Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  All rights reserved.
  Export of this software from the United States of America may
    require a specific license from the United States Government.
    It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
    export to obtain such a license before exporting.
  WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
  distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
  without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
  notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
  this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
  the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
  to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
  permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
  your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
  fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
  M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
  this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
  or implied warranty.
<Include xmlns="">

    <!-- include site sepecific customizations -->
    <?include site-local.wxi?>
    <!-- Sanity checks -->
    <?ifndef var.CL1600?>
        <?error Must define CL1600 (MSVC10.0)?>

    <!-- Build type specifications -->
    <?define BinDir="$(env.KRB_INSTALL_DIR)\bin\"?>
    <?define PreauthDir=$(env.KRB_INSTALL_DIR)\bin\plugins\preauth?>
    <?define LibDir="$(env.KRB_INSTALL_DIR)\lib\"?>
    <?define InstallerVersion="450"?>
    <?ifndef env.VISUALSTUDIOVERSION?>
        <?define VCVer="100"?>
    <?elseif $(env.VISUALSTUDIOVERSION) = "11.0"?>
        <?define VCVer="110"?>
    <?elseif $(env.VISUALSTUDIOVERSION) = "12.0"?>
        <?define VCVer="120"?>
    <?elseif $(env.VISUALSTUDIOVERSION) = "14.0"?>
        <?define VCVer="140"?>
    <?elseif $(env.VISUALSTUDIOVERSION) = "15.0"?>
        <?define VCVer="141"?>
        <?error Unknown MFC version?>
    <?define KfwRegRoot="SOFTWARE\MIT\Kerberos"?>
    <?define KfwRegWow6432Root="SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MIT\Kerberos"?>

    <?define DocDir="$(var.TargetDir)doc\"?>
    <?define IncDir="$(var.TargetDir)include\"?>
    <?define SrcDir="$(var.TargetDir)"?>
    <?define InstallDir="$(var.TargetDir)windows\installer\"?>
    <?define SampleDir="$(var.TargetDir)sample\"?>
    <?ifdef env.MIT_INTERNAL?>
      <?define ConfigDir=".\athena\"?>
      <?define ConfigDir=".\"?>

    <?define SystemDir="$(env.SystemRoot)\System32\"?>

    <?include lang\config_$(var.BuildLang).wxi?>
    <!-- Parameters for the features containing debug symbols -->
    <?ifdef env.NODEBUG?>
         <?ifdef env.DEBUG_SYMBOL?>
              <?define DebugSyms?>
         <?define Debug?>
         <?define DebugSyms?>
    <?ifdef DebugSyms?>
         <?ifdef Debug?>
             <?define DebugSymInstallDefault="followParent"?>
             <?define DebugSymLowLevel="30"?>
             <?define DebugSymHighLevel="130"?>
             <?define DebugSymInstallDefault="followParent"?>
             <?define DebugSymLowLevel="130"?>
             <?define DebugSymHighLevel="130"?>
    <!-- Configuration macros -->
    <?ifndef LeashCreateMissingConfig?>
        <?define LeashCreateMissingConfig="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashAutoRenewTickets?>
        <?define LeashAutoRenewTickets="1"?>
    <?ifndef LeashLockFileLocations?>
        <?define LeashLockFileLocations="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashMsLsaImport?>
        <?define LeashMsLsaImport="2"?>
    <?ifndef LeashLifetime?>
        <?define LeashLifetime="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashRenewTill?>
        <?define LeashRenewTill="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashRenewable?>
        <?define LeashRenewable="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashForwardable?>
        <?define LeashForwardable="1"?>
    <?ifndef LeashNoAddresses?>
        <?define LeashNoAddresses="1"?>
    <?ifndef LeashProxiable?>
        <?define LeashProxiable="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashPublicIp?>
        <?define LeashPublicIp="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashHideKinitOptions?>
        <?define LeashHideKinitOptions="0"?>
    <?ifndef LeashLifeMin?>
        <?define LeashLifeMin="5"?>
    <?ifndef LeashLifeMax?>
        <?define LeashLifeMax="1440"?>
    <?ifndef LeashRenewMin?>
        <?define LeashRenewMin="600"?>
    <?ifndef LeashRenewMax?>
        <?define LeashRenewMax="43200"?>
    <?ifndef LeashUppercaseRealm?>
        <?define LeashUppercaseRealm="1"?>
    <?ifndef LeashTimeHost?>
        <?define LeashTimeHost="time"?>
    <?ifndef LeashPreserveKinitOptions?>
        <?define LeashPreserveKinitOptions="0"?>
    <!-- These actually have no defaults. -->
    <?ifndef Krb5Config?>
        <?define Krb5Config=""?>
    <?ifndef Krb5CcName?>
        <?define Krb5CcName=""?>
    <?ifndef Krb5PreserveIdentity?>
        <?define Krb5PreserveIdentity="1"?>

    <!-- If neither NetIDMgr or Leash is specified, we default to NetIDMgr -->
    <?ifndef UseNetIDMgr?>
        <?ifndef UseLeash?>
             <?define UseNetIDMgr="1"?>