Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301, USA. 
 * $Id: //eng/vdo-releases/aluminum/src/c++/vdo/base/vdoLoad.c#17 $

#include "vdoLoad.h"

#include "logger.h"
#include "memoryAlloc.h"

#include "adminCompletion.h"
#include "blockMap.h"
#include "completion.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "hashZone.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "logicalZone.h"
#include "physicalZone.h"
#include "readOnlyRebuild.h"
#include "recoveryJournal.h"
#include "releaseVersions.h"
#include "slabDepot.h"
#include "slabSummary.h"
#include "threadConfig.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "vdoInternal.h"
#include "vdoRecovery.h"
#include "volumeGeometry.h"

 * Extract the VDO from an AdminCompletion, checking that the current operation
 * is a load.
 * @param completion  The AdminCompletion's sub-task completion
 * @return The VDO
static inline VDO *vdoFromLoadSubTask(VDOCompletion *completion)
  return vdoFromAdminSubTask(completion, ADMIN_OPERATION_LOAD);

 * Finish aborting a load now that any entry to read-only mode is complete.
 * This callback is registered in abortLoad().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void finishAborting(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  vdo->closeRequired = false;

 * Make sure the recovery journal is closed when aborting a load.
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void closeRecoveryJournalForAbort(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, finishAborting, finishAborting);
  drainRecoveryJournal(vdo->recoveryJournal, ADMIN_STATE_SAVING, completion);

 * Clean up after an error loading a VDO. This error handler is set in
 * loadCallback() and loadVDOComponents().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void abortLoad(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  logErrorWithStringError(completion->result, "aborting load");
  if (vdo->readOnlyNotifier == NULL) {
    // There are no threads, so we're done

  // Preserve the error.
  setCompletionResult(completion->parent, completion->result);
  if (vdo->recoveryJournal == NULL) {
    prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, finishAborting, finishAborting);
  } else {
    prepareAdminSubTaskOnThread(vdo, closeRecoveryJournalForAbort,

  waitUntilNotEnteringReadOnlyMode(vdo->readOnlyNotifier, completion);

 * Wait for the VDO to be in read-only mode.
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void waitForReadOnlyMode(VDOCompletion *completion)
  prepareToFinishParent(completion, completion->parent);
  setCompletionResult(completion, VDO_READ_ONLY);
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  waitUntilNotEnteringReadOnlyMode(vdo->readOnlyNotifier, completion);

 * Finish loading the VDO after an error, but leave it in read-only
 * mode.  This error handler is set in makeDirty(), scrubSlabs(), and
 * loadVDOComponents().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void continueLoadReadOnly(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
                          "Entering read-only mode due to load error");
  enterReadOnlyMode(vdo->readOnlyNotifier, completion->result);

 * Exit recovery mode if necessary now that online slab scrubbing or loading
 * is complete. This callback is registrered in scrubSlabs().
 * @param completion  The slab scrubber completion
static void finishScrubbingSlabs(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = completion->parent;
  assertOnAdminThread(vdo, __func__);
  if (inRecoveryMode(vdo)) {
  } else {
    logInfo("VDO commencing normal operation");

 * Handle an error scrubbing or loading all slabs after the VDO has come
 * online. This error handler is registered in scrubSlabs().
 * @param completion  The slab scrubber completion
static void handleScrubAllError(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = completion->parent;
  enterReadOnlyMode(vdo->readOnlyNotifier, completion->result);

 * Initiate slab scrubbing if necessary. This callback is registered in
 * prepareToComeOnline().
 * @param completion   The sub-task completion
static void scrubSlabs(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  if (!hasUnrecoveredSlabs(vdo->depot)) {

  if (requiresRecovery(vdo)) {

  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, finishParentCallback, continueLoadReadOnly);
  scrubAllUnrecoveredSlabs(vdo->depot, vdo, finishScrubbingSlabs,
                           handleScrubAllError, 0, completion);

 * This is the error handler for slab scrubbing. It is registered in
 * prepareToComeOnline().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void handleScrubbingError(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  enterReadOnlyMode(vdo->readOnlyNotifier, completion->result);

 * This is the callback after the super block is written. It prepares the block
 * allocator to come online and start allocating. It is registered in
 * makeDirty().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void prepareToComeOnline(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO               *vdo      = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  SlabDepotLoadType  loadType = NORMAL_LOAD;
  if (requiresReadOnlyRebuild(vdo)) {
    loadType = REBUILD_LOAD;
  } else if (requiresRecovery(vdo)) {
    loadType = RECOVERY_LOAD;

  initializeBlockMapFromJournal(vdo->blockMap, vdo->recoveryJournal);

  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, scrubSlabs, handleScrubbingError);
  prepareToAllocate(vdo->depot, loadType, completion);

 * Mark the super block as dirty now that everything has been loaded or
 * rebuilt.
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void makeDirty(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  if (isReadOnly(vdo->readOnlyNotifier)) {
    finishCompletion(completion->parent, VDO_READ_ONLY);

  vdo->state = VDO_DIRTY;
  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, prepareToComeOnline, continueLoadReadOnly);
  saveVDOComponentsAsync(vdo, completion);

 * Callback to do the destructive parts of a load now that the new VDO device
 * is being resumed.
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void loadCallback(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  assertOnAdminThread(vdo, __func__);

  // Prepare the recovery journal for new entries.
  openRecoveryJournal(vdo->recoveryJournal, vdo->depot, vdo->blockMap);
  vdo->closeRequired = true;
  if (isReadOnly(vdo->readOnlyNotifier)) {
    // In read-only mode we don't use the allocator and it may not
    // even be readable, so use the default structure.
    finishCompletion(completion->parent, VDO_READ_ONLY);

  if (requiresReadOnlyRebuild(vdo)) {
    prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, makeDirty, abortLoad);
    launchRebuild(vdo, completion);

  if (requiresRebuild(vdo)) {
    prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, makeDirty, continueLoadReadOnly);
    launchRecovery(vdo, completion);

  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, makeDirty, continueLoadReadOnly);
                (wasNew(vdo) ? ADMIN_STATE_FORMATTING : ADMIN_STATE_LOADING),
                completion, NULL);

int performVDOLoad(VDO *vdo)
  return performAdminOperation(vdo, ADMIN_OPERATION_LOAD, NULL, loadCallback,

static int startVDODecode(VDO *vdo, bool validateConfig)
  int result = validateVDOVersion(vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeVDOComponent(vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  if (!validateConfig) {
    return VDO_SUCCESS;

  if (vdo->loadConfig.nonce != vdo->nonce) {
    return logErrorWithStringError(VDO_BAD_NONCE, "Geometry nonce %" PRIu64
                                   " does not match superblock nonce %llu",
                                   vdo->loadConfig.nonce, vdo->nonce);

  BlockCount blockCount = vdo->layer->getBlockCount(vdo->layer);
  return validateVDOConfig(&vdo->config, blockCount, true);

static int finishVDODecode(VDO *vdo)
  Buffer             *buffer       = getComponentBuffer(vdo->superBlock);
  const ThreadConfig *threadConfig = getThreadConfig(vdo);
  int result = makeRecoveryJournal(vdo->nonce, vdo->layer,
                                   vdo->readOnlyNotifier, threadConfig,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeRecoveryJournal(vdo->recoveryJournal, buffer);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeSlabDepot(buffer, threadConfig, vdo->nonce, vdo->layer,
                           vdo->readOnlyNotifier, vdo->recoveryJournal,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeBlockMap(buffer, vdo->config.logicalBlocks, threadConfig,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  ASSERT_LOG_ONLY((contentLength(buffer) == 0),
                  "All decoded component data was used");
  return VDO_SUCCESS;

 * Decode the component data portion of a super block and fill in the
 * corresponding portions of the VDO being loaded. This will also allocate the
 * recovery journal and slab depot. If this method is called with an
 * asynchronous layer (i.e. a thread config which specifies at least one base
 * thread), the block map and packer will be constructed as well.
 * @param vdo             The VDO being loaded
 * @param validateConfig  Whether to validate the config
 * @return VDO_SUCCESS or an error
static int decodeVDO(VDO *vdo, bool validateConfig)
  int result = startVDODecode(vdo, validateConfig);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  const ThreadConfig *threadConfig = getThreadConfig(vdo);
  result = makeReadOnlyNotifier(inReadOnlyMode(vdo), threadConfig, vdo->layer,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = enableReadOnlyEntry(vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeVDOLayout(getComponentBuffer(vdo->superBlock), &vdo->layout);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = finishVDODecode(vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = makeFlusher(vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  BlockCount maximumAge = getConfiguredBlockMapMaximumAge(vdo);
  BlockCount journalLength
    = getRecoveryJournalLength(vdo->config.recoveryJournalSize);
  if ((maximumAge > (journalLength / 2)) || (maximumAge < 1)) {
  result = makeBlockMapCaches(vdo->blockMap, vdo->layer,
                              vdo->readOnlyNotifier, vdo->recoveryJournal,
                              vdo->nonce, getConfiguredCacheSize(vdo),
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = ALLOCATE(threadConfig->hashZoneCount, HashZone *, __func__,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  for (ZoneCount zone = 0; zone < threadConfig->hashZoneCount; zone++) {
    result = makeHashZone(vdo, zone, &vdo->hashZones[zone]);
    if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
      return result;

  result = makeLogicalZones(vdo, &vdo->logicalZones);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = ALLOCATE(threadConfig->physicalZoneCount, PhysicalZone *, __func__,
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  for (ZoneCount zone = 0; zone < threadConfig->physicalZoneCount; zone++) {
    result = makePhysicalZone(vdo, zone, &vdo->physicalZones[zone]);
    if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
      return result;

  return makePacker(vdo->layer, DEFAULT_PACKER_INPUT_BINS,
                    DEFAULT_PACKER_OUTPUT_BINS, threadConfig, &vdo->packer);

 * Load the components of a VDO. This is the super block load callback
 * set by loadCallback().
 * @param completion The sub-task completion
static void loadVDOComponents(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);

  prepareCompletion(completion, finishParentCallback, abortLoad,
                    completion->callbackThreadID, completion->parent);
  finishCompletion(completion, decodeVDO(vdo, true));

 * Callback to initiate a pre-load, registered in prepareToLoadVDO().
 * @param completion  The sub-task completion
static void preLoadCallback(VDOCompletion *completion)
  VDO *vdo = vdoFromLoadSubTask(completion);
  assertOnAdminThread(vdo, __func__);
  prepareAdminSubTask(vdo, loadVDOComponents, abortLoad);
  loadSuperBlockAsync(completion, getFirstBlockOffset(vdo), &vdo->superBlock);

int prepareToLoadVDO(VDO *vdo, const VDOLoadConfig *loadConfig)
  vdo->loadConfig = *loadConfig;
  return performAdminOperation(vdo, ADMIN_OPERATION_LOAD, NULL,
                               preLoadCallback, preLoadCallback);

static int decodeSynchronousVDO(VDO *vdo, bool validateConfig)
  int result = startVDODecode(vdo, validateConfig);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = decodeVDOLayout(getComponentBuffer(vdo->superBlock), &vdo->layout);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  return finishVDODecode(vdo);

int loadVDOSuperblock(PhysicalLayer   *layer,
                      VolumeGeometry  *geometry,
                      bool             validateConfig,
                      VDODecoder      *decoder,
                      VDO            **vdoPtr)
  VDO *vdo;
  int result = makeVDO(layer, &vdo);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  setLoadConfigFromGeometry(geometry, &vdo->loadConfig);
  result = loadSuperBlock(layer, getFirstBlockOffset(vdo), &vdo->superBlock);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  result = ((decoder == NULL)
            ? decodeSynchronousVDO(vdo, validateConfig)
            : decoder(vdo, validateConfig));
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  *vdoPtr = vdo;
  return VDO_SUCCESS;

int loadVDO(PhysicalLayer  *layer,
            bool            validateConfig,
            VDODecoder     *decoder,
            VDO           **vdoPtr)
  VolumeGeometry geometry;
  int result = loadVolumeGeometry(layer, &geometry);
  if (result != VDO_SUCCESS) {
    return result;

  return loadVDOSuperblock(layer, &geometry, validateConfig, decoder, vdoPtr);