Blob Blame History Raw
N	[0-9]
PC	[^\"]
AN      [A-Z_a-z0-9]

command_table	return l_command_table();
request		return l_request();
unimplemented	return l_unimplemented();
end		return l_end();

[\t\n ]		;

\"{PC}*\"	return l_quoted_string();

{AN}*		return l_string();

#.*\n		;

.		return (*yytext);
 * User-subroutines section.
 * Have to put all this stuff here so that the include file
 * from YACC output can be included, since LEX doesn't allow
 * an include file before the code it generates for the above
 * rules.
 * Copyright 1987 by MIT Student Information Processing Board.
 * For copyright info, see mit-sipb-copyright.h.
#include <string.h>
#include ""

#ifndef HAS_STRDUP
extern char *strdup();

extern char *last_token;

static l_command_table()
     last_token = "command_table";
     return COMMAND_TABLE;

static l_request()
     last_token = "request";
     return REQUEST;

static l_unimplemented()
     last_token = "unimplemented";
     return UNIMPLEMENTED;

static l_end()
     last_token = "end";
     return END;

static l_quoted_string()
     char *p;
     yylval.dynstr = strdup(yytext+1);
     if (p=strrchr(yylval.dynstr, '"'))
     last_token = strdup(yylval.dynstr);
     return STRING;

static l_string()
     yylval.dynstr = strdup(yytext);
     last_token = strdup(yylval.dynstr);
     return STRING;