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<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
	@short_description: interface for a single VRRP instance

	Exposes methods, signals and properties for a VRRP instance,
	uniquely identified by its interface, group and family.
  <interface name='org.keepalived.Vrrp1.Instance'>

	  Sends a single gratuitious ARP request from the instance.
	<method name='SendGarp'>
	  @status: numerical value defining the state.

	  Emitted whenever the instance transitions to a new state.
	<signal name='VrrpStatusChange'>
	  <arg type='u' name='status' />
	<property type='s' name='Name' access='read' />
	<property type='(us)' name='State' access='read' />