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/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
/* lib/kadm5/logger.c */
 * Copyright 1995, 2007 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Export of this software from the United States of America may
 *   require a specific license from the United States Government.
 *   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
 *   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
 * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
 * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
 * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
 * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
 * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
 * permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
 * your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
 * fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
 * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
 * or implied warranty.

/* KADM5 wants non-syslog log files to contain syslog-like entries */

 * logger.c     - Handle logging functions for those who want it.
#include "k5-int.h"
#include "adm_proto.h"
#include "com_err.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#define KRB5_KLOG_MAX_ERRMSG_SIZE       2048
#endif  /* MAXHOSTNAMELEN */

/* This is to assure that we have at least one match in the syslog stuff */
#ifndef LOG_AUTH
#define LOG_AUTH        0
#endif  /* LOG_AUTH */
#ifndef LOG_ERR
#define LOG_ERR         0
#endif  /* LOG_ERR */

#define lspec_parse_err_1       _("%s: cannot parse <%s>\n")
#define lspec_parse_err_2       _("%s: warning - logging entry syntax error\n")
#define log_file_err            _("%s: error writing to %s\n")
#define log_device_err          _("%s: error writing to %s device\n")
#define log_ufo_string          "?\?\?" /* nb: avoid trigraphs */
#define log_emerg_string        _("EMERGENCY")
#define log_alert_string        _("ALERT")
#define log_crit_string         _("CRITICAL")
#define log_err_string          _("Error")
#define log_warning_string      _("Warning")
#define log_notice_string       _("Notice")
#define log_info_string         _("info")
#define log_debug_string        _("debug")

 * Output logging.
 * Output logging is now controlled by the configuration file.  We can specify
 * the following syntaxes under the [logging]->entity specification.
 *      FILE<opentype><pathname>
 *      SYSLOG[=<severity>[:<facility>]]
 *      STDERR
 *      CONSOLE
 *      DEVICE=<device-spec>
 * Where:
 *      <opentype> is ":" for open/append, "=" for open/create.
 *      <pathname> is a valid path name.
 *      <severity> is one of: (default = ERR)
 *              EMERG
 *              ALERT
 *              CRIT
 *              ERR
 *              WARNING
 *              NOTICE
 *              INFO
 *              DEBUG
 *      <facility> is one of: (default = AUTH)
 *              KERN
 *              USER
 *              MAIL
 *              DAEMON
 *              AUTH
 *              LPR
 *              NEWS
 *              UUCP
 *              CRON
 *              LOCAL0..LOCAL7
 *      <device-spec> is a valid device specification.
struct log_entry {
    enum log_type { K_LOG_FILE,
                    K_LOG_NONE } log_type;
    krb5_pointer log_2free;
    union log_union {
        struct log_file {
            FILE        *lf_filep;
            char        *lf_fname;
        } log_file;
        struct log_syslog {
            int         ls_facility;
        } log_syslog;
        struct log_device {
            FILE        *ld_filep;
            char        *ld_devname;
        } log_device;
    } log_union;
#define lfu_filep       log_union.log_file.lf_filep
#define lfu_fname       log_union.log_file.lf_fname
#define lsu_facility    log_union.log_syslog.ls_facility
#define ldu_filep       log_union.log_device.ld_filep
#define ldu_devname     log_union.log_device.ld_devname

struct log_control {
    struct log_entry    *log_entries;
    int                 log_nentries;
    char                *log_whoami;
    char                *log_hostname;
    krb5_boolean        log_opened;
    krb5_boolean        log_debug;

static struct log_control log_control = {
    (struct log_entry *) NULL,
    (char *) NULL,
    (char *) NULL,
static struct log_entry def_log_entry;

 * These macros define any special processing that needs to happen for
 * devices.  For unix, of course, this is hardly anything.
#define DEVICE_OPEN(d, m)       fopen(d, m)
#define CONSOLE_OPEN(m)         fopen("/dev/console", m)
#define DEVICE_PRINT(f, m)      ((fprintf(f, "%s\r\n", m) >= 0) ?       \
                                 (fflush(f), 0) :                       \
#define DEVICE_CLOSE(d)         fclose(d)

 * klog_com_err_proc()  - Handle com_err(3) messages as specified by the
 *                        profile.
static krb5_context err_context;

static void
klog_com_err_proc(const char *whoami, long int code, const char *format, va_list ap)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
    __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 3, 0)))

 * Write com_err() messages to the configured logging devices.  Ignore whoami,
 * as krb5_klog_init() already received a whoami value.  If code is nonzero,
 * log its error message (retrieved using err_context) and the formatted
 * message at error severity.  If code is zero, log the formatted message at
 * informational severity.
static void
klog_com_err_proc(const char *whoami, long int code, const char *format, va_list ap)
    struct k5buf buf;
    const char *emsg;

    if (format == NULL)


    if (code) {
        /* Start with the error message and a separator. */
        emsg = krb5_get_error_message(err_context, code);
        k5_buf_add(&buf, emsg);
        krb5_free_error_message(err_context, emsg);
        k5_buf_add(&buf, " - ");

    /* Add the formatted message. */
    k5_buf_add_vfmt(&buf, format, ap);

    if (k5_buf_status(&buf) == 0)
        krb5_klog_syslog(code ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO, "%s", (char *);


 * krb5_klog_init()     - Initialize logging.
 * This routine parses the syntax described above to specify destinations for
 * com_err(3) or krb5_klog_syslog() messages generated by the caller.
 * Parameters:
 *      kcontext        - Kerberos context.
 *      ename           - Entity name as it is to appear in the profile.
 *      whoami          - Entity name as it is to appear in error output.
 *      do_com_err      - Take over com_err(3) processing.
 * Implicit inputs:
 *      stderr          - This is where STDERR output goes.
 * Implicit outputs:
 *      log_nentries    - Number of log entries, both valid and invalid.
 *      log_control     - List of entries (log_nentries long) which contains
 *                        data for klog_com_err_proc() to use to determine
 *                        where/how to send output.
krb5_klog_init(krb5_context kcontext, char *ename, char *whoami, krb5_boolean do_com_err)
    const char  *logging_profent[3];
    const char  *logging_defent[3];
    char        **logging_specs;
    int         i, ngood, fd, append;
    char        *cp, *cp2;
    char        savec = '\0';
    int         error, debug;
    int         do_openlog, log_facility;
    FILE        *f = NULL;

    /* Initialize */
    do_openlog = 0;
    log_facility = 0;

    err_context = kcontext;

    /* Look up [logging]->debug in the profile to see if we should include
     * debug messages for types other than syslog.  Default to false. */
    if (!profile_get_boolean(kcontext->profile, KRB5_CONF_LOGGING,
                             KRB5_CONF_DEBUG, NULL, 0, &debug))
        log_control.log_debug = debug;

     * Look up [logging]-><ename> in the profile.  If that doesn't
     * succeed, then look for [logging]->default.
    logging_profent[0] = KRB5_CONF_LOGGING;
    logging_profent[1] = ename;
    logging_profent[2] = (char *) NULL;
    logging_defent[0] = KRB5_CONF_LOGGING;
    logging_defent[1] = KRB5_CONF_DEFAULT;
    logging_defent[2] = (char *) NULL;
    logging_specs = (char **) NULL;
    ngood = 0;
    log_control.log_nentries = 0;
    if (!profile_get_values(kcontext->profile,
                            &logging_specs) ||
                            &logging_specs)) {
         * We have a match, so we first count the number of elements
        for (log_control.log_nentries = 0;

         * Now allocate our structure.
        log_control.log_entries = (struct log_entry *)
            malloc(log_control.log_nentries * sizeof(struct log_entry));
        if (log_control.log_entries) {
             * Scan through the list.
            for (i=0; i<log_control.log_nentries; i++) {
                log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_NONE;
                log_control.log_entries[i].log_2free = logging_specs[i];
                 * The format is:
                 *      <whitespace><data><whitespace>
                 * so, trim off the leading and trailing whitespace here.
                for (cp = logging_specs[i]; isspace((int) *cp); cp++);
                for (cp2 = &logging_specs[i][strlen(logging_specs[i])-1];
                     isspace((int) *cp2); cp2--);
                *cp2 = '\0';
                 * Is this a file?
                if (!strncasecmp(cp, "FILE", 4)) {
                     * Check for append/overwrite, then open the file.
                    append = (cp[4] == ':') ? O_APPEND : 0;
                    if (append || cp[4] == '=') {
                        fd = THREEPARAMOPEN(&cp[5], O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | append,
                                  S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP);
                        if (fd != -1)
                            f = fdopen(fd, append ? "a" : "w");
                        if (fd == -1 || f == NULL) {
                            fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open log file %s: %s\n",
                                    &cp[5], error_message(errno));
                        log_control.log_entries[i].lfu_filep = f;
                        log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_FILE;
                        log_control.log_entries[i].lfu_fname = &cp[5];
                 * Is this a syslog?
                else if (!strncasecmp(cp, "SYSLOG", 6)) {
                    error = 0;
                    log_control.log_entries[i].lsu_facility = LOG_AUTH;
                     * Is there a severify (which is now ignored) specified?
                    if (cp[6] == ':') {
                         * Find the end of the severity.
                        cp2 = strchr(&cp[7], ':');
                        if (cp2) {
                            savec = *cp2;
                            *cp2 = '\0';

                         * If there is a facility present, then parse that.
                        if (cp2) {
                            static const struct {
                                const char *name;
                                int value;
                            } facilities[] = {
                                { "AUTH",       LOG_AUTH        },
                                { "AUTHPRIV",   LOG_AUTHPRIV    },
#endif  /* LOG_AUTHPRIV */
#ifdef  LOG_KERN
                                { "KERN",       LOG_KERN        },
#endif  /* LOG_KERN */
#ifdef  LOG_USER
                                { "USER",       LOG_USER        },
#endif  /* LOG_USER */
#ifdef  LOG_MAIL
                                { "MAIL",       LOG_MAIL        },
#endif  /* LOG_MAIL */
#ifdef  LOG_DAEMON
                                { "DAEMON",     LOG_DAEMON      },
#endif  /* LOG_DAEMON */
#ifdef  LOG_FTP
                                { "FTP",        LOG_FTP         },
#endif  /* LOG_FTP */
#ifdef  LOG_LPR
                                { "LPR",        LOG_LPR         },
#endif  /* LOG_LPR */
#ifdef  LOG_NEWS
                                { "NEWS",       LOG_NEWS        },
#endif  /* LOG_NEWS */
#ifdef  LOG_UUCP
                                { "UUCP",       LOG_UUCP        },
#endif  /* LOG_UUCP */
#ifdef  LOG_CRON
                                { "CRON",       LOG_CRON        },
#endif  /* LOG_CRON */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL0
                                { "LOCAL0",     LOG_LOCAL0      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL0 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL1
                                { "LOCAL1",     LOG_LOCAL1      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL1 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL2
                                { "LOCAL2",     LOG_LOCAL2      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL2 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL3
                                { "LOCAL3",     LOG_LOCAL3      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL3 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL4
                                { "LOCAL4",     LOG_LOCAL4      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL4 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL5
                                { "LOCAL5",     LOG_LOCAL5      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL5 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL6
                                { "LOCAL6",     LOG_LOCAL6      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL6 */
#ifdef  LOG_LOCAL7
                                { "LOCAL7",     LOG_LOCAL7      },
#endif  /* LOG_LOCAL7 */
                            unsigned int j;

                            for (j = 0; j < sizeof(facilities)/sizeof(facilities[0]); j++)
                                if (!strcasecmp(cp2, facilities[j].name)) {
                                    log_control.log_entries[i].lsu_facility = facilities[j].value;
                            *cp2 = savec;
                    if (!error) {
                        log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_SYSLOG;
                        do_openlog = 1;
                        log_facility = log_control.log_entries[i].lsu_facility;
                 * Is this a standard error specification?
                else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "STDERR")) {
                    log_control.log_entries[i].lfu_filep =
                        fdopen(fileno(stderr), "w");
                    if (log_control.log_entries[i].lfu_filep) {
                        log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_STDERR;
                        log_control.log_entries[i].lfu_fname =
                            "standard error";
                 * Is this a specification of the console?
                else if (!strcasecmp(cp, "CONSOLE")) {
                    log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_filep =
                    if (log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_filep) {
                        log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_CONSOLE;
                        log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_devname = "console";
                 * Is this a specification of a device?
                else if (!strncasecmp(cp, "DEVICE", 6)) {
                     * We handle devices very similarly to files.
                    if (cp[6] == '=') {
                        log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_filep =
                            DEVICE_OPEN(&cp[7], "w");
                        if (log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_filep) {
                            log_control.log_entries[i].log_type = K_LOG_DEVICE;
                            log_control.log_entries[i].ldu_devname = &cp[7];
                 * See if we successfully parsed this specification.
                if (log_control.log_entries[i].log_type == K_LOG_NONE) {
                    fprintf(stderr, lspec_parse_err_1, whoami, cp);
                    fprintf(stderr, lspec_parse_err_2, whoami);
         * If we didn't find anything, then free our lists.
        if (ngood == 0) {
            for (i=0; i<log_control.log_nentries; i++)
     * If we didn't find anything, go for the default which is to log to
     * the system log.
    if (ngood == 0) {
        if (log_control.log_entries)
        log_control.log_entries = &def_log_entry;
        log_control.log_entries->log_type = K_LOG_SYSLOG;
        log_control.log_entries->log_2free = (krb5_pointer) NULL;
        log_facility = log_control.log_entries->lsu_facility = LOG_AUTH;
        do_openlog = 1;
        log_control.log_nentries = 1;
    if (log_control.log_nentries) {
        log_control.log_whoami = strdup(whoami);
        log_control.log_hostname = (char *) malloc(MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1);
        if (log_control.log_hostname) {
            if (gethostname(log_control.log_hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == -1) {
                log_control.log_hostname = NULL;
            } else
                log_control.log_hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN] = '\0';
        if (do_openlog) {
            openlog(whoami, LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID, log_facility);
            log_control.log_opened = 1;
        if (do_com_err)
            (void) set_com_err_hook(klog_com_err_proc);
    return((log_control.log_nentries) ? 0 : ENOENT);

/* Reset the context used by the com_err hook to retrieve error messages. */
krb5_klog_set_context(krb5_context kcontext)
    err_context = kcontext;

 * krb5_klog_close()    - Close the logging context and free all data.
krb5_klog_close(krb5_context kcontext)
    int lindex;
    (void) reset_com_err_hook();
    for (lindex = 0; lindex < log_control.log_nentries; lindex++) {
        switch (log_control.log_entries[lindex].log_type) {
        case K_LOG_FILE:
        case K_LOG_STDERR:
             * Files/standard error.
        case K_LOG_CONSOLE:
        case K_LOG_DEVICE:
             * Devices (may need special handling)
        case K_LOG_SYSLOG:
             * System log.
        if (log_control.log_entries[lindex].log_2free)
    if (log_control.log_entries != &def_log_entry)
    log_control.log_entries = (struct log_entry *) NULL;
    log_control.log_nentries = 0;
    if (log_control.log_whoami)
    log_control.log_whoami = (char *) NULL;
    if (log_control.log_hostname)
    log_control.log_hostname = (char *) NULL;
    if (log_control.log_opened)

 * severity2string()    - Convert a severity to a string.
static const char *
severity2string(int severity)
    int s;
    const char *ss;

    s = severity & LOG_PRIMASK;
    ss = log_ufo_string;
    switch (s) {
    case LOG_EMERG:
        ss = log_emerg_string;
    case LOG_ALERT:
        ss = log_alert_string;
    case LOG_CRIT:
        ss = log_crit_string;
    case LOG_ERR:
        ss = log_err_string;
    case LOG_WARNING:
        ss = log_warning_string;
    case LOG_NOTICE:
        ss = log_notice_string;
    case LOG_INFO:
        ss = log_info_string;
    case LOG_DEBUG:
        ss = log_debug_string;

 * krb5_klog_syslog()   - Simulate the calling sequence of syslog(3), while
 *                        also performing the logging redirection as specified
 *                        by krb5_klog_init().
static int
klog_vsyslog(int priority, const char *format, va_list arglist)
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && (__GNUC__ > 2)
    __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 0)))

static int
klog_vsyslog(int priority, const char *format, va_list arglist)
    char        outbuf[KRB5_KLOG_MAX_ERRMSG_SIZE];
    int         lindex;
    char        *syslogp;
    char        *cp;
    time_t      now;
    size_t      soff;
    struct tm  *tm;

     * Format a syslog-esque message of the format:
     * (verbose form)
     *          <date> <hostname> <id>[<pid>](<priority>): <message>
     * (short form)
     *          <date> <message>
    cp = outbuf;
    (void) time(&now);

     * Format the date: mon dd hh:mm:ss
    tm = localtime(&now);
    if (tm == NULL)
    soff = strftime(outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), "%b %d %H:%M:%S", tm);
    if (soff > 0)
        cp += soff;

    snprintf(cp, sizeof(outbuf) - (cp-outbuf), " %s %s[%ld](%s): ",
             log_control.log_hostname ? log_control.log_hostname : "",
             log_control.log_whoami ? log_control.log_whoami : "",
             (long) getpid(),
    snprintf(cp, sizeof(outbuf) - (cp-outbuf), " ");
    syslogp = &outbuf[strlen(outbuf)];

    /* Now format the actual message */
    vsnprintf(syslogp, sizeof(outbuf) - (syslogp - outbuf), format, arglist);

     * If the user did not use krb5_klog_init() instead of dropping
     * the request on the floor, syslog it - if it exists
    if (log_control.log_nentries == 0) {
        /* Log the message with our header trimmed off */
        syslog(priority, "%s", syslogp);

     * Now that we have the message formatted, perform the output to each
     * logging specification.
    for (lindex = 0; lindex < log_control.log_nentries; lindex++) {
        /* Omit LOG_DEBUG messages for non-syslog outputs unless we are
         * configured to include them. */
        if (priority == LOG_DEBUG && !log_control.log_debug &&
            log_control.log_entries[lindex].log_type != K_LOG_SYSLOG)

        switch (log_control.log_entries[lindex].log_type) {
        case K_LOG_FILE:
        case K_LOG_STDERR:
             * Files/standard error.
            if (fprintf(log_control.log_entries[lindex].lfu_filep, "%s\n",
                        outbuf) < 0) {
                /* Attempt to report error */
                fprintf(stderr, log_file_err, log_control.log_whoami,
            else {
        case K_LOG_CONSOLE:
        case K_LOG_DEVICE:
             * Devices (may need special handling)
            if (DEVICE_PRINT(log_control.log_entries[lindex].ldu_filep,
                             outbuf) < 0) {
                /* Attempt to report error */
                fprintf(stderr, log_device_err, log_control.log_whoami,
        case K_LOG_SYSLOG:
             * System log.

            /* Log the message with our header trimmed off */
            syslog(priority, "%s", syslogp);

krb5_klog_syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...)
    int         retval;
    va_list     pvar;

    va_start(pvar, format);
    retval = klog_vsyslog(priority, format, pvar);

 * krb5_klog_reopen() - Close and reopen any open (non-syslog) log files.
 *                      This function is called when a SIGHUP is received
 *                      so that external log-archival utilities may
 *                      alert the Kerberos daemons that they should get
 *                      a new file descriptor for the give filename.
krb5_klog_reopen(krb5_context kcontext)
    int lindex;
    FILE *f;

     * Only logs which are actually files need to be closed
     * and reopened in response to a SIGHUP
    for (lindex = 0; lindex < log_control.log_nentries; lindex++) {
        if (log_control.log_entries[lindex].log_type == K_LOG_FILE) {
             * In case the old logfile did not get moved out of the
             * way, open for append to prevent squashing the old logs.
            f = WRITABLEFOPEN(log_control.log_entries[lindex].lfu_fname, "a+");
            if (f) {
                log_control.log_entries[lindex].lfu_filep = f;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't open log file %s: %s\n"),