General Information

libgit2-glib is a glib wrapper library around the libgit2 git access library.

libgit2 only implements the core plumbing functions, not really the higher
level porcelain stuff. For a primer on Git Internals that you will need to know
to work with Git at this level, check out [Chapter 9][pg] of the Pro Git book.

libgit2-glib is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1,
see the file 'COPYING' for more information.


libgit2-glib requires libgit2-0.26.x, glib 2.44.x, gio 2.26.x and
gobject-introspection 0.9.x.

Simple install procedure:

  % tar Jxf libgit2-glib-0.26.4.tar.xz		# unpack the sources
  % cd libgit2-glib-0.26.4			# change to the toplevel directory
  % meson builddir				# run meson
  % ninja -C builddir				# build libgit2-glib
  [ Become root if necessary ]
  % ninja -C builddir install			# install libgit2-glib

See the file 'INSTALL' for more detailed information.