Blob Blame History Raw
 * Copyright(c) 2014-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 *     the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
 *     distribution.
 *   * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
 *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *     from this software without specific prior written permission.

 * @brief Platform QoS API and data structure definition
 * API from this file is implemented by the following:
 * cap.c, allocation.c, monitoring.c and utils.c

#ifndef __PQOS_H__
#define __PQOS_H__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * =======================================
 * Various defines
 * =======================================

#define PQOS_VERSION       20000        /**< version 2.0.0 */
#define PQOS_MAX_L3CA_COS  16           /**< 16 x COS */
#define PQOS_MAX_L2CA_COS  16           /**< 16 x COS */

 * =======================================
 * Return values
 * =======================================
#define PQOS_RETVAL_OK           0      /**< everything OK */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_ERROR        1      /**< generic error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_PARAM        2      /**< parameter error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_RESOURCE     3      /**< resource error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_INIT         4      /**< initialization error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_TRANSPORT    5      /**< transport error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_PERF_CTR     6      /**< performance counter error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_BUSY         7      /**< resource busy error */
#define PQOS_RETVAL_INTER        8      /**< Interface not supported */

 * =======================================
 * Interface values
 * =======================================
enum pqos_interface {
        PQOS_INTER_MSR            = 0,  /**< MSR */
        PQOS_INTER_OS             = 1,  /**< OS */
        PQOS_INTER_OS_RESCTRL_MON = 2   /**< OS with resctrl monitoring */

 * =======================================
 * Init and fini
 * =======================================

enum pqos_cdp_config {
        PQOS_REQUIRE_CDP_OFF = 0,       /**< app not compatible with CDP */
        PQOS_REQUIRE_CDP_ON,            /**< app requires CDP */
        PQOS_REQUIRE_CDP_ANY            /**< app will work with any CDP
                                           setting */

 * PQoS library configuration structure
 * @param fd_log file descriptor to be used as library log
 * @param callback_log pointer to an application callback function
 *         void *       - An application context - it can point to a structure
 *                        or an object that an application may find useful
 *                        when receiving the callback
 *         const size_t - the size of the log message
 *         const char * - the log message
 * @param context_log application specific data that is provided
 *                    to the callback function. It can be NULL if application
 *                    doesn't require it.
 * @param verbose logging options
 *         LOG_VER_SILENT         - no messages
 *         LOG_VER_DEFAULT        - warning and error messages
 *         LOG_VER_VERBOSE        - warning, error and info messages
 *         LOG_VER_SUPER_VERBOSE  - warning, error, info and debug messages
 * @param interface preference
 *         PQOS_INTER_MSR            - MSR interface or nothing
 *         PQOS_INTER_OS             - OS interface or nothing
 *         PQOS_INTER_OS_RESCTRL_MON - OS interface with resctrl monitoring
 *                                     or nothing
struct pqos_config {
        int fd_log;
        void (*callback_log)(void *, const size_t, const char *);
        void *context_log;
        int verbose;
        enum pqos_interface interface;

 * @brief Initializes PQoS module
 * @param [in] config initialization parameters structure
 *        Note that fd_log in \a config needs to be a valid
 *        file descriptor.
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
 * @note   If you require system wide interface enforcement you can do so by
 *         setting the "RDT_IFACE" environment variable.
int pqos_init(const struct pqos_config *config);

 * @brief Shuts down PQoS module
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_fini(void);

 * =======================================
 * Query capabilities
 * =======================================

 * Types of possible PQoS capabilities
 * For now there are:
 * - monitoring capability
 * - L3 cache allocation capability
 * - L2 cache allocation capability
 * - Memory Bandwidth Allocation
enum pqos_cap_type {
        PQOS_CAP_TYPE_MON = 0,          /**< QoS monitoring */
        PQOS_CAP_TYPE_L3CA,             /**< L3/LLC cache allocation */
        PQOS_CAP_TYPE_L2CA,             /**< L2 cache allocation */
        PQOS_CAP_TYPE_MBA,              /**< Memory Bandwidth Allocation */

 * L3 Cache Allocation (CA) capability structure
struct pqos_cap_l3ca {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        unsigned num_classes;           /**< number of classes of service */
        unsigned num_ways;              /**< number of cache ways */
        unsigned way_size;              /**< way size in bytes */
        uint64_t way_contention;        /**< ways contention bit mask */
        int cdp;                        /**< code data prioritization feature
                                           presence */
        int cdp_on;                     /**< code data prioritization on or
                                           off */
        int os_cdp;                     /**< flag to show if CDP is supported
                                        by OS interface */

 * L2 Cache Allocation (CA) capability structure
struct pqos_cap_l2ca {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        unsigned num_classes;           /**< number of classes of service */
        unsigned num_ways;              /**< number of cache ways */
        unsigned way_size;              /**< way size in bytes */
        uint64_t way_contention;        /**< ways contention bit mask */
        int cdp;                        /**< code data prioritization feature
                                           presence */
        int cdp_on;                     /**< code data prioritization on or
                                           off */
        int os_cdp;                     /**< flag to show if CDP is supported
                                           by OS interface */

 * Memory Bandwidth Allocation capability structure
struct pqos_cap_mba {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        unsigned num_classes;           /**< number of classes of service */
        unsigned throttle_max;          /**< the max MBA can be throttled */
        unsigned throttle_step;         /**< MBA granularity */
        int is_linear;                  /**< the type of MBA linear/nonlinear */

 * Available types of monitored events
 * (matches CPUID enumeration)
enum pqos_mon_event {
        PQOS_MON_EVENT_L3_OCCUP = 1,    /**< LLC occupancy event */
        PQOS_MON_EVENT_LMEM_BW = 2,     /**< Local memory bandwidth */
        PQOS_MON_EVENT_TMEM_BW = 4,     /**< Total memory bandwidth */
        PQOS_MON_EVENT_RMEM_BW = 8,     /**< Remote memory bandwidth
                                           (virtual event) */
        RESERVED1 = 0x1000,
        RESERVED2 = 0x2000,
        PQOS_PERF_EVENT_LLC_MISS = 0x4000, /**< LLC misses */
        PQOS_PERF_EVENT_IPC    = 0x8000, /**< instructions per clock */

 * OS monitoring status
enum pqos_os_mon {
        PQOS_OS_MON_UNSUPPORTED = 0,    /**< OS monitoring is not supported */
        PQOS_OS_MON_PERF        = 1,    /**< Perf monitoring is supported */
        PQOS_OS_MON_RESCTRL     = 2     /**< Resctrl monitoring is supported */

 * Monitoring capabilities structure
 * Few assumptions here:
 * - Data associated with each type of event won't exceed 64bits
 *   This results from MSR register size.
 * - Interpretation of the data is up to application based
 *   on available documentation.
 * - Meaning of the event is well understood by an application
 *   based on available documentation
struct pqos_monitor {
        enum pqos_mon_event type;
        unsigned max_rmid;              /**< max RMID supported for
                                           this event */
        uint32_t scale_factor;          /**< factor to scale RMID value
                                           to bytes */
        enum pqos_os_mon os_support;    /**< flag to show if OS monitoring
                                           supported */

struct pqos_cap_mon {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        unsigned max_rmid;              /**< max RMID supported by socket */
        unsigned l3_size;               /**< L3 cache size in bytes */
        unsigned num_events;            /**< number of supported events */
        struct pqos_monitor events[0];

 * Single PQoS capabilities entry structure.
 * Effectively a union of all possible PQoS structures plus type.
struct pqos_capability {
        enum pqos_cap_type type;
        int os_support;                 /**< OS support presence */
        union {
                struct pqos_cap_mon *mon;
                struct pqos_cap_l3ca *l3ca;
                struct pqos_cap_l2ca *l2ca;
                struct pqos_cap_mba *mba;
                void *generic_ptr;
        } u;

 * Structure describing all Platform QoS capabilities
struct pqos_cap {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        unsigned version;               /**< version of PQoS library */
        unsigned num_cap;               /**< number of capabilities */
        struct pqos_capability capabilities[0];

 * Core information structure
struct pqos_coreinfo {
        unsigned lcore;                 /**< logical core id */
        unsigned socket;                /**< socket id in the system */
        unsigned l3_id;                 /**< L3/LLC cluster id */
        unsigned l2_id;                 /**< L2 cluster id */

 * CPU cache information structure
struct pqos_cacheinfo {
        int detected;                   /**< Indicates cache detected & valid */
        unsigned num_ways;              /**< Number of cache ways */
        unsigned num_sets;              /**< Number of sets */
        unsigned num_partitions;        /**< Number of partitions */
        unsigned line_size;             /**< Cache line size in bytes */
        unsigned total_size;            /**< Total cache size in bytes */
        unsigned way_size;              /**< Cache way size in bytes */

 * CPU topology structure
struct pqos_cpuinfo {
        unsigned mem_size;              /**< byte size of the structure */
        struct pqos_cacheinfo l2;       /**< L2 cache information */
        struct pqos_cacheinfo l3;       /**< L3 cache information */
        unsigned num_cores;             /**< number of cores in the system */
        struct pqos_coreinfo cores[0];

 * @brief Retrieves PQoS capabilities data
 * @param [out] cap location to store PQoS capabilities information at
 * @param [out] cpu location to store CPU information at
 *              This parameter is optional and when NULL is passed then
 *              no cpu information is returned.
 *              CPU information includes data about number of sockets,
 *              logical cores and their assignment.
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_cap_get(const struct pqos_cap **cap,
                 const struct pqos_cpuinfo **cpu);

 * =======================================
 * Monitoring
 * =======================================

 * Resource Monitoring ID (RMID) definition
typedef uint32_t pqos_rmid_t;

 * The structure to store monitoring data for all of the events
struct pqos_event_values {
	uint64_t llc;                   /**< cache occupancy */
	uint64_t mbm_local;             /**< bandwidth local - reading */
	uint64_t mbm_total;             /**< bandwidth total - reading */
	uint64_t mbm_remote;            /**< bandwidth remote - reading */
	uint64_t mbm_local_delta;       /**< bandwidth local - delta */
	uint64_t mbm_total_delta;       /**< bandwidth total - delta */
	uint64_t mbm_remote_delta;      /**< bandwidth remote - delta */
        uint64_t ipc_retired;           /**< instructions retired - reading */
        uint64_t ipc_retired_delta;     /**< instructions retired - delta */
        uint64_t ipc_unhalted;          /**< unhalted cycles - reading */
        uint64_t ipc_unhalted_delta;    /**< unhalted cycles - delta */
        double ipc;                     /**< retired instructions / cycles */
        uint64_t llc_misses;            /**< LLC misses - reading */
        uint64_t llc_misses_delta;      /**< LLC misses - delta */

 * Core monitoring poll context
struct pqos_mon_poll_ctx {
        unsigned lcore;
        unsigned cluster;
        pqos_rmid_t rmid;

 * Perf monitoring poll context
struct pqos_mon_perf_ctx {
        int fd_llc;
        int fd_mbl;
        int fd_mbt;
        int fd_inst;
        int fd_cyc;
        int fd_llc_misses;

 * Monitoring group data structure
struct pqos_mon_data {
         * Common section
        int valid;                      /**< structure validity marker */
        enum pqos_mon_event event;      /**< monitored event */
        void *context;                  /**< application specific context
                                           pointer */
        struct pqos_event_values values; /**< RMID events value */

         * Task specific section
        unsigned num_pids;              /**< number of pids in the group */
        pid_t *pids;                    /**< list of pids in the group */
        unsigned tid_nr;
        pid_t *tid_map;

         * Perf specific section
        struct pqos_mon_perf_ctx *perf; /**< Perf poll context for each
                                           core/tid */
        enum pqos_mon_event perf_event; /**< Started perf events */

         * Resctrl specific section
        enum pqos_mon_event resctrl_event;
        char *resctrl_mon_group;
        struct pqos_event_values resctrl_values_storage; /**< stores values
                                                         of monitoring group
                                                         that was moved to
                                                         another COS */

         * Core specific section
        struct pqos_mon_poll_ctx *poll_ctx; /**< core, cluster & RMID */
        unsigned num_poll_ctx;          /**< number of poll contexts */
        unsigned *cores;                /**< list of cores in the group */
        unsigned num_cores;             /**< number of cores in the group */
        int valid_mbm_read;             /**< flag to discard 1st invalid read */

 * @brief Resets monitoring by binding all cores with RMID0
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_reset(void);

 * @brief Reads RMID association of the \a lcore
 * @param [in] lcore CPU logical core id
 * @param [out] rmid place to store resource monitoring id
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_assoc_get(const unsigned lcore,
                       pqos_rmid_t *rmid);

 * @brief Starts resource monitoring on selected group of cores
 * The function sets up content of the \a group structure.
 * Note that \a event cannot select PQOS_PERF_EVENT_IPC or
 * PQOS_PERF_EVENT_L3_MISS events without any PQoS event
 * selected at the same time.
 * @param [in] num_cores number of cores in \a cores array
 * @param [in] cores array of logical core id's
 * @param [in] event combination of monitoring events
 * @param [in] context a pointer for application's convenience
 *            (unused by the library)
 * @param [in,out] group a pointer to monitoring structure
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
 * @note As of Kernel 4.10, Intel(R) RDT perf results per core are found to
 *       be incorrect.
int pqos_mon_start(const unsigned num_cores,
                   const unsigned *cores,
                   const enum pqos_mon_event event,
                   void *context,
                   struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Starts resource monitoring of selected \a pid (process)
 * @param [in] pid process ID
 * @param [in] event monitoring event id
 * @param [in] context a pointer for application's convenience
 *             (unused by the library)
 * @param [in,out] group a pointer to monitoring structure
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_start_pid(const pid_t pid,
                       const enum pqos_mon_event event,
                       void *context,
                       struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Starts resource monitoring of selected \a pids (processes)
 * @param [in] num_pids number of pids in \a pids array
 * @param [in] pids array of process ID
 * @param [in] event monitoring event id
 * @param [in] context a pointer for application's convenience
 *             (unused by the library)
 * @param [in,out] group a pointer to monitoring structure
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_start_pids(const unsigned num_pids,
                        const pid_t *pids,
                        const enum pqos_mon_event event,
                        void *context,
                        struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Adds pids to the resource monitoring grpup
 * @param [in] num_pids number of pids in \a pids array
 * @param [in] pids array of process ID
 * @param [in,out] group a pointer to monitoring structure
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_add_pids(const unsigned num_pids,
                      const pid_t *pids,
                      struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Remove pids from the resource monitoring grpup
 * @param [in] num_pids number of pids in \a pids array
 * @param [in] pids array of process ID
 * @param [in,out] group a pointer to monitoring structure
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_remove_pids(const unsigned num_pids,
                         const pid_t *pids,
                         struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Stops resource monitoring data for selected monitoring group
 * @param [in] group monitoring context for selected number of cores
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_stop(struct pqos_mon_data *group);

 * @brief Polls monitoring data from requested cores
 * @param [in] groups table of monitoring group pointers to be be updated
 * @param [in] num_groups number of monitoring groups in the table
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mon_poll(struct pqos_mon_data **groups,
                  const unsigned num_groups);

 * =======================================
 * Allocation Technology
 * =======================================

 * @brief Associates \a lcore with given class of service
 * @param [in] lcore CPU logical core id
 * @param [in] class_id class of service
 * @return Operations status
int pqos_alloc_assoc_set(const unsigned lcore,
                         const unsigned class_id);

 * @brief Reads association of \a lcore with class of service
 * @param [in] lcore CPU logical core id
 * @param [out] class_id class of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_alloc_assoc_get(const unsigned lcore,
                         unsigned *class_id);

 * @brief OS interface to associate \a task
 *        with given class of service
 * @param [in] task task ID to be associated
 * @param [in] class_id class of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_alloc_assoc_set_pid(const pid_t task,
                             const unsigned class_id);

 * @brief OS interface to read association
 *        of \a task with class of service
 * @param [in] task ID to find association
 * @param [out] class_id class of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_alloc_assoc_get_pid(const pid_t task,
                             unsigned *class_id);

 * @brief Assign first available COS to cores in \a core_array
 * While searching for available COS take technologies it is intended to use
 * with into account.
 * Note on \a technology and \a core_array selection:
 * - if L2 CAT technology is requested then cores need to belong to
 *   one L2 cluster (same L2ID)
 * - if only L3 CAT is requested then cores need to belong to one socket
 * - if only MBA is selected then cores need to belong to one socket
 * @param [in] technology bit mask selecting technologies
 *             (1 << enum pqos_cap_type)
 * @param [in] core_array list of core ids
 * @param [in] core_num number of core ids in the \a core_array
 * @param [out] class_id place to store reserved COS id
 * @return Operations status
int pqos_alloc_assign(const unsigned technology,
                      const unsigned *core_array,
                      const unsigned core_num,
                      unsigned *class_id);

 * @brief Reassign cores in \a core_array to default COS#0
 * @param [in] core_array list of core ids
 * @param [in] core_num number of core ids in the \a core_array
 * @return Operations status
int pqos_alloc_release(const unsigned *core_array,
                       const unsigned core_num);

 * @brief Assign first available COS to tasks in \a task_array
 *        Searches all COS directories from highest to lowest
 * While searching for available COS take technologies it is intended to use
 * with into account.
 * Note on \a technology parameter:
 * - this parameter is currently reserved for future use
 * - resctrl (Linux interface) will only provide the highest class id common
 *   to all supported technologies
 * @param [in] technology bit mask selecting technologies
 *             (1 << enum pqos_cap_type)
 * @param [in] task_array list of task ids
 * @param [in] task_num number of task ids in the \a task_array
 * @param [out] class_id place to store reserved COS id
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_alloc_assign_pid(const unsigned technology,
                          const pid_t *task_array,
                          const unsigned task_num,
                          unsigned *class_id);

 * @brief Reassign tasks in \a task_array to default COS#0
 * @param [in] task_array list of task ids
 * @param [in] task_num number of task ids in the \a task_array
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_alloc_release_pid(const pid_t *task_array,
                           const unsigned task_num);

 * @brief Resets configuration of allocation technologies
 * Reverts CAT/MBA state to the one after reset:
 * - all cores associated with COS0
 * - all COS are set to give access to entire resource
 * As part of allocation reset CDP reconfiguration can be performed.
 * This can be requested via \a l3_cdp_cfg and \a l2_cdp_cfg.
 * @param [in] l3_cdp_cfg requested L3 CAT CDP config
 * @param [in] l2_cdp_cfg requested L2 CAT CDP config
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_alloc_reset(const enum pqos_cdp_config l3_cdp_cfg,
                 const enum pqos_cdp_config l2_cdp_cfg);

 * =======================================
 * L3 cache allocation
 * =======================================

 * L3 cache allocation class of service data structure
struct pqos_l3ca {
        unsigned class_id;              /**< class of service */
        int cdp;                        /**< data & code masks used if true */
        union {
                uint64_t ways_mask;     /**< bit mask for L3 cache ways */
                struct {
                        uint64_t data_mask;
                        uint64_t code_mask;
                } s;
        } u;

 * @brief Sets classes of service defined by \a ca on \a socket
 * @param [in] socket CPU socket id
 * @param [in] num_cos number of classes of service at \a ca
 * @param [in] ca table with class of service definitions
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_l3ca_set(const unsigned socket,
                  const unsigned num_cos,
                  const struct pqos_l3ca *ca);

 * @brief Reads classes of service from \a socket
 * @param [in] socket CPU socket id
 * @param [in] max_num_ca maximum number of classes of service
 *             that can be accommodated at \a ca
 * @param [out] num_ca number of classes of service read into \a ca
 * @param [out] ca table with read classes of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_l3ca_get(const unsigned socket,
                  const unsigned max_num_ca,
                  unsigned *num_ca,
                  struct pqos_l3ca *ca);

 * @brief Get minimum number of bits which must be set in L3 way mask when
 *        updating a class of service
 * @param [out] min_cbm_bits minimum number of bits that must be set
 * @return Operational status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_RESOURCE if unable to determine
int pqos_l3ca_get_min_cbm_bits(unsigned *min_cbm_bits);

 * =======================================
 * L2 cache allocation
 * =======================================

 * L2 cache allocation class of service data structure
struct pqos_l2ca {
        unsigned class_id;              /**< class of service */
        int cdp;                        /**< data & code masks used if true */
        union {
                uint64_t ways_mask;     /**< bit mask for L2 cache ways */
                struct {
                        uint64_t data_mask;
                        uint64_t code_mask;
                } s;
        } u;

 * @brief Sets classes of service defined by \a ca on \a l2id
 * @param [in] l2id unique L2 cache identifier
 * @param [in] num_cos number of classes of service at \a ca
 * @param [in] ca table with class of service definitions
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_l2ca_set(const unsigned l2id,
                  const unsigned num_cos,
                  const struct pqos_l2ca *ca);

 * @brief Reads classes of service from \a l2id
 * @param [in] l2id unique L2 cache identifier
 * @param [in] max_num_ca maximum number of classes of service
 *             that can be accommodated at \a ca
 * @param [out] num_ca number of classes of service read into \a ca
 * @param [out] ca table with read classes of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_l2ca_get(const unsigned l2id,
                  const unsigned max_num_ca,
                  unsigned *num_ca,
                  struct pqos_l2ca *ca);

 * @brief Get minimum number of bits which must be set in L2 way mask when
 *        updating a class of service
 * @param [out] min_cbm_bits minimum number of bits that must be set
 * @return Operational status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_RESOURCE if unable to determine
int pqos_l2ca_get_min_cbm_bits(unsigned *min_cbm_bits);

 * =======================================
 * Memory Bandwidth Allocation
 * =======================================

 * MBA class of service data structure
struct pqos_mba {
        unsigned class_id;      /**< class of service */
        unsigned mb_rate;       /**< valve open rate (VOR) in percentage */

 * @brief Sets classes of service defined by \a mba on \a socket
 * @param [in]  socket CPU socket id
 * @param [in]  num_cos number of classes of service at \a ca
 * @param [in]  requested table with class of service definitions
 * @param [out] actual table with class of service definitions
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mba_set(const unsigned socket,
                 const unsigned num_cos,
                 const struct pqos_mba *requested,
                 struct pqos_mba *actual);

 * @brief Reads MBA from \a socket
 * @param [in]  socket CPU socket id
 * @param [in]  max_num_cos maximum number of classes of service
 *              that can be accommodated at \a mba_tab
 * @param [out] num_cos number of classes of service read into \a mba_tab
 * @param [out] mba_tab table with read classes of service
 * @return Operations status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
int pqos_mba_get(const unsigned socket,
                 const unsigned max_num_cos,
                 unsigned *num_cos,
                 struct pqos_mba *mba_tab);

 * =======================================
 * Utility API
 * =======================================

 * @brief Retrieves socket id's from cpu info structure
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] count place to store actual number of sockets returned
 * @return Allocated array of size \a count populated with socket id's
 * @retval NULL on error
unsigned *
pqos_cpu_get_sockets(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                     unsigned *count);

 * @brief Retrieves L2 id's from cpu info structure
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] count place to store actual number of L2 id's returned
 * @return Allocated array of size \a count populated with L2 id's
 * @retval NULL on error
unsigned *
pqos_cpu_get_l2ids(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                   unsigned *count);

 * @brief Creates list of cores belonging to given L3 cluster
 * Function allocates memory for the core list that needs to be freed by
 * the caller.
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] l3_id L3 cluster ID
 * @param [out] count place to put number of cores found
 * @return Pointer to list of cores belonging to the L3 cluster
 * @retval NULL on error or if no core found
unsigned *
pqos_cpu_get_cores_l3id(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu, const unsigned l3_id,
                        unsigned *count);

 * @brief Retrieves core id's from cpu info structure for \a socket
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] socket CPU socket id to enumerate
 * @param [out] count place to store actual number of core id's returned
 * @return Allocated core id array
 * @retval NULL on error
unsigned *
pqos_cpu_get_cores(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                   const unsigned socket,
                   unsigned *count);

 * @brief Retrieves task id's from resctrl task file for a given COS
 * @param [in] class_id Class of Service ID
 * @param [out] count place to store actual number of task id's returned
 * @return Allocated task id array
 * @retval NULL on error
unsigned *
pqos_pid_get_pid_assoc(const unsigned class_id, unsigned *count);

 * @brief Retrieves core information from cpu info structure for \a lcore
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] lcore logical core ID to retrieve information for
 * @return Pointer to core information structure
 * @retval NULL on error
const struct pqos_coreinfo *
pqos_cpu_get_core_info(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu, unsigned lcore);

 * @brief Retrieves one core id from cpu info structure for \a socket
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] socket CPU socket id to enumerate
 * @param [out] lcore place to store returned core id
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cpu_get_one_core(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                      const unsigned socket,
                      unsigned *lcore);

 * @brief Retrieves one core id from cpu info structure for \a l2id
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] l2id unique L2 cache identifier
 * @param [out] lcore place to store returned core id
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cpu_get_one_by_l2id(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                         const unsigned l2id,
                         unsigned *lcore);

 * @brief Verifies if \a core is a valid logical core id
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] lcore logical core id
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success (\a lcore is valid)
pqos_cpu_check_core(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                    const unsigned lcore);

 * @brief Retrieves socket id for given logical core id
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] lcore logical core id
 * @param [out] socket location to store socket id at
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cpu_get_socketid(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                      const unsigned lcore,
                      unsigned *socket);

 * @brief Retrieves monitoring cluster id for given logical core id
 * @param [in] cpu CPU information structure from \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] lcore logical core id
 * @param [out] cluster location to store cluster id at
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cpu_get_clusterid(const struct pqos_cpuinfo *cpu,
                       const unsigned lcore,
                       unsigned *cluster);

 * @brief Retrieves \a type of capability from \a cap structure
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] type capability type to look for
 * @param [out] cap_item place to store pointer to selected capability
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cap_get_type(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                  const enum pqos_cap_type type,
                  const struct pqos_capability **cap_item);

 * @brief Retrieves \a monitoring event data from \a cap structure
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [in] event monitoring event type to look for
 * @param [out] p_mon place to store pointer to selected event capabilities
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_cap_get_event(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                   const enum pqos_mon_event event,
                   const struct pqos_monitor **p_mon);

 * @brief Retrieves number of L3 allocation classes of service from
 *        \a cap structure.
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] cos_num place to store number of classes of service
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_l3ca_get_cos_num(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                      unsigned *cos_num);

 * @brief Retrieves number of L2 allocation classes of service from
 *        \a cap structure.
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] cos_num place to store number of classes of service
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_l2ca_get_cos_num(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                      unsigned *cos_num);

 * @brief Retrieves number of memory B/W allocation classes of service from
 *        \a cap structure.
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] cos_num place to store number of classes of service
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_mba_get_cos_num(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                     unsigned *cos_num);

 * @brief Retrieves L3 CDP status
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] cdp_supported place to store L3 CDP support status
 * @param [out] cdp_enabled place to store L3 CDP enable status
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_l3ca_cdp_enabled(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                      int *cdp_supported,
                      int *cdp_enabled);

 * @brief Retrieves L2 CDP status
 * @param [in] cap platform QoS capabilities structure
 *                 returned by \a pqos_cap_get
 * @param [out] cdp_supported place to store L2 CDP support status
 * @param [out] cdp_enabled place to store L2 CDP enable status
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
pqos_l2ca_cdp_enabled(const struct pqos_cap *cap,
                      int *cdp_supported,
                      int *cdp_enabled);

 * @brief Retrieves a monitoring value from a group for a specific event.
 * @param [out] value monitoring value
 * @param [in] event_id event being monitored
 * @param [in] group monitoring group
 * @return Operation status
 * @retval PQOS_RETVAL_OK on success
static inline int
pqos_mon_get_event_value(void * const value,
                         const enum pqos_mon_event event_id,
                         const struct pqos_mon_data * const group)
        uint64_t * const p_64 = (uint64_t *)value;
        double * const p_dbl = (double *)value;

	if (group == NULL || value == NULL)

	switch (event_id) {
        case PQOS_MON_EVENT_L3_OCCUP:
                *p_64 = group->;
        case PQOS_MON_EVENT_LMEM_BW:
                *p_64 = group->values.mbm_local_delta;
        case PQOS_MON_EVENT_TMEM_BW:
                *p_64 = group->values.mbm_total_delta;
        case PQOS_MON_EVENT_RMEM_BW:
                *p_64 = group->values.mbm_remote_delta;
        case PQOS_PERF_EVENT_IPC:
                *p_dbl = group->values.ipc;
                *p_64 = group->values.llc_misses_delta;
                return PQOS_RETVAL_PARAM;


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __PQOS_H__ */