Blob Blame History Raw
# vim:set et sts=4 sw=4:
# ibus - The Input Bus
# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Peng Huang <>
# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301

__all__ = (

__half_full_table = [
    (0x0020, 0x3000, 1),
    (0x0021, 0xFF01, 0x5E),
    (0x00A2, 0xFFE0, 2),
    (0x00A5, 0xFFE5, 1),
    (0x00A6, 0xFFE4, 1),
    (0x00AC, 0xFFE2, 1),
    (0x00AF, 0xFFE3, 1),
    (0x20A9, 0xFFE6, 1),
    (0xFF61, 0x3002, 1),
    (0xFF62, 0x300C, 2),
    (0xFF64, 0x3001, 1),
    (0xFF65, 0x30FB, 1),
    (0xFF66, 0x30F2, 1),
    (0xFF67, 0x30A1, 1),
    (0xFF68, 0x30A3, 1),
    (0xFF69, 0x30A5, 1),
    (0xFF6A, 0x30A7, 1),
    (0xFF6B, 0x30A9, 1),
    (0xFF6C, 0x30E3, 1),
    (0xFF6D, 0x30E5, 1),
    (0xFF6E, 0x30E7, 1),
    (0xFF6F, 0x30C3, 1),
    (0xFF70, 0x30FC, 1),
    (0xFF71, 0x30A2, 1),
    (0xFF72, 0x30A4, 1),
    (0xFF73, 0x30A6, 1),
    (0xFF74, 0x30A8, 1),
    (0xFF75, 0x30AA, 2),
    (0xFF77, 0x30AD, 1),
    (0xFF78, 0x30AF, 1),
    (0xFF79, 0x30B1, 1),
    (0xFF7A, 0x30B3, 1),
    (0xFF7B, 0x30B5, 1),
    (0xFF7C, 0x30B7, 1),
    (0xFF7D, 0x30B9, 1),
    (0xFF7E, 0x30BB, 1),
    (0xFF7F, 0x30BD, 1),
    (0xFF80, 0x30BF, 1),
    (0xFF81, 0x30C1, 1),
    (0xFF82, 0x30C4, 1),
    (0xFF83, 0x30C6, 1),
    (0xFF84, 0x30C8, 1),
    (0xFF85, 0x30CA, 6),
    (0xFF8B, 0x30D2, 1),
    (0xFF8C, 0x30D5, 1),
    (0xFF8D, 0x30D8, 1),
    (0xFF8E, 0x30DB, 1),
    (0xFF8F, 0x30DE, 5),
    (0xFF94, 0x30E4, 1),
    (0xFF95, 0x30E6, 1),
    (0xFF96, 0x30E8, 6),
    (0xFF9C, 0x30EF, 1),
    (0xFF9D, 0x30F3, 1),
    (0xFFA0, 0x3164, 1),
    (0xFFA1, 0x3131, 30),
    (0xFFC2, 0x314F, 6),
    (0xFFCA, 0x3155, 6),
    (0xFFD2, 0x315B, 9),
    (0xFFE9, 0x2190, 4),
    (0xFFED, 0x25A0, 1),
    (0xFFEE, 0x25CB, 1)]

def unichar_half_to_full (c):
    code = ord (c)
    for half, full, size in __half_full_table:
        if code >= half and code < half + size:
            return unichr (full + code - half)
    return c

def unichar_full_to_half (c):
    code = ord (c)
    for half, full, size in __half_full_table:
        if code >= full and code < full + size:
            return unichr (half + code - full)
    return c