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<chapter id="chapter-tutorial">
<title>GtkSpell Tutorial</title>

<sect1 id="tutorial-basic">
<title>Basic usage</title>

<para>GtkSpell is pretty simple, including it in your program can be as simple
as calling <function>gtk_spell_checker_new</function>,
<function>gtk_spell_checker_set_language</function> and
<function>gtk_spell_checker_attach</function> to attach a
<classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname> to a <classname>GtkTextView</classname>,
like this:
GtkTextView* view = gtk_text_view_new ();
GtkSpellChecker* spell = gtk_spell_checker_new ();
gtk_spell_checker_set_language (spell, "en_US", NULL);
gtk_spell_checker_attach (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
The <classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname> then watches modifications to the
<classname>GtkTextView</classname> and tries to highlight the misspellings. The
<classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname> is automatically destroyed when the
<classname>GtkTextView</classname> to which it is attached is destroyed.

<para>The details of setting up the <classname>GtkTextView</classname> (setting
the word wrap mode, packing it into a <classname>GtkScrolledWindow</classname>)
are left for the GTK documentation to describe.

<sect1 id="tutorial-lang">
<title>Error checking</title>
<para><function>gtk_spell_checker_set_language</function> returns
<literal>FALSE</literal> if there was an error. If a
<parameter>GError **</parameter> was provided as the last argument, the error
message can be displayed to the user:</para>

GError *err = NULL; /* this initialization is important. */
/* ... */
GtkSpellChecker* spell = gtk_spell_checker_new ();
if (!gtk_spell_checker_set_language (spell, "en_US", &err))
    GtkWidget *errdlg;
    errdlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (main_application_window,
                                     "Error initializing spell checking: %s",
                                     gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (errdlg));
  gtk_widget_destroy (errdlg);
  g_error_free (err); /* don't forget to free GErrors when you're done! */

<sect1 id="tutorial-advanced">
<title>Advanced usage</title>
For convenience, <function>gtk_spell_checker_new()</function> is created as
<classname>GInitiallyUnowned</classname> and
<function>gtk_spell_checker_attach()</function> will sink the floating
reference. <function>gtk_spell_checker_attach()</function> also connects the
<literal>destroy</literal> signal of the passed-in
<classname>GObject</classname> to <function>g_object_unref()</function> the
<classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname>, so in the most common use-case, you
need not worry about cleaning it up.

However, if you want to detach and later reattach the
<classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname> to a (possibly different)
<classname>GtkTextView</classname>, you must get a pointer to it with
<function>gtk_spell_checker_get_from_text_view()</function>, call
<function>g_object_ref()</function> on the resulting pointer, call
<function>gtk_spell_checker_detach()</function> on it, call
<function>gtk_spell_checker_attach()</function> with the new
<classname>GtkTextView</classname>, and finally call
<function>g_object_unref()</function> to release the reference that you took at
the beginning, like this:
GtkTextView* view = gtk_text_view_new ();
GtkSpellChecker* spell = gtk_spell_checker_new ();
gtk_spell_checker_set_language (spell, "en_US", NULL);
gtk_spell_checker_attach (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
/* ... */
// Detach
g_object_ref (spell);
gtk_spell_checker_detach (spell);
/* ... */
// Reattach
gtk_spell_checker_attach (spell, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
g_object_unref (spell);

Alternatively, you can sink the <classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname>
immediately upon construction with <function>g_object_ref_sink()</function>,
in which case you will retain the ownership of the
<classname>GtkSpellChecker</classname> throughout the lifetime of the program,
and you must remember to call <function>g_object_unref()</function> when you
don't need it any more, like this:
GtkTextView* view = gtk_text_view_new ();
GtkSpellChecker* spell = gtk_spell_checker_new ();
g_object_ref_sink (spell);
gtk_spell_checker_set_language (spell, "en_US", NULL);
gtk_spell_checker_attach (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
/* ... */
// Detach
gtk_spell_checker_detach (spell);
/* ... */
// Reattach
gtk_spell_checker_attach (spell, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
/* ... */
// End of life time
g_object_unref (spell);

<sect1 id="tutorial-building">
<title>Building a program using GtkSpell</title>

<para>The instructions below are written for the GTK+3 variant. For the GTK+2
variant, if it was compiled, it is sufficient to replace
<literal>gtkspell-3.0</literal> with <literal>gtkspell-2.0</literal> and
<literal>gtk+-3.0</literal> with <literal>gtk+-2.0</literal>.

<sect2 id="tutorial-building-basic">
<title>Simple Programs</title>
<para>The program must be compiled with the GtkSpell C flags and built with the
GtkSpell libs.  Depending on how your program is compiled, you must include the
module <literal>gtkspell-3.0</literal> along with <literal>gtk+-3.0</literal>
in your calls to <command>pkg-config</command>.</para>

<sect2 id="tutorial-building-autoconf">
<title>Building Using Autoconf</title>
<para>In <filename></filename>, modify the call to
<function>PKG_CHECK_MODULES</function> to include
<literal>gtkspell-3.0</literal>, like this:</para>
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MYPROGRAM, gtk+-3.0 gtkspell-3.0)

<para>To pass the necessary flags to the compiler, you should add
<literal>@MYPROGRAM_CFLAGS@</literal> and <literal>@MYPROGRAM_LIBS@</literal>
to the respective <filename></filename>, i.e.
mylibrary_la_LIBADD = @MYPROGRAM_LIBS@
For the substitutions to work, you need to add to
<filename></filename> the lines


<sect1 id="tutorial-bindings">
<title>Bindings for other languages</title>
The package also optionally offers bindings for the following languages
      <guilabel>Python</guilabel> &mdash; via GObject-introspection typelibs.
      To use them, it is sufficient to import the corresponding module as follows
      from gi.repository import GtkSpell
      <guilabel>Vala</guilabel> &mdash; via GObject-introspection generated VAPIs.
      To compile a GTK+3 Vala application which uses GtkSpell, you need to add
      <literal>--pkg gtkspell3-3.0</literal> to the <literal>valac</literal>
      compiler flags, i.e.
      valac myprog.vala --pkg gtkspell3-3.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0
      For GTK+2 applications, you would write
      valac myprog.vala --pkg gtkspell3-2.0 --pkg gtk+-2.0
