Blob Blame History Raw
// Generated by gmmproc 2.54.0 -- DO NOT MODIFY!

#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <sigc++/sigc++.h>

 * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 The gtkmm Development Team
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <vector>

#include <gtkmm/container.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodel.h>
#include <gtkmm/treepath.h>
#include <gtkmm/celllayout.h>
#include <gtkmm/cellarea.h>
#include <gtkmm/cellrenderer.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrollable.h>
#include <gtkmm/tooltip.h>

using GtkIconView = struct _GtkIconView;
using GtkIconViewClass = struct _GtkIconViewClass;

namespace Gtk
{ class IconView_Class; } // namespace Gtk

namespace Gtk

/** @addtogroup gtkmmEnums gtkmm Enums and Flags */

 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_NO_DROP
 * No drop possible.
 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_DROP_INTO
 * Dropped item replaces the item.
 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_DROP_LEFT
 * Droppped item is inserted to the left.
 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_DROP_RIGHT
 * Dropped item is inserted to the right.
 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_DROP_ABOVE
 * Dropped item is inserted above.
 *  @var IconViewDropPosition ICON_VIEW_DROP_BELOW
 * Dropped item is inserted below.
 *  @enum IconViewDropPosition
 * An enum for determining where a dropped item goes.
 * @ingroup gtkmmEnums
enum IconViewDropPosition

} // namespace Gtk

namespace Glib

template <>
class Value<Gtk::IconViewDropPosition> : public Glib::Value_Enum<Gtk::IconViewDropPosition>
  static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;

} // namespace Glib

namespace Gtk

/** The IconView provides an alternative view of a list model.
 * It displays the model as a grid of icons with labels.
 * Like the TreeView, it allows the user to select one or multiple items
 * (depending on the selection mode - see set_selection_mode()).
 * In addition to selection with the arrow keys, the IconView supports
 * rubberband selection, by dragging the pointer.
 * @ingroup Widgets
 * @ingroup Containers

class IconView
 : public Container,
   public CellLayout,
   public Scrollable
  typedef IconView CppObjectType;
  typedef IconView_Class CppClassType;
  typedef GtkIconView BaseObjectType;
  typedef GtkIconViewClass BaseClassType;

  IconView(IconView&& src) noexcept;
  IconView& operator=(IconView&& src) noexcept;

  // noncopyable
  IconView(const IconView&) = delete;
  IconView& operator=(const IconView&) = delete;

  ~IconView() noexcept override;


  friend class IconView_Class;
  static CppClassType iconview_class_;

  explicit IconView(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
  explicit IconView(GtkIconView* castitem);



  /** Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.
  static GType get_type()      G_GNUC_CONST;


  static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.
  GtkIconView*       gobj()       { return reinterpret_cast<GtkIconView*>(gobject_); }

  ///Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.
  const GtkIconView* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GtkIconView*>(gobject_); }

  //C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:

  //GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):

  //Default Signal Handlers::
  /// This is a default handler for the signal signal_item_activated().
  virtual void on_item_activated(const TreeModel::Path& path);
  /// This is a default handler for the signal signal_selection_changed().
  virtual void on_selection_changed();



    explicit IconView(const Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel>& model);

    explicit IconView(const Glib::RefPtr<CellArea>& cell_area);

  /** Sets the model for a Gtk::IconView.
   * If the @a icon_view already has a model set, it will remove
   * it before setting the new model. Use unset_model() to
   * unset the old model.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param model The model.
  void set_model(const Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel>& model);
  /** Returns the model the Gtk::IconView is based on.  Returns <tt>nullptr</tt> if the
   * model is unset.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A Gtk::TreeModel, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if none is
   * currently being used.
  Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel> get_model();
  /** Returns the model the Gtk::IconView is based on.  Returns <tt>nullptr</tt> if the
   * model is unset.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A Gtk::TreeModel, or <tt>nullptr</tt> if none is
   * currently being used.
  Glib::RefPtr<const TreeModel> get_model() const;

  /** Remove the model from the IconView.
   * @see set_model().
   * @newin{2,16}
  void unset_model();

  /** Sets the column with text for @a icon_view to be @a column. The text
   * column must be of type TYPE_STRING.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to display no text.
  void set_text_column(int column);
  /** Sets the column with text for @a icon_view to be @a model_column. The text
   * column must be of type TYPE_STRING.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param model_column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to display no text.
  void set_text_column(const TreeModelColumnBase& model_column);
  /** Returns the column with text for @a icon_view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The text column, or -1 if it’s unset.
  int get_text_column() const;
  /** Sets the column with markup information for @a icon_view to be
   *  @a column. The markup column must be of type TYPE_STRING.
   * If the markup column is set to something, it overrides
   * the text column set by set_text_column().
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to display no text.
  void set_markup_column(int column);
  /** Sets the column with markup information for @a icon_view to be
   *  @a column. The markup column must be of type TYPE_STRING.
   * If the markup column is set to something, it overrides
   * the text column set by set_text_column().
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to display no text.
  void set_markup_column(const TreeModelColumnBase& column);
  /** Returns the column with markup text for @a icon_view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The markup column, or -1 if it’s unset.
  int get_markup_column() const;
  /** Sets the column with pixbufs for @a icon_view to be @a column. The pixbuf
   * column must be of type Gdk::TYPE_PIXBUF
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to disable.
  void set_pixbuf_column(int column);
  /** Sets the column with pixbufs for @a icon_view to be @a column. The pixbuf
   * column must be of type Gdk::TYPE_PIXBUF
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column A column in the currently used model, or -1 to disable.
  void set_pixbuf_column(const TreeModelColumnBase& column);
  /** Returns the column with pixbufs for @a icon_view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The pixbuf column, or -1 if it’s unset.
  int get_pixbuf_column() const;

  /** Sets the property_item_orientation() property which determines whether the labels 
   * are drawn beside the icons instead of below.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param orientation The relative position of texts and icons.
  void set_item_orientation(Orientation orientation);
  /** Returns the value of the property_item_orientation() property which determines 
   * whether the labels are drawn beside the icons instead of below. 
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The relative position of texts and icons.
  Orientation get_item_orientation() const;

  /** Sets the property_columns() property which determines in how
   * many columns the icons are arranged. If @a columns is
   * -1, the number of columns will be chosen automatically 
   * to fill the available area. 
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param columns The number of columns.
  void set_columns(int columns);
  /** Returns the value of the property_columns() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The number of columns, or -1.
  int get_columns() const;
  /** Sets the property_item_width() property which specifies the width 
   * to use for each item. If it is set to -1, the icon view will 
   * automatically determine a suitable item size.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param item_width The width for each item.
  void set_item_width(int item_width);
  /** Returns the value of the property_item_width() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The width of a single item, or -1.
  int get_icon_width() const;
  /** Sets the property_spacing() property which specifies the space 
   * which is inserted between the cells (i.e.\ the icon and 
   * the text) of an item.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param spacing The spacing.
  void set_spacing(int spacing);
  /** Returns the value of the property_spacing() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The space between cells.
  int get_spacing() const;
  /** Sets the property_row_spacing() property which specifies the space 
   * which is inserted between the rows of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param row_spacing The row spacing.
  void set_row_spacing(int row_spacing);
  /** Returns the value of the property_row_spacing() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The space between rows.
  gint get_row_spacing() const;
  /** Sets the property_column_spacing() property which specifies the space 
   * which is inserted between the columns of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param column_spacing The column spacing.
  void set_column_spacing(int column_spacing);
  /** Returns the value of the property_column_spacing() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The space between columns.
  int get_column_spacing() const;

  /** Sets the property_margin() property which specifies the space 
   * which is inserted at the top, bottom, left and right 
   * of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param margin The margin.
  void set_margin(int margin);
  /** Returns the value of the property_margin() property.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The space at the borders.
  int get_margin() const;

  /** Sets the Gtk::IconView::property_item_padding() property which specifies the padding
   * around each of the icon view’s items.
   * @newin{2,18}
   * @param item_padding The item padding.
  void set_item_padding(int item_padding);
  /** Returns the value of the property_item_padding() property.
   * @newin{2,18}
   * @return The padding around items.
  int get_item_padding() const;

  /** Finds the path at the point ( @a x, @a y), relative to bin_window coordinates.
   * See get_item_at_pos(), if you are also interested in
   * the cell at the specified position. 
   * See convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords() for converting
   * widget coordinates to bin_window coordinates.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param x The x position to be identified.
   * @param y The y position to be identified.
   * @return The Gtk::TreePath corresponding
   * to the icon or <tt>nullptr</tt> if no icon exists at that position.
  TreeModel::Path get_path_at_pos(int x, int y) const;

  /** Finds the path at the point (@a x, @a y), relative to widget coordinates.
   * @param x The x position to be identified.
   * @param y The y position to be identified.
   * @param path The path.
   * @param cell The renderer responsible for the cell at (@a x, @a y).
   * @result true if an item exists at the specified position.
   * @newin{2,6}
  bool get_item_at_pos(int x, int y, TreeModel::Path& path, CellRenderer*& cell) const;

  /** Finds the path at the point (@a x, @a y), relative to widget coordinates.
   * @param x The x position to be identified.
   * @param y The y position to be identified.
   * @param path The path.
   * @result true if an item exists at the specified position.
   * @newin{2,6}
  bool get_item_at_pos(int x, int y, TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  /** Finds the path at the point (@a x, @a y), relative to widget coordinates.
   * @param x The x position to be identified.
   * @param y The y position to be identified.
   * @param cell The renderer responsible for the cell at (@a x, @a y).
   * @result true if an item exists at the specified position.
   * @newin{2,6}
  bool get_item_at_pos(int x, int y, CellRenderer*& cell) const;

  bool get_visible_range(TreeModel::Path& start_path, TreeModel::Path& end_path) const;

  /** Causes the Gtk::IconView::signal_item_activated() signal to be emitted on
   * a single click instead of a double click.
   * @newin{3,8}
   * @param single <tt>true</tt> to emit item-activated on a single click.
  void set_activate_on_single_click(bool single =  true);
  /** Gets the setting set by set_activate_on_single_click().
   * @newin{3,8}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if item-activated will be emitted on a single click.
  bool get_activate_on_single_click() const;

  /** For instance,
   * void on_foreach(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path);
  typedef sigc::slot<void, const TreeModel::Path&> SlotForeach;

  /** Calls a function for each selected icon. Note that the model or
  * selection cannot be modified from within this function.
  * @param slot The callback to call for each selected icon.
  void selected_foreach(const SlotForeach& slot);

//Default value?:
  /** Sets the selection mode of the @a icon_view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param mode The selection mode.
  void set_selection_mode(SelectionMode mode);
  /** Gets the selection mode of the @a icon_view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return The current selection mode.
  SelectionMode get_selection_mode() const;
  /** Selects the row at @a path.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath to be selected.
  void select_path(const TreeModel::Path& path);
  /** Unselects the row at @a path.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath to be unselected.
  void unselect_path(const TreeModel::Path& path);
  /** Returns <tt>true</tt> if the icon pointed to by @a path is currently
   * selected. If @a path does not point to a valid location, <tt>false</tt> is returned.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath to check selection on.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if @a path is selected.
  bool path_is_selected(const TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  /** Gets the row in which the item @a path is currently
   * displayed. Row numbers start at 0.
   * @newin{2,22}
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath of the item.
   * @return The row in which the item is displayed.
  int get_item_row(const TreeModel::Path& path) const;
  /** Gets the column in which the item @a path is currently
   * displayed. Column numbers start at 0.
   * @newin{2,22}
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath of the item.
   * @return The column in which the item is displayed.
  int get_item_column(const TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  //TODO: I'm not sure about these to_*() functions. murrayc.
  struct TreePathTraits
    typedef TreePath  CppType;
    typedef const GtkTreePath* CType;
    typedef GtkTreePath*    CTypeNonConst;

    static CType   to_c_type      (const CppType& obj) { return obj.gobj(); }
    static CType   to_c_type      (const CType&   obj) { return obj; }
    static CppType to_cpp_type    (const CType&   obj) { return CppType(const_cast<CTypeNonConst>(obj), true); }
    static void    release_c_type (const CType&)       {}

  /** Creates a list of paths of all selected items. Additionally, if you are
   * planning on modifying the model after calling this function, you may
   * want to convert the returned list into a list of Gtk::TreeRowReferences.
   * To do this, you can use Gtk::TreeRowReference::new().
   * To free the return value, use:
   * [C example ellipted]
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A List containing a Gtk::TreePath for each selected row.
  std::vector<TreePath> get_selected_items() const;

  /** Selects all the icons. @a icon_view must has its selection mode set
   * @newin{2,6}
  void select_all();
  /** Unselects all the icons.
   * @newin{2,6}
  void unselect_all();
  /** Activates the item determined by @a path.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath to be activated.
  void item_activated(const TreeModel::Path& path);

  //TODO: Add a version with no cell parameter.
  /** Sets the current keyboard focus to be at @a path, and selects it.  This is
   * useful when you want to focus the user’s attention on a particular item.
   * If @a cell is not <tt>nullptr</tt>, then focus is given to the cell specified by 
   * it. Additionally, if @a start_editing is <tt>true</tt>, then editing should be 
   * started in the specified cell.  
   * This function is often followed by `gtk_widget_grab_focus 
   * (icon_view)` in order to give keyboard focus to the widget.  
   * Please note that editing can only happen when the widget is realized.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath.
   * @param cell One of the cell renderers of @a icon_view, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * @param start_editing <tt>true</tt> if the specified cell should start being edited.
  void set_cursor(const TreeModel::Path& path, CellRenderer& cell, bool start_editing);

  /// A set_cursor() convenience overload.
  void set_cursor(const TreeModel::Path& path, bool start_editing);

  /** Fills in @a path and @a cell with the current cursor path and cell.
   * If the cursor isn't currently set, then @a path will be empty.
   * If no cell currently has focus, then @a cell will be NULL.
   * @param path The current cursor path.
   * @param cell The current focus cell.
   * @result true if the cursor is set.
   * @newin{2,8}
  bool get_cursor(TreeModel::Path& path, CellRenderer*& cell) const;

  /** Fills in @a path and @a cell with the current cursor path and cell.
   * If the cursor isn't currently set, then @a path will be empty.
   * If no cell currently has focus, then @a cell will be NULL.
   * @param path The current cursor path.
   * @result true if the cursor is set.
   * @newin{2,8}
  bool get_cursor(TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  /** Fills in @a path and @a cell with the current cursor path and cell.
   * If the cursor isn't currently set, then @a path will be empty.
   * If no cell currently has focus, then @a cell will be NULL.
   * @param cell The current focus cell.
   * @result true if the cursor is set.
   * @newin{2,8}
  bool get_cursor(CellRenderer*& cell) const;

  /** Moves the alignments of @a icon_view to the position specified by @a path.  
   *  @a row_align determines where the row is placed, and @a col_align determines 
   * where @a column is placed.  Both are expected to be between 0.0 and 1.0. 
   * 0.0 means left/top alignment, 1.0 means right/bottom alignment, 0.5 means 
   * center.
   * If @a use_align is <tt>false</tt>, then the alignment arguments are ignored, and the
   * tree does the minimum amount of work to scroll the item onto the screen.
   * This means that the item will be scrolled to the edge closest to its current
   * position.  If the item is currently visible on the screen, nothing is done.
   * This function only works if the model is set, and @a path is a valid row on 
   * the model. If the model changes before the @a icon_view is realized, the 
   * centered path will be modified to reflect this change.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @param path The path of the item to move to.
   * @param use_align Whether to use alignment arguments, or <tt>false</tt>.
   * @param row_align The vertical alignment of the item specified by @a path.
   * @param col_align The horizontal alignment of the item specified by @a path.
  void scroll_to_path(const TreeModel::Path& path, bool use_align, gfloat row_align, gfloat col_align);

/* Drag-and-Drop support */
   * Turns the IconView into a drag source for automatic DND.
   * @param targets Standard container of targets that the drag will support.
   * @param start_button_mask Mask of allowed buttons to start drag.
   * @param actions The bitmask of possible actions for a drag from this widget.
  void enable_model_drag_source(const std::vector<TargetEntry>& targets,
                                Gdk::ModifierType start_button_mask = Gdk::MODIFIER_MASK,
                                Gdk::DragAction actions = Gdk::ACTION_COPY | Gdk::ACTION_MOVE);

  /** Turns the IconView into a drop destination for automatic DND.
   * @param targets The table of targets that the drag will support.
   * @param actions The bitmask of possible actions for a drag from this widget.
  void enable_model_drag_dest(const std::vector<TargetEntry>& targets, Gdk::DragAction actions = Gdk::ACTION_COPY | Gdk::ACTION_MOVE);

  /** Undoes the effect of enable_model_drag_source(). Calling this
   * method sets Gtk::IconView::property_reorderable() to <tt>false</tt>.
   * @newin{2,8}
  void unset_model_drag_source();
  /** Undoes the effect of enable_model_drag_dest(). Calling this
   * method sets Gtk::IconView::property_reorderable() to <tt>false</tt>.
   * @newin{2,8}
  void unset_model_drag_dest();

  /** This function is a convenience function to allow you to reorder models that
   * support the Gtk::TreeDragSourceIface and the Gtk::TreeDragDestIface.  Both
   * Gtk::TreeStore and Gtk::ListStore support these.  If @a reorderable is <tt>true</tt>, then
   * the user can reorder the model by dragging and dropping rows.  The
   * developer can listen to these changes by connecting to the model's
   * row_inserted and row_deleted signals. The reordering is implemented by setting up
   * the icon view as a drag source and destination. Therefore, drag and
   * drop can not be used in a reorderable view for any other purpose.
   * This function does not give you any degree of control over the order -- any
   * reordering is allowed.  If more control is needed, you should probably
   * handle drag and drop manually.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @param reorderable <tt>true</tt>, if the list of items can be reordered.
  void set_reorderable(bool reorderable =  true);
  /** Retrieves whether the user can reorder the list via drag-and-drop. 
   * See set_reorderable().
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the list can be reordered.
  bool get_reorderable() const;

/* These are useful to implement your own custom stuff. */
  //TODO: Discover what arguments are output arguments:
  /** Sets the item that is highlighted for feedback.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @param path The path of the item to highlight, or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * @param pos Specifies where to drop, relative to the item.
  void set_drag_dest_item(const TreeModel::Path& path, IconViewDropPosition pos);

  /** Gets information about the item that is highlighted for feedback.
   * @param path The highlighted item.
   * @param pos The drop position.
   * @newin{2,10}
  void get_drag_dest_item(TreeModel::Path& path, IconViewDropPosition& pos) const;

  /** Gets information about the item that is highlighted for feedback.
   * @param path The highlighted item.
   * @newin{2,10}
  void get_drag_dest_item(TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  /** Gets information about the item that is highlighted for feedback.
   * @param pos The drop position.
   * @newin{2,10}
  void get_drag_dest_item(IconViewDropPosition& pos) const;

  /** Determines the destination item for a given position.
   * @param drag_x The position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param drag_y the position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param path The path of the item.
   * @param pos: The drop position.
   * @result whether there is an item at the given position.
   * @newin{2,10}
  bool get_dest_item_at_pos(int drag_x, int drag_y, TreeModel::Path& path, IconViewDropPosition& pos) const;

  /** Determines the destination item for a given position.
   * @param drag_x The position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param drag_y the position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param path The path of the item.
   * @result whether there is an item at the given position.
   * @newin{2,10}
  bool get_dest_item_at_pos(int drag_x, int drag_y, TreeModel::Path& path) const;

  /** Determines the destination item for a given position.
   * @param drag_x The position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param drag_y the position to determine the destination item for.
   * @param pos: The drop position.
   * @result whether there is an item at the given position.
   * @newin{2,10}
  bool get_dest_item_at_pos(int drag_x, int drag_y, IconViewDropPosition& pos) const;

  /** Creates a #cairo_surface_t representation of the item at @a path.  
   * This image is used for a drag icon.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath in @a icon_view.
   * @return A newly-allocated surface of the drag icon.
  Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> create_drag_icon(const TreeModel::Path& path);

  /** Converts widget coordinates to coordinates for the bin_window,
   * as expected by e.g.\ get_path_at_pos(). 
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @param wx X coordinate relative to the widget.
   * @param wy Y coordinate relative to the widget.
   * @param bx Return location for bin_window X coordinate.
   * @param by Return location for bin_window Y coordinate.
  void convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(int wx, int wy, int& bx, int& by) const;

  /** Fills the bounding rectangle in widget coordinates for the cell specified by
   *  @a path and @a cell. If @a cell is <tt>nullptr</tt> the main cell area is used.
   * This function is only valid if @a icon_view is realized.
   * @newin{3,6}
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath.
   * @param cell A Gtk::CellRenderer or <tt>nullptr</tt>.
   * @param rect Rectangle to fill with cell rect.
   * @return <tt>false</tt> if there is no such item, <tt>true</tt> otherwise.
  bool get_cell_rect(const TreeModel::Path& path, const CellRenderer& cell, Gdk::Rectangle& rect) const;

  /// A get_cell_rect() convenience overload.
  bool get_cell_rect(const TreeModel::Path& path, Gdk::Rectangle& rect) const;

  /** Sets the tip area of @a tooltip to be the area covered by the item at @a path.
   * See also Tooltip::set_tip_area().
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @param tooltip A Gtk::Tooltip.
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath.
  void set_tooltip_item(const Glib::RefPtr<Tooltip>& tooltip, const TreeModel::Path& path);
  /** Sets the tip area of @a tooltip to the area which @a cell occupies in
   * the item pointed to by @a path. See also Tooltip::set_tip_area().
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @param tooltip A Gtk::Tooltip.
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath.
   * @param cell A Gtk::CellRenderer.
  void set_tooltip_cell(const Glib::RefPtr<Tooltip>& tooltip, const TreeModel::Path& path, CellRenderer& cell);

  /** Sets the tip area of @a tooltip to the area occupied by
   * the item pointed to by @a path. See also Tooltip::set_tip_area().
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @param tooltip A Gtk::Tooltip.
   * @param path A Gtk::TreePath.
  void set_tooltip_cell(const Glib::RefPtr<Tooltip>& tooltip, const TreeModel::Path& path);

   * @param x: the x coordinate (relative to widget coordinates)
   * @param y: the y coordinate (relative to widget coordinates)
   * @param keyboard_tip: whether this is a keyboard tooltip or not
   * @param path: a reference to receive a Gtk::TreePath
   * This function is supposed to be used in a Gtk::Widget::query-tooltip
   * signal handler for Gtk::IconView. The x, y and keyboard_tip values
   * which are received in the signal handler, should be passed to this
   * function without modification.
   * The return value indicates whether there is an icon view item at the given
   * coordinates (true) or not (false) for mouse tooltips. For keyboard
   * tooltips the item returned will be the cursor item. When true, then the
   * path which has been provided will be set to point to
   * that row and the corresponding model. x and y will always be converted
   * to be relative to IconView's bin_window if keyboard_tooltip is false.
   * Return value: whether or not the given tooltip context points to a item.
   * @newin{2,12}
  bool get_tooltip_context_path(int& x, int& y,
                                bool keyboard_tip,
                                TreeModel::Path& path);

   * @param x: the x coordinate (relative to widget coordinates)
   * @param y: the y coordinate (relative to widget coordinates)
   * @param keyboard_tip: whether this is a keyboard tooltip or not
   * @param iter: a pointer to receive a Gtk::TreeIter
   * This function is supposed to be used in a Gtk::Widget::query-tooltip
   * signal handler for Gtk::IconView. The x, y and keyboard_tip values
   * which are received in the signal handler, should be passed to this
   * function without modification.
   * The return value indicates whether there is an icon view item at the given
   * coordinates (true) or not (false) for mouse tooltips. For keyboard
   * tooltips the item returned will be the cursor item. When true, then the
   * iter which has been provided will be set to point to
   * that row and the corresponding model. x and y will always be converted
   * to be relative to IconView's bin_window if keyboard_tooltip is false.
   * Return value: whether or not the given tooltip context points to a item.
   * @newin{2,12}
  bool get_tooltip_context_iter(int& x, int& y,
                                bool keyboard_tip,
                                Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter);

  /** If you only plan to have simple (text-only) tooltips on full items, you
   * can use this function to have Gtk::IconView handle these automatically
   * for you. @a column should be set to the column in @a icon_view’s model
   * containing the tooltip texts, or -1 to disable this feature.
   * When enabled, Gtk::Widget::property_has_tooltip() will be set to <tt>true</tt> and
   *  @a icon_view will connect a Gtk::Widget::signal_query_tooltip() signal handler.
   * Note that the signal handler sets the text with Gtk::Tooltip::set_markup(),
   * so &, <, etc have to be escaped in the text.
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @param column An integer, which is a valid column number for @a icon_view’s model.
  void set_tooltip_column(int column);
  /** Returns the column of @a icon_view’s model which is being used for
   * displaying tooltips on @a icon_view’s rows.
   * @newin{2,12}
   * @return The index of the tooltip column that is currently being
   * used, or -1 if this is disabled.
  int get_tooltip_column() const;

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%item_activated(const TreeModel::Path& path)</tt>
   * Flags: Run Last
   * The signal_item_activated() signal is emitted when the method
   * Gtk::IconView::item_activated() is called, when the user double
   * clicks an item with the "activate-on-single-click" property set
   * to <tt>false</tt>, or when the user single clicks an item when the
   * "activate-on-single-click" property set to <tt>true</tt>. It is also
   * emitted when a non-editable item is selected and one of the keys:
   * Space, Return or Enter is pressed.
   * @param path The Gtk::TreePath for the activated item.

  Glib::SignalProxy< void,const TreeModel::Path& > signal_item_activated();

   * @par Slot Prototype:
   * <tt>void on_my_%selection_changed()</tt>
   * Flags: Run First
   * The signal_selection_changed() signal is emitted when the selection
   * (i.e.\ the set of selected items) changes.

  Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_selection_changed();

  /* Key binding signals */
  /** The property_pixbuf_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing the pixbufs which are displayed. The pixbuf column must be 
   * of type Gdk::TYPE_PIXBUF. Setting this property to -1 turns off the
   * display of pixbufs.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_pixbuf_column() ;

/** The property_pixbuf_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing the pixbufs which are displayed. The pixbuf column must be 
   * of type Gdk::TYPE_PIXBUF. Setting this property to -1 turns off the
   * display of pixbufs.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_pixbuf_column() const;

  /** The property_text_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing the texts which are displayed. The text column must be 
   * of type TYPE_STRING. If this property and the :markup-column 
   * property are both set to -1, no texts are displayed.   
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_text_column() ;

/** The property_text_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing the texts which are displayed. The text column must be 
   * of type TYPE_STRING. If this property and the :markup-column 
   * property are both set to -1, no texts are displayed.   
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_text_column() const;

  /** The property_markup_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing markup information to be displayed. The markup column must be 
   * of type TYPE_STRING. If this property and the :text-column property 
   * are both set to column numbers, it overrides the text column.
   * If both are set to -1, no texts are displayed.   
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_markup_column() ;

/** The property_markup_column() property contains the number of the model column
   * containing markup information to be displayed. The markup column must be 
   * of type TYPE_STRING. If this property and the :text-column property 
   * are both set to column numbers, it overrides the text column.
   * If both are set to -1, no texts are displayed.   
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_markup_column() const;

  /** The property_selection_mode() property specifies the selection mode of
   * icon view. If the mode is Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE, rubberband selection
   * is enabled, for the other modes, only keyboard selection is possible.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< SelectionMode > property_selection_mode() ;

/** The property_selection_mode() property specifies the selection mode of
   * icon view. If the mode is Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE, rubberband selection
   * is enabled, for the other modes, only keyboard selection is possible.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< SelectionMode > property_selection_mode() const;

  /** The item-orientation property specifies how the cells (i.e.\ the icon and
   * the text) of the item are positioned relative to each other.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< Orientation > property_item_orientation() ;

/** The item-orientation property specifies how the cells (i.e.\ the icon and
   * the text) of the item are positioned relative to each other.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Orientation > property_item_orientation() const;

  /** The model for the icon view.
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel> > property_model() ;

/** The model for the icon view.
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel> > property_model() const;

  /** The columns property contains the number of the columns in which the
   * items should be displayed. If it is -1, the number of columns will
   * be chosen automatically to fill the available area.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_columns() ;

/** The columns property contains the number of the columns in which the
   * items should be displayed. If it is -1, the number of columns will
   * be chosen automatically to fill the available area.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_columns() const;

  /** The item-width property specifies the width to use for each item. 
   * If it is set to -1, the icon view will automatically determine a 
   * suitable item size.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_item_width() ;

/** The item-width property specifies the width to use for each item. 
   * If it is set to -1, the icon view will automatically determine a 
   * suitable item size.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_item_width() const;

  /** The spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the cells (i.e.\ the icon and the text) of an item.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_spacing() ;

/** The spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the cells (i.e.\ the icon and the text) of an item.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_spacing() const;

  /** The row-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the rows of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_row_spacing() ;

/** The row-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the rows of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_row_spacing() const;

  /** The column-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the columns of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_column_spacing() ;

/** The column-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between
   * the columns of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_column_spacing() const;

  /** The margin property specifies the space which is inserted 
   * at the edges of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_margin() ;

/** The margin property specifies the space which is inserted 
   * at the edges of the icon view.
   * @newin{2,6}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_margin() const;

  /** The reorderable property specifies if the items can be reordered
   * by DND.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_reorderable() ;

/** The reorderable property specifies if the items can be reordered
   * by DND.
   * @newin{2,8}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_reorderable() const;

  /** The column in the model containing the tooltip texts for the items.
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_tooltip_column() ;

/** The column in the model containing the tooltip texts for the items.
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_tooltip_column() const;

  /** The item-padding property specifies the padding around each
   * of the icon view's item.
   * @newin{2,18}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_item_padding() ;

/** The item-padding property specifies the padding around each
   * of the icon view's item.
   * @newin{2,18}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_item_padding() const;

  /** The Gtk::CellArea used to layout cell renderers for this view.
   * If no area is specified when creating the icon view with Gtk::IconView::new_with_area() 
   * a Gtk::CellAreaBox will be used.
   * @newin{3,0}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<CellArea> > property_cell_area() const;

  /** The activate-on-single-click property specifies whether the "item-activated" signal
   * will be emitted after a single click.
   * @newin{3,8}
   * @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_activate_on_single_click() ;

/** The activate-on-single-click property specifies whether the "item-activated" signal
   * will be emitted after a single click.
   * @newin{3,8}
   * @return A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property,
   * or receive notification when the value of the property changes.
  Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_activate_on_single_click() const;


} // namespace Gtk

namespace Glib
  /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
   * @param object The C instance.
   * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
   * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
   * @relates Gtk::IconView
  Gtk::IconView* wrap(GtkIconView* object, bool take_copy = false);
} //namespace Glib

#endif /* _GTKMM_ICONVIEW_H */