Blob Blame History Raw
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re
import glob
import subprocess
import tempfile
import dbus
import unittest
import time
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum
from itertools import chain

from gi.repository import GLib

    from subprocess import DEVNULL
except ImportError:
    DEVNULL = open("/dev/null", "w")

_lio_devs = dict()

def create_sparse_tempfile(name, size):
    """ Create a temporary sparse file.

        :param str name: suffix for filename
        :param size: the file size (in bytes)
        :returns: the path to the newly created file
    (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="bd.", suffix="-%s" % name)
    create_sparse_file(path, size)
    return path

def create_sparse_file(path, size):
    """ Create a sparse file.

        :param str path: the full path to the file
        :param size: the size of the file (in bytes)
        :returns: None
    fd =, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC)
    os.ftruncate(fd, size)

def wipe_all(dev, *args):
    for device in chain([dev], args):
        os.system("wipefs -a %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % device)

def udev_settle():
        os.system("udevadm settle")

def fake_utils(path="."):
    old_path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
    if old_path:
        new_path = path + ":" + old_path
        new_path = path
    os.environ["PATH"] = new_path

        os.environ["PATH"] = old_path

ALL_UTILS = {"lvm", "thin_metadata_size", "btrfs", "mkswap", "swaplabel", "multipath", "mpathconf", "dmsetup", "mdadm", "make-bcache", "sgdisk", "sfdisk"}

def fake_path(path=None, keep_utils=None, all_but=None):
    if all_but is not None:
        if isinstance(all_but, (list, set, tuple)):
            keep_utils = ALL_UTILS - set(all_but)
            keep_utils = ALL_UTILS - {all_but}
    keep_utils = keep_utils or []
    created_utils = set()
    rm_path = False
    if keep_utils:
        if path is None:
            path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="libblockdev-fake-path", dir="/tmp")
            rm_path = True
        for util in keep_utils:
            util_path = GLib.find_program_in_path(util)
            if util_path:
                os.symlink(util_path, os.path.join(path, util))
    old_path = os.environ.get("PATH", "")
    os.environ["PATH"] = path or ""

        os.environ["PATH"] = old_path
        for util in created_utils:
            os.unlink(os.path.join(path, util))
        if rm_path:

def _delete_backstore(name):
    status =["targetcli", "/backstores/fileio/ delete %s" % name], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to delete the '%s' fileio backstore" % name)

def _delete_target(wwn, backstore=None):
    status =["targetcli", "/loopback delete %s" % wwn], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to delete the '%s' loopback device" % wwn)

    if backstore is not None:

def _delete_lun(wwn, delete_target=True, backstore=None):
    status =["targetcli", "/loopback/%s/luns delete lun0" % wwn], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to delete the '%s' loopback device's lun0" % wwn)
    if delete_target:
        _delete_target(wwn, backstore)

def _get_lio_dev_path(store_wwn, tgt_wwn, store_name, retry=True):
    """Check if the lio device has been really created and is in /dev/disk/by-id"""

    # the backstore's wwn contains '-'s we need to get rid of and then take just
    # the fist 25 characters which participate in the device's ID
    wwn = store_wwn.replace("-", "")
    wwn = wwn[:25]

    globs = glob.glob("/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-*%s" % wwn)
    if len(globs) != 1:
        if retry:
            os.system("udevadm settle")
            return _get_lio_dev_path(store_wwn, tgt_wwn, store_wwn, False)
            _delete_target(tgt_wwn, store_name)
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to identify the resulting device for '%s'" % store_name)
        return os.path.realpath(globs[0])

def create_lio_device(fpath):
    Creates a new LIO loopback device (using targetcli) on top of the
    :param:`fpath` backing file.

    :param str fpath: path of the backing file
    :returns: path of the newly created device (e.g. "/dev/sdb")
    :rtype: str


    # "register" the backing file as a fileio backstore
    store_name = os.path.basename(fpath)
    status =["targetcli", "/backstores/fileio/ create %s %s" % (store_name, fpath)], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to register '%s' as a fileio backstore" % fpath)

    out = subprocess.check_output(["targetcli", "/backstores/fileio/%s info" % store_name])
    out = out.decode("utf-8")
    store_wwn = None
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if line.startswith("wwn: "):
            store_wwn = line[5:]
    if store_wwn is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to determine '%s' backstore's wwn" % store_name)

    # set the optimal alignment because the default is weird and our
    # partitioning tests expect 2048
    status =["targetcli", "/backstores/fileio/%s set attribute optimal_sectors=2048" % store_name], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to set optimal alignment for '%s'" % store_name)

    # create a new loopback device
    out = subprocess.check_output(["targetcli", "/loopback create"])
    out = out.decode("utf-8")
    match = re.match(r'Created target (.*).', out)
    if match:
        tgt_wwn = match.groups()[0]
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to create a new loopback device")

    with udev_settle():
        status =["targetcli", "/loopback/%s/luns create /backstores/fileio/%s" % (tgt_wwn, store_name)], stdout=DEVNULL)
    if status != 0:
        _delete_target(tgt_wwn, store_name)
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to create a new LUN for '%s' using '%s'" % (tgt_wwn, store_name))

    dev_path = _get_lio_dev_path(store_wwn, tgt_wwn, store_name)

    _lio_devs[dev_path] = (tgt_wwn, store_name)
    return dev_path

def delete_lio_device(dev_path):
    Delete a previously setup/created LIO device

    :param str dev_path: path of the device to delete

    if dev_path in _lio_devs:
        wwn, store_name = _lio_devs[dev_path]
        _delete_lun(wwn, True, store_name)
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown device '%s'" % dev_path)

def read_file(filename):
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        content =
    return content

def write_file(filename, content):
    with open(filename, "w") as f:

def run_command(command, cmd_input=None):
    res = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                           stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

    out, err = res.communicate(input=cmd_input)
    return (res.returncode, out.decode().strip(), err.decode().strip())

def get_version_from_lsb():
    ret, out, err = run_command("lsb_release -rs")
    if ret != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot get distro version from lsb_release output: '%s %s'" % (out, err))

    return out.split(".")[0]

def get_version_from_pretty_name(pretty_name):
    """ Try to get distro and version from 'OperatingSystemPrettyName'
        hostname property.

        It should look like this:
         - "Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
         - "Fedora 27 (Workstation Edition)"
         - "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"

        So just return first word as distro and first number as version.
    distro = pretty_name.split()[0].lower()
    match ="\d+", pretty_name)
    if match is not None:
        version =
        version = get_version_from_lsb()

    return (distro, version)

def get_version():
    """ Try to get distro and version

    bus = dbus.SystemBus()

    # get information about the distribution from systemd (hostname1)
    sys_info = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.hostname1", "/org/freedesktop/hostname1")
    cpe = str(sys_info.Get("org.freedesktop.hostname1", "OperatingSystemCPEName", dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE))

    if cpe:
        # 2nd to 4th fields from e.g. "cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:25" or "cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.3:GA:server"
        _project, distro, version = tuple(cpe.split(":")[2:5])
        # we want just the major version, so remove all decimal places (if any)
        version = str(int(float(version)))
        pretty_name = str(sys_info.Get("org.freedesktop.hostname1", "OperatingSystemPrettyName", dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE))
        distro, version = get_version_from_pretty_name(pretty_name)

    return (distro, version)

def skip_on(skip_on_distros=None, skip_on_version="", skip_on_arch="", reason=""):
    """A function returning a decorator to skip some test on a given distribution-version combination

    :param skip_on_distros: distro(s) to skip the test on
    :type skip_on_distros: str or tuple of str
    :param str skip_on_version: version of distro(s) to skip the tests on (only
                                checked on distribution match)

    if isinstance(skip_on_distros, str):
        skip_on_distros = (skip_on_distros,)

    distro, version = get_version()
    arch = os.uname()[-1]

    def decorator(func):
        if (skip_on_distros is None or distro in skip_on_distros) and (not skip_on_version or skip_on_version == version) and \
           (not skip_on_arch or skip_on_arch == arch):
            msg = "not supported on this distribution in this version and arch" + (": %s" % reason if reason else "")
            return unittest.skip(msg)(func)
            return func

    return decorator

# taken from libbytesize's tests/
def get_avail_locales():
    return {loc.decode(errors="replace").strip() for loc in subprocess.check_output(["locale", "-a"]).split()}

def requires_locales(locales):
    """A decorator factory to skip tests that require unavailable locales

    :param set locales: set of required locales

    **Requires the test to have the set of available locales defined as its
    ``avail_locales`` attribute.**


    canon_locales = {loc.replace("UTF-8", "utf8") for loc in locales}
    def decorator(test_method):
        def decorated(test, *args):
            missing = canon_locales - set(test.avail_locales)
            if missing:
                test.skipTest("requires missing locales: %s" % missing)
                return test_method(test, *args)

        return decorated

    return decorator

# taken from udisks2/src/tests/dbus-tests/
def unstable_test(test):
    """Decorator for unstable tests

    Failures of tests decorated with this decorator are silently ignored unless
    the ``UNSTABLE_TESTS_FATAL`` environment variable is defined.

    def decorated_test(*args):
        except unittest.SkipTest:
            # make sure skipped tests are just skipped as usual
            # and swallow everything else, just report a failure of an unstable
            # test, unless told otherwise
            if "UNSTABLE_TESTS_FATAL" in os.environ:
            print("unstable-fail...", end="", file=sys.stderr)

    return decorated_test

class TestTags(Enum):
    SLOW = 1        # slow tests
    UNSTABLE = 2    # randomly failing tests
    UNSAFE = 3      # tests that change system configuration
    CORE = 4        # tests covering core functionality
    NOSTORAGE = 5   # tests that don't work with storage
    EXTRADEPS = 6   # tests that require special configuration and/or device to run
    REGRESSION = 7  # regression tests
    SOURCEONLY = 8  # tests that can't run against installed library

def tag_test(*tags):
    def decorator(func):
        func.slow = TestTags.SLOW in tags
        func.unstable = TestTags.UNSTABLE in tags
        func.unsafe = TestTags.UNSAFE in tags
        func.core = TestTags.CORE in tags
        func.nostorage = TestTags.NOSTORAGE in tags
        func.extradeps = TestTags.EXTRADEPS in tags
        func.regression = TestTags.REGRESSION in tags
        func.sourceonly = TestTags.SOURCEONLY in tags

        return func

    return decorator

def run(cmd_string):
    Run the a command with file descriptors closed as lvm is trying to
    make sure everyone else is following best practice and not leaking FDs.
    return, close_fds=True, shell=True)

def mount(device, where, ro=False):
    if not os.path.isdir(where):
    if ro:
        os.system("mount -oro %s %s" % (device, where))
        os.system("mount %s %s" % (device, where))

def umount(what, retry=True):
        os.system("umount %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % what)
    except OSError as e:
        # retry the umount if the device is busy
        if "busy" in str(e) and retry:
            umount(what, False)