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/* bus - The Input Bus
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Takao Fujiwara <>
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
 * USA


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

 * SECTION: ibusemojidialog
 * @short_description: emoji dialog utility.
 * @stability: Unstable
 * miscellaneous emoji dialg APIs.


typedef struct _IBusEmojier IBusEmojier;
typedef struct _IBusEmojierPrivate IBusEmojierPrivate;
typedef struct _IBusEmojierClass IBusEmojierClass;

struct _IBusEmojier {
    /*< private >*/
    GtkWindow parent_instance;
    IBusEmojierPrivate * priv;
    /* instance members */
    /*< public >*/

struct _IBusEmojierClass {
    /*< private >*/
    GtkWindowClass parent_class;
    /* class members */
    /*< public >*/
    /* signals */

GType           ibus_emojier_get_type        (void);

 * ibus_emojier_new:
 * Creates a new #IBusEmojier.
 * Returns: A newly allocated #IBusEmojiier.
IBusEmojier * ibus_emojier_new                    (void);

 * ibus_emojier_run:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * @input_context_path: An input context path of #IBusInputContext
 *                      of the focused application.
 * @event: A #GdkEventKey for timestamp
 * Runs emoji dialog to select emoji.
 * Returns: A selected emoji character.
gchar *       ibus_emojier_run                    (IBusEmojier* self,
                                                   const gchar*
                                                   GdkEvent*    event);

 * ibus_emojier_is_running:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * Returns: boolean if the emoji dialog is running
gboolean      ibus_emojier_is_running             (IBusEmojier* self);

 * ibus_emojier_get_input_context_path:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * Returns: an input context path of #IBusInputContext
 * which is saved in ibus_emojier_run().
gchar *       ibus_emojier_get_input_context_path (IBusEmojier* self);

 * ibus_emojier_get_selected_string:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * Returns: an selected emoji character on the emoji dialog.
gchar *       ibus_emojier_get_selected_string    (IBusEmojier* self);

 * ibus_emojier_reset:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * Reset the selected string and input context path.
void          ibus_emojier_reset                  (IBusEmojier* self);

 * ibus_emojier_present_centralize:
 * @self: An #IBusEmojier
 * @event: A #GdkEventKey for timestamp
 * Move the window to the toplevel on the screen and centralize it.
void          ibus_emojier_present_centralize     (IBusEmojier* self,
                                                   GdkEvent*    event);

 * ibus_emojier_has_loaded_emoji_dict:
 * Returns: %TRUE if the emoji dict is loaded, otherwise %FALSE.
gboolean      ibus_emojier_has_loaded_emoji_dict  (void);

 * ibus_emojier_set_annotation_lang:
 * @lang: A langauge id for emoji annotations.
 * Set a language id for emoji annotations. #IBusEmojier will load
 * $PKGDATADIR/dicts/emoji-@lang.dict. The default is "en".
void          ibus_emojier_set_annotation_lang    (const gchar* lang);

 * ibus_emojier_set_emoji_font:
 * @emoji_font: font name for emoji characters
 * Set emoji font on the emoji dialog
void          ibus_emojier_set_emoji_font         (const gchar* emoji_font);

 * ibus_emojier_set_favorites:
 * @favorites: (array length=favorites_length): A custom emoji list.
 * @favorites_length: A length of @favorites
 * @favorite_annotations: (array length=favorite_annotations_length):
 *                        (nullable):
 *                        A custom annotation listfor @favorites.
 * @favorite_annotations_length: A length of @favorite_annotations
 * Set custom emojis on the emoji dialog. @favorite_annotations
 * can be null. If you don't assign an annotation for a specific emoji,
 * you can pass the annotation as "", e.g.
 * favorite_annotations = { "", "", "my annotation" };
void          ibus_emojier_set_favorites          (gchar**      favorites,

 * ibus_emojier_set_partial_match:
 * @has_partial_match: Enable the partial match if %TRUE. Otherwise if %FALSE.
 * Set partial match for emoji annotations.
void          ibus_emojier_set_partial_match      (gboolean  has_partial_match);

 * ibus_emojier_set_partial_match_length:
 * @length: minimum lenght to match partially.
 * Set the minimum lenght to match partially.
void          ibus_emojier_set_partial_match_length
                                                  (gint         length);

 * ibus_emojier_set_partial_match_condition:
 * @condition: condition id between 0 and 2.
 * Set the partial match condition with the integer.
void          ibus_emojier_set_partial_match_condition
                                                  (gint         condition);
 * ibus_emojier_load_unicode_dict:
 * Load the dictionary of #IBusUnicodeData.
void          ibus_emojier_load_unicode_dict      (void);
