Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301, USA. 
 * $Id: //eng/uds-releases/jasper/src/uds/uds.h#2 $

 * @mainpage UDS API Reference
 * <center>Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.</center>

 * @file
 * @brief General UDS definitions
#ifndef UDS_H
#define UDS_H

#include "uds-platform.h"

#define UDS_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))

 * Valid request types as described in callbacks.
typedef enum {
   * Callback type for operations that post mappings to the UDS
   * index.  When the chunk-hash being added already exists, the
   * existing metadata is not overwritten. Regardless, the
   * recency of the chunk is updated.

   * Callback type for operations that update mappings in the UDS
   * index. If the indicated entry does not have any mapping in the
   * index, one is created. In either case, the recency of
   * the chunk is updated.

   * Callback type for operations that delete mappings from the
   * UDS index. */

   * Callback type for operations that query mappings in the UDS
   * index. When a mapping is found, the recency of the mapping
   * is updated unless it's the no-update call.
} UdsCallbackType;

 * Valid types for opening an index.
typedef enum {
   * Load an existing index.  If the index was not saved cleanly, try to
   * recover and rebuild the index.
  UDS_LOAD = 0,

   * Create a new index.

   * Load an existing index, but only if it was cleanly saved.
} UdsOpenIndexType;

/** General UDS constants. */
enum {
  /** The chunk name size in bytes (128 bits = 16 bytes). */
  /** The maximum metadata size in bytes. */

 *  Type representing memory configuration which is either a positive
 *  integer number of gigabytes or one of the three special constants
 *  for configurations which are smaller than 1 gigabyte.
typedef unsigned int UdsMemoryConfigSize;

extern const UdsMemoryConfigSize UDS_MEMORY_CONFIG_256MB;
extern const UdsMemoryConfigSize UDS_MEMORY_CONFIG_512MB;
extern const UdsMemoryConfigSize UDS_MEMORY_CONFIG_768MB;

 *  The maximum configurable amount of memory.
extern const UdsMemoryConfigSize UDS_MEMORY_CONFIG_MAX;

/** The name (hash) of a chunk. */
typedef struct udsChunkName {
  /** The name (hash) of a chunk. */
  unsigned char name[UDS_CHUNK_NAME_SIZE];
} UdsChunkName;

 * An active index session.
struct uds_index_session;

 * The data used to configure a new index.
typedef struct udsConfiguration *UdsConfiguration;
typedef uint64_t UdsNonce;

 * The data used to configure a new index session.
struct uds_parameters {
  // Tne number of threads used to process index requests.
  int zone_count;
  // The number of threads used to read volume pages.
  int read_threads;
  // The number of chapters to write between checkpoints.
  int checkpoint_frequency;
		.zone_count = 0,		\
		.read_threads = 2,		\
		.checkpoint_frequency = 0,	\

 * Index statistics
 * These statistics capture the current index characteristics,
 * including resource usage.
typedef struct udsIndexStats {
  /** The total number of chunk names stored in the index */
  uint64_t entriesIndexed;
  /** An estimate of the index's memory usage */
  uint64_t memoryUsed;
  /** The number of collisions recorded in the master index */
  uint64_t collisions;
  /** The number of entries discarded from the index since index startup */
  uint64_t entriesDiscarded;
  /** The number of checkpoints done this session */
  uint64_t checkpoints;
} UdsIndexStats;

 * Context statistics
 * These statistics capture a library context's characteristics either since
 * it was initialized or since its statistics were last reset, whichever
 * is more recent.
typedef struct udsContextStats {
  /** The time at which context statistics were last fetched */
  time_t   currentTime;
   * The number of post calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * found an existing entry
  uint64_t postsFound;
   * The number of post calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * added an entry
  uint64_t postsNotFound;
   * The number of post calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * found an existing entry is current enough to only exist in memory and not
   * have been commited to disk yet.
  uint64_t inMemoryPostsFound;
   * The number of post calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * found an existing entry in the dense portion of the index.
  uint64_t densePostsFound;
   * The number of post calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * found an existing entry in the sparse portion of the index (if one
   * exists).
  uint64_t sparsePostsFound;
   * The number of update calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * updated an existing entry
  uint64_t updatesFound;
   * The number of update calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * added a new entry
  uint64_t updatesNotFound;
   * The number of delete requests since context statistics were last reset
   * that deleted an existing entry
  uint64_t deletionsFound;
   * The number of delete requests since context statistics were last reset
   * that did nothing.
  uint64_t deletionsNotFound;
   * The number of query calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * found existing entry
  uint64_t queriesFound;
   * The number of query calls since context statistics were last reset that
   * did not find an entry
  uint64_t queriesNotFound;
   * The total number of library requests (the sum of posts, updates,
   * deletions, and queries) since context
   * statistics were last reset
  uint64_t requests;
} UdsContextStats;

 * Initializes an index configuration.
 * @param [out] conf          The new configuration
 * @param [in] memGB          The maximum memory allocation, in GB
 * @return                    Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsInitializeConfiguration(UdsConfiguration    *conf,
                               UdsMemoryConfigSize  memGB);

 * Sets or clears an index configuration's sparse indexing settings.
 * @param [in,out] conf       The configuration to change
 * @param [in] sparse         If <code>true</code>, request a sparse
 *                            index; if <code>false</code>, request
 *                            a default index.
void udsConfigurationSetSparse(UdsConfiguration conf, bool sparse);

 * Tests whether an index configuration specifies sparse indexing.
 * @param [in] conf           The configuration to check
 * @return                    Returns <code>true</code> if the configuration
 *                            is sparse, or <code>false</code> if not
bool udsConfigurationGetSparse(UdsConfiguration conf);

 * Sets an index configuration's nonce.
 * @param [in,out] conf  The configuration to change
 * @param [in] nonce    The 64 bit nonce.
void udsConfigurationSetNonce(UdsConfiguration conf, UdsNonce nonce);

 * Gets an index configuration's nonce.
 * @param [in] conf  The configuration to check
 * @return  The 64 bit nonce.
UdsNonce udsConfigurationGetNonce(UdsConfiguration conf);

 * Fetches a configuration's maximum memory allocation.
 * @param [in] conf  The configuration to check
 * @return      The amount of memory allocated, in GB
UdsMemoryConfigSize udsConfigurationGetMemory(UdsConfiguration conf);

 * Fetches a configuration's chapters per volume value.
 * @param [in] conf  The configuration to check
 * @return      The number of chapters per volume
unsigned int udsConfigurationGetChaptersPerVolume(UdsConfiguration conf);

 * Frees memory used by a configuration.
 * @param [in,out] conf The configuration for which memory is being freed
void udsFreeConfiguration(UdsConfiguration conf);

 * Compute the size required to store the index on persistent storage.  This
 * size is valid for any index stored in a single file or on a single block
 * device.  This size should be used when configuring a block device on which
 * to store an index.
 * @param [in]  config          A UdsConfiguration for an index.
 * @param [in]  numCheckpoints  The maximum number of checkpoints.
 * @param [out] indexSize       The number of bytes required to store
 *                              the index.
 * @return UDS_SUCCESS or an error code.
int udsComputeIndexSize(const UdsConfiguration  config,
                        unsigned int            numCheckpoints,
                        uint64_t               *indexSize);

 * Opens an index session.
 * Creates a session for an index. #udsOpenIndex must be called before
 * the index can be used.
 * Destroy the session with #udsDestroyIndexSession.
 * @param [out] session  A pointer to the new session
 * @return Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsCreateIndexSession(struct uds_index_session **session);

 * Fetches the UDS library version.
 * @return       The library version
const char *udsGetVersion(void);

#ifdef __KERNEL__
 * The name argument to #udsOpenIndex is a text string that names the index.
 * The name should have the form "path", where path is the name of the block
 * device.  The path should not contain white space.  The names can optionally
 * contain size and/or offset options which give the number of bytes in the
 * index and the byte offset to the start of the index.  For example, the name
 * "/dev/sda8 offset=409600 size=2048000000" is an index that is stored in
 * 2040000000 bytes of /dev/sda8 starting at byte 409600.
 * The name argument to #udsOpenIndex is a text string that names the index.
 * The name should have the form "path", where path is the name of the file or
 * block device.  The path should not contain white space.  The name can
 * optionally contain size and/or offset options which give the number of bytes
 * in the index and the byte offset to the start of the index.  For example,
 * the name "/dev/sda8 offset=409600 size=2048000000" is an index that is
 * stored in 2040000000 bytes of /dev/sda8 starting at byte 409600.

 * Opens an index with an existing session.  This operation will fail if the
 * index session is suspended, or if there is already an open index.
 * The index should be closed with #udsCloseIndex.
 * @param openType  The type of open, which is one of #UDS_LOAD, #UDS_CREATE,
 *                  or #UDS_NO_REBUILD.
 * @param name      The name of the index
 * @param params    The index session parameters.  If NULL, the default
 *                       session parameters will be used.
 * @param conf      The index configuration
 * @param session   The index session
 * @return          Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsOpenIndex(UdsOpenIndexType             openType,
                 const char                  *name,
                 const struct uds_parameters *params,
                 UdsConfiguration             conf,
                 struct uds_index_session    *session);

 * Waits until all callbacks for index operations are complete, and prevents
 * new index operations from starting. Index operations will return
 * UDS_SUSPENDED until #udsResumeIndexSession is called. Optionally saves all
 * index data before returning.
 * @param session  The session to suspend
 * @param save     Whether to save index data
 * @return  Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsSuspendIndexSession(struct uds_index_session *session, bool save);

 * Allows new index operations for an index, whether it was suspended or not.
 * @param session  The session to resume
 * @return  Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsResumeIndexSession(struct uds_index_session *session);

 * Waits until all callbacks for index operations are complete.
 * @param [in] session  The session to flush
 * @return              Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsFlushIndexSession(struct uds_index_session *session);

 * Closes an index.  This operation will fail if the index session is
 * suspended.
 * Saves changes to the index so that #udsOpenIndex can re-open it.
 * @param [in] session  The session containing the index to close
 * @return Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsCloseIndex(struct uds_index_session *session);

 * Destroys an index session.
 * Saves changes to the index and closes the index if one is open.
 * Use #udsDestroyIndexSession for index sessions created by
 * #udsCreateIndexSession.
 * @param [in] session  The session to destroy
 * @return Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsDestroyIndexSession(struct uds_index_session *session);

 * Returns the configuration for the given index session.
 * @param [in]  session The session
 * @param [out] conf    The index configuration
 * @return              Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsGetIndexConfiguration(struct uds_index_session *session,
                             UdsConfiguration         *conf);

 * Fetches index statistics for the given index session.
 * @param [in]  session The session
 * @param [out] stats   The index statistics structure to fill
 * @return              Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsGetIndexStats(struct uds_index_session *session, UdsIndexStats *stats);

 * Fetches index session statistics for the given index session.
 * @param [in]  session  The session
 * @param [out] stats    The context statistics structure to fill
 * @return              Either #UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
int udsGetIndexSessionStats(struct uds_index_session *session,
                            UdsContextStats          *stats);

 * Convert an error code to a string.
 * @param errnum       The error code
 * @param buf          The buffer to hold the error string
 * @param buflen       The length of the buffer
 * @return A pointer to buf
const char *udsStringError(int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen);

 * Suggested buffer size for udsStringError.
enum {

#endif /* UDS_H */