Blob Blame History Raw
! Translated from PC keytable to Sun Type 4/5 by pc2sun,
! Copyright 1996 Derrick J Brashear.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
! and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is
! hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
! and this permission notice appear in all copies and that
! the above copyright notice appear in any keytables so
! translated by this software, and that the author's name
! not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
! distribution of the software without specific, written prior
! permission.
! The author makes no representations about the suitability of
! this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
! express or implied warranty.
! Euro support: AltGr+E is Euro, AltGr+C is Cent.
keycode  29 = Escape           Escape          
	alt     keycode  29 = Meta_Escape     
keycode  30 = one              exclam          
	alt     keycode  30 = Meta_one        
keycode  31 = two              quotedbl         at              
	control keycode  31 = nul             
	alt     keycode  31 = Meta_two        
keycode  32 = three            sterling        
	control keycode  32 = Escape          
	alt     keycode  32 = Meta_three      
keycode  33 = four             dollar           dollar          
	control keycode  33 = Control_backslash
	alt     keycode  33 = Meta_four       
keycode  34 = five             percent         
	control keycode  34 = Control_bracketright
	alt     keycode  34 = Meta_five       
keycode  35 = six              asciicircum     
	control keycode  35 = Control_asciicircum
	alt     keycode  35 = Meta_six        
keycode  36 = seven            ampersand        braceleft       
	control keycode  36 = Control_underscore
	alt     keycode  36 = Meta_seven      
keycode  37 = eight            asterisk         bracketleft     
	control keycode  37 = Delete          
	alt     keycode  37 = Meta_eight      
keycode  38 = nine             parenleft        bracketright    
	alt     keycode  38 = Meta_nine       
keycode  39 = zero             parenright       braceright      
	alt     keycode  39 = Meta_zero       
keycode  40 = minus            underscore       backslash       
	control keycode  40 = Control_underscore
	alt     keycode  40 = Meta_minus      
keycode  41 = equal            plus            
	alt     keycode  41 = Meta_equal      
keycode  43 = Delete           Delete          
	control keycode  43 = Control_underscore
	alt     keycode  43 = Meta_Delete     
keycode  53 = Tab              Meta_Tab             
	alt     keycode  53 = Meta_Tab        
keycode  54 = q               
keycode  55 = w               
keycode  56 = e
        altgr   keycode  56 = currency
keycode  57 = r               
keycode  58 = t               
keycode  59 = y               
keycode  60 = u               
keycode  61 = i               
keycode  62 = o               
keycode  63 = p               
keycode  64 = bracketleft      braceleft       
	control keycode  64 = Escape          
	alt     keycode  64 = Meta_bracketleft
keycode  65 = bracketright     braceright       asciitilde      
	control keycode  65 = Control_bracketright
	alt     keycode  65 = Meta_bracketright
keycode  89 = Return          
	alt     keycode  89 = 0x080d          
keycode  76 = Control         
keycode  77 = a               
keycode  78 = s               
keycode  79 = d               
keycode  80 = f               
keycode  81 = g               
keycode  82 = h               
keycode  83 = j               
keycode  84 = k               
keycode  85 = l               
keycode  86 = semicolon        colon           
	alt     keycode  86 = Meta_semicolon  
keycode  87 = apostrophe       at              
	control keycode  87 = Control_g       
	alt     keycode  87 = Meta_apostrophe 
keycode  42 = grave            asciitilde      
	control keycode  42 = nul             
	alt     keycode  42 = Meta_grave      
keycode  99 = Shift           
keycode  88 = numbersign       asciitilde      
	control keycode  88 = Control_backslash
	alt     keycode  88 = Meta_backslash  
	shift alt keycode  88 = Meta_asciitilde
keycode 124 = backslash        bar              bar
        control keycode 124 = Control_backslash
        alt     keycode 124 = Meta_less
        shift alt keycode 124 = Meta_bar
keycode 100 = z               
keycode 101 = x               
keycode 102 = c               
        altgr keycode 102 = 0xa2
keycode 103 = v               
keycode 104 = b               
keycode 105 = n               
keycode 106 = m               
keycode 107 = comma            less            
	alt     keycode 107 = Meta_comma      
	shift alt keycode 107 = Meta_less
keycode 108 = period           greater         
	alt     keycode 108 = Meta_period     
	shift alt keycode 108 = Meta_greater
keycode 109 = slash            question        
	control keycode 109 = Delete          
	alt     keycode 109 = Meta_slash      
keycode 110 = Shift           
keycode  47 = KP_Multiply     
keycode  19 = Alt             
keycode 121 = space            space           
	control keycode 121 = nul             
	alt     keycode 121 = Meta_space      
keycode 119 = Caps_Lock       
keycode   5 = F1               F11              Console_13      
	control keycode   5 = F1              
	alt     keycode   5 = Console_1       
	control	alt     keycode   5 = Console_1       
keycode   6 = F2               F12              Console_14      
	control keycode   6 = F2              
	alt     keycode   6 = Console_2       
	control	alt     keycode   6 = Console_2       
keycode   8 = F3               F13              Console_15      
	control keycode   8 = F3              
	alt     keycode   8 = Console_3       
	control	alt     keycode   8 = Console_3       
keycode  10 = F4               F14              Console_16      
	control keycode  10 = F4              
	alt     keycode  10 = Console_4       
	control	alt     keycode  10 = Console_4       
keycode  12 = F5               F15              Console_17      
	control keycode  12 = F5              
	alt     keycode  12 = Console_5       
	control	alt     keycode  12 = Console_5       
keycode  14 = F6               F16              Console_18      
	control keycode  14 = F6              
	alt     keycode  14 = Console_6       
	control	alt     keycode  14 = Console_6       
keycode  16 = F7               F17              Console_19      
	control keycode  16 = F7              
	alt     keycode  16 = Console_7       
	control	alt     keycode  16 = Console_7       
keycode  17 = F8               F18              Console_20      
	control keycode  17 = F8              
	alt     keycode  17 = Console_8       
	control	alt     keycode  17 = Console_8       
keycode  18 = F9               F19              Console_21      
	control keycode  18 = F9              
	alt     keycode  18 = Console_9       
	control	alt     keycode  18 = Console_9       
keycode   7 = F10              F20              Console_22      
	control keycode   7 = F10             
	alt     keycode   7 = Console_10      
	control	alt     keycode   7 = Console_10      
keycode  98 = Num_Lock        
keycode  23 = Scroll_Lock      Show_Memory      Show_Registers  
	control keycode  23 = Show_State      
	alt     keycode  23 = Scroll_Lock     
keycode  68 = KP_7            
	alt     keycode  68 = Ascii_7         
keycode  69 = KP_8            
	alt     keycode  69 = Ascii_8         
keycode  70 = KP_9            
	alt     keycode  70 = Ascii_9         
keycode  71 = KP_Subtract     
keycode  91 = KP_4            
	alt     keycode  91 = Ascii_4         
keycode  92 = KP_5            
	alt     keycode  92 = Ascii_5         
keycode  93 = KP_6            
	alt     keycode  93 = Ascii_6         
keycode 125 = KP_Add          
keycode 112 = KP_1            
	alt     keycode 112 = Ascii_1         
keycode 113 = KP_2            
	alt     keycode 113 = Ascii_2         
keycode 114 = KP_3            
	alt     keycode 114 = Ascii_3         
keycode  94 = KP_0            
	alt     keycode  94 = Ascii_0         
keycode  50 = KP_Period       
	altgr   control keycode  50 = Boot            
	control alt     keycode  50 = Boot            
keycode   9 = F11              F11              Console_23      
	control keycode   9 = F11             
	alt     keycode   9 = Console_11      
	control	alt     keycode   9 = Console_11      
keycode  11 = F12              F12              Console_24      
	control keycode  11 = F12             
	alt     keycode  11 = Console_12      
	control	alt     keycode  11 = Console_12      
keycode  90 = KP_Enter        
keycode  46 = KP_Divide       
keycode  13 = AltGr           
keycode  52 = Find            
keycode  20 = Up              
keycode  96 = Prior           
	shift   keycode  96 = Scroll_Backward 
keycode  24 = Left            
        alt     keycode  24 = Decr_Console
keycode  28 = Right
        alt     keycode  28 = Incr_Console
keycode  74 = Select          
keycode  27 = Down            
keycode 123 = Next            
	shift   keycode 123 = Scroll_Forward  
keycode  44 = Insert          
keycode 118 =
keycode  21 =
string F1 = "\033[[A"
string F2 = "\033[[B"
string F3 = "\033[[C"
string F4 = "\033[[D"
string F5 = "\033[[E"
string F6 = "\033[17~"
string F7 = "\033[18~"
string F8 = "\033[19~"
string F9 = "\033[20~"
string F10 = "\033[21~"
string F11 = "\033[23~"
string F12 = "\033[24~"
string F13 = "\033[25~"
string F14 = "\033[26~"
string F15 = "\033[28~"
string F16 = "\033[29~"
string F17 = "\033[31~"
string F18 = "\033[32~"
string F19 = "\033[33~"
string F20 = "\033[34~"
string Find = "\033[1~"
string Insert = "\033[2~"
string Remove = "\033[3~"
string Select = "\033[4~"
string Prior = "\033[5~"
string Next = "\033[6~"
string F21 = ""
string F22 = ""
string F23 = ""
string F24 = ""
string F25 = ""
string F26 = ""