Blob Blame History Raw
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
Photo database

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Functions to create, read, write the photo database

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
These functions are for creating, reading, and writing the photo
Overview of using the Photo database:
Read an existing PhotoDB.
Create a new #Itdb_PhotoDB structure. The Photo Library Album is
(first album) is created automatically.
itdb_photodb_add_photo(), itdb_photodb_add_photo_from_data():
Add a photo to the PhotoDB (from file or from a chunk of
memory). It is automatically added to the Photo Library Album
(first album), which is created if it does not exist already.
Create and add a new photoalbum.
Add a photo (#Itdb_Artwork) to an existing photoalbum.
Remove an existing photoalbum. Pictures can be kept in the
Photo Library or automatically removed as well.
Remove a photo either from a photoalbum or completely from the database.
Write out your PhotoDB.
Free all memory taken by the PhotoDB.
Find the first photoalbum with a given name or the Photo
Library Album if called with no name.
If you cannot add photos because your iPod is not recognized,
you may have to set the iPod model by calling
itdb_device_set_sysinfo(), e.g. for an 80 GB 6th generation
iPod Video, you would use:
itdb_device_set_sysinfo (db->device, "ModelNumStr", "MA450");
See <ulink type="http"
for a list of supported models.
The model number will be saved on the iPod when the PhotoDB is
written (itdb_photodb_write() calls itdb_device_write_sysinfo()).
Have a look at the <ulink type="http"
test program in the <ulink type="http"
directory of the libgpod source for an example of how to use the interface.

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->


<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->

<!-- ##### STRUCT Itdb_PhotoDB ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_create ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_free ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_parse ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_write ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_add_photo ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_add_photo_from_data ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_add_photo_from_pixbuf ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_remove_photo ##### -->



<!-- ##### STRUCT Itdb_PhotoAlbum ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_free ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_new ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_add ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_unlink ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_create ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_add_photo ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_by_name ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION itdb_photodb_photoalbum_remove ##### -->

