Blob Blame History Raw
/* multifit/gsl_multifit.h
 * Copyright (C) 2000, 2007, 2010 Brian Gough
 * Copyright (C) 2013, Patrick Alken
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef __GSL_MULTIFIT_H__
#define __GSL_MULTIFIT_H__

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_types.h>

#undef __BEGIN_DECLS
#undef __END_DECLS
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
# define __END_DECLS }
# define __BEGIN_DECLS /* empty */
# define __END_DECLS /* empty */


typedef struct 
  size_t nmax;         /* maximum number of observations */
  size_t pmax;         /* maximum number of parameters */
  size_t n;            /* number of observations in current SVD decomposition */
  size_t p;            /* number of parameters in current SVD decomposition */
  gsl_matrix * A;      /* least squares matrix for SVD, n-by-p */
  gsl_matrix * Q;
  gsl_matrix * QSI;
  gsl_vector * S;
  gsl_vector * t;
  gsl_vector * xt;
  gsl_vector * D;
  double rcond;        /* reciprocal condition number */

gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *
gsl_multifit_linear_alloc (const size_t n, const size_t p);

gsl_multifit_linear_free (gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * w);

gsl_multifit_linear (const gsl_matrix * X,
                     const gsl_vector * y,
                     gsl_vector * c,
                     gsl_matrix * cov,
                     double * chisq,
                     gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_tsvd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                          const gsl_vector * y,
                          const double tol,
                          gsl_vector * c,
                          gsl_matrix * cov,
                          double * chisq,
                          size_t * rank,
                          gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_svd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                         gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_bsvd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                          gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_rank(const double tol, const gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_solve (const double lambda,
                           const gsl_matrix * X,
                           const gsl_vector * y,
                           gsl_vector * c,
                           double *rnorm,
                           double *snorm,
                           gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_applyW(const gsl_matrix * X,
                           const gsl_vector * w,
                           const gsl_vector * y,
                           gsl_matrix * WX,
                           gsl_vector * Wy);

gsl_multifit_linear_stdform1 (const gsl_vector * L,
                              const gsl_matrix * X,
                              const gsl_vector * y,
                              gsl_matrix * Xs,
                              gsl_vector * ys,
                              gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_wstdform1 (const gsl_vector * L,
                               const gsl_matrix * X,
                               const gsl_vector * w,
                               const gsl_vector * y,
                               gsl_matrix * Xs,
                               gsl_vector * ys,
                               gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_L_decomp (gsl_matrix * L, gsl_vector * tau);

gsl_multifit_linear_stdform2 (const gsl_matrix * LQR,
                              const gsl_vector * Ltau,
                              const gsl_matrix * X,
                              const gsl_vector * y,
                              gsl_matrix * Xs,
                              gsl_vector * ys,
                              gsl_matrix * M,
                              gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_wstdform2 (const gsl_matrix * LQR,
                               const gsl_vector * Ltau,
                               const gsl_matrix * X,
                               const gsl_vector * w,
                               const gsl_vector * y,
                               gsl_matrix * Xs,
                               gsl_vector * ys,
                               gsl_matrix * M,
                               gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_genform1 (const gsl_vector * L,
                              const gsl_vector * cs,
                              gsl_vector * c,
                              gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_genform2 (const gsl_matrix * LQR,
                              const gsl_vector * Ltau,
                              const gsl_matrix * X,
                              const gsl_vector * y,
                              const gsl_vector * cs,
                              const gsl_matrix * M,
                              gsl_vector * c,
                              gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_wgenform2 (const gsl_matrix * LQR,
                               const gsl_vector * Ltau,
                               const gsl_matrix * X,
                               const gsl_vector * w,
                               const gsl_vector * y,
                               const gsl_vector * cs,
                               const gsl_matrix * M,
                               gsl_vector * c,
                               gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_lreg (const double smin, const double smax,
                          gsl_vector * reg_param);

gsl_multifit_linear_lcurve (const gsl_vector * y,
                            gsl_vector * reg_param,
                            gsl_vector * rho, gsl_vector * eta,
                            gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_lcorner(const gsl_vector *rho,
                            const gsl_vector *eta,
                            size_t *idx);

gsl_multifit_linear_lcorner2(const gsl_vector *reg_param,
                             const gsl_vector *eta,
                             size_t *idx);

gsl_multifit_linear_Lk(const size_t p, const size_t k, gsl_matrix *L);

gsl_multifit_linear_Lsobolev(const size_t p, const size_t kmax,
                             const gsl_vector *alpha, gsl_matrix *L,
                             gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *work);

gsl_multifit_wlinear (const gsl_matrix * X,
                      const gsl_vector * w,
                      const gsl_vector * y,
                      gsl_vector * c,
                      gsl_matrix * cov,
                      double * chisq,
                      gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_wlinear_tsvd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                           const gsl_vector * w,
                           const gsl_vector * y,
                           const double tol,
                           gsl_vector * c,
                           gsl_matrix * cov,
                           double * chisq,
                           size_t * rank,
                           gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_wlinear_svd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                          const gsl_vector * w,
                          const gsl_vector * y,
                          double tol,
                          size_t * rank,
                          gsl_vector * c,
                          gsl_matrix * cov,
                          double *chisq, 
                          gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_wlinear_usvd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                           const gsl_vector * w,
                           const gsl_vector * y,
                           double tol,
                           size_t * rank,
                           gsl_vector * c,
                           gsl_matrix * cov,
                           double *chisq, 
                           gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_est (const gsl_vector * x,
                         const gsl_vector * c,
                         const gsl_matrix * cov, double *y, double *y_err);

gsl_multifit_linear_rcond (const gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * w);

gsl_multifit_linear_residuals (const gsl_matrix *X, const gsl_vector *y,
                               const gsl_vector *c, gsl_vector *r);

/* gcv.c */
gsl_multifit_linear_gcv_init(const gsl_vector * y,
                             gsl_vector * reg_param,
                             gsl_vector * UTy,
                             double * delta0,
                             gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_gcv_curve(const gsl_vector * reg_param,
                              const gsl_vector * UTy,
                              const double delta0,
                              gsl_vector * G,
                              gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_gcv_min(const gsl_vector * reg_param,
                            const gsl_vector * UTy,
                            const gsl_vector * G,
                            const double delta0,
                            double * lambda,
                            gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_gcv_calc(const double lambda,
                             const gsl_vector * UTy,
                             const double delta0,
                             gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

gsl_multifit_linear_gcv(const gsl_vector * y,
                        gsl_vector * reg_param,
                        gsl_vector * G,
                        double * lambda,
                        double * G_lambda,
                        gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work);

typedef struct
  const char * name;     /* method name */
  int (*wfun)(const gsl_vector *r, gsl_vector *w);
  int (*psi_deriv)(const gsl_vector *r, gsl_vector *dpsi);
  double tuning_default; /* default tuning constant */
} gsl_multifit_robust_type;

typedef struct
  double sigma_ols;    /* OLS estimate of sigma */
  double sigma_mad;    /* MAD estimate of sigma */
  double sigma_rob;    /* robust estimate of sigma */
  double sigma;        /* final estimate of sigma */
  double Rsq;          /* R^2 coefficient of determination */
  double adj_Rsq;      /* degree of freedom adjusted R^2 */
  double rmse;         /* root mean squared error */
  double sse;          /* residual sum of squares */
  size_t dof;          /* degrees of freedom */
  size_t numit;        /* number of iterations */
  gsl_vector *weights; /* final weights */
  gsl_vector *r;       /* final residuals y - X c */
} gsl_multifit_robust_stats;

typedef struct
  size_t n;            /* number of observations */
  size_t p;            /* number of parameters */
  size_t numit;        /* number of iterations */
  size_t maxiter;      /* maximum iterations */
  const gsl_multifit_robust_type *type;
  double tune;         /* tuning parameter */

  gsl_vector *r;       /* residuals at current iteration */
  gsl_vector *weights; /* weights at current iteration */
  gsl_vector *c_prev;  /* coefficients from previous iteration */
  gsl_vector *resfac;  /* multiplicative factors for residuals */

  gsl_vector *psi;     /* psi(r) */
  gsl_vector *dpsi;    /* psi'(r) */

  gsl_matrix *QSI;     /* Q S^{-1} of original matrix X */
  gsl_vector *D;       /* balancing parameters of original matrix X */

  gsl_vector *workn;   /* workspace of length n */

  gsl_multifit_robust_stats stats; /* various statistics */

  gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *multifit_p;
} gsl_multifit_robust_workspace;

/* available types */
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_default;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_bisquare;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_cauchy;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_fair;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_huber;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_ols;
GSL_VAR const gsl_multifit_robust_type * gsl_multifit_robust_welsch;

gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *gsl_multifit_robust_alloc(const gsl_multifit_robust_type *T,
                                                         const size_t n, const size_t p);
void gsl_multifit_robust_free(gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
int gsl_multifit_robust_tune(const double tune,
                             gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
int gsl_multifit_robust_maxiter(const size_t maxiter,
                                gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
const char *gsl_multifit_robust_name(const gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
gsl_multifit_robust_stats gsl_multifit_robust_statistics(const gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
int gsl_multifit_robust_weights(const gsl_vector *r, gsl_vector *wts,
                                gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
int gsl_multifit_robust(const gsl_matrix * X, const gsl_vector * y,
                        gsl_vector * c, gsl_matrix *cov,
                        gsl_multifit_robust_workspace *w);
int gsl_multifit_robust_est(const gsl_vector * x, const gsl_vector * c,
                            const gsl_matrix * cov, double *y, double *y_err);
int gsl_multifit_robust_residuals(const gsl_matrix * X,
                                  const gsl_vector * y,
                                  const gsl_vector * c, gsl_vector * r,
                                  gsl_multifit_robust_workspace * w);


#endif /* __GSL_MULTIFIT_H__ */