Blob Blame History Raw
/* The functions below are obsolete                                   */

FUNCTION (gsl_matrix, get_row) (TYPE (gsl_vector) * v,
                                 const TYPE (gsl_matrix) * m,
                                 const size_t i)
  const size_t M = m->size1;
  const size_t N = m->size2;
  const size_t tda = m->tda;

  if (i >= M)
      GSL_ERROR ("row index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL);

  if (v->size != N)
      GSL_ERROR ("matrix row size and vector length are not equal",

    ATOMIC *v_data = v->data;
    const ATOMIC *row_data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * i * tda;
    const size_t stride = v->stride ;
    size_t j;

    for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
        unsigned int k;

        for (k = 0; k < MULTIPLICITY; k++)
            v_data[MULTIPLICITY * stride * j + k] 
              = row_data[MULTIPLICITY * j + k];

  return GSL_SUCCESS;

FUNCTION (gsl_matrix, get_col) (TYPE (gsl_vector) * v,
                                 const TYPE (gsl_matrix) * m,
                                 const size_t j)
  const size_t M = m->size1;
  const size_t N = m->size2;
  const size_t tda = m->tda;

  if (j >= N)
      GSL_ERROR ("column index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL);

  if (v->size != M)
      GSL_ERROR ("matrix column size and vector length are not equal",

    ATOMIC *v_data = v->data;
    const ATOMIC *column_data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * j;
    const size_t stride = v->stride ;
    size_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        unsigned int k;

        for (k = 0; k < MULTIPLICITY; k++)
            v_data[stride * MULTIPLICITY * i + k] =
              column_data[MULTIPLICITY * i * tda + k];

  return GSL_SUCCESS;

FUNCTION (gsl_matrix, set_row) (TYPE (gsl_matrix) * m,
                                const size_t i,
                                const TYPE (gsl_vector) * v)
  const size_t M = m->size1;
  const size_t N = m->size2;
  const size_t tda = m->tda;

  if (i >= M)
      GSL_ERROR ("row index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL);

  if (v->size != N)
      GSL_ERROR ("matrix row size and vector length are not equal",

    const ATOMIC *v_data = v->data;
    ATOMIC *row_data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * i * tda;
    const size_t stride = v->stride ;
    size_t j;

    for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
        unsigned int k;

        for (k = 0; k < MULTIPLICITY; k++)
            row_data[MULTIPLICITY*j + k] 
              = v_data[MULTIPLICITY * stride * j + k];

  return GSL_SUCCESS;

FUNCTION (gsl_matrix, set_col) (TYPE (gsl_matrix) * m,
                                const size_t j,
                                const TYPE (gsl_vector) * v)
  const size_t M = m->size1;
  const size_t N = m->size2;
  const size_t tda = m->tda;

  if (j >= N)
      GSL_ERROR ("column index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL);

  if (v->size != M)
      GSL_ERROR ("matrix column size and vector length are not equal",

    const ATOMIC *v_data = v->data;
    ATOMIC *column_data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * j;
    const size_t stride = v->stride ;
    size_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        unsigned int k;

        for (k = 0; k < MULTIPLICITY; k++)
            column_data[MULTIPLICITY * i * tda + k] 
              = v_data[MULTIPLICITY * stride * i + k];

  return GSL_SUCCESS;

TYPE (gsl_vector) *
FUNCTION (gsl_vector, alloc_row_from_matrix) (TYPE(gsl_matrix) * m,
                                              const size_t i)
  TYPE (gsl_vector) * v;

  const size_t M = m->size1;

  if (i >= M)
      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("row index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL, 0);

  v = (TYPE (gsl_vector) *) malloc (sizeof (TYPE (gsl_vector)));

  if (v == 0)
      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for vector struct",
                        GSL_ENOMEM, 0);

  v->data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * i * m->tda ;
  v->size = m->size2;
  v->stride = 1;
  v->block = 0;

  return v;

TYPE (gsl_vector) *
FUNCTION (gsl_vector, alloc_col_from_matrix) (TYPE(gsl_matrix) * m,
                                              const size_t j)
  TYPE (gsl_vector) * v;

  const size_t N = m->size2;

  if (j >= N)
      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("column index is out of range", GSL_EINVAL, 0);

  v = (TYPE (gsl_vector) *) malloc (sizeof (TYPE (gsl_vector)));

  if (v == 0)
      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for vector struct",
                        GSL_ENOMEM, 0);

  v->data = m->data + MULTIPLICITY * j ;
  v->size = m->size1;
  v->stride = m->tda;
  v->block = 0;

  return v;