Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, see <>.
 * Author: Vratislav Podzimek <>

#include <glib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/swap.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <blkid.h>
#include <blockdev/utils.h>

#include "swap.h"
#include "check_deps.h"

 * SECTION: swap
 * @short_description: plugin for operations with swap space
 * @title: Swap
 * @include: swap.h
 * A plugin for operations with swap space.

 * bd_swap_error_quark: (skip)
GQuark bd_swap_error_quark (void)
    return g_quark_from_static_string ("g-bd-swap-error-quark");

static volatile guint avail_deps = 0;
static GMutex deps_check_lock;

#define DEPS_MKSWAP 0
#define DEPS_LAST 2

static const UtilDep deps[DEPS_LAST] = {
    {"mkswap", MKSWAP_MIN_VERSION, NULL, "mkswap from util-linux ([\\d\\.]+)"},
    {"swaplabel", NULL, NULL, NULL},

 * bd_swap_check_deps:
 * Returns: whether the plugin's runtime dependencies are satisfied or not
 * Function checking plugin's runtime dependencies.
gboolean bd_swap_check_deps (void) {
    GError *error = NULL;
    guint i = 0;
    gboolean status = FALSE;
    gboolean ret = TRUE;

    for (i=0; i < DEPS_LAST; i++) {
        status = bd_utils_check_util_version (deps[i].name, deps[i].version,
                                              deps[i].ver_arg, deps[i].ver_regexp, &error);
        if (!status)
            g_warning ("%s", error->message);
            g_atomic_int_or (&avail_deps, 1 << i);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        ret = ret && status;

    if (!ret)
        g_warning("Cannot load the swap plugin");

    return ret;

 * bd_swap_init:
 * Initializes the plugin. **This function is called automatically by the
 * library's initialization functions.**
gboolean bd_swap_init (void) {
    /* nothing to do here */
    return TRUE;

 * bd_swap_close:
 * Cleans up after the plugin. **This function is called automatically by the
 * library's functions that unload it.**
void bd_swap_close (void) {
    /* nothing to do here */

#define UNUSED __attribute__((unused))

 * bd_swap_is_tech_avail:
 * @tech: the queried tech
 * @mode: a bit mask of queried modes of operation (#BDSwapTechMode) for @tech
 * @error: (out): place to store error (details about why the @tech-@mode combination is not available)
 * Returns: whether the @tech-@mode combination is available -- supported by the
 *          plugin implementation and having all the runtime dependencies available
gboolean bd_swap_is_tech_avail (BDSwapTech tech UNUSED, guint64 mode, GError **error) {
    guint32 requires = 0;
    if (mode & BD_SWAP_TECH_MODE_CREATE)
        requires |= DEPS_MKSWAP_MASK;
        requires |= DEPS_SWAPLABEL_MASK;

    return check_deps (&avail_deps, requires, deps, DEPS_LAST, &deps_check_lock, error);

 * bd_swap_mkswap:
 * @device: a device to create swap space on
 * @label: (allow-none): a label for the swap space device
 * @extra: (allow-none) (array zero-terminated=1): extra options for the creation (right now
 *                                                 passed to the 'mkswap' utility)
 * @error: (out): place to store error (if any)
 * Returns: whether the swap space was successfully created or not
gboolean bd_swap_mkswap (const gchar *device, const gchar *label, const BDExtraArg **extra, GError **error) {
    guint8 next_arg = 2;

    if (!check_deps (&avail_deps, DEPS_MKSWAP_MASK, deps, DEPS_LAST, &deps_check_lock, error))
        return FALSE;

    /* We use -f to force since mkswap tends to refuse creation on lvs with
       a message about erasing bootbits sectors on whole disks. Bah. */
    const gchar *argv[6] = {"mkswap", "-f", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};

    if (label) {
        argv[next_arg] = "-L";
        argv[next_arg] = label;

    argv[next_arg] = device;

    return bd_utils_exec_and_report_error (argv, extra, error);

 * bd_swap_swapon:
 * @device: swap device to activate
 * @priority: priority of the activated device or -1 to use the default
 * @error: (out): place to store error (if any)
 * Returns: whether the swap device was successfully activated or not
gboolean bd_swap_swapon (const gchar *device, gint priority, GError **error) {
    blkid_probe probe = NULL;
    gint fd = 0;
    gint status = 0;
    guint n_try = 0;
    const gchar *value = NULL;
    gint64 status_len = 0;
    gint64 swap_pagesize = 0;
    gint64 sys_pagesize = 0;
    gint flags = 0;
    gint ret = 0;
    guint64 progress_id = 0;
    gchar *msg = NULL;

    msg = g_strdup_printf ("Started 'swapon %s'", device);
    progress_id = bd_utils_report_started (msg);
    g_free (msg);

    bd_utils_report_progress (progress_id, 0, "Analysing the swap device");
    /* check the device if it is an activatable swap */
    probe = blkid_new_probe ();
    if (!probe) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to create a new probe");
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        return FALSE;

    fd = open (device, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
    if (fd == -1) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to open the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        return FALSE;

    /* we may need to try mutliple times with some delays in case the device is
       busy at the very moment */
    for (n_try=5, status=-1; (status != 0) && (n_try > 0); n_try--) {
        status = blkid_probe_set_device (probe, fd, 0, 0);
        if (status != 0)
            g_usleep (100 * 1000); /* microseconds */
    if (status != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to create a probe for the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    blkid_probe_enable_superblocks (probe, 1);
    blkid_probe_set_superblocks_flags (probe, BLKID_SUBLKS_TYPE | BLKID_SUBLKS_MAGIC);

    /* we may need to try mutliple times with some delays in case the device is
       busy at the very moment */
    for (n_try=5, status=-1; !(status == 0 || status == 1) && (n_try > 0); n_try--) {
        status = blkid_do_safeprobe (probe);
        if (status < 0)
            g_usleep (100 * 1000); /* microseconds */
    if (status < 0) {
        /* -1 or -2 = error during probing*/
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to probe the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;
    } else if (status == 1) {
        /* 1 = nothing detected */
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "No superblock detected on the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "TYPE", &value, NULL);
    if (status != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to get format type for the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    if (g_strcmp0 (value, "swap") != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Device '%s' is not formatted as swap", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "SBMAGIC", &value, NULL);
    if (status != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATE,
                     "Failed to get swap status on the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAP-SPACE") == 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_OLD,
                     "Old swap format, cannot activate.");
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;
    } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "S1SUSPEND") == 0 || g_strcmp0 (value, "S2SUSPEND") == 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_SUSPEND,
                     "Suspended system on the swap device, cannot activate.");
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;
    } else if (g_strcmp0 (value, "SWAPSPACE2") != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE_UNKNOWN,
                     "Unknown swap space format, cannot activate.");
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    status_len = (gint64) strlen (value);

    status = blkid_probe_lookup_value (probe, "SBMAGIC_OFFSET", &value, NULL);
    if (status != 0 || !value) {
                     "Failed to get swap status on the device '%s'", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        blkid_free_probe (probe);
        close (fd);
        return FALSE;

    swap_pagesize = status_len + g_ascii_strtoll (value, (char **)NULL, 10);

    blkid_free_probe (probe);
    close (fd);

    sys_pagesize = getpagesize ();

    if (swap_pagesize != sys_pagesize) {
                     "Swap format pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") and system pagesize (%"G_GINT64_FORMAT") don't match",
                     swap_pagesize, sys_pagesize);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);
        return FALSE;

    bd_utils_report_progress (progress_id, 10, "Swap device analysed, enabling");
    if (priority >= 0) {
        flags = SWAP_FLAG_PREFER;
        flags |= (priority << SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_SHIFT) & SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_MASK;

    ret = swapon (device, flags);
    if (ret != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
                     "Failed to activate swap on %s: %m", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);

    bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, "Completed");
    return ret == 0;

 * bd_swap_swapoff:
 * @device: swap device to deactivate
 * @error: (out): place to store error (if any)
 * Returns: whether the swap device was successfully deactivated or not
gboolean bd_swap_swapoff (const gchar *device, GError **error) {
    gint ret = 0;
    guint64 progress_id = 0;
    gchar *msg = NULL;

    msg = g_strdup_printf ("Started 'swapoff %s'", device);
    progress_id = bd_utils_report_started (msg);
    g_free (msg);

    ret = swapoff (device);
    if (ret != 0) {
        g_set_error (error, BD_SWAP_ERROR, BD_SWAP_ERROR_ACTIVATE,
                     "Failed to deactivate swap on %s: %m", device);
        bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, (*error)->message);

    bd_utils_report_finished (progress_id, "Completed");
    return ret == 0;

 * bd_swap_swapstatus:
 * @device: swap device to get status of
 * @error: (out): place to store error (if any)
 * Returns: %TRUE if the swap device is active, %FALSE if not active or failed
 * to determine (@error) is set not a non-NULL value in such case)
gboolean bd_swap_swapstatus (const gchar *device, GError **error) {
    gchar *file_content = NULL;
    gchar *real_device = NULL;
    gsize length;
    gchar *next_line;
    gboolean success;

    success = g_file_get_contents ("/proc/swaps", &file_content, &length, error);
    if (!success) {
        /* error is already populated */
        return FALSE;

    /* get the real device node for device-mapper devices since the ones
       with meaningful names are just dev_paths */
    if (g_str_has_prefix (device, "/dev/mapper/") || g_str_has_prefix (device, "/dev/md/")) {
        real_device = bd_utils_resolve_device (device, error);
        if (!real_device) {
            /* the device doesn't exist and thus is not an active swap */
            g_clear_error (error);
            return FALSE;

    if (g_str_has_prefix (file_content, real_device ? real_device : device)) {
        g_free (real_device);
        g_free (file_content);
        return TRUE;

    next_line = (strchr (file_content, '\n') + 1);
    while (next_line && ((gsize)(next_line - file_content) < length)) {
        if (g_str_has_prefix (next_line, real_device ? real_device : device)) {
            g_free (real_device);
            g_free (file_content);
            return TRUE;

        next_line = (strchr (next_line, '\n') + 1);

    g_free (real_device);
    g_free (file_content);
    return FALSE;

 * bd_swap_set_label:
 * @device: a device to set label on
 * @label: label that will be set
 * @error: (out): place to store error (if any)
 * Returns: whether the label was successfully set or not
gboolean bd_swap_set_label (const gchar *device, const gchar *label, GError **error) {
    const gchar *argv[5] = {"swaplabel", "-L", label, device, NULL};

    if (!check_deps (&avail_deps, DEPS_SWAPLABEL_MASK, deps, DEPS_LAST, &deps_check_lock, error))
        return FALSE;

    return bd_utils_exec_and_report_error (argv, NULL, error);