Blob Blame History Raw
// Generated by gmmproc 2.54.0 -- DO NOT MODIFY!

#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>

/* Copyright (C) 2006 The gtkmm Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <vector>

#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
#include <giomm/icon.h>
#include <giomm/appinfo.h>
#include <ctime>

extern "C"
typedef struct _GtkRecentInfo GtkRecentInfo;
void gtk_recent_info_unref(GtkRecentInfo* info);

namespace Gtk

/** Contains information found when looking up an entry of the
 * recently used files list.
 * @newin{2,10}
 * @ingroup RecentFiles
class RecentInfo final
  using CppObjectType = RecentInfo;
  using BaseObjectType = GtkRecentInfo;

  /** Increment the reference count for this object.
   * You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
  void reference()   const;

  /** Decrement the reference count for this object.
   * You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
  void unreference() const;

  ///Provides access to the underlying C instance.
  GtkRecentInfo*       gobj();

  ///Provides access to the underlying C instance.
  const GtkRecentInfo* gobj() const;

  ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
  GtkRecentInfo* gobj_copy() const;

  RecentInfo() = delete;

  // noncopyable
  RecentInfo(const RecentInfo&) = delete;
  RecentInfo& operator=(const RecentInfo&) = delete;

  // Do not derive this.  Gtk::RecentInfo can neither be constructed nor deleted.

  void operator delete(void*, std::size_t);



  /** Gets the URI of the resource.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The URI of the resource. The returned string is
   * owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
  Glib::ustring get_uri() const;
  /** Gets the name of the resource. If none has been defined, the basename
   * of the resource is obtained.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The display name of the resource. The returned string
   * is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
  Glib::ustring get_display_name() const;
  /** Gets the (short) description of the resource.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The description of the resource. The returned string
   * is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
  Glib::ustring get_description() const;
  /** Gets the MIME type of the resource.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The MIME type of the resource. The returned string
   * is owned by the recent manager, and should not be freed.
  Glib::ustring get_mime_type() const;

  /** Gets the timestamp (seconds from system’s Epoch) when the resource
   * was added to the recently used resources list.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The number of seconds elapsed from system’s Epoch when
   * the resource was added to the list, or -1 on failure.
  std::time_t get_added() const;
  /** Gets the timestamp (seconds from system’s Epoch) when the meta-data
   * for the resource was last modified.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The number of seconds elapsed from system’s Epoch when
   * the resource was last modified, or -1 on failure.
  std::time_t get_modified() const;
  /** Gets the timestamp (seconds from system’s Epoch) when the meta-data
   * for the resource was last visited.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return The number of seconds elapsed from system’s Epoch when
   * the resource was last visited, or -1 on failure.
  std::time_t get_visited() const;

  /** Gets the value of the “private” flag. Resources in the recently used
   * list that have this flag set to <tt>true</tt> should only be displayed by the
   * applications that have registered them.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the private flag was found, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  bool get_private_hint() const;

  /** Creates a AppInfo for the specified Gtk::RecentInfo
   * @param app_name The name of the application that should
   * be mapped to a AppInfo; if <tt>nullptr</tt> is used then the default
   * application for the MIME type is used.
   * @return The newly created AppInfo, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * In case of error, @a error will be set either with a
  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::AppInfo> create_app_info(const Glib::ustring& app_name);

  /** Gets the data regarding the application that has registered the resource
   * pointed by @a info.
   * If the command line contains any escape characters defined inside the
   * storage specification, they will be expanded.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param app_name The name of the application that has registered this item.
   * @param app_exec Return location for the string containing
   * the command line.
   * @param count Return location for the number of times this item was registered.
   * @param time Return location for the timestamp this item was last registered
   * for this application.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if an application with @a app_name has registered this
   * resource inside the recently used list, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. The
   *  @a app_exec string is owned by the Gtk::RecentInfo and should not be
   * modified or freed.

  bool get_application_info(const Glib::ustring& app_name, std::string& app_exec,
                            guint& count, std::time_t& time) const;

  /** Retrieves the list of applications that have registered this resource.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param length Return location for the length of the returned list.
   * @return A newly allocated <tt>nullptr</tt>-terminated array of strings.

  std::vector<Glib::ustring> get_applications() const;

  /** Gets the name of the last application that have registered the
   * recently used resource represented by @a info.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return An application name.
  Glib::ustring last_application() const;
  /** Checks whether an application registered this resource using @a app_name.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param app_name A string containing an application name.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if an application with name @a app_name was found,
   * <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  bool has_application(const Glib::ustring& app_name) const;

  /** Returns all groups registered for the recently used item @a info.
   * The array of returned group names will be <tt>nullptr</tt> terminated, so
   * length might optionally be <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param length Return location for the number of groups returned.
   * @return A newly allocated <tt>nullptr</tt> terminated array of strings.

  std::vector<Glib::ustring> get_groups() const;

  /** Checks whether @a group_name appears inside the groups
   * registered for the recently used item @a info.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param group_name Name of a group.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the group was found.
  bool has_group(const Glib::ustring& group_name) const;

  /** Retrieves the icon of size @a size associated to the resource MIME type.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param size The size of the icon in pixels.
   * @return A Gdk::Pixbuf containing the icon,
   * or <tt>nullptr</tt>. Use Glib::object_unref() when finished using the icon.
  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> get_icon(int size);
  /** Retrieves the icon of size @a size associated to the resource MIME type.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param size The size of the icon in pixels.
   * @return A Gdk::Pixbuf containing the icon,
   * or <tt>nullptr</tt>. Use Glib::object_unref() when finished using the icon.
  Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::Pixbuf> get_icon(int size) const;

  /** Retrieves the icon associated to the resource MIME type.
   * @newin{2,22}
   * @return A Icon containing the icon, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * Use Glib::object_unref() when finished using the icon.
  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Icon> get_gicon();
  /** Retrieves the icon associated to the resource MIME type.
   * @newin{2,22}
   * @return A Icon containing the icon, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * Use Glib::object_unref() when finished using the icon.
  Glib::RefPtr<const Gio::Icon> get_gicon() const;

  /** Computes a valid UTF-8 string that can be used as the
   * name of the item in a menu or list. For example, calling
   * this function on an item that refers to
   * “file:///foo/bar.txt” will yield “bar.txt”.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return A newly-allocated string in UTF-8 encoding
   * free it with Glib::free().
  Glib::ustring get_short_name() const;
  /** Gets a displayable version of the resource’s URI. If the resource
   * is local, it returns a local path; if the resource is not local,
   * it returns the UTF-8 encoded content of get_uri().
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return A newly allocated UTF-8 string containing the
   * resource’s URI or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
  Glib::ustring get_uri_display() const;

  /** Gets the number of days elapsed since the last update
   * of the resource pointed by @a info.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return A positive integer containing the number of days
   * elapsed since the time this resource was last modified.
  int get_age() const;
  /** Checks whether the resource is local or not by looking at the
   * scheme of its URI.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the resource is local.
  bool is_local() const;
  /** Checks whether the resource pointed by @a info still exists.
   * At the moment this check is done only on resources pointing
   * to local files.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the resource exists.
  bool exists() const;

  /** Checks whether two Gtk::RecentInfo-struct point to the same
   * resource.
   * @newin{2,10}
   * @param info_b A Gtk::RecentInfo.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if both Gtk::RecentInfo-struct point to the same
   * resource, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  bool equal(const RecentInfo& info_b) const;



struct RecentInfoTraits
  typedef Glib::RefPtr<RecentInfo> CppType;
  typedef const GtkRecentInfo* CType;
  typedef GtkRecentInfo* CTypeNonConst;

  static inline CType to_c_type(const CppType& obj) { return Glib::unwrap(obj); }
  static inline CType to_c_type(const CType& obj) { return obj; }
  static CppType to_cpp_type(const CType& obj);
  static inline void release_c_type(const CType& obj)
    { gtk_recent_info_unref(const_cast<CTypeNonConst>(obj)); }

// TODO: These are almost impossible to use without RefPtr<>::operator*()

/** @relates Gtk::RecentInfo */
inline bool operator==(const RecentInfo& lhs, const RecentInfo& rhs)
  { return lhs.equal(rhs); }

/** @relates Gtk::RecentInfo */
inline bool operator!=(const RecentInfo& lhs, const RecentInfo& rhs)
  { return !lhs.equal(rhs); }

} // namespace Gtk

namespace Glib

// This is needed so Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> can be used with
// Glib::Value and Gtk::TreeModelColumn:
template <>
class Value< Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> > : public ValueBase_Boxed
  typedef Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> CppType;
  typedef GtkRecentInfo* CType;

  static GType value_type();

  void set(const CppType& data);
  CppType get() const;

} // namespace Glib

namespace Glib

  /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
   * @param object The C instance.
   * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
   * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
   * @relates Gtk::RecentInfo
  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> wrap(GtkRecentInfo* object, bool take_copy = false);

} // namespace Glib

#endif /* _GTKMM_RECENTINFO_H */