Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
 * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_sys_git_repository_h__
#define INCLUDE_sys_git_repository_h__

#include "git2/common.h"
#include "git2/types.h"

 * @file git2/sys/repository.h
 * @brief Git repository custom implementation routines
 * @defgroup git_backend Git custom backend APIs
 * @ingroup Git
 * @{

 * Create a new repository with neither backends nor config object
 * Note that this is only useful if you wish to associate the repository
 * with a non-filesystem-backed object database and config store.
 * @param out The blank repository
 * @return 0 on success, or an error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_repository_new(git_repository **out);

 * Reset all the internal state in a repository.
 * This will free all the mapped memory and internal objects
 * of the repository and leave it in a "blank" state.
 * There's no need to call this function directly unless you're
 * trying to aggressively cleanup the repo before its
 * deallocation. `git_repository_free` already performs this operation
 * before deallocation the repo.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_repository__cleanup(git_repository *repo);

 * Update the filesystem config settings for an open repository
 * When a repository is initialized, config values are set based on the
 * properties of the filesystem that the repository is on, such as
 * "core.ignorecase", "core.filemode", "core.symlinks", etc.  If the
 * repository is moved to a new filesystem, these properties may no
 * longer be correct and API calls may not behave as expected.  This
 * call reruns the phase of repository initialization that sets those
 * properties to compensate for the current filesystem of the repo.
 * @param repo A repository object
 * @param recurse_submodules Should submodules be updated recursively
 * @return 0 on success, < 0 on error
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_repository_reinit_filesystem(
	git_repository *repo,
	int recurse_submodules);

 * Set the configuration file for this repository
 * This configuration file will be used for all configuration
 * queries involving this repository.
 * The repository will keep a reference to the config file;
 * the user must still free the config after setting it
 * to the repository, or it will leak.
 * @param repo A repository object
 * @param config A Config object
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_repository_set_config(git_repository *repo, git_config *config);

 * Set the Object Database for this repository
 * The ODB will be used for all object-related operations
 * involving this repository.
 * The repository will keep a reference to the ODB; the user
 * must still free the ODB object after setting it to the
 * repository, or it will leak.
 * @param repo A repository object
 * @param odb An ODB object
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_repository_set_odb(git_repository *repo, git_odb *odb);

 * Set the Reference Database Backend for this repository
 * The refdb will be used for all reference related operations
 * involving this repository.
 * The repository will keep a reference to the refdb; the user
 * must still free the refdb object after setting it to the
 * repository, or it will leak.
 * @param repo A repository object
 * @param refdb An refdb object
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_repository_set_refdb(git_repository *repo, git_refdb *refdb);

 * Set the index file for this repository
 * This index will be used for all index-related operations
 * involving this repository.
 * The repository will keep a reference to the index file;
 * the user must still free the index after setting it
 * to the repository, or it will leak.
 * @param repo A repository object
 * @param index An index object
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_repository_set_index(git_repository *repo, git_index *index);

 * Set a repository to be bare.
 * Clear the working directory and set core.bare to true.  You may also
 * want to call `git_repository_set_index(repo, NULL)` since a bare repo
 * typically does not have an index, but this function will not do that
 * for you.
 * @param repo Repo to make bare
 * @return 0 on success, <0 on failure
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_repository_set_bare(git_repository *repo);

 * Load and cache all submodules.
 * Because the `.gitmodules` file is unstructured, loading submodules is an
 * O(N) operation.  Any operation (such as `git_rebase_init`) that requires
 * accessing all submodules is O(N^2) in the number of submodules, if it
 * has to look each one up individually.  This function loads all submodules
 * and caches them so that subsequent calls to `git_submodule_lookup` are O(1).
 * @param repo the repository whose submodules will be cached.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_repository_submodule_cache_all(
	git_repository *repo);

 * Clear the submodule cache.
 * Clear the submodule cache populated by `git_repository_submodule_cache_all`.
 * If there is no cache, do nothing.
 * The cache incorporates data from the repository's configuration, as well
 * as the state of the working tree, the index, and HEAD.  So any time any
 * of these has changed, the cache might become invalid.
 * @param repo the repository whose submodule cache will be cleared
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_repository_submodule_cache_clear(
	git_repository *repo);

/** @} */