Тилликум"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Tin City"
msgstr "Тин Сити"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Titusville"
msgstr "Тайтесвиль"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Togiak"
msgstr "Тогаик"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Toledo"
msgstr "Толедо"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Tomahawk"
msgstr "Томагавк"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Tonopah"
msgstr "Тонопа"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Topeka"
msgstr "Топика"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Torrance"
msgstr "Торранс"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Torreon"
msgstr "Торреон"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Torrington"
msgstr "Торрингтон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Tracy"
msgstr "Траси"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Traverse City"
msgstr "Траверс-Сити"

#. A city in New Jersey in the United States
msgctxt "City in New Jersey, United States"
msgid "Trenton"
msgstr "Трентон"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgctxt "City in Colorado, United States"
msgid "Trinidad"
msgstr "Тринидад"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgctxt "City in Alabama, United States"
msgid "Troy"
msgstr "Троя"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgctxt "City in Michigan, United States"
msgid "Troy"
msgstr "Троя"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Truckee"
msgstr "Траки"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Truth or Consequences"
msgstr "Трут-ор-Консекуэнсес"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Tucson"
msgstr "Тусон"

#. A city in New Mexico in the United States
msgid "Tucumcari"
msgstr "Тукумкэри"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Tulsa"
msgstr "Талса"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Tunica"
msgstr "Туника"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Tupelo"
msgstr "Тупело"

#. A city in Alabama in the United States
msgid "Tuscaloosa"
msgstr "Таскалуса"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Twentynine Palms"
msgstr "Туэнтинин Палмс"

#. A city in Idaho in the United States
msgid "Twin Falls"
msgstr "Твин-Фолс"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Two Harbors"
msgstr "Ту Харборс"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Tyler"
msgstr "Тайлер"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Ukiah"
msgstr "Юкайа"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Unalakleet"
msgstr "Уналаклит"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Unalaska"
msgstr "Юналяска"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Unity Village"
msgstr "Юнити-Виладж"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Universal City"
msgstr "Юниверсал-Сити"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Uvalde"
msgstr "Увалде"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Vacaville"
msgstr "Вакавиль"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Valdez"
msgstr "Валдес"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Valdosta"
msgstr "Валдоста"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Valentine"
msgstr "Валентайн"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Vallejo"
msgstr "Валлейо"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgctxt "City in Florida, United States"
msgid "Valparaiso"
msgstr "Вальпараисо"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Valparaiso"
msgstr "Вальпараисо"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Van Nuys"
msgstr "Ван Наис"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgctxt "City in Washington, United States"
msgid "Vancouver"
msgstr "Ванкувер"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Ventura"
msgstr "Вентура"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Vernal"
msgstr "Вернал"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Vernon"
msgstr "Вернон"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Vero Beach"
msgstr "Веро Бич"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgctxt "City in Missouri, United States"
msgid "Vichy"
msgstr "Виши"

#. A city in Mississippi in the United States
msgid "Vicksburg"
msgstr "Виксберг"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgctxt "City in Texas, United States"
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Виктория"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Victorville"
msgstr "Викторвиль"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Vidalia"
msgstr "Видалия"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Vilano Beach"
msgstr "Вилано-Бич"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Vineyard Haven"
msgstr "Винеярд-Хейвен"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Vinton"
msgstr "Винтон"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Virginia Beach"
msgstr "Виргиния-Бич"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Visalia"
msgstr "Висалия"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Waco"
msgstr "Уэйко"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Wadena"
msgstr "Вадена"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Wadesboro"
msgstr "Вадесборо"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Wahiawā"
msgstr "Вахьява"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Wahpeton"
msgstr "Вахпетон"

#. A city in Hawaii in the United States
msgid "Waiki‘i"
msgstr "Вайкии"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Wainwright"
msgstr "Уэйнрайт"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Wakefield"
msgstr "Уэйкфилд"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Walla Walla"
msgstr "Уолла-Уолла"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "Walnut Ridge"
msgstr "Уолнат-Ридж"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Warner Robins"
msgstr "Уорнер-Робинс"

#. A city in Michigan in the United States
msgid "Warren"
msgstr "Варрен"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Warroad"
msgstr "Уоррод"

#. A city in Indiana in the United States
msgctxt "City in Indiana, United States"
msgid "Warsaw"
msgstr "Варшава"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Waseca"
msgstr "Васека"

#. The capital of the United States
msgctxt "City in District of Columbia, United States"
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Вашингтон"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Вашингтон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Вашингтон"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Вашингтон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Wasilla"
msgstr "Уэйсилла"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Waskish"
msgstr "Васкиш"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Waterbury"
msgstr "Уотербери"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgctxt "City in Iowa, United States"
msgid "Waterloo"
msgstr "Ватерлоо"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgctxt "City in New York, United States"
msgid "Watertown"
msgstr "Уотертаун"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgctxt "City in South Dakota, United States"
msgid "Watertown"
msgstr "Уотертаун"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wisconsin, United States"
msgid "Watertown"
msgstr "Уотертаун"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Waterville"
msgstr "Уотервиль"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "Watsonville"
msgstr "Уотсонвилл"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "Waukegan"
msgstr "Уокеган"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Waukesha"
msgstr "Уокиша"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Waupaca"
msgstr "Уоупака"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Wausau"
msgstr "Уосау"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Wautoma"
msgstr "Уатома"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Waycross"
msgstr "Уэйкросс"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgid "Wayne"
msgstr "Уэйн"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "Waynesville"
msgstr "Уэнесвиль"

#. A city in Oklahoma in the United States
msgid "Weatherford"
msgstr "Везерфорд"

#. A city in Iowa in the United States
msgid "Webster City"
msgstr "Уэбстер Сити"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Wellsville"
msgstr "Уэллсвилл"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Wenatchee"
msgstr "Уэнатчи"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "Wendover"
msgstr "Уэндовер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Weslaco"
msgstr "Уэслако"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "West Bend"
msgstr "Уэст-Бенд"

#. A city in Illinois in the United States
msgid "West Chicago"
msgstr "Уэст-Чикаго"

#. A city in California in the United States
msgid "West Covina"
msgstr "Уэст-Ковина"

#. A city in Arkansas in the United States
msgid "West Memphis"
msgstr "Уэст-Мемфис"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "West Palm Beach"
msgstr "Уэст-Палм-Бич"

#. A city in Missouri in the United States
msgid "West Plains"
msgstr "Уэст-Плейнс"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "West Point"
msgstr "Уэст-Пойнт"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "West Thumb"
msgstr "Уэст-Томб"

#. A city in Utah in the United States
msgid "West Valley City"
msgstr "Уэст-Воллей-Сити"

#. A city in Rhode Island in the United States
msgid "Westerly"
msgstr "Уэстерли"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Westfield"
msgstr "Уэстфилд"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Westhampton Beach"
msgstr "Вестхемптон"

#. A city in Colorado in the United States
msgid "Westminster"
msgstr "Вестминстер"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Wharton"
msgstr "Вартон"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Wheaton"
msgstr "Уитон"

#. A city in West Virginia in the United States
msgid "Wheeling"
msgstr "Уилинг"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "White Plains"
msgstr "Уайт-Плейнс"

#. A city in New Hampshire in the United States
msgid "Whitefield"
msgstr "Уайтфилд"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Whittier"
msgstr "Уиттиер"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Wichita"
msgstr "Уичито"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Wichita Falls"
msgstr "Уичито-Фолс"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Wilkes-Barre"
msgstr "Вилкерс-Бэйрр"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Williamsburg"
msgstr "Уильямсберг"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgid "Williamsport"
msgstr "Уильямспорт"

#. A city in North Dakota in the United States
msgid "Williston"
msgstr "Уиллистон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Willow"
msgstr "Виллоу"

#. A city in Delaware in the United States
msgctxt "City in Delaware, United States"
msgid "Wilmington"
msgstr "Уилмингтон"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgctxt "City in North Carolina, United States"
msgid "Wilmington"
msgstr "Уилмингтон"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgctxt "City in Ohio, United States"
msgid "Wilmington"
msgstr "Уилмингтон"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Winchester"
msgstr "Винчестер"

#. A city in Georgia in the United States
msgid "Winder"
msgstr "Уиндер"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Windom"
msgstr "Уиндом"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Window Rock"
msgstr "Уиндоу Рок"

#. A city in Connecticut in the United States
msgid "Windsor Locks"
msgstr "Виндзор-Локс"

#. A city in Kansas in the United States
msgid "Winfield"
msgstr "Винфилд"

#. A city in Texas in the United States
msgid "Wink"
msgstr "Уинк"

#. A city in Nevada in the United States
msgid "Winnemucca"
msgstr "Уиннемакка"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Winona"
msgstr "Уайнона"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Winslow"
msgstr "Уинслоу"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Winston-Salem"
msgstr "Уинстон-Сейлем"

#. A city in Florida in the United States
msgid "Winter Haven"
msgstr "Уинтер-Хейвен"

#. A city in North Carolina in the United States
msgid "Winterville"
msgstr "Винтервиль"

#. A city in Maine in the United States
msgid "Wiscasset"
msgstr "Уискассет"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Wisconsin Rapids"
msgstr "Уисконсин-Рапидс"

#. A city in Virginia in the United States
msgid "Wise"
msgstr "Уайз"

#. A city in Montana in the United States
msgid "Wolf Point"
msgstr "Вулф-Пойнт"

#. A city in Wisconsin in the United States
msgid "Woodruff"
msgstr "Вудруф"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Wooster"
msgstr "Вустер"

#. A city in Massachusetts in the United States
msgid "Worcester"
msgstr "Ворчестер"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgid "Worland"
msgstr "Уорленд"

#. A city in Minnesota in the United States
msgid "Worthington"
msgstr "Уортингтон"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Wrangell"
msgstr "Врангель"

#. A city in Wyoming in the United States
msgctxt "City in Wyoming, United States"
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr "Вайоминг"

#. A city in Washington in the United States
msgid "Yakima"
msgstr "Якима"

#. A city in Alaska in the United States
msgid "Yakutat"
msgstr "Якутат"

#. A city in South Dakota in the United States
msgid "Yankton"
msgstr "Янктон"

#. A city in New York in the United States
msgid "Yonkers"
msgstr "Йонкерс"

#. A city in Nebraska in the United States
msgctxt "City in Nebraska, United States"
msgid "York"
msgstr "Йорк"

#. A city in Pennsylvania in the United States
msgctxt "City in Pennsylvania, United States"
msgid "York"
msgstr "Йорк"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Youngstown"
msgstr "Янгстаун"

#. A city in Arizona in the United States
msgid "Yuma"
msgstr "Юма"

#. A city in Ohio in the United States
msgid "Zanesville"
msgstr "Зейнсвиль"

#. A city in the United States Minor Outlying Islands
msgid "Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport"
msgstr "Уэйк-Айленд, военный аэропорт"

#. A city in the United States Virgin Islands
msgid "Charlotte Amalie"
msgstr "Шарлотта-Амали"

#. A city in the United States Virgin Islands
msgid "Christiansted"
msgstr "Крисченстед"

#. A city in Uruguay
msgid "Carrasco"
msgstr "Карассо"

#. A city in Uruguay
msgid "Colonia"
msgstr "Колония"

#. A city in Uruguay
msgid "Durazno"
msgstr "Дурасно"

#. A city in Uruguay
msgid "Maldonado"
msgstr "Малдонадо"

#. The capital of Uruguay
msgctxt "City in Uruguay"
msgid "Montevideo"
msgstr "Монтевидео"

#. A city in Uzbekistan
msgid "Nukus"
msgstr "Нукус"

#. A city in Uzbekistan
msgid "Samarqand"
msgstr "Самарканд"

#. The capital of Uzbekistan.
#. "Tashkent" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name is "Toshkent".
msgid "Tashkent"
msgstr "Ташкент"

#. A city in Uzbekistan
msgid "Termiz"
msgstr "Термиз"

#. A city in Uzbekistan
msgid "Urganch"
msgstr "Ургент"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Acarigua"
msgstr "Акаригуа"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
msgid "Barcelona"
msgstr "Барселона"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Barinas"
msgstr "Баринас"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Barquisimeto"
msgstr "Баркисимето"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Calabozo"
msgstr "Калабосо"

#. The capital of Venezuela
msgid "Caracas"
msgstr "Каракас"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Ciudad Bolívar"
msgstr "Сьюдад-Боливар"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Coro"
msgstr "Коро"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "El Variante"
msgstr "Эль-Варианте"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "El Vigía"
msgstr "Эль-Вигия"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Guanare"
msgstr "Гуанаре"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Guaricure"
msgstr "Гуарикуре"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Guasdalito"
msgstr "Гуасдалито"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Güiria"
msgstr "Гуирия"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "La Chica"
msgstr "Ла-Чика"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Maracaibo"
msgstr "Маракаибо"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Maracay"
msgstr "Маракай"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Maturín"
msgstr "Матурин"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Mene Grande"
msgstr "Мене-Гранде"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Morocure"
msgstr "Морокуре"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
msgid "Mérida"
msgstr "Mерида"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Paramillo"
msgstr "Парамилло"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Puerto Ayacucho"
msgstr "Пуэрто Айкучо"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Puerto Borburata"
msgstr "Пуэрто-Борбарата"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "San Antonio del Táchira"
msgstr "Сан-Антонио-дель-Тахиро"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "San Felipe"
msgstr "Сан-Фелипе"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
msgid "San Fernando"
msgstr "Сан-Фернандо"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "San Juan de los Morros"
msgstr "Сан-Хуан-Де-Лос-Моррос"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "San Tomé"
msgstr "Сан-Томе"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Santa Bárbara"
msgstr "Санта-Барбара"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgctxt "City in Venezuela"
msgid "Valencia"
msgstr "Валенсия"

#. A city in Venezuela
msgid "Valera"
msgstr "Валера"

#. A city in Viet Nam
msgid "Da Nang"
msgstr "Дананг"

#. The capital of Viet Nam.
#. "Hanoi" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Vietnamese is "Ha Noi".
msgid "Hanoi"
msgstr "Ханой"

#. A city in Viet Nam.
#. "Ho Chi Minh City" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Vietnamese is "Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh".
msgid "Ho Chi Minh City"
msgstr "Хо-Ши-Мин-Сити"

#. A city in Wallis and Futuna
msgid "Mata'utu"
msgstr "Мата-Уту"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "'Adan"
msgstr "Адан"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "'Ataq"
msgstr "Атак"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Al Hudaydah"
msgstr "Аль-Худаях"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Ma'rib"
msgstr "Мариб"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Mori"
msgstr "Мори"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Sa'dah"
msgstr "Садах"

#. The capital of Yemen.
#. "Sanaa" is the traditional English name.
#. The local name in Arabic is "San'a'".
msgid "Sanaa"
msgstr "Санаа"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Say'un"
msgstr "Сайун"

#. A city in Yemen
msgid "Ta'izz"
msgstr "Таиз"

#. A city in Zambia
msgid "Chinganze"
msgstr "Чинганзе"

#. A city in Zambia
msgid "Livingstone"
msgstr "Ливингстон"

#. The capital of Zambia
msgid "Lusaka"
msgstr "Лусака"

#. A city in Zambia
msgid "Ndola"
msgstr "Ндола"

#. A city in the Åland Islands.
#. The local name in Finnish is "Maarianhamina".
msgid "Mariehamn"
msgstr "Маарианхамина"

#~ msgid "Abbeville"
#~ msgstr "Аббевиль"

#~ msgid "Acon"
#~ msgstr "Анкона"

#~ msgid "Ambérieu-en-Bugey"
#~ msgstr "Амберу-ен-Буге"

#~ msgid "Avord"
#~ msgstr "Авор"

#~ msgid "Cazaux"
#~ msgstr "Казо"

#~ msgid "Châlons-en-Champagne"
#~ msgstr "Шалон-ен-Шампань"

#~ msgid "Châteaudun"
#~ msgstr "Шатодэн"

#~ msgid "Creil"
#~ msgstr "Крейл"

#~ msgid "Shahin Shahr"
#~ msgstr "Шахиншехр"

#~ msgid "Monaghan"
#~ msgstr "Монахан"

#~ msgid "Elat"
#~ msgstr "Эйлат"

#~ msgid "Mahanayim"
#~ msgstr "Маханаим"

#~ msgid "Mahane Yisra'el"
#~ msgstr "Махане Йегуда"

#~ msgid "Ramot Remez"
#~ msgstr "Рамот-Ремез"

#~ msgid "Valkenburg"
#~ msgstr "Валькенбург"

#~ msgid "Flesland"
#~ msgstr "Флесланд"

#~ msgid "Strigino"
#~ msgstr "Стригино"

#~ msgid "Dubnica nad Váhom"
#~ msgstr "Дубница-над-Вагом"

#~ msgid "Martin"
#~ msgstr "Мартин"

#~ msgid "Nové Zámky"
#~ msgstr "Нове Замки"

#~ msgid "Partizánske"
#~ msgstr "Партизанске"

#~ msgid "Ružomberok"
#~ msgstr "Ружомберок"

#~ msgid "Spišská Nová Ves"
#~ msgstr "Спишска-Нова-Вес"

#~ msgid "Svidník"
#~ msgstr "Свидник"

#~ msgid "Trenčín"
#~ msgstr "Тренчин"

#~ msgid "Chagor"
#~ msgstr "Чагор"

#~ msgid "Kiev"
#~ msgstr "Киев"

#~ msgid "Lakeside"
#~ msgstr "Лейксайд"

#~ msgid "Willow Grove"
#~ msgstr "Уиллоу Гров"

#~ msgid "Kowloon"
#~ msgstr "Ковлун"

#~ msgid "Nitra"
#~ msgstr "Нитра"