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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="gtk-migrating-GtkBuilder"></a>Migrating from libglade to GtkBuilder</h2></div></div></div>
    Since version 2.12, GTK+ provides <a class="link" href="GtkBuilder.html" title="GtkBuilder"><span class="type">GtkBuilder</span></a> to construct
    user interfaces from XML descriptions, similar to the functionality
    provided by <span class="type">GladeXML</span> in the libglade library.
    A good way to start a migration from libglade to GtkBuilder is using
    <span class="application">glade3</span> to convert your .glade file.
    If your code uses the <em class="parameter"><code>root</code></em> parameter of <code class="function">glade_xml_new()</code>,
    you can use <a class="link" href="GtkBuilder.html#gtk-builder-add-objects-from-file" title="gtk_builder_add_objects_from_file ()"><code class="function">gtk_builder_add_objects_from_file()</code></a> to construct only certain
    objects from a GtkBuilder file.
    Alternatively, GTK+ also offers the
    gtk-builder-convert script you can use
    to do the conversion; in which case you should be careful to inspect the output
    and make sure you didn't lose any data.
<div class="table">
<a name="id-"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 1. Step-by-step instructions for porting code from libglade to GtkBuilder</b></p>
<div class="table-contents"><table class="table" summary="Step-by-step instructions for porting code from libglade to GtkBuilder" width="100%" border="1">
<td>#include &lt;glade/glade.h&gt;</td>
<td>not needed</td>
<td><pre class="screen">GladeXML*</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">GtkBuilder*</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">glade_xml_new (FILE, "first_widget", NULL)</pre></td>
<pre class="screen">
GError* error = NULL;
GtkBuilder* builder = gtk_builder_new ();
if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, FILE, &amp;error))
    g_warning ("Couldn't load builder file: %s", error-&gt;message);
    g_error_free (error);
<td><pre class="screen">glade_xml_get_widget (gxml, “widget_name”)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, “widget_name”))</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">glade_get_widget_name (widget)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">gtk_widget_get_name (widget)</pre></td>
<td><pre class="screen">glade_xml_get_widget_prefix (gxml, “prefix”)</pre></td>
<td>can be emulated by <code class="literal">gtk_builder_get_objects (builder)</code> together with manual filtering. It returns a GSList* instead of a GList* though.</td>
<br class="table-break"><p>
    While GtkBuilder strives to be a complete replacement for
    libglade, there are a number of areas where it is currently
    still behind libglade:
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
<li class="listitem"><p>
        GtkBuilder supports context information in translatable
        properties in a slightly different way than libglade.
        Intltool does support this since version 0.41.1.
<li class="listitem"><p>
        While libglade can often tolerate multiple widgets having the
        same id in a glade file, GtkBuilder will not accept duplicate
        object ids. Both <span class="application">gtk-builder-convert</span>
        and the GtkBuilder parser emit warnings when they see
        duplicate ids.
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