Blob Blame History Raw
# makefile: Constructs the Kerberos for Windows CCAPI server.

#BUILDTOP is krb5/src and is relative to krb5/src/ccapi/server/win, for making Makefile.
CO      = $(CCAPI)\common
COWIN   = $(CCAPI)\common\win
CCUTIL  = $(CCAPI)\common\win\OldCC
SRVDIR  = $(CCAPI)\server
POSIX   = $(BUILDTOP)\lib\krb5\posix
SRCTMP  = $(SRVWIN)\srctmp

!if defined(KRB5_KFW_COMPILE)
KFWINC= /I$(BUILDTOP)\..\..\krbcc\include

OBJS	= $(OUTPRE)cci_array_internal.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_cred_union.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_debugging.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_identifier.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_message.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_os_debugging.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)cci_os_identifier.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_array.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_cache_collection.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_callback.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_ccache.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_ccache_iterator.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_client.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_credentials.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_credentials_iterator.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_list.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_list_internal.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_lock.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_lock_state.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_os_pipe.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_os_server.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_pipe.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_reply_c.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_request_proc.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_server.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_win_pipe.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccs_request_s.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)ccutils.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)init.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)opts.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)secure.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)tls.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)util.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)win-utils.$(OBJEXT) \
          $(OUTPRE)WorkItem.$(OBJEXT) \

##### Options

# Because all the sources are pulled together into the temp directory SRCTMP,
#  the only includes we need are to directories outside of ccapi.
LOCALINCLUDES = /I..\$(BUILDTOP) /I..\$(BUILDTOP)\include /I..\$(BUILDTOP)\include\krb5 $(KFWINC) \
    -I..\$(BUILDTOP)\util\et /I.
MIDLI  = /I..\$(BUILDTOP)\include

CPPFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) /EHsc -D_CRTAPI1=_cdecl -D_CRTAPI2=_cdecl -DWINVER=0x0501 \

##### Linker
LINK	= link
LIBS	= ..\$(SLIB) rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib user32.lib
LFLAGS	= /nologo $(LOPTS)

all: Makefile copysrc midl $(OUTPRE)ccapiserver.exe finish

ccs_request.h ccs_request_c.c ccs_request_s.c : ccs_request.idl ccs_request.acf
    midl $(MIDL_OPTIMIZATION) $(MIDLI) -oldnames -cpp_cmd $(CC) -cpp_opt "-E" \

ccs_reply.h   ccs_reply_c.c   ccs_reply_s.c   : ccs_reply.idl   ccs_reply.acf
    midl $(MIDL_OPTIMIZATION) $(MIDLI) -oldnames -cpp_cmd $(CC) -cpp_opt "-E" \

copysrc :
    echo "Copying all sources needed to build ccapiserver.exe to $(SRCTMP)"
    if NOT exist $(SRCTMP)\nul mkdir $(SRCTMP)
    xcopy /D/Y   $(CO)\*.*     $(SRCTMP)
    xcopy /D/Y   $(COWIN)\*.*  $(SRCTMP)
    xcopy /D/Y   $(CCUTIL)\*.* $(SRCTMP)
    xcopy /D/Y   $(SRVDIR)\*.* $(SRCTMP)
    xcopy /D/Y   $(SRVWIN)\*.* $(SRCTMP)
    cd $(SRCTMP)
    if NOT exist $(OUTPRE)\nul mkdir $(OUTPRE)

midl : ccs_request.h ccs_reply.h

VERSIONRC = $(BUILDTOP)\..\windows\version.rc
CCAPISERVERRES = $(OUTPRE)ccapiserver.res
	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -DCCAPISERVER_APP -fo $@ -r $**

$(OUTPRE)ccapiserver.exe: $(OBJS) $(CCAPISERVERRES)
	$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) /map:$*.map /out:$@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(CCAPISERVERRES) $(conlibsdll) $(conflags)

finish :
    @echo "Finished building ccapiserver.exe"

	if exist $(OUTPRE)*.exe del $(OUTPRE)*.exe
	if exist $(OUTPRE)*.obj del $(OUTPRE)*.obj
	if exist $(OUTPRE)*.res del $(OUTPRE)*.res
	if exist $(OUTPRE)*.map del $(OUTPRE)*.map
	if exist $(OUTPRE)*.pdb del $(OUTPRE)*.pdb
	if exist *.err del *.err
    if exist $(SRCTMP) rmdir /s /q $(SRCTMP)