Blob Blame History Raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This program allows the user to add further mount compatibilities to his
Lensfun configuration.  This way, the number of default mount compatibilities
can be kept low, while users who own adapters can add those to their local
installation.  Especially mirrorless systems can use all SLR lenses, so the
lens lists to choose from would become very long.

The program can be used non-interactively (passing arguments on the command
line) and interactively, where the program asks you questions and takes your

For example, you own a Sony NEX-7 and have bought an adapter to use A-mount
lenses with it.  Thus, you start this program.  The program asks for a camera
model name.  You enter "NEX-7".  Then, you get a list of possible mounts,
together with numbers.  In this list, it says::

     32)  Sony Alpha

So, you enter "32 <RETURN>".  That's it.  Lensfun now offers also A-mount
lenses for E-mount cameras (all, by the way, not only for the NEX-7).


Status code 0 -- successful
            1 -- invalid command line arguments
            2 -- invalid input in interactive mode

The program writes its output to ``~/.local/share/lensfun/_mounts.xml``.  Any
former mount configuration in that file is preserved.  Since it can be assumed
that this file will not change its format often (in particular, not with every
new Lensfun DB version), this file is deliberately not put in a versioned
sub-directory.  As a positive side-effect of this, the user is not forced to
move this file once a new Lensfun DB version comes out.

import os, sys, argparse, glob
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import lensfun

local_xml_filepath = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/lensfun/_mounts.xml")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_xml_filepath), exist_ok=True)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Add mount compatibilities (adapters) to Lensfun's database.")
parser.add_argument("--maker", help="Exact camera manufacturer name.")
parser.add_argument("--model", help="Exact camera model name.")
parser.add_argument("--mount", help="Exact mount name to add as an adapter for camera mount.")
parser.add_argument("--remove-local-mount-config", action="store_true",
                    help="Remove all local changes to the mount compatibility configuration made through this program.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.maker and not args.model or args.model and not args.maker:
    print("ERROR: The options --maker and --camera must be passed together.")
if args.remove_local_mount_config:
    if args.maker or args.model or args.mount:
        print("ERROR: If the option --remove-local-mount-config is given, it must be the only one.")

def default_name(element, tag_name):
    """Returns the untranslated string in the tag `tag_name`, which is a
    sub-element of `element`.  This is useful if you need the e.g. definitive
    model name of a camera in order to use it as a key.
    for child in element.findall(tag_name):
        if "lang" not in child.attrib:
            return child.text

def fancy_name(element, tag_name):
    """Returns the English version of the string in the tag `tag_name`, which is a
    sub-element of `element`.  If not available, take the untranslated version.
    for child in element.findall(tag_name):
        if child.attrib.get("lang") == "en":
            return child.text
    return default_name(element, tag_name)

def normalize_camera_name(name):
    return name.lower().translate(str.maketrans("", "", " ,.:-+*/()[]"))

def indent(root, level=0):
    """Pretty-print an XML tree by indentation."""
    i = "\n" + level * "    "
    if len(root):
        if not root.text or not root.text.strip():
            root.text = i + "    "
        if not root.tail or not root.tail.strip():
            root.tail = i
        for root in root:
            indent(root, level + 1)
        if not root.tail or not root.tail.strip():
            root.tail = i
        if level and (not root.tail or not root.tail.strip()):
            root.tail = i

class Mount:
    """Normally, all data structures in this program are just strings or mappings
    or lists of strings.  Even compatibility mounts are only represented by
    their name.  However, for the main list of mounts, we have to store more of
    them.  Therefore, this is a class.
    def __init__(self, name, fixed_lens=False):, self.fixed_lens = name, fixed_lens
        self.compatible_mounts = set()
    def __str__(self):

def read_database():
    """Read the database of Lensfun.  Note that also the local configuration –
    including the ``_mounts.xml`` file – is read.

    It returns the cameras as a mapping from the (maker, model) tuple to the
    mount object, the `makers_and_models` mapping which maps so-called “loose”
    camera names to (maker, model) tuples, and the mounts as a mapping from
    mount names to `Mount` objects.

    “Loose” camera names are brutally normalised to that partial string
    matching can be easily done against user input.  In particular, everything
    is lowercase and all punctuation and spacing is removed.
    cameras = {}
    makers_and_models = {}
    mounts = {}
    paths = lensfun.get_database_directories()
    for path in paths:
        for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.xml")):
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            tree = ElementTree.parse(filepath)
            for mount in tree.findall("mount"):
                name = default_name(mount, "name")
                    fixed_lens = mounts[name].fixed_lens
                except KeyError:
                    fixed_lens = filename.startswith("compact") or name in ["olympusE10"]
                mounts[name] = Mount(name, fixed_lens)
                for compatible_mount in mount.findall("compat"):
            for camera in tree.findall("camera"):
                loose_name = normalize_camera_name(fancy_name(camera, "maker") + fancy_name(camera, "model"))
                maker_and_model = default_name(camera, "maker"), default_name(camera, "model")
                makers_and_models[loose_name] = maker_and_model
                mount = default_name(camera, "mount")
                cameras[maker_and_model] = mount
                mounts.setdefault(mount, Mount(mount, filename.startswith("compact") or mount in ["olympusE10"]))
    for maker_and_model, mount_name in cameras.items():
        cameras[maker_and_model] = mounts[mount_name]
    return mounts, makers_and_models, cameras

def find_mount_groups(mounts):
    """A “mount group” is a set of mount names that are fully compatible to
    every other one in the group.  This way, we can offer the user to add all
    Nikon lenses in one go to their camera mount, no matter whether the Nikon
    lens is Nikon F, Nikon F AI-S, etc.  Remember that mount compatibilities
    are not transitive in Lensfun.
    groups = set()
    for mount in mounts.values():
        if != "Generic":
            mutually_compatibles = {}
            for compatible_mount in mount.compatible_mounts:
                    reverse_compatibles = mounts[compatible_mount].compatible_mounts
                except KeyError:
                if compatible_mount != "Generic" and in reverse_compatibles:
            if len(mutually_compatibles) > 1:
    return groups

def find_to_mount(cameras, makers_and_models):
    """The `to_mount` is the camera mount, i.e. the mount *to* which we want to
    if args.model:
            return cameras[args.maker, args.model]
        except KeyError:
            print("ERROR: Camera model not found in database.")
        camera_name = normalize_camera_name(input("Enter camera model name (or part of it): "))
        hits = []
        for loose_name, maker_and_model in makers_and_models.items():
            if camera_name in loose_name:
        if not hits:
            print("ERROR: No cameras with this name found.")
        elif len(hits) > 1:
            for i, maker_and_model in enumerate(hits, 1):
                print("{:3d})  {} {}".format(i, *maker_and_model))
                number = int(input("Enter number: "))
                maker_and_model = hits[number - 1]
            except (ValueError, IndexError, EOFError):
                print("ERROR: Invalid input.")
            maker_and_model = hits[0]
        return cameras[maker_and_model]

def find_from_mounts(mounts, groups, to_mount):
    """The `from_mount` is the lenses' mount, i.e. the mount *from* which we want
    to adapt.  It may be a set of mounts in case of a mount group.
    if args.mount:
        if args.mount not in mounts:
            print("ERROR: Mount name not found in database.")
        return {args.mount}
        from_candidates = []
        for from_candidate in [(, {}) for mount in mounts.values() if not mount.fixed_lens] + \
            [(", ".join(sorted(group)) + " (all together)", group) for group in groups]:
            for mount in from_candidate[1]:
                if mount not in to_mount.compatible_mounts | {}:

        for i, mount_data in enumerate(from_candidates, 1):
            print("{:3d})  {}".format(i, mount_data[0]))
            number = int(input("Enter number: "))
            from_mounts = from_candidates[number - 1][1]
        except (ValueError, IndexError, EOFError):
            print("ERROR: Invalid input.")
        return from_mounts

def write_xml_file(to_mount, from_mounts, mounts):
    """We write the ``_mounts.xml`` file rather non-invasive, i.e. we touch only
    the mount we want to change.  Either we change it, or we add it.
        tree = ElementTree.parse(local_xml_filepath)
    except (OSError, ElementTree.ParseError):
        tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(ElementTree.Element("lensdatabase"))
    for mount in tree.findall("mount"):
        if default_name(mount, "name") ==
            for compatible_mount in mount.findall("compat"):
        mount = ElementTree.SubElement(tree.getroot(), "mount")
        ElementTree.SubElement(mount, "name").text =
    for compatible_mount in sorted(to_mount.compatible_mounts):
        ElementTree.SubElement(mount, "compat").text = compatible_mount

if args.remove_local_mount_config:
    except OSError:
    mounts, makers_and_models, cameras = read_database()
    mount_groups = find_mount_groups(mounts)
    to_mount = find_to_mount(cameras, makers_and_models)
    if to_mount.fixed_lens:
        from_mounts = {"Generic"}
        from_mounts = find_from_mounts(mounts, mount_groups, to_mount)
    write_xml_file(to_mount, from_mounts, mounts)
    print("Made {} lenses mountable to {}.".format(" / ".join(from_mounts), to_mount))