Blob Blame History Raw
# English:
# - Standard romanian layout as of SR13992:2004
# variant with ş and ţ with comma below (the correct one, 
# but many fonts do not have these characters, it should be kept as an option
# for now

keymaps 0-6,8-10,12
include "qwerty-layout"
include "linux-with-alt-and-altgr"
strings as usual

keycode   1 = Escape
keycode   2 = one		exclam		one 		exclam
keycode   3 = two		at		at		at		nul		nul
keycode   4 = three            numbersign
 control keycode   4 = Escape
keycode   5 = four             dollar           dollar           dollar		Control_backslash
keycode   6 = five             percent
 control keycode   6 = Control_bracketright
keycode   7 = six              asciicircum
 control keycode   7 = Control_asciicircum
keycode   8 = seven            ampersand        braceleft	braceleft	Control_underscore
keycode   9 = eight            asterisk         bracketleft	bracketleft	Delete
keycode  10 = nine             parenleft        bracketright	parenleft
keycode  11 = zero             parenright       braceright	parenright
keycode  12 = minus            underscore       backslash	backslash	Control_underscore Control_underscore
keycode  13 = equal            plus
keycode  14 = Delete		Delete		Delete
keycode  15 = Tab		Tab		Tab
keycode  26 = U+0103           U+0102
	control	keycode  26 = Escape
keycode  27 = +0xEE            +0xCE       asciitilde       asciitilde	Control_bracketright
keycode  28 = Return
	alt	keycode  28 = Meta_Control_m
keycode  29 = Control
keycode  39 = U+0219           U+0218
keycode  40 = U+021B           U+021A
	control	keycode  40 = Control_g
keycode  41 = U+201E	U+201D grave            asciitilde
	control	keycode  41 = nul
keycode  42 = Shift
	alt	keycode  42 = AltGr_Lock
	altgr	alt	keycode  42 = AltGr_Lock		# warning
keycode  43 = +0xE2	+0xC2
	control	keycode  43 = Control_backslash
keycode  51 = comma            semicolon
keycode  52 = period           colon
keycode  53 = slash            question		slash		question
	control	keycode  53 = Delete
keycode  54 = Shift
keycode  56 = Alt
keycode  57 = space		space		space
	control	keycode  57 = nul
keycode  58 = Caps_Lock
keycode  86 = less             greater          bar
keycode  97 = Control

shift 	alt	keycode 100 = AltGr_Lock		# altgr = 100

#keycode 102 = Control_a # Home
#keycode 107 = Control_e # End

#keycode 126 = Decr_Console # Buton windows
#keycode 127 = Incr_Console # Buton windows

# Caracterele româneşti sunt mapate astfel:
#  AltGr + a = ă
#  AltGr + i = î
#  AltGr + s = ş
#  AltGr + t = ţ
#  AltGr + q = â
#  AltGr + [ = „ (ghilimele jos)
#  AltGr + ] = ” (ghilimele sus)_
#  AltGr + , = « (croşete stânga)_
#  AltGr + . = » (croşete dreapta)_
#  AltGr + e = ” (euro - disponibil pe puţine fonturi cu diacritice româneşti)_
#  AltGr + c = ” (copyright)_

# alt-left + shift-left = AltGr_Lock

altgr keycode  41 =  grave
shift altgr keycode  41 = asciitilde

altgr keycode  26 = bracketleft      
shift altgr keycode  26 = braceleft

altgr keycode  27 = bracketright      
shift altgr keycode  27 = braceright

altgr keycode  43 = backslash
shift altgr keycode  43 = bar

altgr keycode  39 = semicolon
shift altgr keycode  39 = colon

altgr keycode  40 = apostrophe
shift altgr keycode  40 = quotedbl

altgr keycode  51 = less
shift altgr keycode  51 = +0xAB

altgr keycode  52 = greater
shift altgr keycode  52 = +0xBB

# ß
altgr keycode  31 = ssharp

# €
altgr keycode  18 = U+20AC

# ©
altgr keycode  46 = +0xA9

# €
altgr keycode  18 = U+20AC

# ~
altgr keycode   2 = asciitilde

# ˇ
altgr keycode   3 = U+02C7

# ^
altgr keycode   4 = U+005E

# ˘
altgr keycode   5 = U+02D8

# ˚
altgr keycode   6 = U+02DA

# ˛
altgr keycode   7 = U+02DB

# `
altgr keycode   8 = U+0060

# ˙
altgr keycode   9 = U+02D9

# ´
altgr keycode  10 = U+00B4

# ˝
altgr keycode  11 = U+02DD

# ¨
altgr keycode  12 = U+00A8

# §
altgr keycode  25 = U+00A7

# łŁ
altgr keycode  38 = U+0142
shift altgr keycode  38 = U+0141

# đĐ
altgr keycode  32 = U+0111
shift altgr keycode  32 = U+0110