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                     Contributing to MIT Kerberos


If you are planning to contribute a substantial amount of work, please
ensure that you have a discussion about the design on the list.  Some changes may require coordination with
standards groups.  For example, interface changes and extensions for
the GSS-API should be discussed in the IETF KITTEN Working Group.


Please follow the guidelines in doc/coding-style for new code.  For
existing code, please preserve its existing indentation and brace
conventions.  These existing conventions usually resemble the
guidelines in doc/coding-style.  Exceptions to the style in
doc/coding-style are usually large past contributions or imports from
other parties.  These include (not an exhaustive list):



We prefer patches in either unified or context diff format (diff -u or
diff -c).  As is usual practice, please specify the original file
before the modified file on the diff command line.  It's also useful
to perform the diff from the top level of the tree, e.g.,

    diff -ur src.orig src

It's even more useful if you use our anonymous Subversion repository


and use "svn diff" (or "svk diff" if you prefer to use SVK) to
generate your patches.

It is much easier for us to integrate patches which are generated
against current code on the trunk.  Please ensure that your source
tree is up-to-date before generating your patch.


If you are submitting substantial quantities of new code, or are
substantially modifying existing code, please be clear about the
copyright status of your contributions.  Note that if your
contribution was created in the course of your employment, your
employer may own copyright in your contribution.

We prefer that MIT receives the ownership of the contributions, but
will generally accept contributed code with copyright owned by other
parties provided that the license conditions are substantially
identical to the existing license on the MIT krb5 code.

Appropriate copyright notices and license terms should be added to new
or changed files, unless the contributed code is being assigned to the
already-listed copyright holder in the file, or the contribution is
being released to the public domain.  Please make sure that the
year in the copyright statement is kept up-to-date.