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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 This file is part of GtkSourceView

 Authors: Jorn Baayen
 Copyright (C) 2012 Jorn Baayen <>

 Based on modelica.xml from Kate, Copyright (C) 2008 Federico Zenith.

 GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, see <>.

<language id="modelica" name="Modelica" version="2.0" _section="Scientific">
    <property name="mimetypes">text/x-modelica</property>
    <property name="globs">*.mo;*.mop</property>
    <property name="line-comment-start">//</property>
    <property name="block-comment-start">/*</property>
    <property name="block-comment-end">*/</property>

    <style id="comment"           name="Comment"           map-to="def:comment"/>
    <style id="string"            name="String"            map-to="def:string"/>
    <style id="operator"          name="Operator"          map-to="def:operator"/>
    <style id="class-type"        name="Class type"        map-to="def:type"/>
    <style id="data-type"         name="Data type"         map-to="def:type"/>
    <style id="default-attribute" name="Default Attribute" map-to="def:identifier"/>
    <style id="boolean"           name="Boolean"           map-to="def:boolean"/>
    <style id="decimal"           name="Decimal"           map-to="def:decimal"/>
    <style id="floating-point"    name="Floating Point"    map-to="def:floating-point"/>
    <style id="base-n-integer"    name="Base-N Integer"    map-to="def:base-n-integer"/>
    <style id="keyword"           name="Keyword"           map-to="def:keyword"/>
    <style id="builtin"           name="Builtin"           map-to="def:builtin"/>


    <context id="double-quoted-string" style-ref="string" end-at-line-end="false" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check">

    <!--To see the list of operators, use the function __operators__-->
    <context id="operator" style-ref="operator">
      <match extended="true">
        (\.)?\+{1,2}?(?!\+) |   # arithmetic operators
        (\.)?\-{1,2}?(?!\-) |   # already counting
        (\.)?\*{1,2}?(?!\*) |   # with auto increment,
        (\.)?\/(?!\^) |         # element by element,
        (\.)?\\(?!\^) |         # left division
        (\.)?\^(?!\^) |         # and both exp
        (?&lt;=[0-9a-zA-Z_)\]}])(\.)?' |                  # transpose operator
        &lt;=? | &gt;=? | != | ~= | == | &lt;&gt; |       # comparison operators
        &amp;{1,2}?(?!&amp;) | \|{1,2}?(?!\|) | ! | ~ |   # boolean operators
        = |                                               # assignment operator
        : |                                               # range operator

    <context id="class-type" style-ref="class-type">

    <context id="data-type" style-ref="data-type">

    <context id="default-attribute" style-ref="default-attribute">

    <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean">
      <!-- falase and true can be used as functions too. Do not highlight as
      boolean if followed by parentheses -->

    <context id="decimal" style-ref="decimal">

    <context id="floating-point-number" style-ref="floating-point">

    <!--To see the list of keywords, use the function __keywords__-->
    <context id="keyword" style-ref="keyword">

    <context id="builtin" style-ref="builtin">
      <!-- NOTE this is more like a built-in variable, but as it changes
           its value during the simulation it is more like a function
           without the (), and has therefore been placed here.-->



      <keyword>cardinality</keyword> <!-- NOTE deprecated in 3.0. -->


    <context id="modelica" class="no-spell-check">
        <context ref="def:c-like-comment"/>
        <context ref="def:c-like-comment-multiline"/>
        <context ref="def:c-like-close-comment-outside-comment"/>
        <context ref="double-quoted-string"/>
        <context ref="operator"/>
        <context ref="class-type"/>
        <context ref="data-type"/>
        <context ref="default-attribute"/>
        <context ref="boolean"/>
        <context ref="decimal"/>
        <context ref="floating-point-number"/>
        <context ref="keyword"/>
        <context ref="builtin"/>