// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
// This file is part of libdap, A C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data
// Access Protocol.
// Copyright (c) 2002,2003 OPeNDAP, Inc.
// Author: James Gallagher <jgallagher@opendap.org>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// You can contact OPeNDAP, Inc. at PO Box 112, Saunderstown, RI. 02874-0112.
// Tests for the util functions in util.cc and escaping.cc
#include <cppunit/TextTestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
// #define DODS_DEBUG
#include "debug.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "escaping.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "GetOpt.h"
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using namespace CppUnit;
using namespace libdap;
static bool debug = false;
class generalUtilTest: public TestFixture {
void setUp()
void tearDown()
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (generalUtilTest);
CPPUNIT_TEST (octal_to_hex_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (prune_spaces_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (path_to_filename_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (hexstring_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (unhexstring_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (id2www_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (www2id_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (ce_string_parse_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (escattr_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (unescattr_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (munge_error_message_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (id2xml_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (xml2id_test);
CPPUNIT_TEST (glob_test_1);
CPPUNIT_TEST (glob_test_2);
CPPUNIT_TEST (glob_test_3);
// Tests for methods
void glob_test_1()
string t = "This is a test";
int status = glob("This is a test", t.c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(status == 0);
void glob_test_2()
string t = "This is a test";
int status = glob("This * test", t.c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(status == 0);
void glob_test_3()
string t = "This is a test";
int status = glob("* is * test", t.c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(status == 0);
void octal_to_hex_test()
string hex;
hex = octal_to_hex("000");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hex == "00");
hex = octal_to_hex("012");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hex == "0a");
hex = octal_to_hex("077");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hex == "3f");
void prune_spaces_test()
string test_server = "http://test.opendap.org";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(prune_spaces(test_server) == test_server);
string test_server_spaces = " http://test.opendap.org";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(prune_spaces(test_server_spaces) == test_server);
string test_server_ce = "http://test.opendap.org/file.txt?u,v";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(prune_spaces(test_server_ce) == test_server_ce);
string test_server_ce_spaces = "http://test.opendap.org/file.txt? u,v";
DBG(cerr << "Test Server CE Spaces: "
<< prune_spaces(test_server_ce_spaces) << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(prune_spaces(test_server_ce_spaces) == test_server_ce);
string hdf_two_var =
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(prune_spaces(hdf_two_var) == hdf_two_var);
void path_to_filename_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(path_to_filename("/this/is/the/end/my.friend") == "my.friend");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(path_to_filename("this.dat") == "this.dat");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(path_to_filename("/this.dat") == "this.dat");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(path_to_filename("/this.dat/") == "");
void hexstring_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hexstring('[') == "5b");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hexstring(']') == "5d");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hexstring(' ') == "20");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(hexstring('%') == "25");
void unhexstring_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("5b") == "[");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("5d") == "]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("20") == " ");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("25") == "%");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("5B") == "[");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unhexstring("5D") == "]");
void id2www_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("this") == "this");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This is a test") == "This%20is%20a%20test");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This.is") == "This.is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This-is") == "This-is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This_is") == "This_is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This/is") == "This/is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This%is") == "This%25is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("This&is") == "This%26is");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2www("%This&is") == "%25This%26is");
void www2id_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("This_is_a_test") == "This_is_a_test");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("This is a test") == "This is a test");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("%5b") == "[");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("%5d") == "]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("u%5b0%5d") == "u[0]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("WVC%20Lat") == "WVC Lat");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("Grid.Data%20Fields[20][20]") == "Grid.Data Fields[20][20]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("Grid.Data%3aFields[20][20]") == "Grid.Data:Fields[20][20]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("Grid%3aData%20Fields%5b20%5d[20]", "%", "%20") == "Grid:Data%20Fields[20][20]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("Grid%20Data%26Fields[20][20]", "%", "%20") == "Grid%20Data&Fields[20][20]");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("Grid%20Data%26Fields[20][20]", "%", "%20%26") == "Grid%20Data%26Fields[20][20]");
//cerr << "www2id(\"%25This%26is\"): " << www2id("%25This%26is") << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("%25This%26is") == "%This&is");
//cerr << "www2id(\"OPF_MaxSpectralPixelsMissing%d4\"): " << www2id("OPF_MaxSpectralPixelsMissing%d4") << endl;
//CPPUNIT_ASSERT(www2id("OPF_MaxSpectralPixelsMissing%d4") == "OPF_MaxSpectralPixelsMissing?");
// This is the code in expr.lex that removes enclosing double quotes and
// %20 sequences from a string. I copied this here because that actual
// function uses globals and would be hard to test. 7/11/2001 jhrg
string *store_str(const char *text)
string *s = new string(www2id(string(text)));
if (*s->begin() == '\"' && *(s->end() - 1) == '\"') {
s->erase(s->end() - 1);
return s;
// The MS VC++ compiler does not like escapes in string arguments passed
// to macros. 04/23/03 jhrg
void ce_string_parse_test()
string *str = new string("testing");
string *str1 = new string("testing");
string *result = store_str(str->c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*result == *str1);
delete result;
*str = "\"testing\"";
*str1 = "testing";
result = store_str(str->c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*result == *str1);
delete result;
*str = "\"test%20ing\"";
*str1 = "test ing";
result = store_str(str->c_str());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*result == *str1);
delete result;
delete str;
str = 0;
delete str1;
str1 = 0;
void escattr_test()
// The backslash escapes the double quote; in the returned string the
// first two backslashes are a single escaped bs, the third bs
// escapes the double quote.
string str = "this_contains a double quote (\")";
string str1 = "this_contains a double quote (\\\")";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(escattr(str) == str1);
str = "this_contains a backslash (\\)";
str1 = "this_contains a backslash (\\\\)";
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(escattr(str) == str1);
void unescattr_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unescattr("attr") == "attr");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unescattr("\\\\attr") == "\\attr");
DBG(cerr << "XXX" << unescattr("\\\"attr") << "XXX" << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unescattr("\\\"attr") == "\"attr");
char A_200_177[4] = { (char) 128, 127, 'A', '\0' };
DBG(cerr << "XXX" << unescattr("\\200\\177A") << "XXX" << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unescattr("\\200\\177A") == string(A_200_177));
DBG(cerr << "XXX" << unescattr("\\\\200\\\\177A") << "XXX" << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(unescattr("\\\\200\\\\177A") == string(A_200_177));
DBG(cerr << "XXX" << unescattr("\\\\200\\\\177AZ$&") << "XXX" << endl);
DBG(cerr << "XXX" << unescattr("\\\\200") << "XXX" << endl);
void munge_error_message_test()
string str = "An Error";
string str1 = "\"An Error\"";
DBG(cerr << "Munge: " << munge_error_message(str) << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(munge_error_message(str) == str1);
str = "\"An Error\"";
str1 = "\"An Error\"";
DBG(cerr << "Munge: " << munge_error_message(str) << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(munge_error_message(str) == str1);
str = "An \"E\"rror";
str1 = "\"An \\\"E\\\"rror\"";
DBG(cerr << "Munge: " << munge_error_message(str) << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(munge_error_message(str) == str1);
str = "An \\\"E\\\"rror";
str1 = "\"An \\\"E\\\"rror\"";
DBG(cerr << "Munge: " << munge_error_message(str) << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(munge_error_message(str) == str1);
#if 0
// Moved function to HTTPConect.
void get_tempfile_template_test() {
#ifdef WIN32
if (_putenv("TMPDIR=C:\\") == 0) {
DBG(cerr << "TMPDIR: " << getenv("TMPDIR") << endl);
"C:\\DODSXXXXXX") == 0);
cerr << "Did not test setting TMPDIR; no test" << endl;
if (setenv("TMPDIR", "/tmp", 1) == 0) {
DBG(cerr << "TMPDIR: " << getenv("TMPDIR") << endl);
"/tmp/DODSXXXXXX") == 0);
cerr << "Did not test setting TMPDIR; no test" << endl;
#if !defined(WIN32) && defined(P_tmpdir)
string tmplt = P_tmpdir;
tmplt.append("/"); tmplt.append("DODSXXXXXX");
tmplt.c_str()) == 0);
void id2xml_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abcdef") == "abcdef");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc<def") == "abc<def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc>def") == "abc>def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc&def") == "abc&def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc'def") == "abc'def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc\"def") == "abc"def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc<<def") == "abc<<def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc>>def>") == "abc>>def>");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("abc&def&") == "abc&def&");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("'abc'def") == "'abc'def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("\"abc\"def\"") == ""abc"def"");
// To get '\\' in a string both the backslashes must be escaped.
DBG(cerr << id2xml("octal escape: \\\\012") << endl);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(id2xml("octal escape: \\\\012") == "octal escape: \\\\012");
void xml2id_test()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abcdef") == "abcdef");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc<def") == "abc<def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc>def") == "abc>def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc&def") == "abc&def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc'def") == "abc'def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc"def") == "abc\"def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc<<def") == "abc<<def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc>>def>") == "abc>>def>");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("abc&def&") == "abc&def&");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id("'abc'def") == "'abc'def");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xml2id(""abc"def"") == "\"abc\"def\"");
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
GetOpt getopt(argc, argv, "dh");
int option_char;
while ((option_char = getopt()) != -1)
switch (option_char) {
case 'd':
debug = 1; // debug is a static global
case 'h': { // help - show test names
cerr << "Usage: generalUtilTest has the following tests:" << endl;
const std::vector<Test*> &tests = generalUtilTest::suite()->getTests();
unsigned int prefix_len = generalUtilTest::suite()->getName().append("::").length();
for (std::vector<Test*>::const_iterator i = tests.begin(), e = tests.end(); i != e; ++i) {
cerr << (*i)->getName().replace(0, prefix_len, "") << endl;
CppUnit::TextTestRunner runner;
bool wasSuccessful = true;
string test = "";
int i = getopt.optind;
if (i == argc) {
// run them all
wasSuccessful = runner.run("");
else {
for (; i < argc; ++i) {
if (debug) cerr << "Running " << argv[i] << endl;
test = generalUtilTest::suite()->getName().append("::").append(argv[i]);
wasSuccessful = wasSuccessful && runner.run(test);
return wasSuccessful ? 0 : 1;