Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301, USA. 
 * $Id: //eng/vdo-releases/aluminum/src/c++/vdo/base/types.h#14 $

#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H

#include "blockMappingState.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "statusCodes.h"

 * A size type in blocks.
typedef uint64_t BlockCount;

 * The size of a block.
typedef uint16_t BlockSize;

 * A count of compressed fragments
typedef uint8_t CompressedFragmentCount;

 * A CRC-32 checksum
typedef uint32_t CRC32Checksum;

 * A height within a tree.
typedef uint8_t Height;

 * The logical block number as used by the consumer.
typedef uint64_t LogicalBlockNumber;

 * The type of the nonce used to identify instances of VDO.
typedef uint64_t Nonce;

 * A size in pages.
typedef uint32_t PageCount;

 * A page number.
typedef uint32_t PageNumber;

 * The size of a page.  Must be evenly divisible by block size.
typedef uint32_t PageSize;

 * The physical (well, less logical) block number at which the block is found
 * on the underlying device.
typedef uint64_t PhysicalBlockNumber;

 * A release version number. These numbers are used to make the numbering
 * space for component versions independent across release branches.
 * Really an enum, but we have to specify the size for encoding; see
 * releaseVersions.h for the enumeration values.
typedef uint32_t ReleaseVersionNumber;

 * A count of tree roots.
typedef uint8_t RootCount;

 * A number of sectors.
typedef uint8_t SectorCount;

 * A sequence number.
typedef uint64_t SequenceNumber;

 * A size type in slabs.
typedef uint16_t SlabCount;

 * A slot in a bin or block map page.
typedef uint16_t SlotNumber;

 * A number of VIOs.
typedef uint16_t VIOCount;

 * A VDO thread configuration.
typedef struct threadConfig ThreadConfig;

 * A thread counter
typedef uint8_t ThreadCount;

 * A thread ID
 * Base-code threads are numbered sequentially starting from 0.
typedef uint8_t ThreadID;

 * The thread ID returned when the current base code thread ID cannot be found
 * or is otherwise undefined.
static const ThreadID INVALID_THREAD_ID = (ThreadID) -1;

 * A zone counter
typedef uint8_t ZoneCount;

 * The type of request a VIO is performing
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) vioOperation {
  VIO_READ                  = 1,
  VIO_WRITE                 = 2,
  VIO_FLUSH_BEFORE          = 4,
  VIO_FLUSH_AFTER           = 8,
} VIOOperation;

 * VIO types for statistics and instrumentation.
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {
} VIOType;

 * The current operation on a physical block (from the point of view of the
 * recovery journal, slab journals, and reference counts.
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {
  DATA_DECREMENT      = 0,
  DATA_INCREMENT      = 1,
} JournalOperation;

 * Partition IDs are encoded in the volume layout in the super block.
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {
} PartitionID;

 * Check whether a VIOType is for servicing an external data request.
 * @param vioType  The VIOType to check
static inline bool isDataVIOType(VIOType vioType)
  return (vioType == VIO_TYPE_DATA);

 * Check whether a VIOType is for compressed block writes
 * @param vioType  The VIOType to check
static inline bool isCompressedWriteVIOType(VIOType vioType)
  return (vioType == VIO_TYPE_COMPRESSED_BLOCK);

 * Check whether a VIOType is for metadata
 * @param vioType  The VIOType to check
static inline bool isMetadataVIOType(VIOType vioType)
  return ((vioType != VIO_TYPE_UNINITIALIZED)
          && !isDataVIOType(vioType)
          && !isCompressedWriteVIOType(vioType));

 * Priority levels for asynchronous I/O operations performed on a VIO.
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) vioPriority {
  VIO_PRIORITY_LOW             = 0,
} VIOPriority;

 * Metadata types for the VDO.
typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {
} VDOMetadataType;

 * The possible write policy values.
typedef enum {
  WRITE_POLICY_SYNC,           ///< All writes are synchronous, i. e., they
                               ///< are acknowledged only when the data is
                               ///< written to stable storage.
  WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC,          ///< Writes are acknowledged when the data is
                               ///< cached for writing to stable storage, subject
                               ///< to resiliency guarantees specified elsewhere.
			       ///< After a crash, the data will be either old or
			       ///< new value for unflushed writes, never garbage.
  WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC_UNSAFE,   ///< Writes are acknowledged when the data is
                               ///< cached for writing to stable storage, subject
                               ///< to resiliency guarantees specified elsewhere.
  WRITE_POLICY_AUTO,           ///< The appropriate policy is chosen based on the
                               ///< underlying device
} WritePolicy;

typedef enum {
} ZoneType;

 * A position in the block map where a block map entry is stored.
typedef struct {
  PhysicalBlockNumber pbn;
  SlotNumber          slot;
} BlockMapSlot;

 * A position in the arboreal block map at a specific level.
typedef struct {
  PageNumber   pageIndex;
  BlockMapSlot blockMapSlot;
} BlockMapTreeSlot;

 * The configuration of a single slab derived from the configured block size
 * and slab size.
typedef struct slabConfig {
  BlockCount slabBlocks;             ///< total number of blocks in the slab
  BlockCount dataBlocks;             ///< number of blocks available for data
  BlockCount referenceCountBlocks;   ///< number of blocks for refCounts
  BlockCount slabJournalBlocks;      ///< number of blocks for the slab journal
   * Number of blocks after which the slab journal starts pushing out a
   * ReferenceBlock for each new entry it receives.
  BlockCount slabJournalFlushingThreshold;
   * Number of blocks after which the slab journal pushes out all
   * ReferenceBlocks and makes all VIOs wait.
  BlockCount slabJournalBlockingThreshold;
   * Number of blocks after which the slab must be scrubbed before coming
   * online.
  BlockCount slabJournalScrubbingThreshold;
} __attribute__((packed)) SlabConfig;

 * The configuration of the VDO service.
typedef struct vdoConfig {
  BlockCount    logicalBlocks;       ///< number of logical blocks
  BlockCount    physicalBlocks;      ///< number of physical blocks
  BlockCount    slabSize;            ///< number of blocks in a slab
  BlockCount    recoveryJournalSize; ///< number of recovery journal blocks
  BlockCount    slabJournalBlocks;   ///< number of slab journal blocks
} __attribute__((packed)) VDOConfig;

 * The configuration parameters of the VDO service specified at load time.
typedef struct vdoLoadConfig {
  /** the offset on the physical layer where the VDO begins */
  PhysicalBlockNumber   firstBlockOffset;
  /** the expected release version number of the VDO */
  ReleaseVersionNumber  releaseVersion;
  /** the expected nonce of the VDO */
  Nonce                 nonce;
  /** the thread configuration of the VDO */
  ThreadConfig         *threadConfig;
  /** the page cache size, in pages */
  PageCount             cacheSize;
  /** whether writes are synchronous */
  WritePolicy           writePolicy;
  /** the maximum age of a dirty block map page in recovery journal blocks */
  BlockCount            maximumAge;
} VDOLoadConfig;

 * Forward declarations of abstract types
typedef struct actionManager       ActionManager;
typedef struct allocatingVIO       AllocatingVIO;
typedef struct allocationSelector  AllocationSelector;
typedef struct blockAllocator      BlockAllocator;
typedef struct blockMap            BlockMap;
typedef struct blockMapTreeZone    BlockMapTreeZone;
typedef struct blockMapZone        BlockMapZone;
typedef struct dataVIO             DataVIO;
typedef struct flusher             Flusher;
typedef struct forest              Forest;
typedef struct hashLock            HashLock;
typedef struct hashZone            HashZone;
typedef struct indexConfig         IndexConfig;
typedef struct inputBin            InputBin;
typedef struct lbnLock             LBNLock;
typedef struct lockCounter         LockCounter;
typedef struct logicalZone         LogicalZone;
typedef struct logicalZones        LogicalZones;
typedef struct pbnLock             PBNLock;
typedef struct physicalLayer       PhysicalLayer;
typedef struct physicalZone        PhysicalZone;
typedef struct recoveryJournal     RecoveryJournal;
typedef struct readOnlyNotifier    ReadOnlyNotifier;
typedef struct refCounts           RefCounts;
typedef struct vdoSlab             Slab;
typedef struct slabDepot           SlabDepot;
typedef struct slabJournal         SlabJournal;
typedef struct slabJournalEntry    SlabJournalEntry;
typedef struct slabScrubber        SlabScrubber;
typedef struct slabSummary         SlabSummary;
typedef struct slabSummaryZone     SlabSummaryZone;
typedef struct vdo                 VDO;
typedef struct vdoCompletion       VDOCompletion;
typedef struct vdoExtent           VDOExtent;
typedef struct vdoFlush            VDOFlush;
typedef struct vdoLayout           VDOLayout;
typedef struct vdoStatistics       VDOStatistics;
typedef struct vio                 VIO;
typedef struct vioPool             VIOPool;

typedef struct {
  PhysicalBlockNumber pbn;
  BlockMappingState   state;
} DataLocation;

typedef struct {
  PhysicalBlockNumber  pbn;
  BlockMappingState    state;
  PhysicalZone        *zone;
} ZonedPBN;

 * Callback which will be called by the VDO when all of the VIOs in the
 * extent have been processed.
 * @param extent The extent which is complete
typedef void VDOExtentCallback(VDOExtent *extent);

 * An asynchronous operation.
 * @param vio The VIO on which to operate
typedef void AsyncOperation(VIO *vio);

 * An asynchronous compressed write operation.
 * @param allocatingVIO  The AllocatingVIO to write
typedef void CompressedWriter(AllocatingVIO *allocatingVIO);

 * An asynchronous data operation.
 * @param dataVIO  The DataVIO on which to operate
typedef void AsyncDataOperation(DataVIO *dataVIO);

 * A reference to a completion which (the reference) can be enqueued
 * for completion on a specified thread.
typedef struct enqueueable {
  VDOCompletion *completion;
} Enqueueable;

#endif // TYPES_H