Blob Blame History Raw
#encoding "UTF-8"
# version 1.12.
#     Lithuanian key-map for PC	 101/102 keyboard.
# Comments & bug reports to: Ričardas Čepas <rch@WriteMe.Com>
#     Usage:
#	kbd_mode -a; loadkeys; setfont lat4u* -m vga2iso
# and press Ctrl+Alt+4
#     Or:
#	kbd_mode -u; loadkeys; setfont LatArCyrHeb* -m vga2iso
# and press Ctrl+Alt+8
# `vga2iso' screen-map is  for non-Unicode mode to get proper ISO 8859-4
# font mapping.
#     BUGS: Caps-Lock doesn't work  properly for Unicode characters. Use
# Shift-Lock (Control+Caps-Lock) instead if you really need that.
#     Differences between this and  default Linux 2.0.29 key-map:
#     AltGr is used  for Lithuanian mode and  AltGr+key combinations are
# changed to Alt+Shift+key. Hex codes can  be entered using keypad while
# Control+Shift or Alt+Shift is pressed. Keypad layout for hex digits:
#		A  B  C	 D
#		7  8  9	 E
#		4  5  6	 E
#		1  2  3	 F
#		 00	 F
#     Latin   <->  Lithuanian	modes  are   toggled  by   Alt+Enter  or
# Alt+Control+Enter or	Alt+Caps-Lock. AltGr (right Alt) can  be used to
# shift the mode. Key between left Control and Alt on German keyboard is
# another AltGr.
#     Keyboard layout (upper row of number keys) :
#   1!Ą    2@Č    3#Ę    4$Ė   5 %Ä®    6^Å    7&Ų     8*Ū    9(„ 0)“ -_  +=Ž–
# Aogonek Ccaron Eogonek Edot Iogonek Scaron Uogonek Umacron ,,  "  -_ Zcaron
# All other keys are the same in both modes.
#     Control+Alt+u   or  Control+Alt+8   generates  command   line  for
# switching *current* (only) virtual console to Unicode mode.
#     Control+Alt+1 - default ISO 8859-1 charset mapping and non-Unicode
# mode.
#     Control+Alt+4  - ISO  8859-4 charset  mapping if  you have  loaded
# LatArCyrHeb* (or  lat4u-*) font  with `vga2iso' screen  map. Or lat4-*
# font with `trivial' screen map.
#     Backspace key (above Return/Enter)  generates BackSpace (^H, octal
# 010) and should delete a character before cursor. Delete key generates
# Delete (^?, octal 177) and  should delete a character above cursor. If
# that doesn't happen you should:
# 1) Edit /etc/login.defs - ERASE_CHAR 010
# or run `reset' - should set stty erase character to ^H
# or run `stty erase ^H'
# 2) Add to /etc/profile commands:
#	kbd_mode -u  if you want input characters in Unicode.
# 3) [You don't need 3) if you use linux+utf8 or linux+k terminfo entry.]
#  Fix terminfo entry:  infocmp -L linux >/tmp/linux
#  Edit file /tmp/linux	 It should have key_backspace and key_dc entries:
#	key_backspace=^H, key_btab=\E[Z, key_dc=\177, 
#	key_sdc=\E[3$, key_send=\E[8$, key_shome=\E[7$, key_sic=\E[2$,
#	key_sleft=\E[d, key_sright=\E[c,
#  Compile entry (as root):  tic /tmp/linux
# 4) For bash and other programs using readline library create
# ~/.inputrc or file pointed by INPUTRC variable, or /etc/inputrc
# for newer versions:
#	       set meta-flag On
#	       set convert-meta Off
#	       set input-meta On
#	       set output-meta On
#	       "\C-h": backward-delete-char
#	       "\e\C-h": backward-kill-word
#	       "\e[1~": beginning-of-line
#	       "\e[H": beginning-of-line
#	       "\e[7~": beginning-of-line
#	       "\eOH": beginning-of-line
#	       "\e[d": backward-word
#	       "\C-?": delete-char
#	       "\e[3~": delete-char
#	       "\e[4~": end-of-line
#	       "\e[F": end-of-line
#	       "\e[8~": end-of-line
#	       "\eOF": end-of-line
#	       "\e[c": forward-word
#	       "\e\C-?": kill-word
# 5) Add to /etc/init.d/boot ( this startup file may be other for you system):
#	 kbd_mode -u; loadkeys
# or	 kbd_mode -a; loadkeys
# loadkeys affects all virtual consoles.
#      Control+BackSpace   is  Delete	and  Control+Delete   is  Remove
# (VT100   key).   Most	  Meta_	 and   Control_Meta_  combinations   are
# enabled.
#      Control+Space gives nul, Shift+Control+Space - non-break space.
#      Shift+Control+minus    gives    discretionary   (soft)    hyphen,
# Shift+Alt+minus - quotation dash  (long) and Shift+Control+Alt+minus -
# non-breaking hyphen.
#      Control+Alt+double_quote  gives  double  turned  comma  quotation
# mark,  Shift+Control+Alt+double_quote  gives  double  comma  quotation
# mark.
#      Shift+Function  gives functions  F11..22,  Control+F. -  F21..32,
# Shift+Control+F. - F31..42. Shift+[Control+]Alt+F.  - virtual consoles
# 13..24.
#      Added  Back_Tab as  Shift+Tab,  shifted  arrows, Insert,  Delete,
# Home, End as in rxvt terminal.
#      Added F1 as Shift+Control+H (Emacs "feature").
#      See kbd.FAQ for more info on Linux key-map.

keymaps 0-15
#	       Plain  +Shift	      +Shift
#			      +AltGr  +AltGr
# Plain		 0	 1	 2	 3
# +Control	 4	 5	 6	 7
# +Alt		 8	 9	10	11
# +Control+Alt	12	13	14	15

#	AltGr = right Alt

keycode   1 = Escape	       Escape		Escape		 Escape	   \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_Escape      Meta_Escape	Meta_Escape	 Meta_Escape 

#						+aogonek ą	 +Aogonek Ą
keycode   2 = one	       exclam		U+0105		 U+0104	   \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_one	       Meta_exclam	Meta_one	 Meta_exclam \
	      F202	       F202		F202		 F202
# ISO 8859-1 - default Linux map
string F202 = "kbd_mode -a; echo -ne '\\033\\045@\\033(B'\015"

#						+ccaron č	 +Ccaron Č
keycode   3 = two	       at		U+010d		 U+010c	   \
	      nul	       nul		nul		 nul	    \
	      Meta_two	       Meta_at		Meta_two	 Meta_at     \
	      nul	       nul		nul		 nul

#						+eogonek ę	 +Eogonek Ę
keycode   4 = three	       numbersign	U+0119		 U+0118	   \
	      Escape	       Escape		Escape		 Escape	    \
	      Meta_three       Meta_numbersign	Meta_three	 Meta_numbersign

#						+eabovedot ė	 +Eabovedot Ė
keycode   5 = four	       dollar		U+0117		 U+0116	   \
    Control_backslash Control_backslash Control_backslash Control_backslash \
	      Meta_four	       Meta_dollar	Meta_four	 Meta_dollar \
	      F201	       F201		F201		 F201
# ISO 8859-4 or other user map
string F201 = "kbd_mode -a; echo -ne '\\033\\045@\\033(K'\015"

#						+iogonek į	  +Iogonek Į
keycode   6 = five	       percent		U+012f		 U+012e	    \
	Control_bracketright Control_bracketright Control_bracketright \
							Control_bracketright \
	      Meta_five	       Meta_percent	Meta_five	 Meta_percent

#						+scaron	 Å¡	 +Scaron Å 
keycode   7 = six	       asciicircum	U+0161		 U+0160	    \
	      Control_asciicircum Control_asciicircum Control_asciicircum \
							 Control_asciicircum \
	      Meta_six	       Meta_asciicircum Meta_six    Meta_asciicircum \
 Meta_Control_asciicircum Meta_Control_asciicircum Meta_Control_asciicircum \

#						+uogonek ų	 +Uogonek Ų
keycode   8 = seven	       ampersand	U+0173		 U+0172	   \
	      Control_underscore Control_underscore Control_underscore \
							Control_underscore  \
	      Meta_seven       Meta_ampersand	Meta_seven	 Meta_ampersand

#						+umacron ū	 +Umacron Ū	 
keycode   9 = eight	       asterisk		U+016b		 U+016a	 \
	      Delete	       Delete		Delete		 Delete	  \
	      Meta_eight       Meta_asterisk	Meta_eight   Meta_asterisk \
	      F200	       F200	        F200	         F200
# UTF-8
string F200 = "kbd_mode -u; echo -ne '\\033\\045G\\033(K'\015" 

# 201E    not available in ISO 8859-4 low_double_comma_quotation_mark „
keycode  10 = nine	       parenleft	U+201e		 parenleft \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_nine	       Meta_parenleft	Meta_nine	 Meta_parenleft

# 201C    not available in ISO 8859-4 double_turned_comma_quotation_mark “
keycode  11 = zero	       parenright	U+201c		 parenright \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol  \
	      Meta_zero	       Meta_parenright	Meta_zero	 Meta_parenright

# 00AD    soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
# 2015    horizontal bar = quotation dash * long dash introducing quoted text
# 2011    non-breaking hyphen
keycode  12 = minus	       underscore	minus		 underscore  \
	      Control_underscore U+00ad		Control_underscore U+00ad \
	      Meta_minus       U+2015		Meta_minus	 U+2015 \
	      Meta_Control_underscore U+2011	Meta_Control_underscore U+2011

#						+zcaron ž	 +Zcaron  Ž
keycode  13 = equal	       plus		U+017e		 U+017d	    \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol  \
	      Meta_equal       Meta_plus	Meta_equal	 Meta_plus 

#	edit this if you want the key above <Enter> to delete symbols above
# cursor, not before.
keycode  14 = \
	      BackSpace	       BackSpace	BackSpace	 BackSpace  \
	      Delete	       Delete		Delete		 Delete	     \
	      Meta_BackSpace   Meta_BackSpace	Meta_BackSpace Meta_BackSpace \
	      Meta_Delete      Meta_Delete	Meta_Delete	 Meta_Delete  

string F215 = "\033[Z"
keycode  15 = Tab	       F215		Tab		 F215	   \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_Tab	       Meta_Tab		Meta_Tab	 Meta_Tab  

# Single characters are defined by default.
keycode  16 = +q
keycode  17 = +w
keycode  18 = +e
keycode  19 = +r
keycode  20 = +t
keycode  21 = +y
keycode  22 = +u
	      control  alt     keycode  22 = F200
  shift	      control  alt     keycode  22 = F200
	altgr control  alt     keycode  22 = F200
  shift altgr control  alt     keycode  22 = F200
# UTF-8
#string F200 = "kbd_mode -u; echo -ne '\\033\\045G\\033(K'\015" 

keycode  23 = +i
keycode  24 = +o
keycode  25 = +p
keycode  26 = bracketleft      braceleft       bracketleft	braceleft  \
	      Escape	       Escape	       Escape		Escape	    \
	      Meta_bracketleft Meta_braceleft  Meta_bracketleft Meta_braceleft

keycode  27 = bracketright     braceright      bracketright	braceright \
	      Control_bracketright Control_bracketright \
				  Control_bracketright Control_bracketright \
	 Meta_bracketright Meta_braceright Meta_bracketright Meta_braceright \
	      Meta_Control_bracketright Meta_Control_bracketright \
			   Meta_Control_bracketright Meta_Control_bracketright

keycode  28 = Return	       Return		Return		Return	  \
	      Return	       Return		Return		Return	   \
	      AltGr_Lock       AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock  \
	      AltGr_Lock       AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock

keycode  29 = Control
keycode  30 = +a
keycode  31 = +s
keycode  32 = +d
keycode  33 = +f
keycode  34 = +g
keycode  35 = +h
	shift control   keycode  35 = F1
	shift AltGr control   keycode  35 = F1

keycode  36 = +j
keycode  37 = +k
keycode  38 = +l
keycode  39 = semicolon	       colon	       semicolon	colon	  \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol      VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_semicolon   Meta_colon      Meta_semicolon	Meta_colon

# 201C    left double quotation mark = double turned comma quotation mark “
# 201D    right double quotation mark = double comma quotation mark ”
keycode  40 = apostrophe       quotedbl	       apostrophe	quotedbl  \
	      Control_g	       Control_g       Control_g	Control_g  \
	      Meta_apostrophe  Meta_quotedbl   Meta_apostrophe	Meta_quotedbl \
	      U+201C	       U+201D	       U+201C	        U+201D

keycode  41 = grave	       asciitilde      grave		asciitilde \
	      nul	       nul	       nul		nul	    \
	      Meta_grave       Meta_asciitilde Meta_grave     Meta_asciitilde

keycode  42 = Shift

keycode  43 = backslash	       bar	       backslash	bar \
      Control_backslash Control_backslash Control_backslash Control_backslash \
	      Meta_backslash   Meta_bar	       Meta_backslash	Meta_bar \
	      Meta_Control_backslash Meta_Control_backslash \
				 Meta_Control_backslash Meta_Control_backslash
keycode  44 = +z
keycode  45 = +x
keycode  46 = +c
keycode  47 = +v
keycode  48 = +b
keycode  49 = +n
keycode  50 = +m
keycode  51 = comma	       less		comma		 less	   \
	      VoidSymbol       VoidSymbol	VoidSymbol	 VoidSymbol \
	      Meta_comma       Meta_less	Meta_comma	 Meta_less

keycode  52 = period	       greater		period		 greater    \
	      Compose	       Compose		Compose		 Compose     \
	      Meta_period      Meta_greater	Meta_period	 Meta_greater

keycode  53 = slash	       question		slash		 question    \
	      Delete	       Delete		Delete		 Delete	      \
	      Meta_slash       Meta_question	Meta_slash	 Meta_question

keycode  54 = Shift	      

keycode  55 = KP_Multiply      KP_Multiply	KP_Multiply	 KP_Multiply \
	      KP_Multiply      Hex_C		KP_Multiply	 Hex_C	     \
	      KP_Multiply      Hex_C		KP_Multiply	 Hex_C	      \
	      KP_Multiply      KP_Multiply	KP_Multiply	 KP_Multiply

keycode  56 = Alt

#			       0xA0 no-break space
keycode  57 = space	       space		space		 space	     \
	      nul	       U+00a0		nul		 U+00a0	      \
	      Meta_space       Meta_space	Meta_space	 Meta_space    \
	      VoidSymbol       U+00a0		VoidSymbol	 U+00a0

keycode  58 = Caps_Lock	       Caps_Lock	Caps_Lock	 Caps_Lock \
	      Shift_Lock       Shift_Lock	Shift_Lock	 Shift_Lock \
	      AltGr_Lock       AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock	 AltGr_Lock  \
	      Caps_Lock	       Caps_Lock	Caps_Lock	 Caps_Lock

keycode  59 = F1	       F11		F1		 F11	  \
	      F21	       F31		F21		 F31	   \
	      Console_1	       Console_13	Console_1	 Console_13 \
	      Console_1	       Console_13	Console_1	 Console_13
keycode  60 = F2	       F12		F2		 F12	  \
	      F22	       F32		F22		 F32	   \
	      Console_2	       Console_14	Console_2	 Console_14 \
	      Console_2	       Console_14	Console_2	 Console_14
keycode  61 = F3	       F13		F3		 F13	  \
	      F23	       F33		F23		 F33	   \
	      Console_3	       Console_15	Console_3	 Console_15 \
	      Console_3	       Console_15	Console_3	 Console_15
keycode  62 = F4	       F14		F4		 F14	  \
	      F24	       F34		F24		 F34	   \
	      Console_4	       Console_16	Console_4	 Console_16 \
	      Console_4	       Console_16	Console_4	 Console_16
keycode  63 = F5	       F15		F5		 F15	  \
	      F25	       F35		F25		 F35	   \
	      Console_5	       Console_17	Console_5	 Console_17 \
	      Console_5	       Console_17	Console_5	 Console_17
keycode  64 = F6	       F16		F6		 F16	  \
	      F26	       F36		F26		 F36	   \
	      Console_6	       Console_18	Console_6	 Console_18 \
	      Console_6	       Console_18	Console_6	 Console_18
keycode  65 = F7	       F17		F7		 F17	  \
	      F27	       F37		F27		 F37	   \
	      Console_7	       Console_19	Console_7	 Console_19 \
	      Console_7	       Console_19	Console_7	 Console_19
keycode  66 = F8	       F18		F8		 F18	  \
	      F28	       F38		F28		 F38	   \
	      Console_8	       Console_20	Console_8	 Console_20 \
	      Console_8	       Console_20	Console_8	 Console_20
keycode  67 = F9	       F19		F9		 F19	  \
	      F29	       F39		F29		 F39	   \
	      Console_9	       Console_21	Console_9	 Console_21 \
	      Console_9	       Console_21	Console_9	 Console_21
keycode  68 = F10	       F20		F10		 F20	  \
	      F30	       F40		F30		 F40	   \
	      Console_10       Console_22	Console_10	 Console_22 \
	      Console_10       Console_22	Console_10	 Console_22
keycode  69 = Num_Lock	       Bare_Num_Lock	Num_Lock	 Bare_Num_Lock \
	      Num_Lock	       Hex_A		Num_Lock	 Hex_A	    \
	      Num_Lock	       Hex_A		Num_Lock	 Hex_A	     \
	      Num_Lock	       Num_Lock		Num_Lock	 Num_Lock
keycode  70 = Scroll_Lock      Show_Memory	Scroll_Lock	 Show_Memory \
	      Show_State       VoidSymbol	Show_State	 VoidSymbol   \
	      Scroll_Lock      Show_Registers	Scroll_Lock	 Show_Registers
keycode  71 = KP_7	       KP_7		KP_7		 KP_7  \
	      KP_7	       Hex_7		KP_7		 Hex_7	\
	      Ascii_7	       Hex_7		Ascii_7		 Hex_7	 \
	      KP_7	       KP_7		KP_7		 KP_7
keycode  72 = KP_8	       KP_8		KP_8		 KP_8  \
	      KP_8	       Hex_8		KP_8		 Hex_8	\
	      Ascii_8	       Hex_8		Ascii_8		 Hex_8	 \
	      KP_8	       KP_8		KP_8		 KP_8
keycode  73 = KP_9	       KP_9		KP_9		 KP_9  \
	      KP_9	       Hex_9		KP_9		 Hex_9	\
	      Ascii_9	       Hex_9		Ascii_9		 Hex_9	 \
	      KP_9	       KP_9		KP_9		 KP_9
keycode  74 = KP_Subtract      KP_Subtract	KP_Subtract	 KP_Subtract \
	      KP_Subtract      Hex_D		KP_Subtract	 Hex_D	     \
	      KP_Subtract      Hex_D		KP_Subtract	 Hex_D	      \
	      KP_Subtract      KP_Subtract	KP_Subtract	 KP_Subtract
keycode  75 = KP_4	       KP_4		KP_4		 KP_4  \
	      KP_4	       Hex_4		KP_4		 Hex_4	\
	      Ascii_4	       Hex_4		Ascii_4		 Hex_4	 \
	      KP_4	       KP_4		KP_4		 KP_4
keycode  76 = KP_5	       KP_5		KP_5		 KP_5  \
	      KP_5	       Hex_5		KP_5		 Hex_5	\
	      Ascii_5	       Hex_5		Ascii_5		 Hex_5	 \
	      KP_5	       KP_5		KP_5		 KP_5
keycode  77 = KP_6	       KP_6		KP_6		 KP_6  \
	      KP_6	       Hex_6		KP_6		 Hex_6	\
	      Ascii_6	       Hex_6		Ascii_6		 Hex_6	 \
	      KP_6	       KP_6		KP_6		 KP_6
keycode  78 = KP_Add	       KP_Add		KP_Add		 KP_Add \
	      KP_Add	       Hex_E		KP_Add		 Hex_E	 \
	      KP_Add	       Hex_E		KP_Add		 Hex_E	  \
	      KP_Add	       KP_Add		KP_Add		 KP_Add
keycode  79 = KP_1	       KP_1		KP_1		 KP_1  \
	      KP_1	       Hex_1		KP_1		 Hex_1	\
	      Ascii_1	       Hex_1		Ascii_1		 Hex_1	 \
	      KP_1	       KP_1		KP_1		 KP_1
keycode  80 = KP_2	       KP_2		KP_2		 KP_2  \
	      KP_2	       Hex_2		KP_2		 Hex_2	\
	      Ascii_2	       Hex_2		Ascii_2		 Hex_2	 \
	      KP_2	       KP_2		KP_2		 KP_2
keycode  81 = KP_3	       KP_3		KP_3		 KP_3  \
	      KP_3	       Hex_3		KP_3		 Hex_3	\
	      Ascii_3	       Hex_3		Ascii_3		 Hex_3	 \
	      KP_3	       KP_3		KP_3		 KP_3
keycode  82 = KP_0	       KP_0		KP_0		 KP_0  \
	      KP_0	       Hex_0		KP_0		 Hex_0	\
	      Ascii_0	       Hex_0		Ascii_0		 Hex_0	 \
	      KP_0	       KP_0		KP_0		 KP_0
keycode  83 = KP_Period
	control alt	keycode  83 = Boot	      
	altgr control	alt	keycode  83 = Boot	      

#	 Alt + print-screen
keycode  84 = Last_Console
keycode  85 =
#keycode  86 = less		greater		 bar		 
#	 alt	 keycode  86 = Meta_less       

# On German keyboards it is between left control and left alt keys:
keycode  86 = AltGr

keycode  87 = F11	       F21		F11		 F21	  \
	      F31	       F41		F31		 F41	   \
	      Console_11       Console_23	Console_11	 Console_23 \
	      Console_11       Console_23	Console_11	 Console_23
keycode  88 = F12	       F22		F12		 F22	  \
	      F32	       F42		F32		 F42	   \
	      Console_12       Console_24	Console_12	 Console_24 \
	      Console_12       Console_24	Console_12	 Console_24
keycode  89 =
keycode  90 =
keycode  91 =
keycode  92 =
keycode  93 =
keycode  94 =
keycode  95 =
keycode  96 = KP_Enter	       KP_Enter		KP_Enter	 KP_Enter \
	      KP_Enter	       Hex_F		KP_Enter	 Hex_F	   \
	      AltGr_Lock       Hex_F		AltGr_Lock	 Hex_F	    \
	      AltGr_Lock       AltGr_Lock	AltGr_Lock	 AltGr_Lock

keycode  97 = Control

keycode  98 = KP_Divide	       KP_Divide	KP_Divide	 KP_Divide \
	      KP_Divide	       Hex_B		KP_Divide	 Hex_B	    \
	      KP_Divide	       Hex_B		KP_Divide	 Hex_B	     \
	      KP_Divide	       KP_Divide	KP_Divide	 KP_Divide

keycode  99 = VoidSymbol	 # 99=Print-Screen
	control keycode  99 = Control_backslash
	alt     keycode  99 = Control_backslash
keycode 100 = AltGr
keycode 101 = Break #	101=Control-Pause
string F102 = "\033[7$"
keycode 102 = Find  #	=Home
	shift	      keycode 102 = F102
	shift AltGr   keycode 102 = F102
string F103 = "\033[a"
keycode 103 = Up
	shift	      keycode 103 = F103
	shift AltGr   keycode 103 = F103
	alt	      keycode 103 = Spawn_Console   
	AltGr alt     keycode 103 = Spawn_Console   
	shift alt	    keycode 103 = Spawn_Console	  
	shift AltGr alt	    keycode 103 = Spawn_Console	  
keycode 104 = Prior #	=PageUp
	shift	      keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward
	AltGr shift   keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward
string F105 = "\033[d"
keycode 105 =	Left		F105		Left		F105 \
		Left		F105		Left		F105 \
		Decr_Console	Decr_Console	Decr_Console	Decr_Console \
		Decr_Console	Decr_Console	Decr_Console	Decr_Console
string F106 = "\033[c"
keycode 106 =	Right		F106		Right		F106 \
		Right		F106		Right		F106 \
		Incr_Console	Incr_Console	Incr_Console	Incr_Console \
		Incr_Console	Incr_Console	Incr_Console	Incr_Console
string F107 = "\033[8$"
keycode 107 = Select   # =End
	shift	      keycode 107 = F107
	shift AltGr   keycode 107 = F107
string F108 = "\033[b"
keycode 108 = Down
	shift	      keycode 108 = F108
	shift AltGr   keycode 108 = F108
keycode 109 = Next  #	 =PageDown
	shift	      keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward
	AltGr shift   keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward
string F110 = "\033[2$"
keycode 110 = Insert
	shift	      keycode 110 = F110
	shift AltGr   keycode 110 = F110

# Edit this if you want strict VT100 emulation.
string F111 = "\033[3$"
keycode 111 = Delete	       F111		Delete		 F111	   \
	      Remove	       Remove		Remove		 Remove	    \
	      Meta_Delete      Meta_Delete	Meta_Delete	 Meta_Delete \
	      Boot	       Boot		Boot		 Boot

# My PC 102 keyboard seems don't have 112-118. 
keycode 112 = Macro
keycode 113 = F13
keycode 114 = F14
keycode 115 = Help
keycode 116 = Do
keycode 117 = F17
keycode 118 = KP_MinPlus

keycode 119 = Pause
keycode 120 =
keycode 121 =
keycode 122 =
keycode 123 =
keycode 124 =
keycode 125 =
keycode 126 =
keycode 127 =
string F1 = "\033[[A"
string F2 = "\033[[B"
string F3 = "\033[[C"
string F4 = "\033[[D"
string F5 = "\033[[E"
string F6 = "\033[17~"
string F7 = "\033[18~"
string F8 = "\033[19~"
string F9 = "\033[20~"
string F10 = "\033[21~"
string F11 = "\033[23~"
string F12 = "\033[24~"
string F13 = "\033[25~"
string F14 = "\033[26~"
string F15 = "\033[28~"
string F16 = "\033[29~"
string F17 = "\033[31~"
string F18 = "\033[32~"
string F19 = "\033[33~"
string F20 = "\033[34~"
string F21 = "\033[35~"
string F22 = "\033[36~"
string F23 = "\033[37~"
string F24 = "\033[38~"
string F25 = "\033[39~"
string F26 = "\033[40~"
string F27 = "\033[41~"
string F28 = "\033[42~"
string F29 = "\033[43~"
string F30 = "\033[44~"
string F31 = "\033[45~"
string F32 = "\033[46~"
string F33 = "\033[47~"
string F34 = "\033[48~"
string F35 = "\033[49~"
string F36 = "\033[50~"
string F37 = "\033[51~"
string F38 = "\033[52~"
string F39 = "\033[53~"
string F40 = "\033[54~"
string F41 = "\033[55~"
string F42 = "\033[56~"
string Find = "\033[1~"
string Insert = "\033[2~"
string Remove = "\033[3~"
string Select = "\033[4~"
string Prior = "\033[5~"
string Next = "\033[6~"
string Macro = "\033[M"
string Pause = "\033[P"

#   ISO-8859-1 characters - don't work in Unicode mode as of
# loadkeys V.89 and Linux 2.0.29. Use Control+Alt+1 to see them.
compose as usual for "iso-8859-1"