Blob Blame History Raw
#written by Martin Lohner, SuSE GmbH, Dec 1998
echo "This script converts 256 character font to psf-fonts"
echo "It simply assumes that all files in the current directory"
echo "that have a size of (256*n) are fontfiles of 8xn pixel" 
echo "fonts. If there are 512 character, non-psf-fonts you will"
echo "recognise this soon... Anyway, the setfont program isn´t"
echo "aware of this type of fonts, too. So there shouln´d be to"
echo "much of theese around."
echo "This script cares for font highs of 6,8,10,12,14,16 and 19" 
echo "pixels"
echo ""
echo -n "Start converting now? (Old file will not be touched) (Y/N)"
read a
if [ $a = y   -o $a = Y ] ; then
	echo "Creating psf-headers..."
	echo -ne "\066" > $random
	echo -ne "\004" >> $random
	echo -ne "\000" >> $random

	echo -ne "\006" > $random.6.tmp
	cat $random $random.6.tmp > $random.6
	echo -ne "\010" > $random.8.tmp
	cat $random $random.8.tmp > $random.8
	echo -ne "\012" > $random.10.tmp
	cat $random $random.10.tmp > $random.10
	echo -ne "\014" > $random.12.tmp
	cat $random $random.12.tmp > $random.12
	echo -ne "\016" > $random.14.tmp
	cat $random $random.14.tmp > $random.14
	echo -ne "\020" > $random.16.tmp
	cat $random $random.16.tmp > $random.16
	echo -ne "\023" > $random.19.tmp
	cat $random $random.19.tmp > $random.19
	for i in 6 8 10 12 14 16 19; do
	echo "Looking for 8x"$i"-fonts..."
		for j in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size $((i*=256))c`;
		cat $random.$i $j > $j.psf
	rm $random.*	 
	exit 1