Blob Blame History Raw

  * Generic
    * Anonymous connection
  * AtomPub binding
    * Get the content hierarchy using the down relations
    * Get the content of a document
    * Query nodes by ID


  * Generic
    * Support for authentication in the API
    * Callback for providing interactive authentication
    * Added API to create documents and folders
    * Added API to delete documents and folders
  * AtomPub binding
    * Handle all the authentication methods that can be handled by
      libcurl like Basic, NTLM...
    * Decode base64 encoded content sent by SharePoint
    * Set the content of a document
    * Query nodes by path
    * Get the allowable actions for a node
    * Object properties can be updated
    * Query object types
    * Creation of folders and documents
    * Deletion of folders and documents


  * Fixed documentation distribution


  * Fixed soname for the library
  * Allow building against libcurl 7.13.1


  * Fixed SharePoint support
  * Conditional build of man page


  * Added Document::checkOut(), Document::cancelCheckout() and Document::checkIn()
  * Added Object::move( ) -- Grau Data
  * Fixes for xcmis and -- Grau Data
  * Added Document::getAllVersions( )
  * WebService binding implementation
  * Session factory automatically detects which binding to use
  * C wrapper API
  * Unit tests are now split between quick ones and the ones needing a CMIS server


  * Support for Google Drive protocol as a binding
  * Support for Alfresco in the cloud
  * Added OAuth2 authentication support
  * Added API to configure HTTP proxy
  * Handle invalid SSL certificate problems
  * Added API for renditions
  * Moved the CMIS Atom binding unit tests to use libcurl mockup
  * Added repository capabilities support (still missing
    capabilityCreatablePropertyTypes and capabilityNewTypeSettableAttributes)


  * Completely removed the dependency on InMemory server for unit tests
  * Minimized the number of HTTP requests sent by SessionFactory::createSession
  * Added Session::getBaseTypes()


  * Fixed a crash when server response did not contain cmis:baseTypeId
    property (tdf#90351)
  * Removed the requirement for non-empty password when using HTTP
    authentication credentials
  * Fixed build with boost 1.60 and gcc 5
  * Fixed a few problems found by Coverity
  * Fixed a busload of memory leaks


  * Fixed Google Drive login, broken by Google's new 2-page login sequence
  * Added support for Google Drive two-factor authentication
  * Fixed access to SharePoint root folder (tdf#101385)
  * Limited the maximal number of redirections to 20 (rhbz#1410197)
  * Switched library implementation to C++11 (the API remains
  * Fixed build with boost >= 1.68.0 (#19)
  * Fixed encoding of OAuth2 credentials
  * Dropped cppcheck run from "make check". A new "make cppcheck" target
    was created for it
  * Added proper API symbol exporting
  * Speeded up building of tests a bit
  * Fixed a few issues found by coverity and cppcheck