Blob Blame History Raw

// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-

// This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data
// Access Protocol.

// Copyright (c) 2002,2003 OPeNDAP, Inc.
// Author: James Gallagher <>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
// You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112.

// (c) COPYRIGHT URI/MIT 1994-1999
// Please read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGHT_URI.
// Authors:
//      jhrg,jimg       James Gallagher <>

// Implementation for Float64.
// jhrg 9/7/94

#include "config.h"

//#define DODS_DEBUG

#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "Byte.h"           // synonymous with UInt8 and Char
#include "Int8.h"
#include "Int16.h"
#include "UInt16.h"
#include "Int32.h"
#include "UInt32.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "UInt64.h"
#include "Float32.h"
#include "Float64.h"
#include "Str.h"
#include "Url.h"

#include "DDS.h"
#include "Marshaller.h"
#include "UnMarshaller.h"

#include "DMR.h"
#include "D4StreamMarshaller.h"
#include "D4StreamUnMarshaller.h"

#include "util.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "Operators.h"
#include "dods-limits.h"
#include "InternalErr.h"

using std::cerr;
using std::endl;

namespace libdap {

/** The Float64 constructor requires only the name of the variable
    to be created.  The name may be omitted, which will create a
    nameless variable.  This may be adequate for some applications.

    @param n A string containing the name of the variable to be

Float64::Float64(const string &n) : BaseType(n, dods_float64_c), d_buf(0)

/** The Float64 server-side constructor accepts the name of the variable and
    the dataset name from which this instance is created.

    @param n A string containing the name of the variable to be created.
    @param d A string containing the name of the dataset from which this
    variable is created
Float64::Float64(const string &n, const string &d) : BaseType(n, d, dods_float64_c), d_buf(0)

Float64::Float64(const Float64 &copy_from) : BaseType(copy_from)
    d_buf = copy_from.d_buf;

BaseType *
    return new Float64(*this);

Float64 &
Float64::operator=(const Float64 &rhs)
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;

    dynamic_cast<BaseType &>(*this) = rhs;

    d_buf = rhs.d_buf;

    return *this;

unsigned int
Float64::width(bool) const
    return sizeof(dods_float64);

Float64::serialize(ConstraintEvaluator &eval, DDS &dds, Marshaller &m, bool ce_eval)
    if (!read_p())
        read();  // read() throws Error and InternalErr

    if (ce_eval && !eval.eval_selection(dds, dataset()))
        return true;
    m.put_float64( d_buf ) ;

    return true;

Float64::deserialize(UnMarshaller &um, DDS *, bool)
    um.get_float64( d_buf ) ;

    return false;

Float64::compute_checksum(Crc32 &checksum)
	checksum.AddData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&d_buf), sizeof(d_buf));

 * @brief Serialize an Int8
 * @param m
 * @param dmr Unused
 * @param eval Unused
 * @param filter Unused
 * @exception Error is thrown if the value needs to be read and that operation fails.
Float64::serialize(D4StreamMarshaller &m, DMR &, /*ConstraintEvaluator &,*/ bool)
    if (!read_p())
        read();          // read() throws Error

    m.put_float64( d_buf ) ;

Float64::deserialize(D4StreamUnMarshaller &um, DMR &)
    um.get_float64( d_buf ) ;

unsigned int
Float64::val2buf(void *val, bool)
    // Jose Garcia
    // This method is public therefore and I believe it has being designed
    // to be use by read which must be implemented on the surrogated library,
    // thus if the pointer val is NULL, is an Internal Error.
    if (!val)
        throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                          "The incoming pointer does not contain any data.");

    d_buf = *(dods_float64 *)val;

    return width();

unsigned int
Float64::buf2val(void **val)
    // Jose Garcia
    // The same comment justifying throwing an Error in val2buf applies here.
    if (!val)
        throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "NULL pointer.");

    if (!*val)
        *val = new dods_float64;

    *(dods_float64 *)*val = d_buf;

    return width();

/** Return the value of the Float64 held by this instance. This is more
    convenient than the general interface provided by buf2val, but its use
    requires a downcase from BaseType to Float64.

    @return The dods_float32 value. */
Float64::value() const
    return d_buf;

Float64::set_value(dods_float64 val)
    d_buf = val;

    return true;

Float64::print_val(FILE *out, string space, bool print_decl_p)
    ostringstream oss;
    print_val(oss, space, print_decl_p);
    fwrite(oss.str().data(), sizeof(char), oss.str().length(), out);

Float64::print_val(ostream &out, string space, bool print_decl_p)
    // Set the precision to 15 digits
    std::streamsize prec = out.precision(15);

    if (print_decl_p) {
        print_decl(out, space, false);
        out << " = " << d_buf << ";\n";
        out << d_buf;

    // reset the precision

Float64::ops(BaseType *b, int op)
    // Extract the Byte arg's value.
    if (!read_p() && !read()) {
        // Jose Garcia
        // Since the read method is virtual and implemented outside
        // libdap++ if we cannot read the data that is the problem
        // of the user or of whoever wrote the surrogate library
        // implemeting read therefore it is an internal error.
        throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "This value not read!");

    // Extract the second arg's value.
    if (!b->read_p() && !b->read()) {
        // Jose Garcia
        // Since the read method is virtual and implemented outside
        // libdap++ if we cannot read the data that is the problem
        // of the user or of whoever wrote the surrogate library
        // implemeting read therefore it is an internal error.
        throw InternalErr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "This value not read!");

    return d4_ops(b, op);

Float64::d4_ops(BaseType *b, int op)
    DBG(cerr << "b->typename(): " << b->type_name() << endl);

    switch (b->type()) {
        case dods_int8_c:
            return Cmp<dods_float64, dods_int8>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Int8*>(b)->value());
        case dods_byte_c:
            return SUCmp<dods_float64, dods_byte>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Byte*>(b)->value());
        case dods_int16_c:
            return Cmp<dods_float64, dods_int16>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Int16*>(b)->value());
        case dods_uint16_c:
            return SUCmp<dods_float64, dods_uint16>(op, d_buf, static_cast<UInt16*>(b)->value());
        case dods_int32_c:
            return Cmp<dods_float64, dods_int32>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Int32*>(b)->value());
        case dods_uint32_c:
            return SUCmp<dods_float64, dods_uint32>(op, d_buf, static_cast<UInt32*>(b)->value());
        case dods_int64_c:
            return Cmp<dods_float64, dods_int64>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Int64*>(b)->value());
        case dods_uint64_c:
            return SUCmp<dods_float64, dods_uint64>(op, d_buf, static_cast<UInt64*>(b)->value());
        case dods_float32_c:
            // Note that this code casts the double (dods_float64) to a float because when
            // real numbers are approximated using float or double, errors are larger in the float
            // case, making <= and == operators fail. By casting to the smaller type, the
            // same values have the same error and we can avoid using a range compare and a
            // delta value.
            return Cmp<dods_float32, dods_float32>(op, (float)d_buf, static_cast<Float32*>(b)->value());
        case dods_float64_c:
            return Cmp<dods_float64, dods_float64>(op, d_buf, static_cast<Float64*>(b)->value());
        case dods_str_c:
        case dods_url_c:
            throw Error(malformed_expr, "Relational operators can only compare compatible types (number, string).");
            throw Error(malformed_expr, "Relational operators only work with scalar types.");

/** @brief dumps information about this object
 * Displays the pointer value of this instance and information about this
 * instance.
 * @param strm C++ i/o stream to dump the information to
 * @return void
Float64::dump(ostream &strm) const
    strm << DapIndent::LMarg << "Float64::dump - ("
    << (void *)this << ")" << endl ;
    DapIndent::Indent() ;
    BaseType::dump(strm) ;
    strm << DapIndent::LMarg << "value: " << d_buf << endl ;
    DapIndent::UnIndent() ;

} // namespace libdap