Blob Blame History Raw
A multiprocess fuzz test framework that generates corrupt fonts to run a user 
supplied test harness against.  This will check each byte in every table of a 
TTF or subset if specified by overwriting with a random or user specified 
value. It can also re-run tests using previous output logs as input.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

__version__ = "1.0"
__date__    = "4 April 2012"
__author__  = "Tim Eves <>"
__license__ ='''  

    Copyright 2010, SIL International
    All rights reserved.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributI might beed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
    If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
    Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
    internet at

Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
Mozilla Public License ( or the GNU General Public
License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
of the License or (at your option) any later version.
import collections, operator, struct
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from itertools import chain, cycle, imap, islice, izip, repeat, starmap
from random import uniform, seed

import multiprocessing.dummy as multiprocessing
import shutil, tempfile 
import os, re, resource, sys, time
from subprocess import call

from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

tablerecord = collections.namedtuple("tablerecord", "tag start end")

class font:
    __recm = re.compile('^(?:-?\d+)?\s*,\s*(0[xX][\da-fA-F]+)\s*,\s*(0[xX][\da-fA-F]+|\d+)\s*')
    random_bytes = imap(int, starmap(uniform, repeat((0,256))))

    def __initialise_worker(fnt):
        self = multiprocessing.current_process()
        self.count = 0
        self.tmpdir = fnt._tmpdir
        self.file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r+b', suffix='.ttf', prefix="font", dir=self.tmpdir)
        self.nolog = open('/dev/null','wt')
        with open(fnt._font_path, "rb") as font_file:
            shutil.copyfileobj(font_file, self.file)
    def __init__(self, font_path, inclusion, exclusion):
        fpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(font_path))[0]
        self._tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='fuzztest-' + fpath + '-')
        self._font_path = font_path
        self.__table_dir = self.read_tabledir()
        inclusion = set(inclusion or (tr.tag for tr in self.__table_dir)) - set(exclusion)
        self.__table_dir = filter(lambda tr: tr.tag in inclusion, self.read_tabledir())
        if not opts.quiet :
            sys.stdout.write("Font: {0}\n".format(fpath)) 
            sys.stdout.write("tables tested: {0!s}\n".format(','.join(tr.tag for tr in self.__table_dir)))
        self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=self.__initialise_worker, initargs=[self],
    def close(self):
        shutil.rmtree(self._tmpdir, True)

    def table_from_offset(self, o):
        return next((tr for tr in self.__table_dir if tr.start <= o < tr.end), None)

    def tests_per_pass(self):
        return sum(tr.end-tr.start for tr in self.__table_dir)
    def input(self,path):
        return [(int(,0), int(,0)) for m in imap(self.__recm.match, open(path, "rt")) if m]

    def linear(self, value=[], start=0, passes=0):
        tables = chain.from_iterable(repeat(self.__table_dir, passes)) if passes else cycle(self.__table_dir)
        locs = chain.from_iterable(xrange(tr.start, tr.end) for tr in tables)
        vals = cycle(value) if value else self.random_bytes
        next(islice(locs, start, start),None)
        next(islice(vals, start, start),None)
        return izip(locs, vals)

    def position(self, loc, val=[]):
        return zip(repeat(loc), val if val else [next(random_bytes)])

    def read_tabledir(self):
        import mmap
        _offset_table = b">i4H"
        _table_record = b">4s3L"
        with open(self._font_path, "rb") as font:
            sfnt = mmap.mmap(font.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
            num_tables = struct.unpack_from(_offset_table, sfnt)[1]
            off = struct.calcsize(_offset_table)
            tdir = [tablerecord(b'',0,off + num_tables*struct.calcsize(_table_record))]
            for s in range(off, tdir[0].end, struct.calcsize(_table_record)):
                tag,cs,o,l = struct.unpack_from(_table_record, sfnt, s)
                tdir.append(tablerecord(tag, o, o+l))
        return tdir

def rlimit() :
    if opts.timeout :
        resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (opts.timeout, opts.timeout))
    if opts.memory :
        mem = opts.memory * 1024 * 1024
        resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (mem, mem))

def bug(f, offset, value):, os.SEEK_SET)
    orig = ord(, os.SEEK_SET)
    yield (offset, orig), os.SEEK_SET)

def test(cr):
        self = multiprocessing.current_process()
        log_path = "{0}.err.log.{1:d}".format(, self.count)
        log_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, log_path)
        with bug(self.file, *cr):
            with open(log_path, "wt") as log:
                proc = args[:]
                proc[proc.index('{}')] =
                retval = call(proc, 
                              stdout=self.nolog, stderr=log, preexec_fn=rlimit, close_fds = True)
                self.count += 1
                self.count %= 10000
                if not log.tell():  os.unlink(   
                return (retval, cr, log.tell() and
    except KeyboardInterrupt: 
        return (0, cr, log_path)

class estimator:
    def __init__(self, max):
        self.__base = time.time()
        self.__max = float(max)
        self.__m = 0
        self.__t = 1
        self.__st = self.__base
    def sample(self, current):
        ct = time.time()
        if (ct - self.__st <= opts.status):
            return None
        x = current / (ct-self.__base)
        k = (ct-self.__base)/opts.status+1
        m = self.__m + (x - self.__m)/k
        s = (k-1) and (self.__t + (x - self.__m)*(x - m)) / (k-1)
        m = bayes(x, s, self.__m, self.__t)
        self.__t = s
        self.__m = m
        self.__st = ct
        return (x, time.ctime(ct + (self.__max - current)/m) if m else 'never')
def bayes(x, s, m, t):
    st = s + t
    return m*s/st + x*t/st

predefined_tablesets = {
    'fontdir'   : [''],
    'required'  : ['cmap','glyf','head','hhea','hmtx','loca','maxp','name','post'],
    'graphite'  : ['Feat','Glat','Gloc','Sile','Silf','Sill'],
    'volt'      : ['TSIV','TSID','TSIP','TSIS'],
    'opentype'  : ['BASE','DSIG','GDEF','GPOS','GSUB','LTSH','OS/2','PCLT','VDMX','cvt','fpgm','prep','gasp','hdmx','kern','vhea','vmtx'],
    'advtypo'   : ['acnt','cvar','bdat','bloc','bsln','feat','fdsc','fvar','gvar','just','kern','lcar','mort','morx','opbd','prop','trak','vhea','vmtx']

def tableset(tags):
    return [(t+'   ')[:4] for t in chain.from_iterable(predefined_tablesets.get(n,[n]) for n in tags)]

parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog -f font [options] -- command\n" + __doc__, version = __version__)
parser.add_option("-l", "--logfile", help="Log results to this file")
parser.add_option("-f", "--font", help="Required font file to corrupt")
parser.add_option("-p", "--position", help="Specifies position to corrupt (hex)")
parser.add_option("-v", "--value", default=[], help="Specifies value(s) to use (default: varying random number)")
parser.add_option("-i", "--input", help=".log file to read test values from")
parser.add_option("-V", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be noisy")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Be quiet, don't print to stdout")
parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int", help="limit subprocess time in seconds")
parser.add_option("--memory", type="int", help="limit subprocess address space in MB")
parser.add_option("-s","--status",type='int',help='update status every STATUS seconds (default: None)')
parser.add_option("-P","--passes",type='int', default=0, help='Run this many passes (default: forever)')
parser.add_option("-j","--jobs",type='int', default=None, help='Number of subprocesses to run in parallel (default: cpu count)')
parser.add_option("-r","--random",help="Seed the random number generator with the given string")
parser.add_option("--valgrind",action="store_true",help="Run tests with valgrind and report errors")
parser.add_option("-k","--keep",action="store_true",help="Keep going. Don't return error status")
testset = OptionGroup(parser, 'Test sets',
'Explicitly specify which tables to include or exclude from testing. '
'By default all tables (including the font directory) are included.'
' If both include and exclude sets are supplied any excluded tables'
' are removed from the specified inclusion set.'
' Sets may be either table tags or predefined tablesets from this list: ' + ', '.join(sorted(predefined_tablesets)))
testset.add_option("-x", "--exclude", default=[], help="A comma separated list of tables to exclude")
testset.add_option("-I", "--include", default=[], help="A comma spearated list of the only tables to test")


if __name__ == '__main__':
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if opts.random :    seed(opts.random)
    if opts.valgrind :  
        args = ["valgrind", "-q"] + args
        opts.verbose = True
    opts.position = opts.position and int(opts.position,0)
    opts.value    = opts.value and [int(n,0) for n in opts.value.split(',')]
    opts.exclude  = opts.exclude and tableset(opts.exclude.split(','))
    opts.include  = opts.include and tableset(opts.include.split(','))
    if opts.quiet : opts.status = None
    if '{}' not in args: args += ['{}']
        exitrv = 0
        log = open(opts.logfile, "at") if opts.logfile else sys.stdout     
        with closing(font(opts.font, opts.include, opts.exclude)) as fnt:        
            if   opts.input:    cs = fnt.input(opts.input)
            elif opts.position: cs = fnt.position(opts.position, opts.value)
            else:               cs = fnt.linear(opts.value, opts.position, opts.passes)

            if opts.input or opts.position:
                opts.passes = 1
                total_tests = len(cs)
                total_tests = fnt.tests_per_pass()
            if opts.status:
                sys.stdout.write("tests per pass: {0}\t\tpasses: {1}\n".format(total_tests, opts.passes if opts.passes else 'until killed'))
                sys.stdout.write("% {0}complete\ttests per second\testimated time to {0}complete\n".format('' if opts.passes else 'pass '))
                total_tests *= opts.passes or 1
            estimate = estimator(total_tests)
            for count,(rv,cr,errlog) in enumerate(fnt.pool.imap_unordered(test, cs, CHUNK_SIZE)):
                    if opts.status and count % CHUNK_SIZE == 0:
                        sam = estimate.sample(count)
                        if sam:
                            pc =  100*count // total_tests
                            sys.stdout.write("{0: 3d}%\t\t{1: 8.2f}\t\t{2}\r".format(pc, sam[0], sam[1]))
                    if rv < 0 or errlog :
                        exitrv = 2
                    if rv < 0 :
                        (t,s,_) = fnt.table_from_offset(cr[0]) or (0,0,fontlen)
                        log.write("{0:d},{1[0]:#010X},{1[1]: >3d},{2!s}{3:#010X}\n".format(rv, cr, t + '+' if t else '', cr[0]-s))
                    elif opts.verbose and errlog:
                        (t,s,_) = fnt.table_from_offset(cr[0]) or (0,0,fontlen)
                        log.write(",{0[0]:#010X},{0[1]: >3d},{1!s}{2:#010X}\n".format(cr, t + '+' if t else '', cr[0]-s))
                        if errlog :
                            with open(errlog,'r') as logpart:  shutil.copyfileobj(logpart, log)
                except KeyboardInterrupt: fnt.pool.close()
    except IOError as io:
        sys.stderr.write("{0}: {1!s}\n".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), io))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    if opts.status :
        sys.stdout.write("Finished at {0}\n".format(time.ctime()))
    if not opts.keep :